
JuliaHub currently uses a three-tier pricing model. We will briefly describe it below. If you wish to obtain more information or use a simple total cost calculator, we invite you to consult our dedicated pricing page.

Standard subscription

Our multi-tenant standard subscription is meant for individuals who want to try JuliaHub for the first time. It comes with 20 free hours of compute every month on the default 2 vCPU machine for both interactive development and batch processing. If you go over the 20 hours, you can continue using JuliaHub for $0.20 per thread hour ($0.40 per hour on the default 2vCPU machines) for all computational tasks on the platform.

Team subscription

Our multi-tenant team subscription is meant for small teams who want to take advantage of all the features on JuliaHub such as group access controls, private registries, traceability, and more. The Team subscription is like an initial business-focused subscription before you get to Enterprise. The cost of the teams subscription is in the $15K range for 5 users. For batch and interactive compute, you pay $0.163 per thread hour ($0.326 per hour on the default 2vCPU machine).

Enterprise subscription

Our single-tenant enterprise subscription is meant for your entire organization. The design of the subscription is around multiple teams who want to take advantage of all the advanced features on JuliaHub and use interactive development tools and deployed applications (Live Apps) for an unlimited number of hours. The cost usually starts around $50K.

For batch compute, you pay $0.163 per thread hour ($0.326 per hour on the default 2vCPU machine).

Live app usage (JuliaIDE + Pluto) has no charge on top of standard EC-2 cost that we pass through to your organization for $0.063 per thread hour.

The Enterprise subscription has 4 installation options: JuliaHub-AWS-Cloud, Your-AWS-Cloud, On-Prem, Air Gap (on-prem and air gap do not currently support compute).