Windows Workstations


This tutorial is about using Windows Workstations on JuliaHub.

Getting Started

Windows Workstations are an optional feature on JuliaHub. If your JuliaHub installation has them enabled and if your account has authorization to use them, you should see an application icon that may look similar to the below picture.

windows-workstation icon

Once launched, connecting to it should display a familiar Windows Desktop. You may find icons for applications that have been installed for you on the desktop or the Windows start menu.

File Transfer

To transfer a file from the local system to the Windows Workstation desktop on JuliaHub, drag it from your local Desktop and drop it anywhere on the Windows desktop. Next, in the Windows Workstation desktop. You can use the icon on Windows Workstation called "File Transfer" and then open the file explorer to view. You may be prompted by your browser to allow the file transfer. The file should appear there once it is successfully uploaded. windows-workstation file uploads

Similarly, to transfer a file from the Windows Workstation to the local system, drag and drop the file into the "Download" folder under the "File Transfer" explorer view. Once the transfer is complete, a prompt to save the file would appear. windows-workstation file uploads

Once the file is transferred, a button to save it to the local system should appear. Clicking on the save button should pop up the familiar screen of your local system that lets you choose where to save the file.

windows-workstation file download

This mechanism for file transfer can only be used for small files. The largest size of file allowed depends on the configuration of your JuliaHub installation, but would usually be limited to less than few tens of MBs. For larger files, other transfer mechanisms like JuliaHub DataSets, Shared Disks, or AWS S3 should be used.

Clipboard Transfer

Clipboard contents can be transferred between the local system and JuliaHub Windows Workstation. To transfer clipboard contents from the Windows Workstation to the local system, click on the "Clipboard Get" button visible on the bottom bar. Similarly, to transfer it from the local system to the Windows Workstation, click on the "Clipboard Set" button. You may be prompted to allow the transfer.

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