JuliaHub has the ability to create private registries

Private registries require JuliaHub Team or Enterprise.

To create a private registry navigate to the Admin (settings icon) at the bottom of the left menu bar and select settings.

admin settings

Now you will need to select credentials to add the new PAT (Personal Access Token).


If you don’t already have a Personal Access Token, you’ll need to visit GitHub to create one. Once you visit log-in to your github account.


After successful login you will see a home page and navigate to your profile by clicking on the image at top right and in the menu select settings.

github settings

Once you have selected settings menu you will be able to see a menu at the left, scroll down to the bottom and select “Developer Settings” in the menu

developer settings

After that select Personal Access Token(PAT) and click on “Generate new token” and this will generate a new token.


Select classic token then add the necessary details including the Token name or why it will be used, expiration period and the access and click “Generate token” and this will generate a new PAT token. After the token is generated save the token value in your computer as you will not be able to see it again.

new token

Once done navigate back to JuliaHub settings credentials to add this token. Click on the “+” icon to add a new token and write the ID which is the token name and Value which is the token that was generated, and add star “*” in URL Prefix section then scroll down and click on the “Update” button.

token added

After all the above steps are done now we will create a new registry for that navigate to “Registries” in the administrator settings and click on the “+” sign to create a new registry. Provide the details as the registry name you want to create. In the example below I have used

Registry UUID: 029dca29-6cbd-4fff-82a3-f7236bdedde2 (Generate this with UUID generator)
Registry URL: https://github.com/snehshah74/AdminDemoRegistry
Registry Owner: admin
Git Server Type: Github
Add the Git Credentials

Note: To generate UUID visit UUID Tools

From the options select create registry and all the other options if required and add the primary email address associated with github account.

new registy

And click on update and it will create a new registry. To verify if the new registy is created, navigate to the Registry URL and a git repository will be automatically created with the Registry.toml file.

git verification