Solving optimal-control problems
Pendulum swing-up
In this example, we will solve an open-loop optimal-control problem (sometimes called trajectory optimization). The problem we will consider is to swing up a pendulum attached to a cart. A very similar tutorial that is using ModelingToolkit to build the model is available here Optimal control using ModelingToolkit models.
We start by defining the dynamics:
using JuliaSimControl
using JuliaSimControl.MPC
using JuliaSimControl.Symbolics
using LinearAlgebra
using StaticArrays
function cartpole(x, u, p, _=0)
T = promote_type(eltype(x), eltype(u))
mc, mp, l, g = 1.0, 0.2, 0.5, 9.81
q = x[SA[1, 2]]
qd = x[SA[3, 4]]
s = sin(q[2])
c = cos(q[2])
H = @SMatrix [mc+mp mp*l*c; mp*l*c mp*l^2]
C = @SMatrix [0 -mp*qd[2]*l*s; 0 0]
G = @SVector [0, mp * g * l * s]
B = @SVector [1, 0]
if T <: Symbolics.Num
qdd = Matrix(-H) \ Vector(C * qd + G - B * u[1])
return [qd; qdd]
qdd = -H \ (C * qd + G - B * u[1])
return [qd; qdd]
nu = 1 # number of controls
nx = 4 # number of states
Ts = 0.04 # sample time
N = 80 # Optimization horizon (number of time steps)
x0 = zeros(nx) # Initial state
r = [0, π, 0, 0] # Reference state is given by the pendulum upright (π rad)
discrete_dynamics = MPC.rk4(cartpole, Ts) # Discretize the dynamics
measurement = (x,u,p,t) -> x # The entire state is available for measurement
dynamics = FunctionSystem(discrete_dynamics, measurement, Ts; x=[:p, :α, :v, :ω], u=:u^nu, y=:y^nx)
The next step is to define a cost function and constraints. We will use a quadratic StageCost
and a TerminalStateConstraint
to force the solution to end up in the desired terminal state: a stationary upright pendulum and a stationary cart in the origin. We also constraints the control input to have magnitude less than 10.
# Create objective
Q1 = Diagonal(@SVector ones(nx)) # state cost matrix
Q2 = 0.01Diagonal(@SVector ones(nu)) # control cost matrix
p = (; Q1, Q2) # Parameter vector
running_cost = StageCost() do si, p, t
Q1, Q2 = p.Q1, p.Q2
e = si.x .- si.r
u = si.u
dot(e, Q1, e) + dot(u, Q2, u)
terminal_constraint = TerminalStateConstraint(r, r) do ti, p, t
objective = Objective(running_cost)
# Create objective input
x = zeros(nx, N+1)
u = zeros(nu, N)
oi = ObjectiveInput(x, u, r)
# Create constraints
control_constraint = StageConstraint([-10], [10]) do si, p, t
u = (si.u)[]
We will use the GenericMPCProblem
structure to create the optimal-control problem. As the name implies, this technically defines an MPC problem, but an MPC problem is nothing more than a repeatedly solved optimal-control problem! When we create the problem, we pass presolve = true
to have the problem solved immediately in the constructor.
# Create observer solver and problem
observer = StateFeedback(dynamics, x0)
solver = IpoptSolver(;
verbose = false,
tol = 1e-4,
acceptable_tol = 1e-2,
max_iter = 2000,
max_cpu_time = 60.0,
max_wall_time = 60.0,
constr_viol_tol = 1e-4,
acceptable_constr_viol_tol = 1e-2,
acceptable_iter = 100,
prob = GenericMPCProblem(
constraints = [control_constraint, terminal_constraint],
objective_input = oi,
xr = r,
presolve = true,
With the problem solved, we may extract the optimal trajectories an plot them
using Plots
x_sol, u_sol = get_xu(prob)
fig = plot(
plot(x_sol', title="States", lab=permutedims(state_names(dynamics))),
plot(u_sol', title="Control signal", lab=permutedims(input_names(dynamics))),
hline!([π], ls=:dash, c=2, sp=1, lab="α = π")
Rocket launch control
This example follows that of Optimal rocket control with JuMP, and highlights the differences in interface between JuliaSimControl and JuMP.jl, which is a general-purpose modeling language for optimization.
The control problem to solve is to optimize a thrust trajectory for a rocket that aims at maximizing the achieved altitude. The model of the rocket is a simple three-state model where we have the height $h$, the velocity $v$ and the mass $m$ as states. Due to the burning of fuel, the mass decreases during launch.
We start by defining the dynamics, all constants are normalized to be unitless:
using JuliaSimControl
using JuliaSimControl.MPC
using JuliaSimControl.Symbolics
using LinearAlgebra
using StaticArrays
const h_0 = 1 # Initial height
const v_0 = 0 # Initial velocity
const m_0 = 1 # Initial mass
const g_0 = 1 # Gravity at the surface
const T_c = 3.5 # Used for thrust
const m_c = 0.6 # Fraction of initial mass left at end
const m_f = m_c * m_0 # Final mass
const T_max = T_c * g_0 * m_0 # Maximum thrust
function rocket(x, u, p, _=0)
h_c = 500 # Used for drag
v_c = 620 # Used for drag
c = 0.5 * sqrt(g_0 * h_0) # Thrust-to-fuel mass
D_c = 0.5 * v_c * m_0 / g_0 # Drag scaling
h, v, m = x
T = u[] # Thrust (control signal)
drag = D_c * v^2 * exp(-h_c * (h - h_0) / h_0)
grav = g_0 * (h_0 / h)^2
(T - drag - m * grav) / m
nu = 1 # number of control inputs
nx = 3 # number of states
N = 200 # Optimization horizon (number of time steps)
Ts = 0.001 # sample time
x0 = Float64[h_0, v_0, m_0] # Initial state
r = zeros(nx)
measurement = (x,u,p,t) -> x # The entire state is available for measurement
dynamics = FunctionSystem(rocket, measurement; x=[:h, :v, :m], u=:T, y=:y^nx)
discrete_dynamics = MPC.rk4(dynamics, Ts; supersample=3)
Next, we define constraints on the states and inputs.
lb = [h_0, v_0, m_f, 0]
ub = [Inf, Inf, m_0, T_max]
stage_constraint = StageConstraint(lb, ub) do si, p, t
u = (si.u)[]
h,v,m = si.x
SA[h, v, m, u]
terminal_constraint = TerminalStateConstraint([m_f], [m_f]) do ti, p, t
SA[ti.x[3]] # The final mass must be m_f
terminal_cost = TerminalCost() do ti, p, t
h = ti.x[1]
-h # Maximize the terminal altitude
objective = Objective(terminal_cost)
We also define an initial guess, we create an input-signal trajectory that renders the initial state rollout feasible.
using Plots
u = [0.7T_max * ones(nu, N÷5) T_max / 5 * ones(nu, 4N÷5) ]
x, u = MPC.rollout(discrete_dynamics, x0, u, 0, 0)
oi = ObjectiveInput(x, u, r)
plot(x', layout=3)
We are now ready to create to optimal-control problem:
observer = StateFeedback(discrete_dynamics, x0)
solver = IpoptSolver(;
verbose = false,
tol = 1e-8,
acceptable_tol = 1e-5,
constr_viol_tol = 1e-8,
acceptable_constr_viol_tol = 1e-5,
acceptable_iter = 10,
prob = GenericMPCProblem(
constraints = [stage_constraint, terminal_constraint],
objective_input = oi,
xr = r,
presolve = true,
verbose = false,
jacobian_method = :symbolics, # generation of symbolic constraint Jacobians and Hessians are beneficial when using Trapezoidal as discretization.
disc = Trapezoidal(; dyn=dynamics),
When the problem is solved, we may plot the optimal trajectory
using Plots
x_sol, u_sol = get_xu(prob)
plot(x_sol', title="States", lab=permutedims(state_names(dynamics)), layout=(nx,1)),
plot(u_sol', title="Control signal", lab=permutedims(input_names(dynamics))),
using Test
@test x_sol[1, end] > 1.012 # Test that the rocket reached high enough
Test Passed