Extremum-seeking control

Extremum-seeking control (ESC) is an online optimization strategy whereby a controller seeks the extremum of a measureable cost function. Consider a system on the form

\[\begin{aligned} \dot x &= f(x) + g(x)u \\ y &= h(x) \end{aligned}\]

where $y = h(x)$ is the output of an objective function to be minimized. In a practical application, $h$ may be unknown, as long as $y$ is measurable. The extremum-seeking controller manipulates the input $u$ in order to find $x^*$ such that $h(x^*)$ is optimized.

Example: Online optimization of a cost function

In this example we will optimize the function $h$ in an online fashion.

using Plots
h(u) = -3u - 2u^2 + u^3 + u^4
plot(h, -2, 2)
Example block output

We do this by constructing a perturbing extremum-seeking controller ESC and indicate that the cost function input of the controller, $y$, is related to the controller output, $u$, as $y = h(u)$:

using JuliaSimControl, ModelingToolkit, OrdinaryDiffEq
@named escont = ESC(k=0.8, a=0.1, w=3, wh=1)

connections = [
    escont.y ~ h(escont.u)

@named closed_loop = ODESystem(connections, systems=[escont])
sys = structural_simplify(closed_loop)

x0 = []
prob = ODEProblem(sys, x0, (0, 300.0))
sol = solve(prob, Rodas5())
plot(sol, vars=[escont.u, escont.uh, escont.y])
Example block output

As we can see above, the ESC explores the input space by means of a sinusoidal dither signal, and finds the global optimum of $h(1) = -3$. Had we started in $u=-1.5$ instead of $u=0$, we would have gotten stuck in the local minimum $h(-1)=1$ for much longer:

x0 = [
    escont.uh => -1.5
prob = ODEProblem(sys, x0, (0, 300.0))
sol = solve(prob, Rodas5())
plot(sol, vars=[escont.u, escont.uh, escont.y])
Example block output

Increasing the dither amplitude solves this problem:

x0 = [
    escont.uh => -1.5
    escont.a => 0.3
    escont.b => 0.3
prob = ODEProblem(sys, x0, (0, 300.0))
sol = solve(prob, Rodas5())
plot(sol, vars=[escont.u, escont.uh, escont.y])
Example block output

In general, increasing the dither amplitude increases the region of convergence and the convergence speed.

Example: Dynamical extremum seeking

In this example, we will use an extremum-seeking controller to control a nonlinear dynamical system with a cost function output. The system to be controlled is given by

\[\begin{aligned} \dot{x}_1(t) &= x_1(t)^2 + x_2(t) + u(t) \\ \dot{x}_1(t) &= x_1(t)^2 - x_2(t)\\ y(t) &= -1 + x_1(t)^2 - x_1(t) \end{aligned}\]

and we will use the controller PIESC. This controller offers potentially faster convergence compared to the ESC controller, at the expense of slightly harder tuning.

using JuliaSimControl: t, D

@named esc = PIESC(k=10, tau=0.1, a=10, w=100, wh=1000)

function systemmodel(; name=:systemmodel)
    @variables x1(t)=0 x2(t)=0 u(t)=0 y(t)=0
    eqs = [
        D(x1) ~ x1^2 + x2 + u
        D(x2) ~ x1^2 - x2
        y ~ -1 + x1^2 - x1
    ODESystem(eqs, t; name)

model = systemmodel()

connections = [
    model.y ~ esc.y
    esc.u ~ model.u

@named closed_loop = ODESystem(connections, t, systems=[model, esc])
sys = structural_simplify(closed_loop)

x0 = [
    # model.x1 => 0.5
    # model.x2 => 0.25
    # esc.uh => -0.5
    esc.v => 0

prob = ODEProblem(sys, x0, (0, 6.0))
sol = solve(prob, Rodas5())
plot(sol, vars=[model.x1, model.x2, model.y, esc.u], layout=4)
Example block output

The controller finds the optimum $h(x^*) = -1.25$ very quickly.

In this example, we let the ESC search for the control signal that optimizes the cost function directly. ESC is very general, and can also be used to find, e.g., the parameter of a parameterized controller that optimizes system performance. Furthermore, several different parameters can be optimized simultaneously by employing several ESCs operating at different dither frequencies. See

Ariyur, Krstić. "Real Time Optimization by Extremum Seeking Control."

for more details.

Example: Extremum seeking for model-reference adaptive control

In this example, we will use ESC to adaptively find a feedback gain that minimizes tracking error. We will implement the following control architecture

         ┌────────┐       ┌────────┐
         │        │       │  Ref   │  xr
         │  Ref   ├──┬───►│ Model  ├────┐
         │        │  │    │        │    │  ┌────┐    ┌──────┐     ┌────────┐
         └────────┘  │    └────────┘    └─►│+   │    │      │     │        │ y
                     │                     │ err├───►│ abs2 ├────►│  cost  ├──┐
           ┌───┐     │                  ┌─►│-   │    │      │     │        │  │
           │  +│◄────┘                  │  └────┘    └──────┘     └────────┘  │
┌──────────┤   │                        │                                     │
│          │  -│◄───────────────────────┤x                                    │
│          └───┘                        │                                     │
│                                       │                                     │
│  ┌────────┐      ┌───┐  ┌────────┐    │                                     │
│  │        ├─────►│   │  │        │    │                                     │
└─►│   C    │      │ x ├─►│  Model ├────┘                                     │
   │        │   ┌─►│   │  │        │                                          │
   └────────┘   │  └───┘  └────────┘            ┌─────┐                       │
                │          ┌─────┐       K      │     │                       │
                └──────────┤ sat │◄─────────────┤ ESC │◄──────────────────────┘
                           └─────┘              │     │

where $C$ denotes a standard P controller, and the multiplication block after $C$ is used to implement the adaptive gain. The reference will be a square wave, this is fed into a reference model that implements the desired closed-loop behavior. The error between the output of the reference model $x_r$ and the output of the system model $x$ is squared and integrated and fed into the extremum-seeking controller. The ESC outputs the adaptive controller gain $K$ that is used to multiply the output of the P-controller.

The system model in this example will be $\dfrac{1}{s + 0.5}$ while the reference model is given by $\dfrac{0.5}{s + 1}$ which means that perfect model matching will be obtained for negative feedback with $K = 0.5$ (this is what the ESC is supposed to find out).

using JuliaSimControl
using JuliaSimControl: t
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using ModelingToolkit
using ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks: StateSpace, LimPI, Add, Square, Integrator, StaticNonLinearity, Product, Limiter
connect = ModelingToolkit.connect

@named ref      = Square(amplitude=1, frequency=0.02)
@named model    = StateSpace([-0.5;;], [1;;], [1;;])
@named refmodel = StateSpace([-1;;], [0.5;;], [1;;])
@named pcont    = LimPI(k=1, T=Inf, u_max=10, Ta=Inf)
@named err      = Add(k1=1, k2=-1)
@named errpi    = Add(k1=1, k2=-1)
@named escont   = ESC(k=1, a=1, b=0.02, w=1, wh=10)
@named cost     = Integrator(k=10)
@named square   = StaticNonLinearity(abs2)
@named gain     = Product()
@named sat      = Limiter(y_min=0.1, y_max = 50) # Used to saturate the adaptive gain between 0.1 and 50

connections = [
    connect(ref.output, refmodel.input)
    connect(refmodel.output, err.input1)
    connect(model.output, err.input2)
    connect(err.output, square.input)
    connect(square.output, cost.input)
    connect(cost.output, escont.input)
    connect(escont.output, sat.input)
    connect(sat.output, gain.input1)
    connect(pcont.ctr_output, gain.input2)
    connect(gain.output, model.input)
    connect(ref.output, errpi.input1)
    connect(model.output, errpi.input2)
    connect(errpi.output, pcont.err_input)

@named closed_loop = ODESystem(connections, t; systems=[ref,model,refmodel,pcont,err,errpi,escont,cost,square,gain,sat])

sys = structural_simplify(closed_loop)

x0 = [ # Start with gain 0.2
    escont.uh => 0.2
    escont.y => 0.2
    escont.v => 0.2

prob = ODEProblem(sys, x0, (0, 100.0))
sol = solve(prob, Rodas5())
    plot(sol, vars=[refmodel.output.u, model.output.u, err.output.u]),
    plot(sol, vars=[sat.y, escont.u]),
    legend = :bottomright,
Example block output

The left plot shows the outputs of the reference model and the system model as well as the error between them. The right plot shows the output of the ESC, i.e., the estimated optimal gain $K$. Notice how the estimate of $K$ varies due to the continuously applied dither signal used for exploration/excitation.


ESC(; k, tau, a, b=a, w, wh = w/3, name)

ESC: Extremum seeking controller.

Assume a system to be controlled on the form

\[\dot x = f(x) + g(x)u \\ y = h(x)\]

where $h(x)$ is a cost function to be minimized, the value of which can be observed (the function may in practice be unknown). The ESC finds the steady-state control signal $u^*$ that minimizes $y$ by applying a dither signal $b \sin(ωt)$ to estimate the derivative of the cost function w.r.t. the input.

Note: the tuning guidelines for ESC and PIESC are very different.


  • k: Proportional gain / learning rate. If k is positive, the controller minimizes h and if k is negative h is maximized.
  • a: Dither demodulation amplitude
  • b: Dither modulation amplitude (defaults to the same as a)
  • w: Dither frequency
  • wh: High-pass filter frequency, defaults to w/3.

Extended help

  • A general guideline is that convergence properties are improved by keeping tuning parameters small, but performance is better for larger parameters.
  • w should in general be chosen slower than the dominant dynamics of the controlled process.
  • a should be chosen large enough to provide a good gradient estimate and ability to escape potential local minima.
  • b may be selected independently of a, some sources recommend choosing b < a.
  • If several ESC controllers are used to estimate different parameters, use different dither frequencies for each.
PIESC(; k, tau, a, w, wh = 10w, name)

PI-ESC: Proportional-integral extremum seeking controller.

PI-ESC may provide faster convergence to the optimum compared to ESC, but may be harder to tune.

Assume a system to be controlled on the form

\[\dot x = f(x) + g(x)u \\ y = h(x)\]

where $h(x)$ is a cost function to be minimized, the value of which can be observed (the function may in practice be unknown). The PI-ESC finds the steady-state control signal $u^*$ that minimizes $y$ by applying a dither signal $a \sin(ωt)$ to estimate the derivative of the cost function w.r.t. the input.

Note: the tuning guidelines for ESC and PIESC are very different.


  • k: Proportional gain
  • tau: Integral time constant
  • a: Dither amplitude
  • w: Dither frequency
  • wh: High-pass filter frequency, typically 10x larger than w.

Ref: "Proportional-integral extremum-seeking control" M. Guay

Extended help

  • The region of attraction grows with increasing ration a/k.
  • Convexity of the cost function $y = h(x)$ is required, this is in contrast to standard ESC.
  • $g$ is full rank $∀ x$.
  • The PIESC can handle dither frequencies faster than the process dynamics, in contrast to the guidlines for the standard ESC.