Implementing devices


This documentation describes CedarSim internals. At the moment, this is not supported as a stable API, but is intended to help users understand how Cedar works and to aid in experimentation. For end-users needing custom devices, Verilog-A is the recommended model representation.


Device equations may be specified in a subset of valid Julia. However, this subset is currently not precisely specified and no tooling is currently available to verify whether or not a device implementation complies with the supported subset.

Basic concepts

In the previous chapter, we saw how circuits can be represented as julia functions. However, the circuits we defined were still composed of the basic primitive SPICE devices. In this chapter, we will explore the implementation of these devices and how to implement new kinds of devices or model representations. The basic idea is to implement the mathematical equations for a particular device in terms of the primitives provided by DAECompiler. See the DAECompiler docs for a detailed description of these intrinsic.

To begin, we will study some illustrative and simplified device implementations, gradually building up some additional features and complexity.

A basic resistor

To begin with, consider a resistor:

struct MyResistor

(R::MyResistor)(A, B) = branch!((V, I)->V - I*R.resistance, A, B)

Here, we use the CedarSim branch! helper, which is used to introduce a branch between two nodes and is very helpful for implementing two terminal devices. branch! provides the voltage difference across, as well as the current through the branch to the provided callback. This callback in turn, should implement (and return) the relation that must hold between voltage and current for this device. In the case of a resistor, this is simply V = I*R or as expressed here 0 = V - I*R. This is a fully functional implementation of a resitor. CedarSim and DAECompiler will figure out everything else.

Using custom devices from a SPICE circuit

Now that we have a custom device, how do we use it? The first option is to simply use it directly in a julia-defined circuit as we saw in the previous chapter:

using CedarSim.DeviceShorthands
using CedarEDA.SIFactors: k, μ

circuit() = (MyResistor(1k) ∥ C(1μ))(net(), gnd())

This is equivalent to the RC example we saw at the end of the previous chapter. However, as written, the variable representing the current through the resistor is unnamed and can thus not be referenced symbolically. To fix this, and allow our custom device to participate in the "R1"(MyResistor(1k)) syntax for providing device names, we need to slightly tweak our device definition to subtype CircuitElement (which provides the string overload) and thread through the debug scope (which is used to give the branch a symbolic name):

using CedarSim.DeviceUtils
struct MyResistor <: CircuitElement

(R::MyResistor)(A, B; dscope=:R) = branch!((V, I)->V - I*R.resistance, dscope, A, B)

With this definition, even without providing a name, we can query the current through the resistor as sys.R1. The :R default we provided to dscope means that all devices of this type will default to names starting with R - the names are stable for a particular circuit definition, but can change arbitrarily when the circuit is modified, so providing explicit names is recommended. See the circuit definition docs for further details.

With this set, we are now also ready to use this device from SPICE. The simplest way to do so is to use the string interpolation syntax:

using CedarSim.DeviceShorthands
function circuit()
    * A simple RC circuit with a custom resistor device
    R1 1 0 $(MyResistor(1k))
    C1 1 0 1u

custom devices may be used in model position for any SPICE device type. No extra parameters should be passed on the SPICE instantiation line, as parameters are provided directly to the julia constructor.

Using DAECompiler intrinsics

So far, we've seen how to use the branch! abstraction provided by CedarSim. This is sufficient for many linear and non-linear devices whose constituent equations are simply a function of the branch voltage and current. However, if the device has additional internal state, you may need to introduce additional variables directly using the DAECompiler API. In this example, we shall consider a resistor with self-heating thermal effects. In particular, we will model:

  • The current through the resistor increasing the temperature
  • Radiative and other thermal losses to the environment
  • Thermal effects on the resistance of the resistor

Note that in general, one may want to instead build a generic thermal resistor with a thermal port that can be connected for a full multi-physics simulation, but that is outside the scope of this tutorial.

struct ThermalResistor
    "Nominal resistance of the resistor at room temperature (20 °C)"
    "Thermal capacitance of the resistor in J/K"
    "Temperature coefficient of the resistor in Ω/K"
    "Thermal loss coefficient to the environment in 1/s"

function (this::ThermalResistor)(A, B, dscope=defaultscope(:TR))
    branch!(dscope, A, B) do V, I
        # Introduce a new variable to hold the current temperature of the resistor
        (; T) = variables(dscope)
        # Instantaneous resistance
        R = this.R₀ + (T - 293.15) * this.TR
        # Instantaneous power dissipation
        P = R * I^2
        # Self-heating and radiative losses
        equation!(ddt(T) - this.Cth * P + this.k * (T - var"$temperature"()))
        # Ohm's law
        return V - I * R

A couple of aspects here deserve explanation. First, we used CedarSim.defaultscope to create a scope for our variables. The higher-level CedarSim branch! can take either a scope or a raw symbol (in which case it will call defaultscope internally). However, for raw DAECompiler APIs, we need a reference to the scope that branch! would have otherwise created implicitly, so we explicitly call defaultscope here.

With this in hand, we used the variables helper from DAECompiler to introduce a variable for our resistor temperature. We could have also used a lower level variable(dscope(:T)) call here, but variables conveniently allows us to avoid writing the variable name twice (as nets would in CedarSim).

Next we used DAECompiler's ddt to write the equation for the derivative of our temperature.

Lastly, we used CedarSim's var"$temperature" to access the declared ambient temperature of the simulation.

Note that we could have also used V*I for the power disscipation and calculated the resistance last. Such a rearrangement is semantically equivalent and in fact DAECompiler will happily rearrange such equations according to its heuristics.

The implementation of branch!

Finally, we're ready to see how branch! itself is implemented. For two terminal devices, it is recommended to just use branch! directly, but for devices with more terminals, it can be useful to work directly with the underlying nets.

First, here is the implementation of branch!:

function branch!(scope::AbstractScope, net₊::AbstractNet, net₋::AbstractNet)
    # Branch current - semantically flows from net₊ to net₋
    I = variable(scope(:I))
    kcl!(net₊, -I)
    kcl!(net₋,  I)
    V = net₊.V - net₋.V
    observed!(ForwardDiff.value(SimTag, V), scope(:V))
    (V, I)

Here we used another CedarSim abstraction, kcl! to add the current contributions into the KCL for each for the two nets. Using the abstraction is recommended in case of any future changes to the implementation of Net. However, for completeness, here is (a slightly simplified version of) the current implementation:

struct Net{T} <: AbstractNet
    function Net(name::AbstractScope)
        V = variable(name)
        kcl! = equation(name)
        return new(V, kcl!)
kcl!(net::AbstractNet, current) = net.kcl!(current)

Here we are simply making use of the capability of DAECompiler to split the contributions to an equation across multiple invocations to that equation (in particular, this use case was motivating for that feature).

Using ModelingToolkit

You can implement also devices using ModelingToolkit.jl and the ModelingToolkitStandardLibary.jl, and then connect them to CedarSim circuits. For many users this will be the best way to implement custom devices, as you can fully use the MTK ecosystem to develop and debug them in isolation then hook them up to a greater circuit in Cedar.

@declare_MSLConnector(mtk_model, pin_ports...)
For this to be used ModelingToolkit must be loaded

CedarSim itself only provides a stub-defination of this type. The full implementation is in the CedarSim-ModelingToolkit extension module. Which is automatically loaded if CedarSim and ModelingToolkit are both loaded.

Defined the functions needed to connect a MTK based model (defined using MSL Pins) to Cedar. As input provide the model (an ODESystem), and a list of pins defined using ModelingToolkitStandardLibary.Electrical.Pins. These pins can be as direct components of the model or subcomponents other components. When you use this component as a subcircuit (as shown in the example) they be connected to CedarSim AbstractNets corresponding to the SPICE nodes, in the order you list them.

Note that the model does not have to be (and usually won't be) solvable in MTK – it can be incomplete and unablanced. The remaining variables coming from the rest of the circuit, e.g. as defined using SPICE. The usual way to develop this would be to initially write the model in MTK using MSL, then delete all the voltage/current sources and declare that the places they were connected are port pins usng this macro.

This is a higher level version of the DAECompiler.@declare_MTKConnector and does, in the end, return a subtype of MTKConnector.

This means it is struct with a constructor that you can override the parameters to by keyword argument. You can check what parameters are available by using parameternames on an instance of the type. The struct will have call overriden (i.e. it will be a functor) to allow the connections CedarSim exposes to all be hooked up.

It is used for example as:

@mtkmodel Foo begin
    @parameters begin
    @components begin
        Pos = Pin()
        Neg = Pin()

foo = foo(name=:foo1)
const FooConn = @declare_MSLConnector(foo, foo.Pos, foo.Neg)
circuit = sp""" ...
Xfoo 1 0 $(FooConn(param = 42.0))