IR Manipulations and Code Generation


Besides the Symbolics.jl front-end, JuliaSimCompiler.jl also supports tracing using SymIR directly. For example:

using JuliaSimCompiler
const IR = JuliaSimCompiler

function repeatf(f::F, x, n) where {F}
    y = x
    for _ in 1:n
        y = f(y)
foo_once(x) = sin(x + 0.1 * x^3)
foo(x, n = 6) = repeatf(foo_once, x, n)
x = IR.Var(:x)
y = foo(x)
%1 = sin((x + (0.1 * (x ^ 3))))
%2 = sin((%1 + (0.1 * (%1 ^ 3))))
%3 = sin((%2 + (0.1 * (%2 ^ 3))))
%4 = sin((%3 + (0.1 * (%3 ^ 3))))
%5 = sin((%4 + (0.1 * (%4 ^ 3))))
%6 = sin((%5 + (0.1 * (%5 ^ 3))))

In the above example, we construct a SymIR object x with the name :x and trace it through the function foo. %1, %2, etc, are the names of the intermediate variables or SSA values. The default printing of SymIR tries to be as concise as possible, i.e. it will inline all constants and SSA values that are used at most once. To see the unabbreviated version, use show. All SymIR object are simply a Vector of IRElements, which can be accessed by calling bindings:

%1 = x
%2 = 0.1
%3 = 3
%4 = (%1 ^ %3)
%5 = (%2 * %4)
%6 = (%1 + %5)
%7 = sin(%6)
%8 = (%7 ^ %3)
%9 = (%2 * %8)
%10 = (%7 + %9)
%11 = sin(%10)
%12 = (%11 ^ %3)
%13 = (%2 * %12)
%14 = (%11 + %13)
%15 = sin(%14)
%16 = (%15 ^ %3)
%17 = (%2 * %16)
%18 = (%15 + %17)
%19 = sin(%18)
%20 = (%19 ^ %3)
%21 = (%2 * %20)
%22 = (%19 + %21)
%23 = sin(%22)
%24 = (%23 ^ %3)
%25 = (%2 * %24)
%26 = (%23 + %25)
%27 = sin(%26)
27-element Vector{JuliaSimCompiler.ADT.IRElement}:
 (%1 ^ %3)
 (%2 * %4)
 (%1 + %5)
 (%7 ^ %3)
 (%2 * %8)
 (%7 + %9)
 (%19 ^ %3)
 (%2 * %20)
 (%19 + %21)
 (%23 ^ %3)
 (%2 * %24)
 (%23 + %25)

The intermediate variables allow SymIR objects to only grow linearly in size with respect to the number of operations, and also allows for more efficient manipulations and code generation. If we use Symbolics.jl to trace through foo, we can observe an exponential growth in the size of the expression:

using Symbolics
@variables v
sin(sin(sin(sin(sin(sin(v + 0.1(v^3)) + 0.1(sin(v + 0.1(v^3))^3)) + 0.1(sin(sin(v + 0.1(v^3)) + 0.1(sin(v + 0.1(v^3))^3))^3)) + 0.1(sin(sin(sin(v + 0.1(v^3)) + 0.1(sin(v + 0.1(v^3))^3)) + 0.1(sin(sin(v + 0.1(v^3)) + 0.1(sin(v + 0.1(v^3))^3))^3))^3)) + 0.1(sin(sin(sin(sin(v + 0.1(v^3)) + 0.1(sin(v + 0.1(v^3))^3)) + 0.1(sin(sin(v + 0.1(v^3)) + 0.1(sin(v + 0.1(v^3))^3))^3)) + 0.1(sin(sin(sin(v + 0.1(v^3)) + 0.1(sin(v + 0.1(v^3))^3)) + 0.1(sin(sin(v + 0.1(v^3)) + 0.1(sin(v + 0.1(v^3))^3))^3))^3))^3)) + 0.1(sin(sin(sin(sin(sin(v + 0.1(v^3)) + 0.1(sin(v + 0.1(v^3))^3)) + 0.1(sin(sin(v + 0.1(v^3)) + 0.1(sin(v + 0.1(v^3))^3))^3)) + 0.1(sin(sin(sin(v + 0.1(v^3)) + 0.1(sin(v + 0.1(v^3))^3)) + 0.1(sin(sin(v + 0.1(v^3)) + 0.1(sin(v + 0.1(v^3))^3))^3))^3)) + 0.1(sin(sin(sin(sin(v + 0.1(v^3)) + 0.1(sin(v + 0.1(v^3))^3)) + 0.1(sin(sin(v + 0.1(v^3)) + 0.1(sin(v + 0.1(v^3))^3))^3)) + 0.1(sin(sin(sin(v + 0.1(v^3)) + 0.1(sin(v + 0.1(v^3))^3)) + 0.1(sin(sin(v + 0.1(v^3)) + 0.1(sin(v + 0.1(v^3))^3))^3))^3))^3))^3))


JuliaSimCompiler.jl provides a set of basic manipulations for SymIR objects. We can:

  • substitute variables to numbers or expressions,
  • compute derivative or jacobian of an expression, and
  • optimize an expression.

To substitute the variable x to a number or expression, use substitute:

IR.substitute(y, [x => 1])
IR.substitute(y, [x => y])
%1 = sin((x + (0.1 * (x ^ 3))))
%2 = sin((%1 + (0.1 * (%1 ^ 3))))
%3 = sin((%2 + (0.1 * (%2 ^ 3))))
%4 = sin((%3 + (0.1 * (%3 ^ 3))))
%5 = sin((%4 + (0.1 * (%4 ^ 3))))
%6 = sin((%5 + (0.1 * (%5 ^ 3))))
%7 = sin((%6 + (0.1 * (%6 ^ 3))))
%8 = sin((%7 + (0.1 * (%7 ^ 3))))
%9 = sin((%8 + (0.1 * (%8 ^ 3))))
%10 = sin((%9 + (0.1 * (%9 ^ 3))))
%11 = sin((%10 + (0.1 * (%10 ^ 3))))
%12 = sin((%11 + (0.1 * (%11 ^ 3))))

To compute the derivative of an expression, use derivative:

dy = IR.derivative(y, x)
%1 = (x + (0.1 * (x ^ 3)))
%2 = sin(%1)
%3 = (%2 + (0.1 * (%2 ^ 3)))
%4 = sin(%3)
%5 = (%4 + (0.1 * (%4 ^ 3)))
%6 = sin(%5)
%7 = (%6 + (0.1 * (%6 ^ 3)))
%8 = sin(%7)
%9 = (%8 + (0.1 * (%8 ^ 3)))
%10 = sin(%9)
%11 = (%10 + (0.1 * (%10 ^ 3)))
%12 = (cos(%1) * ((0 + (0.1 * ((3 * (x ^ 2)) * 1))) + 1))
%13 = (cos(%3) * ((0 + (0.1 * ((3 * (%2 ^ 2)) * %12))) + %12))
%14 = (cos(%5) * ((0 + (0.1 * ((3 * (%4 ^ 2)) * %13))) + %13))
%15 = (cos(%7) * ((0 + (0.1 * ((3 * (%6 ^ 2)) * %14))) + %14))
%16 = (cos(%9) * ((0 + (0.1 * ((3 * (%8 ^ 2)) * %15))) + %15))
%17 = (cos(%11) * ((0 + (0.1 * ((3 * (%10 ^ 2)) * %16))) + %16))

Note that dy is a SymIR object as well, so we can compute higher order derivatives by simply chaining derivative. To compute the 4-th derivative, we can do:

d4y′ = repeatf(y -> IR.derivative(y, x), y, 4)

The optimize function performs peephole optimization, copy propagation, and global value numbering.

d4y = IR.optimize(d4y′)
length(IR.bindings(d4y′)), length(IR.bindings(d4y))
(4467, 463)

We can see that these passes drastically reduce the size of the intermediate representation (IR).

Code Generation

JuliaSimCompiler.jl also provides code generation utilities. We can generate Julia expression using the toexpr function:

d4yfun = eval(IR.toexpr(d4y, x))

We can compare the above result against ForwardDiff.jl:

using ForwardDiff
D = f -> (x -> ForwardDiff.derivative(f, x))
repeatf(D, foo, 4)(1)

We can use set_array to express filing an array by in-place operations. We will show this capability by computing the Jacobian of a function:

x, y, z = IR.Var.((:x, :y, :z))
goo((x, y, z)) = [x^2 + y - z
                  sin(y * z) / x
                  hypot(x, y)]
ir = IR.set_array(goo([x, y, z]))
jac = IR.jacobian(ir, [x, y, z])
%1 = sin((y * z))
%2 = x
%3 = x
%4 = hypot(%3, y)
%5 = ((%3 * 1) / ifelse((%4 == 0), 1, %4))
%6 = @1[CartesianIndex(1, 1)] = ((2 * x) * 1)
%7 = @1[CartesianIndex(2, 1)] = ((-(((%1 / %2) / %2)) * 1) + 0)
%8 = @1[CartesianIndex(3, 1)] = %5
%9 = (y * z)
%10 = y
%11 = hypot(x, %10)
%12 = ((%10 * 1) / ifelse((%11 == 0), 1, %11))
%13 = @1[CartesianIndex(1, 2)] = 1
%14 = @1[CartesianIndex(2, 2)] = (0 + ((1 / x) * (cos(%9) * ((1 * z) + 0))))
%15 = @1[CartesianIndex(3, 2)] = %12
%16 = (y * z)
%17 = (0 + ((1 / x) * (cos(%16) * (0 + (y * 1)))))
%18 = @1[CartesianIndex(1, 3)] = -(1)
%19 = @1[CartesianIndex(2, 3)] = %17
%20 = @1[CartesianIndex(3, 3)] = 0
%21 = %17

To generate the Julia expression, we can use toexpr again:

jac_fun! = eval(IR.toexpr(jac, [x, y, z], check = false))
out = zeros(3, 3)
jac_fun!(out, [1, 2, 3])
3×3 Matrix{Float64}:
 2.0       1.0       -1.0
 0.279415  2.88051    1.92034
 0.447214  0.894427   0.0

The check=false disables the axes check of arguments in the generated function. Check the documentation of the toexpr function for more details. We can compare the above result against ForwardDiff.jl:

ForwardDiff.jacobian(goo, [1, 2, 3])
3×3 Matrix{Float64}:
 2.0       1.0       -1.0
 0.279415  2.88051    1.92034
 0.447214  0.894427   0.0