MPC with generic cost and constraints
Generic MPC, sometimes called Economic MPC or simply Nonlinear MPC, refers to Model-Predictive Control with an arbitrary cost function, i.e., not restricted to quadratic cost functions.
The MPC problem type GenericMPCProblem
allows much more general cost functions and constraints than the quadratic-programming based MPC problem types, and instances of GenericMPCProblem
are solved using Optimization.jl. The examples in this section will all use the IPOPT solver, a good general-purpose solver that supports large, sparse problems with nonlinear constraints.
The GenericMPCProblem
also supports integer constraints, or MINLP MPC (mixed-integer nonlinear programming).
Getting started
Below, we design an MPC controller for the nonlinear pendulum-on-a-cart system using the generic interface. Additional examples using this problem type are available in the tutorials
- MPC control of a Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR)
- Solving optimal-control problems
- Solving optimal-control problems with MTK models
- Model-Predictive Control for the Research Civil Aircraft system
- MPC with binary or integer variables (MINLP)
The code for this example follows below, the code will be broken down in the following sections.
using JuliaSimControl, Plots
using JuliaSimControl.MPC
using JuliaSimControl.Symbolics
using StaticArrays
using LinearAlgebra
function cartpole(x, u, p, _=0)
T = promote_type(eltype(x), eltype(u))
mc, mp, l, g = 1.0, 0.2, 0.5, 9.81
q = x[SA[1, 2]]
qd = x[SA[3, 4]]
s = sin(q[2])
c = cos(q[2])
H = @SMatrix [mc+mp mp*l*c; mp*l*c mp*l^2]
C = @SMatrix [0 -mp*qd[2]*l*s; 0 0]
G = @SVector [0, mp * g * l * s]
B = @SVector [1, 0]
if T <: Symbolics.Num
qdd = Matrix(-H) \ Vector(C * qd + G - B * u[1])
return [qd; qdd]
qdd = -H \ (C * qd + G - B * u[1])
return [qd; qdd]
nu = 1 # number of controls
nx = 4 # number of states
Ts = 0.1 # sample time
N = 10 # MPC optimization horizon
x0 = ones(nx) # Initial state
r = zeros(nx) # Reference
discrete_dynamics = MPC.rk4(cartpole, Ts) # Discretize the dynamics
measurement = (x,u,p,t) -> x # The entire state is available for measurement
dynamics = FunctionSystem(discrete_dynamics, measurement, Ts; x=:x^nx, u=:u^nu, y=:y^nx)
# Create objective
Q1 = Diagonal(@SVector ones(nx)) # state cost matrix
Q2 = 0.1Diagonal(@SVector ones(nu)) # control cost matrix
Q3 = Q2
QN, _ = MPC.calc_QN_AB(Q1, Q2, Q3, dynamics, r) # Compute terminal cost
QN = SMatrix{nx,nx}(QN)
p = (; Q1, Q2, Q3, QN) # Parameter vector
running_cost = StageCost() do si, p, t
Q1, Q2 = p.Q1, p.Q2 # Access parameters from p
e = (si.x)
u = (si.u)
dot(e, Q1, e) + dot(u, Q2, u)
difference_cost = DifferenceCost() do e, p, t
dot(e, p.Q3, e)
terminal_cost = TerminalCost() do ti, p, t
e = ti.x
objective = Objective(running_cost, terminal_cost, difference_cost)
# Create objective input
x = zeros(nx, N+1)
u = zeros(nu, N)
x, u = MPC.rollout(dynamics, x0, u, p, 0)
oi = ObjectiveInput(x, u, r)
# Create constraints
control_and_state_constraint = StageConstraint([-3, -4], [3, 4]) do si, p, t
u = (si.u)[]
x4 = (si.x)[4]
# Create observer, solver and problem
observer = StateFeedback(dynamics, x0)
solver = MPC.IpoptSolver(;
verbose = false,
tol = 1e-4,
acceptable_tol = 1e-1,
max_iter = 100,
max_cpu_time = 10.0,
max_wall_time = 10.0,
constr_viol_tol = 1e-4,
acceptable_constr_viol_tol = 1e-1,
acceptable_iter = 2,
prob = GenericMPCProblem(
constraints = [control_and_state_constraint],
objective_input = oi,
xr = r,
presolve = true,
# Run MPC controller
history = MPC.solve(prob; x0, T = 100, verbose = false)
# Extract matrices
X,E,R,U,Y = reduce(hcat, history)
Specifying cost and constraints
The GenericMPCProblem
requires the specification of an Objective
, which internally contains one or many cost functions, such as
Each cost object takes a function as its first argument that computes the cost based on the relevant optimization variables. We illustrate with an example where we create a stage cost that computes $x(t)^T Q_1 x(t) + u(t)^T Q_2 u(t)$:
running_cost = StageCost() do si, p, t
x = si.x
u = si.u
dot(x, Q1, x) + dot(u, Q2, u)
This uses the Julia do
-syntax to create an anonymous function that takes the tuple (si, p, t)
. si
is of type MPC.StageInput
, a structure containing vectors x, u, r
, all at the stage time t
. A stage refers to a single instant in time in the optimization horizon. While most cost and constraint types passes a MPC.StageInput
as the first argument to the cost/constraint function, the TrajectoryCost
and TrajectoryConstraint
are passed an MPC.ObjectiveInput
which contains the entire trajectories $x \in \mathbb{R}^{n_x \times N+1}$ and $u \in \mathbb{R}^{n_u \times N}$.
One or many cost functions are finally packaged into an Objective
, illustrated in the comprehensive example below.
Constraints are similarly defined to take a function that computes the constrained output as first argument. We illustrate with an example that creates control and state constraints corresponding to
\[\begin{aligned} -3 &\leq u_1(t) \leq 3 \\ -4 &\leq x_2(t) + x_4(t) \leq 4 \end{aligned}\]
using StaticArrays
control_and_state_constraint = StageConstraint([-3, -4], [3, 4]) do si, p, t
u = si.u[1]
x2 = si.x[2]
x4 = si.x[4]
x2 + x4
The full signature of StageConstraint
StageConstraint(fun, lb, ub)
where fun
is a function from (stage_input, parameters, time)
to constrained output and lb, ub
are the lower and upper bounds of the constrained output. In this case, our constrained output is a static array (for high performance) containing [u[1], x[2]+x[4]]
, which are the expressions we wanted to constrain, i.e., the constrained output.
If simple bounds on states and control inputs are desired, the function BoundsConstraint
can be used instead.
The available constraint types are
- Integer and binary constraints are handled using the
keywords toGenericMPCProblem
, see MPC with binary or integer variables (MINLP) for an example.
Specifying the discretization
The GenericMPCProblem
allows the user to select the discretization method used in the transcription from continuous to discrete time. The available choices are
(the default if none is chosen)CollocationFinE
More details on these choices are available under Discretization.