JuliaHub Tutorials
JuliaHub gives you easy access to cloud computing resources to develop and run your code. Watch the demonstration video or follow along with the tutorials below.
The following tutorials introduce the four main development workflows on JuliaHub:
- Julia IDE — Develop interactively with the Julia cloud development environment
- VS Code extension — Develop in your local IDE and execute the work in the cloud, from a single CPU or GPU instance to a cluster of machines
- Pluto Notebooks — Run an interactive Pluto notebook on JuliaHub
- Applications — Register a Julia package as an application
Tutorials on specialised topics:
- Basic processing of datasets — Handle private datasets with the DataSets interface
- Processing and hosting large datasets on JuliaHub — Upload large private datasets and access them efficiently
- Weave Reports — Generate reproducible reports using Weave.jl
- Hosting a Genie Application — Host a Genie interactive application on JuliaHub
- Windows Workstations — Use Windows Workstations on JuliaHub
The video below dives into the VSCode extension functionalities while demonstrating the usage of JuliaHub for training neural networks on GPUs: