Ropes, cables, chains and strings

Ropes, cables and strings may be modeled using the Rope component. This component models a rope as a series of links connected by spherical joints, where each link is either

The total mass of the rope is controlled by the parameter m, and this is distributed evenly across the links with m/n units of mass on each link.

If the rope is elastic, the total spring coefficient of all links is governed by c, and each link as a coefficient of c*n, the same holds for the damping d.

Stiff rope

We start by simulating a stiff rope that is attached to the world in one end and to a mass in the other. The rope is made stiff (inelastic) by setting c = 0.

using Multibody
using ModelingToolkit
using Plots
using JuliaSimCompiler
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Test
t = Multibody.t

world =
number_of_links = 6
@named rope = Rope(l = 1, m = 6, n=number_of_links, c=0, d=0, air_resistance=0, d_joint=1, radius=0.03, color=[0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 1], dir=[0.05, 1, 0])
@named body = Body(; m = 1, radius=0.2)

connections = [connect(world.frame_b, rope.frame_a)
               connect(rope.frame_b, body.frame_a)]

@named stiff_rope = ODESystem(connections, t, systems = [world, body, rope])

stiff_rope = complete(stiff_rope)
ssys = structural_simplify(multibody(stiff_rope))
prob = ODEProblem(ssys, [], (0, 5))
sol = solve(prob, Rodas4(autodiff=false))
@test SciMLBase.successful_retcode(sol)

import GLMakie
Multibody.render(stiff_rope, sol, filename = "stiff_rope.gif") # May take long time for n>=10
("stiff_rope.gif", LScene(), Scene (600px, 450px):
  0 Plots
  1 Child Scene:
    └ Scene (600px, 450px))

stiff_rope animation

Elastic rope

Next up we model an elastic rope, we do this by setting c > 0. We also introduce some damping

world =
number_of_links = 6
@named rope = Rope(l = 1, m = 5, n=number_of_links, c=800.0, d=0.01, d_joint=0.1, air_resistance=0.2, dir=[0.2, 1, 0])
@named body = Body(; m = 300, radius=0.2)

connections = [connect(world.frame_b, rope.frame_a)
               connect(rope.frame_b, body.frame_a)]

@named flexible_rope = ODESystem(connections, t, systems = [world, body, rope])

flexible_rope = complete(flexible_rope)
ssys = structural_simplify(multibody(flexible_rope))
prob = ODEProblem(ssys, [], (0, 8))
sol = solve(prob, Rodas4(autodiff=false));
@test SciMLBase.successful_retcode(sol)

Multibody.render(flexible_rope, sol, y = -3, x = -6, z = -6, lookat=[0, -3, 0], filename = "flexible_rope.gif") # May take long time for n>=10
("flexible_rope.gif", LScene(), Scene (600px, 450px):
  0 Plots
  1 Child Scene:
    └ Scene (600px, 450px))

flexible_rope animation

A chain suspended in two points

When a Rope component is used to model a chain that is suspended between two fixed points, a kinematic loop is formed. To break this loop, we introduce a spring in one end.

number_of_links = 8

chain_length = 2
x_dist = 1.5 # Distance between the two mounting points

systems = @named begin
    chain = Rope(l = chain_length, m = 5, n=number_of_links, c=0, d_joint=0.2, dir=[1, 0, 0], color=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1], radius=0.05)
    spring = Spring(c = 2000)
    fixed = FixedTranslation(; r=[x_dist, 0, 0], radius=0.02, color=[0.1,0.1,0.1,1]) # Second mounting point

connections = [connect(world.frame_b, fixed.frame_a, chain.frame_a)
               connect(chain.frame_b, spring.frame_a)
               connect(spring.frame_b, fixed.frame_b)]

@named mounted_chain = ODESystem(connections, t, systems = [systems; world])
mounted_chain = complete(mounted_chain)
ssys = structural_simplify(multibody(mounted_chain))
prob = ODEProblem(ssys, [
    collect(chain.link_8.body.w_a) .=> [0,0,0];
    collect(chain.link_8.frame_b.r_0) .=> [x_dist,0,0];
], (0, 4))
sol = solve(prob, Rodas4(autodiff=false))
@test SciMLBase.successful_retcode(sol)

Multibody.render(mounted_chain, sol, x=3, filename = "mounted_chain.gif") # May take long time for n>=10
("mounted_chain.gif", LScene(), Scene (600px, 450px):
  0 Plots
  1 Child Scene:
    └ Scene (600px, 450px))

mounted_chain animation