
When modeling wheels, there are several different assumptions that can be made, such as

  • Is the wheel able to leave the ground or not?
  • Can the wheel slip or does it roll perfectly?

The wheel-related components available are

  • RollingWheel: a wheel that can roll on the ground. It cannot slip and it cannot leave the ground.
  • RollingWheelJoint: a lower-level component used in RollingWheel to model the kinematics of the wheel, without inertial or mass properties.
  • SlipWheel: Similar RollingWheel, but can also slip.
  • SlipWheelJoint: Similar to RollingWheelJoint, but for SlipWheel.
  • RollingWheelSet: a set of two wheels connected by an axis. One of the wheels cannot slip, while the other one slips as required to allow the wheel set to turn (no differential is modeled). No wheel can leave the ground.
  • RollingWheelSetJoint: A lower-level component used in RollingWheelSet to model the kinematics of the wheel set, without inertial or mass properties.
  • RollingConstraintVerticalWheel: A low-level constraint that is used to enforce a perfectly rolling wheel that is always vertical, i.e., it can only roll forward and not fall down.
  • PlanarMechanics.SimpleWheel: A 2D wheel component with a simple, linear lateral slip model.
  • PlanarMechanics.SlipBasedWheelJoint: A more advanced 2D wheel component with slip-dependent friction characteristics.

All wheel components are limited to rolling on the $xz$ plane, i.e., the gravity direction must be the default [0, -1, 0].

Rolling wheel

using Multibody
using ModelingToolkit
import ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Mechanical.Rotational
import ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks
using Plots
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using LinearAlgebra
using JuliaSimCompiler
using Test

t = Multibody.t
D = Differential(t)

@mtkmodel WheelInWorld begin
    @components begin
        world = World()
        wheel = RollingWheel(
            radius = 0.3,
            m = 2,
            I_axis = 0.06,
            I_long = 0.12,
            x0 = 0.2,
            z0 = 0.2,
            der_angles = [0, 5, 1],

@named worldwheel = WheelInWorld()
worldwheel = complete(worldwheel)

defs = Dict([
    worldwheel.wheel.body.r_0[1] => 0.2;
    worldwheel.wheel.body.r_0[2] => 0.3;
    worldwheel.wheel.body.r_0[3] => 0.2;

ssys = structural_simplify(multibody(worldwheel))
prob = ODEProblem(ssys, defs, (0, 4))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
@test SciMLBase.successful_retcode(sol)
Test Passed
import GLMakie
Multibody.render(worldwheel, sol; filename = "worldwheel.gif")

wheel animation

Add slip

The example below is similar to that above, but models a wheel with slip properties instead of ideal rolling. We start by showing the slip model

using Plots
vAdhesion = 0.2
vSlide = 0.4
mu_A = 0.95
mu_S = 0.7
v = range(0, stop=1, length=500) # Simulating the slip velocity
μ = Multibody.PlanarMechanics.limit_S_triple.(vAdhesion, vSlide, mu_A, mu_S, v)
plot(v, μ, label=nothing, lw=2, color=:black, xlabel = "\$v_{Slip}\$", ylabel = "\$\\mu\$")
scatter!([vAdhesion, vSlide], [mu_A, mu_S], color=:white, markerstrokecolor=:black)
hline!([mu_A, mu_S], linestyle=:dash, color=:black, alpha=0.5)
vline!([vAdhesion, vSlide], linestyle=:dash, color=:black, alpha=0.5)
    xticks = ((vAdhesion, vSlide), ["\$v_{Adhesion}\$", "\$v_{Slide}\$"]),
    yticks = ((mu_A, mu_S), ["\$\\mu_{adhesion}\$", "\$\\mu_{slide}\$"]),
    framestyle = :zerolines,
    legend = false,
Example block output

The longitudinal force on the tire is given by

\[f_{long} = - f_n \dfrac{\mu(v_{Slip})}{v_{Slip}} v_{SlipLong}\]

where f_n is the normal force on the tire, μ is the friction coefficient from the slip model, and v_{Slip} is the magnitude of the slip velocity.

The slip velocity is defined such that when the wheel is moving with positive velocity and increasing in speed (accelerating), the slip velocity is negative, i.e., the contact patch is moving slightly backwards. When the wheel is moving with positive velocity and decreasing in speed (braking), the slip velocity is positive, i.e., the contact patch is moving slightly forwards.

@mtkmodel SlipWheelInWorld begin
    @components begin
        world = World()
        wheel = SlippingWheel(
            radius = 0.3,
            m = 2,
            I_axis = 0.06,
            I_long = 0.12,
            x0 = 0.2,
            z0 = 0.2,
            der_angles = [0, 25, 0.1],
            mu_A = 0.95,             # Friction coefficient at adhesion
            mu_S = 0.5,             # Friction coefficient at sliding
            sAdhesion = 0.04,       # Adhesion slippage
            sSlide = 0.12,          # Sliding slippage
            vAdhesion_min = 0.05,   # Minimum adhesion velocity
            vSlide_min = 0.15,      # Minimum sliding velocity

@named worldwheel = SlipWheelInWorld()
worldwheel = complete(worldwheel)

defs = Dict([
    worldwheel.wheel.body.r_0[1] => 0.2;
    worldwheel.wheel.body.r_0[2] => 0.3;
    worldwheel.wheel.body.r_0[3] => 0.2;
    worldwheel.wheel.frame_a.render => true;
    worldwheel.wheel.frame_a.length => 0.4;
    worldwheel.wheel.frame_a.radius => 0.01;

ssys = structural_simplify(multibody(worldwheel))
prob = ODEProblem(ssys, defs, (0, 3))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
@test SciMLBase.successful_retcode(sol)
Test Passed
Multibody.render(worldwheel, sol; filename = "slipping_worldwheel.gif", x=4, z=2, time_scale=3)

slipping wheel animation

Notice how the wheel starts out with zero linear velocity but large rotational velocity, causing it to initially slip before picking up speed and gaining traction.

In this animation, we render also the connector frame of the wheel to make it easier to see that the wheel is spinning.

Wheel set

A RollingWheelSet is comprised out of two wheels mounted on a common axis through their axis of rotation.

@mtkmodel DrivingWheelSet begin
    @components begin
        sine1 = Blocks.Sine(frequency=1, amplitude=2)
        sine2 = Blocks.Sine(frequency=1, amplitude=2, phase=pi/2)
        torque1 = Rotational.Torque()
        torque2 = Rotational.Torque()
        wheels = RollingWheelSet(radius=0.1, m_wheel=0.5, I_axis=0.01, I_long=0.02, track=0.5, state_priority=100)
        bar = FixedTranslation(r = [0.2, 0, 0])
        body = Body(m=0.01, state_priority=1)
        world = World()
    @equations begin
        connect(sine1.output, torque1.tau)
        connect(sine2.output, torque2.tau)
        connect(torque1.flange, wheels.axis1)
        connect(torque2.flange, wheels.axis2)
        connect(wheels.frame_middle, bar.frame_a)
        connect(bar.frame_b, body.frame_a)

@named model = DrivingWheelSet()
model = complete(model)
ssys = structural_simplify(multibody(model))
# display(unknowns(ssys))
prob = ODEProblem(ssys, [
    model.wheels.wheelSetJoint.prismatic1.s => 0.1
    model.wheels.wheelSetJoint.prismatic2.s => 0.1
], (0, 3))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
@test SciMLBase.successful_retcode(sol)
Test Passed
import GLMakie
Multibody.render(model, sol; filename = "wheelset.gif")

wheelset animation

The RollingWheelSet includes constraints that prevent the wheels from leaving the ground and the connector frame_middle from rotating around the wheel axis. This means that if two wheel sets are connected to the same body, the system will be over constrained. To solve this, pass iscut = true to one of the wheel sets, like below:

wheel_mass = 15
wheel_d = 2
wheel_radius = 0.25
tire_black = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1]

@mtkmodel Car begin
    @structural_parameters begin
    @parameters begin
    @components begin
        world = World()

        sine1 = Blocks.Sine(frequency=1, amplitude=150)
        sine2 = Blocks.Sine(frequency=1, amplitude=150, phase=pi/6)
        torque1 = Rotational.Torque()
        torque2 = Rotational.Torque()
        front_wheels = RollingWheelSet(radius=wheel_radius, m_wheel=wheel_mass, I_axis, I_long, track=wheel_d)
        rear_wheels = RollingWheelSet(radius=wheel_radius, m_wheel=wheel_mass, I_axis, I_long, track=wheel_d, iscut=true)

        steering_joint = Revolute(n = [0,1,0], axisflange=true, state_priority=100)
        prefer_straight_ahead = Rotational.SpringDamper(d=10, c=10)

        body = BodyShape(; m, r = [l, 0, 0], I_22 = I, radius=0.3)
    @equations begin
        connect(sine1.output, torque1.tau)
        connect(sine2.output, torque2.tau)
        connect(torque1.flange, front_wheels.axis1)
        connect(torque2.flange, front_wheels.axis2)
        connect(front_wheels.frame_middle, steering_joint.frame_a)

        connect(steering_joint.frame_b, body.frame_a)
        connect(rear_wheels.frame_middle, body.frame_b)

        connect(prefer_straight_ahead.flange_a, steering_joint.axis)
        connect(prefer_straight_ahead.flange_b, steering_joint.support)
@named model = Car()
model = complete(model)
ssys = structural_simplify(multibody(model))

prob = ODEProblem(ssys, [], (0, 6))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())

render(model, sol, framerate=30, filename="car.gif", x=6, z=6, y=5)

car animation

Simple planar wheel

This example demonstrates how we can model a simple single-track vehicle with planar (2D or 3DOF) components.

We will use the component PlanarMechanics.SimpleWheel, together with a PlanarMechanics.Revolute joint to connect the front wheel to the PlanarMechanics.BodyShape representing the vehicle body. The revolute joint is used for steering.

import Multibody.PlanarMechanics as Pl

@mtkmodel TestWheel begin
    @components begin
        body = Pl.BodyShape(r = [1.0, 0.0], m=1, I=0.1, gy=0)
        revolute = Pl.Revolute()
        wheel1 = Pl.SimpleWheel(color=tire_black)
        wheel2 = Pl.SimpleWheel(color=tire_black, μ=.5)
        thrust_input1 = Blocks.Constant(k=1)
        thrust_input2 = Blocks.Constant(k=0)
    @equations begin
        connect(body.frame_a, revolute.frame_a)
        connect(revolute.frame_b, wheel1.frame_a)
        connect(thrust_input1.output, wheel1.thrust)
        connect(thrust_input2.output, wheel2.thrust)
        revolute.phi ~ deg2rad(50)*sin(2pi*0.2*t)

        connect(wheel2.frame_a, body.frame_b)
@named model = TestWheel()
model = complete(model)
ssys = structural_simplify(multibody(model))
defs = Dict(unknowns(ssys) .=> 0)
prob = ODEProblem(ssys, defs, (0.0, 10.0))
sol = solve(prob, Rodas5P())
@test SciMLBase.successful_retcode(sol)
render(model, sol, show_axis=true, x=1, y=-1.8, z=5, lookat=[1,-1.8,0], traces=[model.wheel1.frame_a, model.wheel2.frame_a], filename="drifting.gif")

drifting animation

Slip-based planar wheel

This example demonstrates use of the PlanarMechanics.SlipBasedWheelJoint component, which is a more advanced 2D wheel component with slip-dependent friction characteristics. The wheel is being driven by a constant torque, and is connected through a PlanarMechanics.Prismatic joint to a PlanarMechanics.Revolute joint. This forces the wheel to move in a circular arc around the revolute pivot point, and spiral outwards due to slip. A `PlanarMechanics.Body attached to the end of the prismatic joint is used to add inertial properties.

using Multibody
using ModelingToolkit
import ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Mechanical.Rotational
import ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks
import Multibody.PlanarMechanics as Pl
using Plots
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using LinearAlgebra
using JuliaSimCompiler
using Test

t = Multibody.t
D = Differential(t)
tire_black = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1]

@mtkmodel TestSlipBasedWheel begin
    @components begin
        slipBasedWheelJoint = Pl.SlipBasedWheelJoint(
            radius = 0.3,
            r = [1,0],              # Driving direction at angle phi = 0
            mu_A = 0.8,             # Friction coefficient at adhesion
            mu_S = 0.4,             # Friction coefficient at sliding
            N = 100,                # Base normal load
            sAdhesion = 0.04,       # Adhesion slippage
            sSlide = 0.12,          # Sliding slippage
            vAdhesion_min = 0.05,   # Minimum adhesion velocity
            vSlide_min = 0.15,      # Minimum sliding velocity
            color = tire_black,
        prismatic = Pl.Prismatic(r = [0,1], s = 1, v = 0)
        revolute = Pl.Revolute(phi = 0, w = 0)
        fixed = Pl.Fixed()
        engineTorque = Rotational.ConstantTorque(tau_constant = 2)
        body = Pl.Body(m = 10, I = 1, gy=0, phi=0, w=0)
        inertia = Rotational.Inertia(J = 1, phi = 0, w = 0)
        constant = Blocks.Constant(k = 0)
    @equations begin
        connect(fixed.frame_b, revolute.frame_a)
        connect(revolute.frame_b, prismatic.frame_a)
        connect(prismatic.frame_b, body.frame_a)
        connect(prismatic.frame_b, slipBasedWheelJoint.frame_a)
        connect(slipBasedWheelJoint.flange_a, inertia.flange_b)
        connect(constant.output, slipBasedWheelJoint.dynamicLoad)
        connect(engineTorque.flange, inertia.flange_a)

@named model = TestSlipBasedWheel()
model = complete(model)
ssys = structural_simplify(multibody(model))
defs = ModelingToolkit.defaults(model)
prob = ODEProblem(ssys, [
    model.inertia.w => 1e-10, # This is important, at zero velocity, the friction is ill-defined
    model.revolute.frame_b.phi => 0,
    model.body.w => 0,
    D(model.revolute.frame_b.phi) => 0,
    D(model.prismatic.r0[2]) => 0,
], (0.0, 15.0))
sol = solve(prob, Rodas5P())
render(model, sol, show_axis=false, x=0, y=0, z=4, traces=[model.slipBasedWheelJoint.frame_a], filename="slipwheel.gif", cache=false)

slipwheel animation

plot(sol, idxs=[
], layout=4)
Example block output

Planar two-track model

A more elaborate example with 4 wheels.

@mtkmodel TwoTrackWithDifferentialGear begin
    @components begin
        body = Pl.Body(m = 100, I = 1, gy = 0)
        body1 = Pl.Body(m = 300, I = 0.1, r = [1, 1], v = [0, 0], phi = 0, w = 0, gy = 0,)
        body2 = Pl.Body(m = 100, I = 1, gy = 0,)
        wheelJoint1 = Pl.SlipBasedWheelJoint(
            radius = 0.25,
            r = [0, 1],
            mu_A = 1,
            mu_S = 0.7,
            N = 1000,
            sAdhesion = 0.04,
            sSlide = 0.12,
            vAdhesion_min = 0.05,
            vSlide_min = 0.15,
            phi_roll = 0)
        wheelJoint2 = Pl.SlipBasedWheelJoint(
            radius = 0.25,
            r = [0, 1],
            mu_A = 1,
            mu_S = 0.7,
            N = 1500,
            sAdhesion = 0.04,
            sSlide = 0.12,
            vAdhesion_min = 0.05,
            vSlide_min = 0.15,
            phi_roll = 0)
        wheelJoint3 = Pl.SlipBasedWheelJoint(
            radius = 0.25,
            r = [0, 1],
            mu_A = 1,
            mu_S = 0.7,
            N = 1500,
            sAdhesion = 0.04,
            sSlide = 0.12,
            vAdhesion_min = 0.05,
            vSlide_min = 0.15,
            phi_roll = 0)
        wheelJoint4 = Pl.SlipBasedWheelJoint(
            radius = 0.25,
            r = [0, 1],
            mu_A = 1,
            mu_S = 0.7,
            N = 1000,
            sAdhesion = 0.04,
            sSlide = 0.12,
            vAdhesion_min = 0.05,
            vSlide_min = 0.15,
            phi_roll = 0)
        differentialGear = Pl.DifferentialGear()
        pulse = Blocks.Square(frequency = 1/2, offset = 0, start_time = 1, amplitude = -2)
        torque = Rotational.Torque()
        constantTorque1 = Rotational.ConstantTorque(tau_constant = 25)
        inertia = Rotational.Inertia(J = 1, phi = 0, w = 0)
        inertia1 = Rotational.Inertia(J = 1, phi = 0, w = 0)
        inertia2 = Rotational.Inertia(J = 1, phi = 0, w = 0)
        inertia3 = Rotational.Inertia(J = 1, phi = 0, w = 0)
        fixedTranslation1 = Pl.FixedTranslation(r = [0, 2])
        fixedTranslation2 = Pl.FixedTranslation(r = [0.75, 0])
        fixedTranslation3 = Pl.FixedTranslation(r = [-0.75, 0])
        fixedTranslation4 = Pl.FixedTranslation(r = [0.75, 0])
        fixedTranslation5 = Pl.FixedTranslation(r = [-0.75, 0])
        leftTrail = Pl.FixedTranslation(r = [0, -0.05])
        rightTrail = Pl.FixedTranslation(r = [0, -0.05])
        revolute = Pl.Revolute(axisflange=true)
        revolute2 = Pl.Revolute(axisflange=true, phi = -0.43633231299858, w = 0)
        dynamic_load = Blocks.Constant(k=0)

    @equations begin
        connect(wheelJoint2.flange_a, inertia1.flange_b)
        connect(inertia.flange_b, wheelJoint1.flange_a)
        connect(fixedTranslation2.frame_b, fixedTranslation1.frame_a)
        connect(fixedTranslation2.frame_a, wheelJoint2.frame_a)
        connect(fixedTranslation3.frame_b, fixedTranslation1.frame_a)
        connect(wheelJoint3.frame_a, fixedTranslation3.frame_a)
        connect(inertia2.flange_b, wheelJoint3.flange_a)
        connect(body1.frame_a, fixedTranslation1.frame_a)
        connect(fixedTranslation1.frame_b, fixedTranslation4.frame_b)
        connect(fixedTranslation1.frame_b, fixedTranslation5.frame_b)
        connect(inertia3.flange_b, wheelJoint4.flange_a)
        connect(pulse.output, torque.tau)
        connect(differentialGear.flange_right, wheelJoint3.flange_a)
        connect(differentialGear.flange_left, wheelJoint2.flange_a)
        connect(constantTorque1.flange, differentialGear.flange_b)
        connect(body.frame_a, leftTrail.frame_b)
        connect(leftTrail.frame_b, wheelJoint1.frame_a)
        connect(body2.frame_a, rightTrail.frame_b)
        connect(wheelJoint4.frame_a, rightTrail.frame_b)
        connect(leftTrail.frame_a, revolute2.frame_a)
        connect(revolute2.frame_b, fixedTranslation4.frame_a)
        connect(torque.flange, revolute.flange_a, revolute2.flange_a)
        connect(revolute.frame_a, rightTrail.frame_a)
        connect(revolute.frame_b, fixedTranslation5.frame_a)
        connect(dynamic_load.output, wheelJoint1.dynamicLoad, wheelJoint2.dynamicLoad, wheelJoint3.dynamicLoad, wheelJoint4.dynamicLoad)

@named model = TwoTrackWithDifferentialGear()
model = complete(model)
ssys = structural_simplify(multibody(model))
defs = merge(
    Dict(unknowns(ssys) .=> 0),
    Dict(model.body.w => 0),
prob = ODEProblem(ssys, defs, (0.0, 5.0))
sol = solve(prob, Rodas5P(autodiff=false))
@test SciMLBase.successful_retcode(sol)
Multibody.render(model, sol, show_axis=false, x=0, y=0, z=5, filename="twotrack.gif", cache=false)

twotrack animation ```