SBMLBioModels: B - B


Bakker2001_Glycolysis: BIOMD0000000071v0.0.1

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Kinetoplastid protozoa compartmentalize the first seven enzymes of glycolysis and two enzymes of glycerol metabolism in a microbody, the glycosome. While in its mammalian host, Trypanosoma brucei depends entirely on glucose for ATP generation. Under aerobic conditions, most of the glucose is metabolized to pyruvate. Aerobic metabolism depends on the activities of glycosomal triosephosphate isomerase and a mitochondrial glycerophosphate oxidase, and on glycerophosphate<–>dihydroxyacetone phosphate exchange across the glycosomal membrane. Using a combination of genetics and computer modelling, we show that triosephosphate isomerase is probably essential for bloodstream trypanosome survival, but not for the insect-dwelling procyclics, which preferentially use amino acids as an energy source. When the enzyme level decreased to about 15% of that of the wild-type, the growth rate was halved. Below this level, a lethal rise in dihydroxyacetone phosphate was predicted. Expression of cytosolic triosephosphate isomerase inhibited cell growth. Attempts to knockout the trypanosome alternative oxidase genes (which are needed for glycerophosphate oxidase activity) were unsuccessful, but when we lowered the level of the corresponding mRNA by expressing a homologous double-stranded RNA, oxygen consumption was reduced fourfold and the rate of trypanosome growth was halved. link:


KeqAK = 0.442 dimensionless; sumAg = 6.0 mMReaction: ATPg = ((Pg*(1-4*KeqAK)-sumAg)+((sumAg-(1-4*KeqAK)*Pg)^2+4*(1-4*KeqAK)*KeqAK*Pg^2)^0.5)/(2*(1-4*KeqAK)), Rate Law: missing
afac=0.75 dimensionless; K1Glc=2.0 mM; Vm1=106.2 nanomole_per_min_per_mg; Vt = 5.7 microlitre_per_mgReaction: GlcE => GlcI, Rate Law: tot_cell/Vt*Vm1*(GlcE-GlcI)/(K1Glc+GlcE+GlcI+afac*GlcE*GlcI/K1Glc)
Vm14f=200.0 nanomole_per_min_per_mg; Vm14r=33400.0 nanomole_per_min_per_mg; K14Gly3Pg=5.1 mM; Vm14=1.0 dimensionless; K14ADPg=0.12 mM; K14Gly=0.12 mM; Vt = 5.7 microlitre_per_mg; K14ATPg=0.19 mMReaction: Gly3P => Pg + Gly; ADPg, Gly3Pg, ATPg, Rate Law: tot_cell/Vt*Vm14*(Vm14f*ADPg*Gly3Pg/(K14ADPg*K14Gly3Pg)-Gly*Vm14r*ATPg/(K14ATPg*K14Gly))/((1+Gly/K14Gly+Gly3Pg/K14Gly3Pg)*(1+ATPg/K14ATPg+ADPg/K14ADPg))
Vm8=1.0 dimensionless; Vm8f=533.0 nanomole_per_min_per_mg; K8Gly3Pg=2.0 mM; Vm8r=149.24 nanomole_per_min_per_mg; K8DHAPg=0.1 mM; K8NADH=0.01 mM; K8NAD=0.4 mM; Vt = 5.7 microlitre_per_mgReaction: DHAP + NADH => NAD + Gly3P; DHAPg, Gly3Pg, Rate Law: tot_cell/Vt*Vm8*Vm8f*(NADH*DHAPg/(K8DHAPg*K8NADH)-Vm8r*NAD*Gly3Pg/(K8Gly3Pg*K8NAD*Vm8f))/((1+NAD/K8NAD+NADH/K8NADH)*(1+DHAPg/K8DHAPg+Gly3Pg/K8Gly3Pg))
Vm6=842.0 nanomole_per_min_per_mg; K6GAP=0.25 mM; K6DHAPg=1.2 mM; TPIact = 1.0 dimensionless; Vt = 5.7 microlitre_per_mgReaction: DHAP => GAP; DHAPg, Rate Law: tot_cell/Vt*TPIact*Vm6*(DHAPg/K6DHAPg-5.7*GAP/K6GAP)/(1+GAP/K6GAP+DHAPg/K6DHAPg)
Vm11r=18.56 nanomole_per_min_per_mg; K11BPGA13=0.05 dimensionless; Vm11f=640.0 nanomole_per_min_per_mg; K11ADPg=0.1 dimensionless; Vm11=1.0 dimensionless; Vt = 5.7 microlitre_per_mg; K11ATPg=0.29 mM; K11PGA3=1.62 mMReaction: BPGA13 => Nb + Pg; ADPg, ATPg, PGAg, Rate Law: tot_cell/Vt*Vm11*Vm11f*((-Vm11r)*PGAg*ATPg/(K11ATPg*K11PGA3*Vm11f)+BPGA13*ADPg/(K11ADPg*K11BPGA13))/((1+BPGA13/K11BPGA13+PGAg/K11PGA3)*(1+ATPg/K11ATPg+ADPg/K11ADPg))
K4ATPg=0.026 mM; K4i1Fru16BP=15.8 mM; Vm4=780.0 nanomole_per_min_per_mg; K4i2Fru16BP=10.7 mM; Vt = 5.7 microlitre_per_mg; K4Fru6P=0.82 mMReaction: Pg + Fru6P => Fru16BP; ATPg, Rate Law: tot_cell/Vt*K4i1Fru16BP*Vm4*Fru6P*ATPg/(K4ATPg*K4Fru6P*(K4i1Fru16BP+Fru16BP)*(1+Fru16BP/K4i2Fru16BP+Fru6P/K4Fru6P)*(1+ATPg/K4ATPg))
KeqAK = 0.442 dimensionless; sumAc = 3.9 mMReaction: ATPc = ((Pc*(1-4*KeqAK)-sumAc)+((sumAc-(1-4*KeqAK)*Pc)^2+4*(1-4*KeqAK)*KeqAK*Pc^2)^0.5)/(2*(1-4*KeqAK)), Rate Law: missing
Vt = 5.7 microlitre_per_mg; K9Gly3Pc=1.7 mM; Vm9=368.0 nanomole_per_min_per_mgReaction: Gly3P => DHAP; Gly3Pc, Rate Law: tot_cell/Vt*Vm9*Gly3Pc/(K9Gly3Pc*1+Gly3Pc)
sumc4 = 45.0 mM; Vg = NaN microlitre_per_mg; Vc = NaN microlitre_per_mg; sumc5 = 5.0 mMReaction: DHAPc = sumc5*(1+Vc/Vg)*DHAP/((sumc4+sumc5*Vc/Vg)-(BPGA13+2*Fru16BP+Fru6P+GAP+Glc6P+Pg)), Rate Law: missing
K2GlcI=0.1 mM; Vm2=625.0 nanomole_per_min_per_mg; K2ADPg=0.126 mM; Vt = 5.7 microlitre_per_mg; K2Glc6P=12.0 mM; K2ATPg=0.116 mMReaction: Pg + GlcI => Glc6P; ATPg, ADPg, Rate Law: tot_cell/Vt*Vm2*GlcI*ATPg/(K2ATPg*K2GlcI*(1+Glc6P/K2Glc6P+GlcI/K2GlcI)*(1+ATPg/K2ATPg+ADPg/K2ADPg))
Vm10=200.0 nanomole_per_min_per_mg; K10Pyr=1.96 mM; Vt = 5.7 microlitre_per_mgReaction: Pyr => PyrE, Rate Law: tot_cell/Vt*Vm10*Pyr/K10Pyr/(1+Pyr/K10Pyr)
Keq_anti = 1.0 dimensionlessReaction: Gly3Pg = Gly3Pc*DHAPg/(Keq_anti*DHAPc), Rate Law: missing
K3Fru6P=0.12 mM; Vm3=848.0 nanomole_per_min_per_mg; K3Glc6P=0.4 mM; Vt = 5.7 microlitre_per_mgReaction: Glc6P => Fru6P, Rate Law: tot_cell/Vt*Vm3*(Glc6P/K3Glc6P-Fru6P/K3Fru6P)/(1+Glc6P/K3Glc6P+Fru6P/K3Fru6P)
K12ADP=0.114 mM; n12=2.5 dimensionless; Vt = 5.7 microlitre_per_mg; Vm12=2600.0 nanomole_per_min_per_mgReaction: Nb => Pc + Pyr; PEPc, ADPc, ATPc, Rate Law: tot_cell/Vt*Vm12*(PEPc/(0.34*(1+ADPc/0.57+ATPc/0.64)))^n12*ADPc/K12ADP/((1+(PEPc/(0.34*(1+ADPc/0.57+ATPc/0.64)))^n12)*(1+ADPc/K12ADP))
Vg = NaN microlitre_per_mg; Vc = NaN microlitre_per_mg; Vt = 5.7 microlitre_per_mgReaction: DHAPg = (DHAP*Vt-DHAPc*Vc)/Vg, Rate Law: missing
Vm5r=219.555 nanomole_per_min_per_mg; Vm5f=184.5 nanomole_per_min_per_mg; K5GAPi=0.098 mM; K5GAP=0.067 mM; Vt = 5.7 microlitre_per_mg; sumAg = 6.0 mM; K5DHAP=0.015 mMReaction: Fru16BP => GAP + DHAP; DHAPg, ATPg, ADPg, Rate Law: tot_cell/Vt*(Vm5f*Fru16BP/(0.009*(1+ATPg/0.68+ADPg/1.51+(sumAg-(ATPg+ADPg))/3.65))-Vm5r*GAP*DHAPg/(K5DHAP*K5GAP))/(1+GAP/K5GAP+DHAPg/K5DHAP+GAP*DHAPg/(K5DHAP*K5GAP)+Fru16BP/(0.009*(1+ATPg/0.68+ADPg/1.51+(sumAg-(ATPg+ADPg))/3.65))+Fru16BP*GAP/(K5GAPi*0.009*(1+ATPg/0.68+ADPg/1.51+(sumAg-(ATPg+ADPg))/3.65)))
sumc5 = 5.0 mMReaction: Gly3Pc = sumc5-DHAPc, Rate Law: missing
Vt = 5.7 microlitre_per_mg; K13=50.0 nanomole_per_min_per_mgReaction: Pc => ; ATPc, ADPc, Rate Law: tot_cell/Vt*K13*ATPc/ADPc
Keq_ENO = 6.7 dimensionless; Keq_PGM = 0.187 dimensionlessReaction: PEPc = Keq_ENO*Keq_PGM*PGAg, Rate Law: missing
Keq_ENO = 6.7 dimensionless; Vg = NaN microlitre_per_mg; Vc = NaN microlitre_per_mg; Keq_PGM = 0.187 dimensionlessReaction: PGAg = Nb*(1+Vc/Vg)/(1+(1+Keq_PGM+Keq_PGM*Keq_ENO)*Vc/Vg), Rate Law: missing
Vm7f=1470.0 nanomole_per_min_per_mg; K7BPGA13=0.1 mM; K7NADH=0.02 mM; Vm7=1.0 dimensionless; K7GAP=0.15 mM; Vt = 5.7 microlitre_per_mg; Vm7r=984.9 nanomole_per_min_per_mg; K7NAD=0.45 mMReaction: GAP + NAD => NADH + BPGA13, Rate Law: tot_cell/Vt*Vm7*Vm7f*(GAP*NAD/K7GAP/K7NAD-Vm7r/Vm7f*BPGA13*NADH/K7BPGA13/K7NADH)/((1+GAP/K7GAP+BPGA13/K7BPGA13)*(1+NAD/K7NAD+NADH/K7NADH))


Nb[3-Phospho-D-glycerate; 2-Phospho-D-glycerate; Phosphoenolpyruvate; phosphoenolpyruvate; 3-phospho-D-glyceric acid; 2-phospho-D-glyceric acid]
Glc6P[alpha-D-glucose 6-phosphate; alpha-D-Glucose 6-phosphate]
Fru16BP[beta-D-fructofuranose 1,6-bisphosphate; beta-D-Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate]
DHAPg[dihydroxyacetone phosphate; Glycerone phosphate]
BPGA13[3-phospho-D-glyceroyl dihydrogen phosphate; 3-Phospho-D-glyceroyl phosphate]
DHAP[dihydroxyacetone phosphate; Glycerone phosphate]
Gly3Pc[sn-glycerol 3-phosphate; sn-Glycerol 3-phosphate]
Pc[phosphate ion]
GlcE[glucose; C00293]
PyrE[pyruvic acid; Pyruvate]
GlcI[glucose; C00293]
Gly[glycerol; Glycerol]
PGAg[phosphoenolpyruvate; Phosphoenolpyruvate]
DHAPc[dihydroxyacetone phosphate; Glycerone phosphate]
Pyr[pyruvate; Pyruvate]
GAP[D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate; D-Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate]
Gly3Pg[sn-glycerol 3-phosphate; sn-Glycerol 3-phosphate]
PEPc[phosphoenolpyruvate; Phosphoenolpyruvate]
Gly3P[sn-glycerol 3-phosphate; sn-Glycerol 3-phosphate]
Pg[phosphate ion]
Fru6P[beta-D-fructofuranose 6-phosphate; beta-D-Fructose 6-phosphate]

Bakshi2020 - Minimal model of alternative pathway of complement system: BIOMD0000001017v0.0.1

This model is based on the publication: "Mathematical Modelling of Alternative Pathway of Complement System". Suruchi Ba…


The complement system (CS) is an integral part of innate immunity and can be activated via three different pathways. The alternative pathway (AP) has a central role in the function of the CS. The AP of complement system is implicated in several human disease pathologies. In the absence of triggers, the AP exists in a time-invariant resting state (physiological steady state). It is capable of rapid, potent and transient activation response upon challenge with a trigger. Previous models of AP have focused on the activation response. In order to understand the molecular machinery necessary for AP activation and regulation of a physiological steady state, we built parsimonious AP models using experimentally supported kinetic parameters. The models further allowed us to test quantitative roles played by negative and positive regulators of the pathway in order to test hypotheses regarding their mechanisms of action, thus providing more insight into the complex regulation of AP. link:

Bakshi2020 - Properdin model of alternative pathway of complement system: BIOMD0000001018v0.0.1

This model is based on the publication: "Mathematical Modelling of Alternative Pathway of Complement System". Suruchi Ba…


The complement system (CS) is an integral part of innate immunity and can be activated via three different pathways. The alternative pathway (AP) has a central role in the function of the CS. The AP of complement system is implicated in several human disease pathologies. In the absence of triggers, the AP exists in a time-invariant resting state (physiological steady state). It is capable of rapid, potent and transient activation response upon challenge with a trigger. Previous models of AP have focused on the activation response. In order to understand the molecular machinery necessary for AP activation and regulation of a physiological steady state, we built parsimonious AP models using experimentally supported kinetic parameters. The models further allowed us to test quantitative roles played by negative and positive regulators of the pathway in order to test hypotheses regarding their mechanisms of action, thus providing more insight into the complex regulation of AP. link:

Bakshi2020 - Truncated minimal model of alternative pathway of complement system: BIOMD0000001016v0.0.1

This model is based on the publication: "Mathematical Modelling of Alternative Pathway of Complement System". Suruchi Ba…


The complement system (CS) is an integral part of innate immunity and can be activated via three different pathways. The alternative pathway (AP) has a central role in the function of the CS. The AP of complement system is implicated in several human disease pathologies. In the absence of triggers, the AP exists in a time-invariant resting state (physiological steady state). It is capable of rapid, potent and transient activation response upon challenge with a trigger. Previous models of AP have focused on the activation response. In order to understand the molecular machinery necessary for AP activation and regulation of a physiological steady state, we built parsimonious AP models using experimentally supported kinetic parameters. The models further allowed us to test quantitative roles played by negative and positive regulators of the pathway in order to test hypotheses regarding their mechanisms of action, thus providing more insight into the complex regulation of AP. link:

Balagaddé2008_E_coli_Predator_Prey: BIOMD0000000296v0.0.1

This is the reduced model described in the article: **A synthetic Escherichia coli predator–prey ecosystem** Balagaddé…


We have constructed a synthetic ecosystem consisting of two Escherichia coli populations, which communicate bi-directionally through quorum sensing and regulate each other's gene expression and survival via engineered gene circuits. Our synthetic ecosystem resembles canonical predator-prey systems in terms of logic and dynamics. The predator cells kill the prey by inducing expression of a killer protein in the prey, while the prey rescue the predators by eliciting expression of an antidote protein in the predator. Extinction, coexistence and oscillatory dynamics of the predator and prey populations are possible depending on the operating conditions as experimentally validated by long-term culturing of the system in microchemostats. A simple mathematical model is developed to capture these system dynamics. Coherent interplay between experiments and mathematical analysis enables exploration of the dynamics of interacting populations in a predictable manner. link:


kA2 = NaNReaction: source => A2; C2, Rate Law: environment*kA2*C2
D = 0.1125; dAA2 = 0.11Reaction: A2 => sink, Rate Law: environment*(dAA2+D)*A2
K1 = 10.0; D = 0.1125; d1 = NaNReaction: C1 => sink; A2, Rate Law: environment*(D+d1*K1/(K1+A2^2))*C1
kc1 = 0.8; Cm = 100.0Reaction: source => C1; C2, Rate Law: environment*kc1*C1*(1-(C1+C2)/Cm)
D = 0.1125; dAA1 = 0.017Reaction: A1 => sink, Rate Law: environment*(dAA1+D)*A1
d2 = 0.3; D = 0.1125; K2 = 10.0Reaction: C2 => sink; A1, Rate Law: environment*(D+d2*A1^2/(K2+A1^2))*C2
kc2 = 0.4; Cm = 100.0Reaction: source => C2; C1, Rate Law: environment*kc2*C2*(1-(C1+C2)/Cm)
kA1 = 0.1Reaction: source => A1; C1, Rate Law: environment*kA1*C1


C1[Escherichia coli]
A2[N-acyl-L-homoserine lactone; N-Acyl-L-homoserine lactone]
C2[Escherichia coli]
A1[N-(3-oxododecanoyl)-D-homoserine lactone]

Baldwin1994 - Nondimensionalized Model of Thrombin Production: MODEL1806010001v0.0.1

First mathematical model of thrombin production in flowing blood. Nondimensionalised ODE model has been curated.


This paper presents the first attempt to model the blood coagulation reactions in flowing blood. The model focuses on the common pathway and includes activation of factor X and prothrombin, including feedback activation of cofactors VIII and V by thrombin, and plasma inhibition of factor Xa and thrombin. In this paper, the first of two, the sparsely covered membrane (SCM) case is presented. This considers the limiting situation where platelet membrane binding sites are in excess, such that no membrane saturation or binding competition occurs. Under these conditions, the model predicts that the two positive feedback loops lead to multiple steady-state behavior in the range of intermediate mass transfer rates. It will be shown that this results in three parameter regions exhibiting very different thrombin production patterns. The model predicts the effect of flow on steady-state and dynamic thrombin production and attempts to explain the difference between venous and arterial thrombi. The reliance of thrombin production on precursor procoagulant protein concentrations is also assessed. link:

Banaji2005_Brain_Cell_Metabolism: MODEL4992089662v0.0.1

This is a part of the model described in: **A physiological model of cerebral blood flow control** Murad Banaji, Ili…


The construction of a computational model of the human brain circulation is described. We combine an existing model of the biophysics of the circulatory system, a basic model of brain metabolic biochemistry, and a model of the functioning of vascular smooth muscle (VSM) into a single model. This represents a first attempt to understand how the numerous different feedback pathways by which cerebral blood flow is controlled interact with each other. The present work comprises the following: Descriptions of the physiology underlying the model; general comments on the processes by which this physiology is translated into mathematics; comments on parameter setting; and some simulation results. The simulations presented are preliminary, but show qualitative agreement between model behaviour and experimental results. link:

Band2012_DII-Venus_FullModel: BIOMD0000000413v0.0.1

This model is from the article: Root gravitropism is regulated by a transient lateral auxin gradient controlled by a…


Gravity profoundly influences plant growth and development. Plants respond to changes in orientation by using gravitropic responses to modify their growth. Cholodny and Went hypothesized over 80 years ago that plants bend in response to a gravity stimulus by generating a lateral gradient of a growth regulator at an organ's apex, later found to be auxin. Auxin regulates root growth by targeting Aux/IAA repressor proteins for degradation. We used an Aux/IAA-based reporter, domain II (DII)-VENUS, in conjunction with a mathematical model to quantify auxin redistribution following a gravity stimulus. Our multidisciplinary approach revealed that auxin is rapidly redistributed to the lower side of the root within minutes of a 90° gravity stimulus. Unexpectedly, auxin asymmetry was rapidly lost as bending root tips reached an angle of 40° to the horizontal. We hypothesize roots use a "tipping point" mechanism that operates to reverse the asymmetric auxin flow at the midpoint of root bending. These mechanistic insights illustrate the scientific value of developing quantitative reporters such as DII-VENUS in conjunction with parameterized mathematical models to provide high-resolution kinetics of hormone redistribution. link:


ld = 4.49Reaction: auxinTIR1VENUS => auxinTIR1 + VENUS, Rate Law: ld*auxinTIR1VENUS
kd = 0.334Reaction: auxinTIR1 => auxin + TIR1, Rate Law: kd*auxinTIR1
mu = 0.79Reaction: auxin =>, Rate Law: mu*auxin
la = 1.15Reaction: auxinTIR1 + VENUS => auxinTIR1VENUS, Rate Law: la*auxinTIR1*VENUS
lm = 0.175Reaction: auxinTIR1VENUS => auxinTIR1, Rate Law: lm*auxinTIR1VENUS
alpha_tr = 30.5Reaction: => auxin, Rate Law: alpha_tr
lambda = 0.00316Reaction: VENUS =>, Rate Law: lambda*VENUS
delta = 0.486Reaction: => VENUS, Rate Law: delta
ka = 8.22E-4Reaction: auxin + TIR1 => auxinTIR1, Rate Law: ka*auxin*TIR1


auxinTIR1[Auxin-responsive protein IAA1; Protein TRANSPORT INHIBITOR RESPONSE 1]
auxinTIR1VENUS[Auxin-responsive protein IAA1; Protein TRANSPORT INHIBITOR RESPONSE 1; Auxin-responsive protein IAA28; Protein FLUORESCENT IN BLUE LIGHT, chloroplastic]
auxin[Auxin-responsive protein IAA1]
VENUS[Protein FLUORESCENT IN BLUE LIGHT, chloroplastic; Auxin-responsive protein IAA28]

Band2012_DII-Venus_ReducedModel: BIOMD0000000414v0.0.1

This model is from the article: Root gravitropism is regulated by a transient lateral auxin gradient controlled by a…


Gravity profoundly influences plant growth and development. Plants respond to changes in orientation by using gravitropic responses to modify their growth. Cholodny and Went hypothesized over 80 years ago that plants bend in response to a gravity stimulus by generating a lateral gradient of a growth regulator at an organ's apex, later found to be auxin. Auxin regulates root growth by targeting Aux/IAA repressor proteins for degradation. We used an Aux/IAA-based reporter, domain II (DII)-VENUS, in conjunction with a mathematical model to quantify auxin redistribution following a gravity stimulus. Our multidisciplinary approach revealed that auxin is rapidly redistributed to the lower side of the root within minutes of a 90° gravity stimulus. Unexpectedly, auxin asymmetry was rapidly lost as bending root tips reached an angle of 40° to the horizontal. We hypothesize roots use a "tipping point" mechanism that operates to reverse the asymmetric auxin flow at the midpoint of root bending. These mechanistic insights illustrate the scientific value of developing quantitative reporters such as DII-VENUS in conjunction with parameterized mathematical models to provide high-resolution kinetics of hormone redistribution. link:


p1_star = 0.056; p2 = 0.0053; qj_star = 0.16Reaction: VENUS =>, Rate Law: p2*VENUS/(p1_star*VENUS+qj_star)
lambda_star = 0.52; p2 = 0.0053Reaction: VENUS =>, Rate Law: lambda_star*p2*VENUS
p2 = 0.0053Reaction: => VENUS, Rate Law: p2


VENUS[Protein FLUORESCENT IN BLUE LIGHT, chloroplastic; Auxin-responsive protein IAA28]

Banerjee2008 - Immunotherapy with interleukin-2: A study based on mathematical modeling: MODEL2001130001v0.0.1



The role of interleukin-2 (IL-2) in tumor dynamics is illustrated through mathematical modeling, using delay differentialequations with a discrete time delay (a modified version of the Kirshner-Panetta model). Theoretical analysis gives anexpression for the discrete time delay and the length of the time delay to preserve stability. Numerical analysis shows thatinterleukin-2 alone can cause the tumor cell population to regress.

Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci., 2008, Vol. 18, No. 3, 389–398 link:

Banerjee2015 - A Mathematical Model to Elucidate BrainTumor Abrogation by Immunotherapywith T11 Target Structure: MODEL1912090003v0.0.1

T11 Target structure (T11TS), a membrane glycoprotein isolated from sheep erythrocytes, reverses the immune suppressed s…


T11 Target structure (T11TS), a membrane glycoprotein isolated from sheep erythrocytes, reverses the immune suppressed state of brain tumor induced animals by boosting the functional status of the immune cells. This study aims at aiding in the design of more efficacious brain tumor therapies with T11 target structure. We propose a mathematical model for brain tumor (glioma) and the immune system interactions, which aims in designing efficacious brain tumor therapy. The model encompasses considerations of the interactive dynamics of glioma cells, macrophages, cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CD8(+) T-cells), TGF-β, IFN-γ and the T11TS. The system undergoes sensitivity analysis, that determines which state variables are sensitive to the given parameters and the parameters are estimated from the published data. Computer simulations were used for model verification and validation, which highlight the importance of T11 target structure in brain tumor therapy. link:

Banerjee2018 - Influence of Intracellular Delay on the Dynamics ofHepatitis C Virus: MODEL2001300001v0.0.1

Influence of Intracellular Delay on the Dynamics of Hepatitis C Virus Sandip Banerjee 1· Ram Keval 2 Abstract In this…


In this paper, we present a delay induced model for hepatitis C virus incorporating the healthy and infected hepatocytes as well as infectious and noninfectious virions. The model is mathematically analyzed and characterized, both for the steady states and the dynamical behavior of the model. It is shown that time delay does not affect the local asymptotic stability of the uninfected steady state. However, it can destabilize the endemic equilibrium, leading to Hopf bifurcation to periodic solutions with realistic data sets. The model is also validated using 12 patient data obtained from the study, conducted at the University of Sao Paulo Hospital das clinicas. link:

Bannerman2020 - Integrated model of the human airway epithelial cell and the SARS-CoV-2 virus: MODEL2007210001v0.0.1

We have developed a new model of the human airway epithelial cell by deriving the cell-specific metabolic reactions iden…


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is currently responsible for over 500 thousand deaths in 216 countries across the world and is affecting over 10 million people. The absence of FDA approved drugs against the new SARS-CoV-2 virus has highlighted an urgent need to design new drugs. We developed an integrated model of the human cell and the SARS-CoV-2 virus to provide insight into the pathogenetic mechanism of the virus and to support current therapeutic strategies. We show the biochemical reactions required for the growth and general maintenance of the human cell, first of all, in its healthy state. We then demonstrate how the entry of the SARS-CoV-2 virus into the human cell causes biochemical and structural changes, leading to a change of cell functions or cell death. We have completed a comparative analysis of our model and other previously generated cell type models and highlight 48 pathways and over 800 reactions hijacked by the virus for its replication and survival. We designed a new tool which predicts 15 unique reactions as drug targets from our models (the integrated human macrophage, human airway epithelial cells and the SARS-CoV-2 virus) and provide a platform for future studies on viral entry inhibition and drug optimisation strategies. link:

Barr2016 - All-or-nothing G1/S transition: BIOMD0000000646v0.0.1

Barr2016 - All-or-nothing G1/S transitionThis model is described in the article: [A Dynamical Framework for the All-or-…


The transition from G1 into DNA replication (S phase) is an emergent behavior resulting from dynamic and complex interactions between cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks), Cdk inhibitors (CKIs), and the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C). Understanding the cellular decision to commit to S phase requires a quantitative description of these interactions. We apply quantitative imaging of single human cells to track the expression of G1/S regulators and use these data to parametrize a stochastic mathematical model of the G1/S transition. We show that a rapid, proteolytic, double-negative feedback loop between Cdk2:Cyclin and the Cdk inhibitor p27(Kip1) drives a switch-like entry into S phase. Furthermore, our model predicts that increasing Emi1 levels throughout S phase are critical in maintaining irreversibility of the G1/S transition, which we validate using Emi1 knockdown and live imaging of G1/S reporters. This work provides insight into the general design principles of the signaling networks governing the temporally abrupt transitions between cell-cycle phases. link:


kscyca = 0.0025Reaction: => CycA, Rate Law: compartment*kscyca
ks27 = 0.008Reaction: => p27, Rate Law: compartment*ks27
kicdh1a = 0.2; kicdh1e = 0.07; Inhibitor = 0.0Reaction: Cdh1 => Cdh1p; CycE, CycA, Rate Law: compartment*(kicdh1e*CycE/(1+Inhibitor)+kicdh1a*CycA/(1+Inhibitor))*Cdh1
kscyce = 0.003Reaction: => CycE, Rate Law: compartment*kscyce
kdcycee = 1.0E-4; kdcycea = 0.03; kdcyce = 0.001; Inhibitor = 0.0Reaction: CycE => ; CycE, CycA, Rate Law: compartment*(kdcyce+kdcycee*CycE/(1+Inhibitor)+kdcycea*CycA/(1+Inhibitor))*CycE
kasec = 2.0; kdiec = 0.02Reaction: Cdh1 + Emi1 => Emi1Cdh1, Rate Law: compartment*(kasec*Cdh1*Emi1-kdiec*Emi1Cdh1)
kdisa = 0.02; kassa = 1.0Reaction: CycA + p27 => CycAp27, Rate Law: compartment*(kassa*CycA*p27-kdisa*CycAp27)
kdskp2c1 = 0.2; kdskp2 = 0.002Reaction: Skp2 => ; Cdh1, Rate Law: compartment*(kdskp2+kdskp2c1*Cdh1)*Skp2
ksemi1 = 0.003Reaction: => Emi1, Rate Law: compartment*ksemi1
kacdh1 = 0.02Reaction: Cdh1p => Cdh1, Rate Law: compartment*kacdh1*Cdh1p
ksskp2 = 0.004Reaction: => Skp2, Rate Law: compartment*ksskp2
kdise = 0.02; kasse = 1.0Reaction: CycE + p27 => CycEp27, Rate Law: compartment*(kasse*CycE*p27-kdise*CycEp27)
kdcycac1 = 0.4; kdcyca = 0.002Reaction: CycA => ; Cdh1, Rate Law: compartment*(kdcyca+kdcycac1*Cdh1)*CycA
kdemi1 = 0.001Reaction: Emi1 =>, Rate Law: compartment*kdemi1*Emi1
kd27a = 2.0; kd27e = 2.0; kd27 = 0.004; Inhibitor = 0.0Reaction: CycEp27 => CycE; CycE, CycA, Skp2, Rate Law: compartment*((kd27e*CycE/(1+Inhibitor)+kd27a*CycA/(1+Inhibitor))*Skp2+kd27)*CycEp27


Emi1Cdh1[12550; 852125]
CycAp27[urn:miriam:omit:OMIT%3A0024493; cyclin-A]
Emi1Cdh1p[12550; Phosphoprotein; 852125]
Skp2[S-phase kinase-associated protein 2]
Cdh1p[12550; Phosphoprotein]
EmiC[12550; 852125]

Barr2017 - Dynamics of p21 in hTert-RPE1 cells: BIOMD0000000660v0.0.1

Barr2017 - Dynamics of p21 in hTert-RPE1 cellsThis deteministic model reveals that a bistable switch created by Cdt2, pr…


Following DNA damage caused by exogenous sources, such as ionizing radiation, the tumour suppressor p53 mediates cell cycle arrest via expression of the CDK inhibitor, p21. However, the role of p21 in maintaining genomic stability in the absence of exogenous DNA-damaging agents is unclear. Here, using live single-cell measurements of p21 protein in proliferating cultures, we show that naturally occurring DNA damage incurred over S-phase causes p53-dependent accumulation of p21 during mother G2- and daughter G1-phases. High p21 levels mediate G1 arrest via CDK inhibition, yet lower levels have no impact on G1 progression, and the ubiquitin ligases CRL4Cdt2 and SCFSkp2 couple to degrade p21 prior to the G1/S transition. Mathematical modelling reveals that a bistable switch, created by CRL4Cdt2, promotes irreversible S-phase entry by keeping p21 levels low, preventing premature S-phase exit upon DNA damage. Thus, we characterize how p21 regulates the proliferation-quiescence decision to maintain genomic stability. link:


kSyCy = 0.005Reaction: MrnaCy => MrnaCy + Cy, Rate Law: Cell*kSyCy*MrnaCy
kDeP21 = 0.0025; kDeP21aRc = 1.0; kDeP21Cy = 0.007Reaction: CyP21 => Cy; Skp2, Cy, Cdt2, aRc, Rate Law: Cell*(kDeP21+kDeP21Cy*Skp2*Cy+kDeP21aRc*Cdt2*aRc)*CyP21
kDeP53 = 0.05; jP53 = 0.01Reaction: P53 => ; Dam, Rate Law: Cell*kDeP53/(jP53+Dam)*P53
kSyMrnaP53 = 0.08Reaction: P53 => MrnaP21 + P53, Rate Law: Cell*kSyMrnaP53*P53
kDsRcPc = 0.001; kAsRcPc = 0.01Reaction: aPcna + pRc => aRc, Rate Law: Cell*(kAsRcPc*aPcna*pRc-kDsRcPc*aRc)
kGeDam = 0.001Reaction: => Dam, Rate Law: Cell*kGeDam
kDsCyP21 = 0.05; kAsCyP21 = 1.0Reaction: Cy + P21 => CyP21, Rate Law: Cell*(kAsCyP21*Cy*P21-kDsCyP21*CyP21)
kSyDna = 0.007Reaction: aRc => aRc + Dna, Rate Law: Cell*kSyDna*aRc
kDsPcP21 = 0.01; kAsPcP21 = 100.0Reaction: aPcna + P21 => iPcna, Rate Law: Cell*(kAsPcP21*aPcna*P21-kDsPcP21*iPcna)
kGeDamArc = 0.005Reaction: aRc => aRc + Dam, Rate Law: Cell*kGeDamArc*aRc
kSyMrna = 0.02Reaction: => MrnaCy, Rate Law: Cell*kSyMrna
kDeCyCy = 2.0E-4; kDeCy = 0.002Reaction: CyP21 => P21; Skp2, Cy, Rate Law: Cell*(kDeCy+kDeCyCy*Skp2*Cy)*CyP21
kSyP21 = 0.0018Reaction: MrnaP21 => MrnaP21 + P21, Rate Law: Cell*kSyP21*MrnaP21
kExPc = 0.006Reaction: iPcna => P21, Rate Law: Cell*kExPc*iPcna
kDeMrna = 0.02Reaction: MrnaP53 =>, Rate Law: Cell*kDeMrna*MrnaP53
kSyP53 = 0.05Reaction: MrnaP53 => MrnaP53 + P53, Rate Law: Cell*kSyP53*MrnaP53
kImPc = 0.003Reaction: => aPcna, Rate Law: Cell*kImPc
n = 6.0; kPhRc = 0.1; jCy = 1.8Reaction: Rc => pRc; Cy, Rate Law: Cell*kPhRc*Cy^n/(jCy^n+Cy^n)*Rc
kReDamP53 = 0.005; kReDam = 0.001; jDam = 0.5Reaction: Dam => ; P53, Rate Law: Cell*(kReDam+kReDamP53*P53/(jDam+Dam))*Dam
kDpRc = 0.01Reaction: pRc => Rc, Rate Law: Cell*kDpRc*pRc


aRc[active; pre-replicative complex]
iRc[inactive; pre-replicative complex]
iPcna[Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1; Proliferating cell nuclear antigen]
CyP21[G1/S-specific cyclin-E1; Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1; Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1; Cyclin-A1]
MrnaP53[messenger RNA; Cellular tumor antigen p53]
tPcna[Proliferating cell nuclear antigen]
Rc[pre-replicative complex]
tP21[Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1]
P53[Cellular tumor antigen p53]
tCy[Cyclin-A1; Cyclin-dependent kinase 2; G1/S-specific cyclin-E1; Cyclin-dependent kinase 2]
P21[Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1]
MrnaCy[G1/S-specific cyclin-E1; messenger RNA; Cyclin-A1]
Cy[G1/S-specific cyclin-E1; Cyclin-A1]
aPcna[Proliferating cell nuclear antigen]
Dna[deoxyribonucleic acid]
MrnaP21[Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1; messenger RNA]
pRc[pre-replicative complex]

Barrack2014 - Calcium/cell cycle coupling - Cyclin D dependent ATP release: BIOMD0000000508v0.0.1

Barrack2014 - Calcium/cell cycle coupling - Cyclin D dependent ATP releaseThis model is designed based on the hypothesis…


Most neocortical neurons formed during embryonic brain development arise from radial glial cells which communicate, in part, via ATP mediated calcium signals. Although the intercellular signalling mechanisms that regulate radial glia proliferation are not well understood, it has recently been demonstrated that ATP dependent intracellular calcium release leads to an increase of nearly 100% in overall cellular proliferation. It has been hypothesised that cytoplasmic calcium accelerates entry into S phase of the cell cycle and/or acts to recruit otherwise quiescent cells onto the cell cycle. In this paper we study this cell cycle acceleration and recruitment by forming a differential equation model for ATP mediated calcium-cell cycle coupling via Cyclin D in a single radial glial cell. Bifurcation analysis and numerical simulations suggest that the cell cycle period depends only weakly on cytoplasmic calcium. Therefore, the accelerative impact of calcium on the cell cycle can only account for a small fraction of the large increase in proliferation observed experimentally. Crucially however, our bifurcation analysis reveals that stable fixed point and stable limit cycle solutions can coexist, and that calcium dependent Cyclin D dynamics extend the oscillatory region to lower Cyclin D synthesis rates, thus rendering cells more susceptible to cycling. This supports the hypothesis that cycling glial cells recruit quiescent cells (in G0 phase) onto the cell cycle, via a calcium signalling mechanism, and that this may be the primary means by which calcium augments proliferation rates at the population scale. Numerical simulations of two coupled cells demonstrate that such a scenario is indeed feasible. link:


kr = 25.0Reaction: ro = atp/(kr+atp), Rate Law: missing
kdeg = 0.0625; ip30 = 0.013; rhstar = 0.6Reaction: delta = kg*kdeg*ip30/(rhstar-kdeg*ip30), Rate Law: missing
dcrit = 0.5Reaction: dcon = (tanh((d-dcrit)/0.01)+1)/2, Rate Law: missing
p3 = 1.31319; p1 = 0.0159835; p2 = 0.514987; m = 24.1946; p4 = 0.332195; n = 9.79183; p5 = 0.787902Reaction: ca = p1+p2*ip3^m/(p3^m+ip3^m)+p4*ip3^n/(p5^n+ip3^n), Rate Law: missing
ax = 0.08; f = 0.2; dxx = 1.04; yo = 1.5; g = 0.528Reaction: x = (ax*e+f*(yo-rs)+g*x^2*e)-dxx*x, Rate Law: (ax*e+f*(yo-rs)+g*x^2*e)-dxx*x
ip3min = 0.012Reaction: ip3con = (tanh((ip3-ip3min)/0.01)+1)/2, Rate Law: missing
scale = 3600.0; kdeg = 0.0625; rhstar = 0.6Reaction: ip3 = scale*(rhstar*gstar-kdeg*ip3), Rate Law: scale*(rhstar*gstar-kdeg*ip3)
kkdeg = 50.0; krel = 10.0; vdeg = 2.0; ip3min = 0.012; scale = 3600.0; vatp_s = 50.0Reaction: atp = scale*(vatp_s*(y-atp)*dcon*ip3con*(ip3-ip3min)/(krel+ip3)-vdeg*atp/(kkdeg+atp)), Rate Law: scale*(vatp_s*(y-atp)*dcon*ip3con*(ip3-ip3min)/(krel+ip3)-vdeg*atp/(kkdeg+atp))
kd = 0.15; ka = 0.017Reaction: kg = kd/ka, Rate Law: missing
rt = 2.5; qx = 0.8; px = 0.48; yo = 1.5; ps = 0.6Reaction: r = px*((rt-rs)-r)*x/(qx+((rt-rs)-r)+x)-ps*(yo-rs)*r, Rate Law: px*((rt-rs)-r)*x/(qx+((rt-rs)-r)+x)-ps*(yo-rs)*r
qd = 0.6; pe = 0.096; qe = 0.6; yo = 1.5; ps = 0.6; pd = 0.48Reaction: rs = (ps*(yo-rs)*r-pd*rs*d/(qd+rs+d))-pe*rs*e/(qe+rs+e), Rate Law: (ps*(yo-rs)*r-pd*rs*d/(qd+rs+d))-pe*rs*e/(qe+rs+e)
ymax = 500.0; krel = 10.0; alpha = 0.083; ip3min = 0.012; scale = 3600.0; vatp_s = 50.0Reaction: y = scale*(alpha*(ymax-y)-dcon*ip3con*vatp_s*(y-atp)*(ip3-ip3min)/(krel+ip3)), Rate Law: scale*(alpha*(ymax-y)-dcon*ip3con*vatp_s*(y-atp)*(ip3-ip3min)/(krel+ip3))
dee = 0.2; yo = 1.5; af = 0.9; ae = 0.16Reaction: e = ae*(1+af*(yo-rs))-dee*x*e, Rate Law: ae*(1+af*(yo-rs))-dee*x*e
p1 = 0.0159835; gamma = 1.0; addash = 0.41Reaction: ad = addash+gamma*(ca-p1), Rate Law: missing
ddd = 0.4; k = 0.05; gf = 6.3Reaction: d = ad*k*gf/(1+k*gf)-ddd*e*d, Rate Law: ad*k*gf/(1+k*gf)-ddd*e*d


e[Cyclin-dependent kinase 2; G1/S-specific cyclin-E1]
x[protein polypeptide chain; indicator]
r[Retinoblastoma-like protein 2]
rs[Retinoblastoma-like protein 2; Transcription factor E2F1]
ip3[1D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate]
d[Cyclin-dependent kinase 4; G1/S-specific cyclin-D1]

Barrack2014 - Calcium/cell cycle coupling - Rs dependent ATP release: BIOMD0000000509v0.0.1

Barrack2014 - Calcium/cell cycle coupling - Rs dependent ATP releaseThis model is designed based on the hypothesis that…


Most neocortical neurons formed during embryonic brain development arise from radial glial cells which communicate, in part, via ATP mediated calcium signals. Although the intercellular signalling mechanisms that regulate radial glia proliferation are not well understood, it has recently been demonstrated that ATP dependent intracellular calcium release leads to an increase of nearly 100% in overall cellular proliferation. It has been hypothesised that cytoplasmic calcium accelerates entry into S phase of the cell cycle and/or acts to recruit otherwise quiescent cells onto the cell cycle. In this paper we study this cell cycle acceleration and recruitment by forming a differential equation model for ATP mediated calcium-cell cycle coupling via Cyclin D in a single radial glial cell. Bifurcation analysis and numerical simulations suggest that the cell cycle period depends only weakly on cytoplasmic calcium. Therefore, the accelerative impact of calcium on the cell cycle can only account for a small fraction of the large increase in proliferation observed experimentally. Crucially however, our bifurcation analysis reveals that stable fixed point and stable limit cycle solutions can coexist, and that calcium dependent Cyclin D dynamics extend the oscillatory region to lower Cyclin D synthesis rates, thus rendering cells more susceptible to cycling. This supports the hypothesis that cycling glial cells recruit quiescent cells (in G0 phase) onto the cell cycle, via a calcium signalling mechanism, and that this may be the primary means by which calcium augments proliferation rates at the population scale. Numerical simulations of two coupled cells demonstrate that such a scenario is indeed feasible. link:


kr = 25.0Reaction: ro = atp/(kr+atp), Rate Law: missing
kdeg = 0.0625; ip30 = 0.013; rhstar = 0.6Reaction: delta = kg*kdeg*ip30/(rhstar-kdeg*ip30), Rate Law: missing
rscrit = 1.0Reaction: rscon = (tanh((rscrit-rs)/0.01)+1)/2, Rate Law: missing
p3 = 1.31319; p1 = 0.0159835; p2 = 0.514987; m = 24.1946; p4 = 0.332195; n = 9.79183; p5 = 0.787902Reaction: ca = p1+p2*ip3^m/(p3^m+ip3^m)+p4*ip3^n/(p5^n+ip3^n), Rate Law: missing
ax = 0.08; f = 0.2; dxx = 1.04; yo = 1.5; g = 0.528Reaction: x = (ax*e+f*(yo-rs)+g*x^2*e)-dxx*x, Rate Law: (ax*e+f*(yo-rs)+g*x^2*e)-dxx*x
ip3min = 0.012Reaction: ip3con = (tanh((ip3-ip3min)/0.01)+1)/2, Rate Law: missing
kkdeg = 50.0; krel = 10.0; vdeg = 2.0; ip3min = 0.012; scale = 3600.0; vatp_s = 50.0Reaction: atp = scale*(vatp_s*(y-atp)*rscon*ip3con*(ip3-ip3min)/(krel+ip3)-vdeg*atp/(kkdeg+atp)), Rate Law: scale*(vatp_s*(y-atp)*rscon*ip3con*(ip3-ip3min)/(krel+ip3)-vdeg*atp/(kkdeg+atp))
scale = 3600.0; kdeg = 0.0625; rhstar = 0.6Reaction: ip3 = scale*(rhstar*gstar-kdeg*ip3), Rate Law: scale*(rhstar*gstar-kdeg*ip3)
kd = 0.15; ka = 0.017Reaction: kg = kd/ka, Rate Law: missing
rt = 2.5; qx = 0.8; px = 0.48; yo = 1.5; ps = 0.6Reaction: r = px*((rt-rs)-r)*x/(qx+((rt-rs)-r)+x)-ps*(yo-rs)*r, Rate Law: px*((rt-rs)-r)*x/(qx+((rt-rs)-r)+x)-ps*(yo-rs)*r
qd = 0.6; pe = 0.096; qe = 0.6; yo = 1.5; ps = 0.6; pd = 0.48Reaction: rs = (ps*(yo-rs)*r-pd*rs*d/(qd+rs+d))-pe*rs*e/(qe+rs+e), Rate Law: (ps*(yo-rs)*r-pd*rs*d/(qd+rs+d))-pe*rs*e/(qe+rs+e)
ymax = 500.0; krel = 10.0; alpha = 0.083; ip3min = 0.012; scale = 3600.0; vatp_s = 50.0Reaction: y = scale*(alpha*(ymax-y)-rscon*ip3con*vatp_s*(y-atp)*(ip3-ip3min)/(krel+ip3)), Rate Law: scale*(alpha*(ymax-y)-rscon*ip3con*vatp_s*(y-atp)*(ip3-ip3min)/(krel+ip3))
dee = 0.2; yo = 1.5; af = 0.9; ae = 0.16Reaction: e = ae*(1+af*(yo-rs))-dee*x*e, Rate Law: ae*(1+af*(yo-rs))-dee*x*e
p1 = 0.0159835; gamma = 1.0; addash = 0.41Reaction: ad = addash+gamma*(ca-p1), Rate Law: missing
ddd = 0.4; k = 0.05; gf = 6.3Reaction: d = ad*k*gf/(1+k*gf)-ddd*e*d, Rate Law: ad*k*gf/(1+k*gf)-ddd*e*d


d[Cyclin-dependent kinase 4; G1/S-specific cyclin-D1]
e[G1/S-specific cyclin-E1; Cyclin-dependent kinase 2]
x[indicator; protein polypeptide chain]
r[Retinoblastoma-like protein 2]
rs[Retinoblastoma-like protein 2; Transcription factor E2F1]
ip3[1D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate]

Barros2021 - CARTmath, Mathematical Model of CAR-T Immunotherapy in HDLM-2 cell line: BIOMD0000001019v0.0.1

A mathematical model (CART-math) studying the impact of CAR-T cells therapy on haematological cancer cell line which in…


Immunotherapy has gained great momentum with chimeric antigen receptor T cell (CAR-T) therapy, in which patient's T lymphocytes are genetically manipulated to recognize tumor-specific antigens, increasing tumor elimination efficiency. In recent years, CAR-T cell immunotherapy for hematological malignancies achieved a great response rate in patients and is a very promising therapy for several other malignancies. Each new CAR design requires a preclinical proof-of-concept experiment using immunodeficient mouse models. The absence of a functional immune system in these mice makes them simple and suitable for use as mathematical models. In this work, we develop a three-population mathematical model to describe tumor response to CAR-T cell immunotherapy in immunodeficient mouse models, encompassing interactions between a non-solid tumor and CAR-T cells (effector and long-term memory). We account for several phenomena, such as tumor-induced immunosuppression, memory pool formation, and conversion of memory into effector CAR-T cells in the presence of new tumor cells. Individual donor and tumor specificities are considered uncertainties in the model parameters. Our model is able to reproduce several CAR-T cell immunotherapy scenarios, with different CAR receptors and tumor targets reported in the literature. We found that therapy effectiveness mostly depends on specific parameters such as the differentiation of effector to memory CAR-T cells, CAR-T cytotoxic capacity, tumor growth rate, and tumor-induced immunosuppression. In summary, our model can contribute to reducing and optimizing the number of in vivo experiments with in silico tests to select specific scenarios that could be tested in experimental research. Such an in silico laboratory is an easy-to-run open-source simulator, built on a Shiny R-based platform called CART<i>math</i>. It contains the results of this manuscript as examples and documentation. The developed model together with the CART<i>math</i> platform have potential use in assessing different CAR-T cell immunotherapy protocols and its associated efficacy, becoming an accessory for in silico trials. link:

Barros2021 - CARTmath, Mathematical Model of CAR-T Immunotherapy in Raji Cell Line: BIOMD0000001020v0.0.1

A mathematical model (CART-math) studying the impact of CAR-T cells therapy on haematological cancer cell lines which in…


Immunotherapy has gained great momentum with chimeric antigen receptor T cell (CAR-T) therapy, in which patient's T lymphocytes are genetically manipulated to recognize tumor-specific antigens, increasing tumor elimination efficiency. In recent years, CAR-T cell immunotherapy for hematological malignancies achieved a great response rate in patients and is a very promising therapy for several other malignancies. Each new CAR design requires a preclinical proof-of-concept experiment using immunodeficient mouse models. The absence of a functional immune system in these mice makes them simple and suitable for use as mathematical models. In this work, we develop a three-population mathematical model to describe tumor response to CAR-T cell immunotherapy in immunodeficient mouse models, encompassing interactions between a non-solid tumor and CAR-T cells (effector and long-term memory). We account for several phenomena, such as tumor-induced immunosuppression, memory pool formation, and conversion of memory into effector CAR-T cells in the presence of new tumor cells. Individual donor and tumor specificities are considered uncertainties in the model parameters. Our model is able to reproduce several CAR-T cell immunotherapy scenarios, with different CAR receptors and tumor targets reported in the literature. We found that therapy effectiveness mostly depends on specific parameters such as the differentiation of effector to memory CAR-T cells, CAR-T cytotoxic capacity, tumor growth rate, and tumor-induced immunosuppression. In summary, our model can contribute to reducing and optimizing the number of in vivo experiments with in silico tests to select specific scenarios that could be tested in experimental research. Such an in silico laboratory is an easy-to-run open-source simulator, built on a Shiny R-based platform called CART<i>math</i>. It contains the results of this manuscript as examples and documentation. The developed model together with the CART<i>math</i> platform have potential use in assessing different CAR-T cell immunotherapy protocols and its associated efficacy, becoming an accessory for in silico trials. link:

Bartholome2007_MDCKII: BIOMD0000000197v0.0.1

SBML model exported from PottersWheel on 2007-09-19 15:35:47. The values for parameters and the inital concentrations o…


Vectorial transport of endogenous small molecules, toxins, and drugs across polarized epithelial cells contributes to their half-life in the organism and to detoxification. To study vectorial transport in a quantitative manner, an in vitro model was used that includes polarized MDCKII cells stably expressing the recombinant human uptake transporter OATP1B3 in their basolateral membrane and the recombinant ATP-driven efflux pump ABCC2 in their apical membrane. These double-transfected cells enabled mathematical modeling of the vectorial transport of the anionic prototype substance bromosulfophthalein (BSP) that has frequently been used to examine hepatobiliary transport. Time-dependent analyses of (3)H-labeled BSP in the basolateral, intracellular, and apical compartments of cells cultured on filter membranes and efflux experiments in cells preloaded with BSP were performed. A mathematical model was fitted to the experimental data. Data-based modeling was optimized by including endogenous transport processes in addition to the recombinant transport proteins. The predominant contributions to the overall vectorial transport of BSP were mediated by OATP1B3 (44%) and ABCC2 (28%). Model comparison predicted a previously unrecognized endogenous basolateral efflux process as a negative contribution to total vectorial transport, amounting to 19%, which is in line with the detection of the basolateral efflux pump Abcc4 in MDCKII cells. Rate-determining steps in the vectorial transport were identified by calculating control coefficients. Data-based mathematical modeling of vectorial transport of BSP as a model substance resulted in a quantitative description of this process and its components. The same systems biology approach may be applied to other cellular systems and to different substances. link:


p7 = 0.0397 perminReaction: x2 => x1, Rate Law: p7*x2
p5 = 0.0091 perminReaction: x3 => x5, Rate Law: p5*x3
p12 = 3.0E-4 ml_per_minReaction: x1 => x5, Rate Law: p12*(x1/basolat-x5/apical)
p9 = 0.0098 per_nmole_per_ml; p11 = 1000.0 nmoleReaction: x3 => x4, Rate Law: p9*x3*(p11-x4)
p4 = 0.0827 perminReaction: x3 => x1, Rate Law: p4*x3
p3 = 0.0013 perminReaction: x1 => x3, Rate Law: p3*x1
p10 = 1.6 perminReaction: x4 => x3, Rate Law: p10*x4
p1 = 0.0025 perminReaction: x1 => x3, Rate Law: p1*x1
p6 = 6.4E-5 per_nmole_per_ml; p8 = 1000.0 nmoleReaction: x1 => x2, Rate Law: p6*x1*(p8-x2)
p2 = 0.0784 perminReaction: x3 => x5, Rate Law: p2*x3


x5[Sulfobromophthalein; bromosulfophthalein]
x1[Sulfobromophthalein; bromosulfophthalein]
BSP cell[Sulfobromophthalein; bromosulfophthalein]
BSP tot[Sulfobromophthalein; bromosulfophthalein]
x4[Sulfobromophthalein; bromosulfophthalein]
x2[Sulfobromophthalein; bromosulfophthalein]
x3[Sulfobromophthalein; bromosulfophthalein]

Basak_Cell_2007: MODEL8478881246v0.0.1

This SBML file is a translation of a MatLab model utilized in the following paper. It describes the interplay of IkB and…


Inflammatory NF-kappaB/RelA activation is mediated by the three canonical inhibitors, IkappaBalpha, -beta, and -epsilon. We report here the characterization of a fourth inhibitor, nfkappab2/p100, that forms two distinct inhibitory complexes with RelA, one of which mediates developmental NF-kappaB activation. Our genetic evidence confirms that p100 is required and sufficient as a fourth IkappaB protein for noncanonical NF-kappaB signaling downstream of NIK and IKK1. We develop a mathematical model of the four-IkappaB-containing NF-kappaB signaling module to account for NF-kappaB/RelA:p50 activation in response to inflammatory and developmental stimuli and find signaling crosstalk between them that determines gene-expression programs. Further combined computational and experimental studies reveal that mutant cells with altered balances between canonical and noncanonical IkappaB proteins may exhibit inappropriate inflammatory gene expression in response to developmental signals. Our results have important implications for physiological and pathological scenarios in which inflammatory and developmental signals converge. link:

Baugh1998 - Regulation of coagulation factor Xa by TFPI: MODEL1807180001v0.0.1

Basic mathematical model of the formation of coagulation factor Xa involving TF:VIIa and its inhibition by TFPI.


Tissue factor (TF) pathway inhibitor (TFPI) regulates factor X activation through the sequential inhibition of factor Xa and the VIIa.TF complex. Factor Xa formation was studied in a purified, reconstituted system, at plasma concentrations of factor X and TFPI, saturating concentrations of factor VIIa, and increasing concentrations of TF reconstituted into phosphatidylcholine:phosphatidylserine membranes (TF/PCPS) or PC membranes (TF/PC). The initial rate of factor Xa formation was equivalent in the presence or absence of 2.4 nM TFPI. However, reaction extent was small (<20%) relative to that observed in the absence of TFPI, implying the rapid inhibition of VIIa.TF during factor X activation. Initiation of factor Xa formation using increasing concentrations of TF/PCPS or TF/PC in the presence of TFPI yielded families of progress curves where both initial rate and reaction extent were linearly proportional to the concentration of VIIa.TF. These observations were consistent with a kinetic model in which the rate-limiting step represents the initial inhibition of newly formed factor Xa. Numerical analyses of progress curves yielded a rate constant for inhibition of VIIa.TF by Xa.TFPI (>10(8) M-1.s-1) that was substantially greater than the value (7.34 +/- 0.8 x 10(6) M-1.s-1) directly measured. Thus, VIIa.TF is inhibited at near diffusion-limited rates by Xa.TFPI formed during catalysis which cannot be explained by studies of the isolated reaction. We propose that the predominant inhibitory pathway during factor X activation may involve the initial inhibition of factor Xa either bound to or in the near vicinity of VIIa.TF on the membrane surface. As a result, VIIa.TF inhibition is unexpectedly rapid, and the concentration of active factor Xa that escapes regulation is linearly dependent on the availability of TF. link:

Bayleyegn2016 - interactions of CycE/Cdk2, Cdc25A, and P27 Kip1 in a core cancer subnetwork: MODEL2003180002v0.0.1

Mathematical description of the interactions of CycE/Cdk2, Cdc25A, and P27Kip1 in a core cancer subnetwork. Model is enc…


The Eukaryotic cell cycle is a repeated sequence of events that enables the division of a cell into two daughter cells. The cell cycle is classically divided into four phases: gap 1 (G1), synthesis (S), gap 2 (G2), and mitosis (M). In the G1 phase of the cell cycle, the cell physically grows and prepares for DNA replication. In the following, S, phase, the DNA is copied,while in the G2 phase, final preparations for cell division are made within the nucleus of the cell. In the last, M, phase, the cell divides into two daughter cells, which then begin a new cycle of division [1–4]. During the cell cycle process, there are different checkpoints that allow the cell to check for and repair DNA damage, as well as to control cell progression: the restriction (R) checkpoint between the G1 and S phases; the G2 checkpoint between the G2 and M phases; and the metaphase checkpoint between the metaphase and anaphases of the cell cycle [5]. At the R-checkpoint [6], either the cell commits to division and then progresses to the S phase or exits the cell cycle and enters the quiescent state (G0) [4]. In this study, we are particularly interested in the dynamics of the gene expression levels at the R-checkpoint. The cell-cycle process is orchestrated by the production and balance of chemical signals that activate and inhibit the cell-cycle progression genes that form a complex and highly integrated network [2]. In this network, activating and inhibitory signal molecules interact, forming positive-feedback and negative-feedback loops, which ultimately control the dynamics of the cell cycle. The two types of genes that are particularly important for regulating cell-cycle process are oncogenes (which are responsible for growth signals and promotion of cell-cycle progression) and tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) (which are responsible for inhibitory signals and retard or halt the cell cycle). If either (or both) of these genes malfunction, then cancer initiation (carcinogenesis) may occur. link:

Bazzani2012 - Genome scale networks of P.falciparum and human hepatocyte: MODEL1206070000v0.0.1

Bazzani2012 - Genome scale networks of P.falciparum and human hepatocyteThis model is described in the article: Networ…


BACKGROUND: The search for new drug targets for antibiotics against Plasmodium falciparum, a major cause of human deaths, is a pressing scientific issue, as multiple resistance strains spread rapidly. Metabolic network-based analyses may help to identify those parasite's essential enzymes whose homologous counterparts in the human host cells are either absent, non-essential or relatively less essential. RESULTS: Using the well-curated metabolic networks PlasmoNet of the parasite Plasmodium falciparum and HepatoNet1 of the human hepatocyte, the selectivity of 48 experimental antimalarial drug targets was analyzed. Applying in silico gene deletions, 24 of these drug targets were found to be perfectly selective, in that they were essential for the parasite but non-essential for the human cell. The selectivity of a subset of enzymes, that were essential in both models, was evaluated with the reduced fitness concept. It was, then, possible to quantify the reduction in functional fitness of the two networks under the progressive inhibition of the same enzymatic activity. Overall, this in silico analysis provided a selectivity ranking that was in line with numerous in vivo and in vitro observations. CONCLUSIONS: Genome-scale models can be useful to depict and quantify the effects of enzymatic inhibitions on the impaired production of biomass components. From the perspective of a host-pathogen metabolic interaction, an estimation of the drug targets-induced consequences can be beneficial for the development of a selective anti-parasitic drug. link:

Beard2005_Mitochondrial_Respiration: MODEL4151491057v0.0.1

This is the model described in the article: A biophysical model of the mitochondrial respiratory system and oxidative…


A computational model for the mitochondrial respiratory chain that appropriately balances mass, charge, and free energy transduction is introduced and analyzed based on a previously published set of data measured on isolated cardiac mitochondria. The basic components included in the model are the reactions at complexes I, III, and IV of the electron transport system, ATP synthesis at F1F0 ATPase, substrate transporters including adenine nucleotide translocase and the phosphate-hydrogen co-transporter, and cation fluxes across the inner membrane including fluxes through the K+/H+ antiporter and passive H+ and K+ permeation. Estimation of 16 adjustable parameter values is based on fitting model simulations to nine independent data curves. The identified model is further validated by comparison to additional datasets measured from mitochondria isolated from rat heart and liver and observed at low oxygen concentration. To obtain reasonable fits to the available data, it is necessary to incorporate inorganic-phosphate-dependent activation of the dehydrogenase activity and the electron transport system. Specifically, it is shown that a model incorporating phosphate-dependent activation of complex III is able to reasonably reproduce the observed data. The resulting validated and verified model provides a foundation for building larger and more complex systems models and investigating complex physiological and pathophysiological interactions in cardiac energetics. link:

Becker2005 - Genome-scale metabolic network of Staphylococcus aureus (iSB619): MODEL1507180070v0.0.1

Becker2005 - Genome-scale metabolic network of Staphylococcus aureus (iSB619)This model is described in the article: [G…


BACKGROUND: Several strains of bacteria have sequenced and annotated genomes, which have been used in conjunction with biochemical and physiological data to reconstruct genome-scale metabolic networks. Such reconstruction amounts to a two-dimensional annotation of the genome. These networks have been analyzed with a constraint-based formalism and a variety of biologically meaningful results have emerged. Staphylococcus aureus is a pathogenic bacterium that has evolved resistance to many antibiotics, representing a significant health care concern. We present the first manually curated elementally and charge balanced genome-scale reconstruction and model of S. aureus' metabolic networks and compute some of its properties. RESULTS: We reconstructed a genome-scale metabolic network of S. aureus strain N315. This reconstruction, termed iSB619, consists of 619 genes that catalyze 640 metabolic reactions. For 91% of the reactions, open reading frames are explicitly linked to proteins and to the reaction. All but three of the metabolic reactions are both charge and elementally balanced. The reaction list is the most complete to date for this pathogen. When the capabilities of the reconstructed network were analyzed in the context of maximal growth, we formed hypotheses regarding growth requirements, the efficiency of growth on different carbon sources, and potential drug targets. These hypotheses can be tested experimentally and the data gathered can be used to improve subsequent versions of the reconstruction. CONCLUSION: iSB619 represents comprehensive biochemically and genetically structured information about the metabolism of S. aureus to date. The reconstructed metabolic network can be used to predict cellular phenotypes and thus advance our understanding of a troublesome pathogen. link:

Becker2010_EpoR_AuxiliaryModel: BIOMD0000000272v0.0.1

This is the auxiliary model described in the article: Covering a Broad Dynamic Range: Information Processing at the Er…


Cell surface receptors convert extracellular cues into receptor activation, thereby triggering intracellular signaling networks and controlling cellular decisions. A major unresolved issue is the identification of receptor properties that critically determine processing of ligand-encoded information. We show by mathematical modeling of quantitative data and experimental validation that rapid ligand depletion and replenishment of the cell surface receptor are characteristic features of the erythropoietin (Epo) receptor (EpoR). The amount of Epo-EpoR complexes and EpoR activation integrated over time corresponds linearly to ligand input; this process is carried out over a broad range of ligand concentrations. This relation depends solely on EpoR turnover independent of ligand binding, which suggests an essential role of large intracellular receptor pools. These receptor properties enable the system to cope with basal and acute demand in the hematopoietic system. link:


koff_SAv = 0.00679946 (60*s)^(-1)Reaction: SAv_EpoR => SAv + EpoR, Rate Law: koff_SAv*SAv_EpoR*cell
Bmax_SAv = 76.0 1E-12*mol*l^(-1); kt = 0.0329366 (60*s)^(-1)Reaction: => EpoR, Rate Law: kt*Bmax_SAv*cell
kt = 0.0329366 (60*s)^(-1)Reaction: EpoR =>, Rate Law: kt*EpoR*cell
kex_SAv = 0.01101 (60*s)^(-1)Reaction: SAv_EpoRi => SAv, Rate Law: kex_SAv*SAv_EpoRi*cell
kde = 0.0164042 (60*s)^(-1)Reaction: SAv_EpoRi => dSAve, Rate Law: kde*SAv_EpoRi*cell
kdi = 0.00317871 (60*s)^(-1)Reaction: SAv_EpoRi => dSAvi, Rate Law: kdi*SAv_EpoRi*cell
kon_SAv = 2.29402E-6 (60*s)^(-1)*(1E-12*mol)^(-1)*lReaction: SAv + EpoR => SAv_EpoR, Rate Law: kon_SAv*SAv*EpoR*cell


EpoR[Erythropoietin receptor; EPOR]
SAv EpoR[Erythropoietin receptor; Streptavidin]
SAv EpoRi[Erythropoietin receptor; Streptavidin]

Becker2010_EpoR_CoreModel: BIOMD0000000271v0.0.1

This is the core model described in the article: Covering a Broad Dynamic Range: Information Processing at the Erythro…


Cell surface receptors convert extracellular cues into receptor activation, thereby triggering intracellular signaling networks and controlling cellular decisions. A major unresolved issue is the identification of receptor properties that critically determine processing of ligand-encoded information. We show by mathematical modeling of quantitative data and experimental validation that rapid ligand depletion and replenishment of the cell surface receptor are characteristic features of the erythropoietin (Epo) receptor (EpoR). The amount of Epo-EpoR complexes and EpoR activation integrated over time corresponds linearly to ligand input; this process is carried out over a broad range of ligand concentrations. This relation depends solely on EpoR turnover independent of ligand binding, which suggests an essential role of large intracellular receptor pools. These receptor properties enable the system to cope with basal and acute demand in the hematopoietic system. link:


kon = 1.0496E-4 (60*s)^(-1)*(1E-12*mol)^(-1)*lReaction: Epo + EpoR => Epo_EpoR, Rate Law: kon*Epo*EpoR*cell
koff = 0.0172135 (60*s)^(-1)Reaction: Epo_EpoR => Epo + EpoR, Rate Law: koff*Epo_EpoR*cell
kt = 0.0329366 (60*s)^(-1)Reaction: EpoR =>, Rate Law: kt*EpoR*cell
kde = 0.0164042 (60*s)^(-1)Reaction: Epo_EpoRi => dEpoe, Rate Law: kde*Epo_EpoRi*cell
kex = 0.00993805 (60*s)^(-1)Reaction: Epo_EpoRi => Epo + EpoR, Rate Law: kex*Epo_EpoRi*cell
kdi = 0.00317871 (60*s)^(-1)Reaction: Epo_EpoRi => dEpoi, Rate Law: kdi*Epo_EpoRi*cell
ke = 0.0748267 (60*s)^(-1)Reaction: Epo_EpoR => Epo_EpoRi, Rate Law: ke*Epo_EpoR*cell
Bmax = 516.0 1E-12*mol*l^(-1); kt = 0.0329366 (60*s)^(-1)Reaction: => EpoR, Rate Law: kt*Bmax*cell


EpoR[Epor; Erythropoietin receptor; EPOR]
Epo EpoR[Erythropoietin receptor; Erythropoietin; EPOR; EPO]
Epo[Epo; Erythropoietin; EPO]
Epo EpoRi[Erythropoietin receptor; Erythropoietin; EPOR; EPO]

Beeler1977_Ventricular_Myocardial_Fiber_AP: MODEL7889395724v0.0.1

This is the model described in the article: Reconstruction of the action potential of ventricular myocardial fibres.…


  1. A mathematical model of membrane action potentials of mammalian ventricular myocardial fibres is described. The reconstruction model is based as closely as possible on ionic currents which have been measured by the voltage-clamp method.2. Four individual components of ionic current were formulated mathematically in terms of Hodgkin-Huxley type equations. The model incorporates two voltage- and time-dependent inward currents, the excitatory inward sodium current, i(Na), and a secondary or slow inward current, i(s), primarily carried by calcium ions. A time-independent outward potassium current, i(K1), exhibiting inward-going rectification, and a voltage- and time-dependent outward current, i(x1), primarily carried by potassium ions, are further elements of the model.3. The i(Na) is primarily responsible for the rapid upstroke of the action potential, while the other current components determine the configuration of the plateau of the action potential and the re-polarization phase. The relative importance of inactivation of i(s) and of activation of i(x1) for termination of the plateau is evaluated by the model.4. Experimental phenomena like slow recovery of the sodium system from inactivation, frequency dependence of the action potential duration, all-or-nothing re-polarization, membrane oscillations are adequately described by the model.5. Possible inadequacies and shortcomings of the model are discussed.


Begitt2014 - STAT1 cooperative DNA binding - double GAS polymer model: BIOMD0000000501v0.0.1

Begitt2014 - STAT1 cooperative DNA binding - double GAS polymer modelThe importance of STAT1-cooperative DNA binding in…


STAT1 is an indispensable component of a heterotrimer (ISGF3) and a STAT1 homodimer (GAF) that function as transcription regulators in type 1 and type 2 interferon signaling, respectively. To investigate the importance of STAT1-cooperative DNA binding, we generated gene-targeted mice expressing cooperativity-deficient STAT1 with alanine substituted for Phe77. Neither ISGF3 nor GAF bound DNA cooperatively in the STAT1F77A mouse strain, but type 1 and type 2 interferon responses were affected differently. Type 2 interferon-mediated transcription and antibacterial immunity essentially disappeared owing to defective promoter recruitment of GAF. In contrast, STAT1 recruitment to ISGF3 binding sites and type 1 interferon-dependent responses, including antiviral protection, remained intact. We conclude that STAT1 cooperativity is essential for its biological activity and underlies the cellular responses to type 2, but not type 1 interferon. link:


Kon_P1 = 60000.0; Koff_P1 = 100.0Reaction: DNA1100 => DNA1_100; DNA1100, DNA1_100, Rate Law: nucleus*(Kon_P1*DNA1100-Koff_P1*DNA1_100)/nucleus
Kon_G1 = 2.0E10; Koff_G1 = 100.0Reaction: DNA0011 + S1 => DNA0111; DNA0011, DNA0111, S1, Rate Law: nucleus*(Kon_G1*DNA0011*S1-Koff_G1*DNA0111)/nucleus
Koff_NG1 = 5000.0; Kon_NG1 = 2.0E10Reaction: DNA1000 + S1 => DNA1001; DNA1000, DNA1001, S1, Rate Law: nucleus*(Kon_NG1*DNA1000*S1-Koff_NG1*DNA1001)/nucleus


DNA111 1DNA111_1
DNA11 1 1DNA11_1_1
DNA1 1 1 1DNA1_1_1_1
DNA1 111DNA1_111
S1[Signal transducer and activator of transcription 1]
DNA1 1 11DNA1_1_11
DNA101 1DNA101_1
DNA11 10DNA11_10
DNA011 1DNA011_1
DNA001 1DNA001_1
DNA1 1 10DNA1_1_10
DNA1 100DNA1_100
DNA01 10DNA01_10
DNA1 110DNA1_110
DNA1 11 1DNA1_11_1

Begitt2014 - STAT1 cooperative DNA binding - single GAS polymer model: BIOMD0000000500v0.0.1

Begitt2014 - STAT1 cooperative DNA binding - single GAS polymer modelThe importance of STAT1-cooperative DNA binding in…


STAT1 is an indispensable component of a heterotrimer (ISGF3) and a STAT1 homodimer (GAF) that function as transcription regulators in type 1 and type 2 interferon signaling, respectively. To investigate the importance of STAT1-cooperative DNA binding, we generated gene-targeted mice expressing cooperativity-deficient STAT1 with alanine substituted for Phe77. Neither ISGF3 nor GAF bound DNA cooperatively in the STAT1F77A mouse strain, but type 1 and type 2 interferon responses were affected differently. Type 2 interferon-mediated transcription and antibacterial immunity essentially disappeared owing to defective promoter recruitment of GAF. In contrast, STAT1 recruitment to ISGF3 binding sites and type 1 interferon-dependent responses, including antiviral protection, remained intact. We conclude that STAT1 cooperativity is essential for its biological activity and underlies the cellular responses to type 2, but not type 1 interferon. link:


Kon_P1 = 60000.0; Koff_P1 = 100.0Reaction: DNA_110 => DNA_1B10; DNA_110, DNA_1B10, Rate Law: nucleus*(Kon_P1*DNA_110-Koff_P1*DNA_1B10)/nucleus
Kon_NG1 = 2.0E10; Koff_NG1 = 20000.0Reaction: DNA_001 + S1 => DNA_101; DNA_001, DNA_101, S1, Rate Law: nucleus*(Kon_NG1*DNA_001*S1-Koff_NG1*DNA_101)/nucleus
Kon_G1 = 2.0E10; Koff_G1 = 100.0Reaction: DNA_101 + S1 => DNA_111; DNA_101, DNA_111, S1, Rate Law: nucleus*(Kon_G1*DNA_101*S1-Koff_G1*DNA_111)/nucleus


DNA 01B1DNA_01B1
DNA 011DNA_011
DNA 1B11DNA_1B11
DNA 010DNA_010
DNA 111DNA_111
DNA 000DNA_000
DNA 001DNA_001
DNA 11B1DNA_11B1
DNA 100DNA_100
S1[Signal transducer and activator of transcription 1]
DNA 101DNA_101
DNA 110DNA_110
DNA 1B10DNA_1B10

Bekaert2010_cattle_inferred_metabolic_network: MODEL1008120004v0.0.1

# Orthologous iso-enzyme metabolic network for Bos taurus Copy number alterations in the mammalian metabolic network co-…


Using two high-quality human metabolic networks, we employed comparative genomics techniques to infer metabolic network structures for seven other mammals. We then studied copy number alterations (CNAs) in these networks. Using a graph-theoretic approach, we show that the pattern of CNAs is distinctly different from the random distributions expected under genetic drift. Instead, we find that changes in copy number are most common among transporter genes and that the CNAs differ depending on the mammalian lineage in question. Thus, we find an excess of transporter genes in cattle involved in the milk production, secretion, and regulation. These results suggest a potential role for dosage selection in the evolution of mammalian metabolic networks. link:

Bekaert2010_chimpanzee_inferred_metabolic_network: MODEL1008120000v0.0.1

# Orthologous iso-enzyme metabolic network for Pan troglodytes Copy number alterations in the mammalian metabolic networ…


Using two high-quality human metabolic networks, we employed comparative genomics techniques to infer metabolic network structures for seven other mammals. We then studied copy number alterations (CNAs) in these networks. Using a graph-theoretic approach, we show that the pattern of CNAs is distinctly different from the random distributions expected under genetic drift. Instead, we find that changes in copy number are most common among transporter genes and that the CNAs differ depending on the mammalian lineage in question. Thus, we find an excess of transporter genes in cattle involved in the milk production, secretion, and regulation. These results suggest a potential role for dosage selection in the evolution of mammalian metabolic networks. link:

Bekaert2010_dog_inferred_metabolic_network: MODEL1008120006v0.0.1

# Orthologous iso-enzyme metabolic network for Canis familiaris Copy number alterations in the mammalian metabolic netwo…


Using two high-quality human metabolic networks, we employed comparative genomics techniques to infer metabolic network structures for seven other mammals. We then studied copy number alterations (CNAs) in these networks. Using a graph-theoretic approach, we show that the pattern of CNAs is distinctly different from the random distributions expected under genetic drift. Instead, we find that changes in copy number are most common among transporter genes and that the CNAs differ depending on the mammalian lineage in question. Thus, we find an excess of transporter genes in cattle involved in the milk production, secretion, and regulation. These results suggest a potential role for dosage selection in the evolution of mammalian metabolic networks. link:

Bekaert2010_horse_inferred_metabolic_network: MODEL1008120005v0.0.1

# Orthologous iso-enzyme metabolic network for Equus caballus Copy number alterations in the mammalian metabolic network…


Using two high-quality human metabolic networks, we employed comparative genomics techniques to infer metabolic network structures for seven other mammals. We then studied copy number alterations (CNAs) in these networks. Using a graph-theoretic approach, we show that the pattern of CNAs is distinctly different from the random distributions expected under genetic drift. Instead, we find that changes in copy number are most common among transporter genes and that the CNAs differ depending on the mammalian lineage in question. Thus, we find an excess of transporter genes in cattle involved in the milk production, secretion, and regulation. These results suggest a potential role for dosage selection in the evolution of mammalian metabolic networks. link:

Bekaert2010_macaque_inferred_metabolic_network: MODEL1008120001v0.0.1

# Orthologous iso-enzyme metabolic network for Macaca mulatta Copy number alterations in the mammalian metabolic network…


Using two high-quality human metabolic networks, we employed comparative genomics techniques to infer metabolic network structures for seven other mammals. We then studied copy number alterations (CNAs) in these networks. Using a graph-theoretic approach, we show that the pattern of CNAs is distinctly different from the random distributions expected under genetic drift. Instead, we find that changes in copy number are most common among transporter genes and that the CNAs differ depending on the mammalian lineage in question. Thus, we find an excess of transporter genes in cattle involved in the milk production, secretion, and regulation. These results suggest a potential role for dosage selection in the evolution of mammalian metabolic networks. link:

Bekaert2010_mouse_inferred_metabolic_network: MODEL1008120002v0.0.1

# Orthologous iso-enzyme metabolic network for Mus musculus Copy number alterations in the mammalian metabolic network c…


Using two high-quality human metabolic networks, we employed comparative genomics techniques to infer metabolic network structures for seven other mammals. We then studied copy number alterations (CNAs) in these networks. Using a graph-theoretic approach, we show that the pattern of CNAs is distinctly different from the random distributions expected under genetic drift. Instead, we find that changes in copy number are most common among transporter genes and that the CNAs differ depending on the mammalian lineage in question. Thus, we find an excess of transporter genes in cattle involved in the milk production, secretion, and regulation. These results suggest a potential role for dosage selection in the evolution of mammalian metabolic networks. link:

Bekaert2010_rat_inferred_metabolic_network: MODEL1008120003v0.0.1

# Orthologous iso-enzyme metabolic network for Rattus norvegicus Copy number alterations in the mammalian metabolic netw…


Using two high-quality human metabolic networks, we employed comparative genomics techniques to infer metabolic network structures for seven other mammals. We then studied copy number alterations (CNAs) in these networks. Using a graph-theoretic approach, we show that the pattern of CNAs is distinctly different from the random distributions expected under genetic drift. Instead, we find that changes in copy number are most common among transporter genes and that the CNAs differ depending on the mammalian lineage in question. Thus, we find an excess of transporter genes in cattle involved in the milk production, secretion, and regulation. These results suggest a potential role for dosage selection in the evolution of mammalian metabolic networks. link:

Bekaert2012 - Reconstruction of D.rerio Metabolic Network: MODEL1204120000v0.0.1

Bekaert2012 - Reconstruction of D.rerio Metabolic NetworkDanio rerio metabolic model accounting for subcellular compart…


Plant and microbial metabolic engineering is commonly used in the production of functional foods and quality trait improvement. Computational model-based approaches have been used in this important endeavour. However, to date, fish metabolic models have only been scarcely and partially developed, in marked contrast to their prominent success in metabolic engineering. In this study we present the reconstruction of fully compartmentalised models of the Danio rerio (zebrafish) on a global scale. This reconstruction involves extraction of known biochemical reactions in D. rerio for both primary and secondary metabolism and the implementation of methods for determining subcellular localisation and assignment of enzymes. The reconstructed model (ZebraGEM) is amenable for constraint-based modelling analysis, and accounts for 4,988 genes coding for 2,406 gene-associated reactions and only 418 non-gene-associated reactions. A set of computational validations (i.e., simulations of known metabolic functionalities and experimental data) strongly testifies to the predictive ability of the model. Overall, the reconstructed model is expected to lay down the foundations for computational-based rational design of fish metabolic engineering in aquaculture. link:

Bekkar2018 - IL1B secretion and regulation in atherosclerosis: MODEL1712240002v0.0.1

This network was obtained by combining (with an OR logical operator) the following list of IL1B_secretion activators: TX…


Knowledgebases play an increasingly important role in scientific research, where the expert curation of biological knowledge in forms that are amenable to computational analysis (using ontologies for example)–provides a significant added value and enables new types of computational analyses for high throughput datasets. In this work, we demonstrate how expert curation can also play a more direct role in research, by supporting the use of network-based dynamical models to study a specific biological process. This curation effort is focused on the regulatory interactions between biological entities, such as genes or proteins and compounds, which may interact with each other in a complex manner, including regulatory complexes and conditional dependencies between co-regulators. This critical information has to be captured and encoded in a computable manner, which is currently far beyond the current capabilities of automatically constructed network. As a case study, we report here the prior knowledge network constructed by the sysVASC consortium to model the biological events leading to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, during the onset of cardiovascular disease and discuss some specific examples to illustrate the main pitfalls and added value provided by the expert curation during this endeavor. link:

Bekkar2018 - MAPK1-3 regulation in atherosclerosis: MODEL1712240003v0.0.1

This network was obtained by combining (with an OR logical operator) the following list of MAPK1_3 activators: PDGFRB -…


Knowledgebases play an increasingly important role in scientific research, where the expert curation of biological knowledge in forms that are amenable to computational analysis (using ontologies for example)–provides a significant added value and enables new types of computational analyses for high throughput datasets. In this work, we demonstrate how expert curation can also play a more direct role in research, by supporting the use of network-based dynamical models to study a specific biological process. This curation effort is focused on the regulatory interactions between biological entities, such as genes or proteins and compounds, which may interact with each other in a complex manner, including regulatory complexes and conditional dependencies between co-regulators. This critical information has to be captured and encoded in a computable manner, which is currently far beyond the current capabilities of automatically constructed network. As a case study, we report here the prior knowledge network constructed by the sysVASC consortium to model the biological events leading to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, during the onset of cardiovascular disease and discuss some specific examples to illustrate the main pitfalls and added value provided by the expert curation during this endeavor. link:

Bekkar2018 - PPARA regulation in atherosclerosis: MODEL1712240001v0.0.1

This network was obtained by combining (with an OR logical operator) the following list of PPARA activators: SIRT1 AND P…


Knowledgebases play an increasingly important role in scientific research, where the expert curation of biological knowledge in forms that are amenable to computational analysis (using ontologies for example)–provides a significant added value and enables new types of computational analyses for high throughput datasets. In this work, we demonstrate how expert curation can also play a more direct role in research, by supporting the use of network-based dynamical models to study a specific biological process. This curation effort is focused on the regulatory interactions between biological entities, such as genes or proteins and compounds, which may interact with each other in a complex manner, including regulatory complexes and conditional dependencies between co-regulators. This critical information has to be captured and encoded in a computable manner, which is currently far beyond the current capabilities of automatically constructed network. As a case study, we report here the prior knowledge network constructed by the sysVASC consortium to model the biological events leading to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, during the onset of cardiovascular disease and discuss some specific examples to illustrate the main pitfalls and added value provided by the expert curation during this endeavor. link:

Beltrami1995_ThrombinGeneration_C: BIOMD0000000368v0.0.1

This model originates from BioModels Database: A Database of Annotated Published Models (…


A hierarchy of enzyme-catalyzed positive feedback loops is examined by mathematical and numerical analysis. Four systems are described, from the simplest, in which an enzyme catalyzes its own formation from an inactive precursor, to the most complex, in which two sequential feedback loops act in a cascade. In the latter we also examine the function of a long-range feedback, in which the final enzyme produced in the second loop activates the initial step in the first loop. When the enzymes generated are subject to inhibition or inactivation, all four systems exhibit threshold properties akin to excitable systems like neuron firing. For those that are amenable to mathematical analysis, expressions are derived that relate the excitation threshold to the kinetics of enzyme generation and inhibition and the initial conditions. For the most complex system, it was expedient to employ numerical simulation to demonstrate threshold behavior, and in this case long-range feedback was seen to have two distinct effects. At sufficiently high catalytic rates, this feedback is capable of exciting an otherwise subthreshold system. At lower catalytic rates, where the long-range feedback does not significantly affect the threshold, it nonetheless has a major effect in potentiating the response above the threshold. In particular, oscillatory behavior observed in simulations of sequential feedback loops is abolished when a long-range feedback is present. link:


mu23 = 0.1; mu3 = 0.1; k3 = 5.0Reaction: E3 = (mu23*E2+mu3*E4)*Z3-k3*E3, Rate Law: (mu23*E2+mu3*E4)*Z3-k3*E3
mu4 = 0.1; k4 = 5.0Reaction: E4 = mu4*E3*Z4-k4*E4, Rate Law: mu4*E3*Z4-k4*E4
mu5 = 1.0; k1 = 1.0; mu1 = 1.0Reaction: Z1 = (-(mu1*E2+mu5*E4))*Z1+k1*E1, Rate Law: (-(mu1*E2+mu5*E4))*Z1+k1*E1
mu2 = 0.1; k2 = 1.0Reaction: E2 = mu2*E1*Z2-k2*E2, Rate Law: mu2*E1*Z2-k2*E2



Beltrami1995_ThrombinGeneration_D: BIOMD0000000369v0.0.1

This model originates from BioModels Database: A Database of Annotated Published Models (…


A hierarchy of enzyme-catalyzed positive feedback loops is examined by mathematical and numerical analysis. Four systems are described, from the simplest, in which an enzyme catalyzes its own formation from an inactive precursor, to the most complex, in which two sequential feedback loops act in a cascade. In the latter we also examine the function of a long-range feedback, in which the final enzyme produced in the second loop activates the initial step in the first loop. When the enzymes generated are subject to inhibition or inactivation, all four systems exhibit threshold properties akin to excitable systems like neuron firing. For those that are amenable to mathematical analysis, expressions are derived that relate the excitation threshold to the kinetics of enzyme generation and inhibition and the initial conditions. For the most complex system, it was expedient to employ numerical simulation to demonstrate threshold behavior, and in this case long-range feedback was seen to have two distinct effects. At sufficiently high catalytic rates, this feedback is capable of exciting an otherwise subthreshold system. At lower catalytic rates, where the long-range feedback does not significantly affect the threshold, it nonetheless has a major effect in potentiating the response above the threshold. In particular, oscillatory behavior observed in simulations of sequential feedback loops is abolished when a long-range feedback is present. link:


mu4 = 1.0; k4 = 1.0Reaction: E4 = mu4*E3*Z4-k4*E4, Rate Law: mu4*E3*Z4-k4*E4
mu4 = 1.0Reaction: Z4 = (-mu4)*E3*Z4, Rate Law: (-mu4)*E3*Z4
mu2 = 0.1; C = 0.001Reaction: Z2 = (-mu2)*(1+C)*E1*Z2, Rate Law: (-mu2)*(1+C)*E1*Z2
mu2 = 0.1; mu3 = 1.0; k2 = 1.0Reaction: E2 = (mu2*E1*Z2-mu3*E4*E2)-k2*E2, Rate Law: (mu2*E1*Z2-mu3*E4*E2)-k2*E2
mu5 = 0.0; mu1 = 1.0Reaction: Z1 = (-(mu1*E2+mu5*E4))*Z1, Rate Law: (-(mu1*E2+mu5*E4))*Z1
mu2 = 0.1; k3 = 1.0; mu3 = 1.0; C = 0.001Reaction: E3 = (mu2*C*E1*Z2+mu3*E4*E2)-k3*E3, Rate Law: (mu2*C*E1*Z2+mu3*E4*E2)-k3*E3
mu5 = 0.0; k1 = 1.0; mu1 = 1.0Reaction: E1 = (mu1*E2+mu5*E4)*Z1-k1*E1, Rate Law: (mu1*E2+mu5*E4)*Z1-k1*E1



Benary2015 - feedback regulation of beta-catenin pathway by HOS and FWD1: MODEL1908050003v0.0.1

It's a mathematical model studying feedback control of B-catenin pathway by HOS and FWD1 using Lee2003 model as base.


The Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway is involved in the regulation of a multitude of cellular processes by controlling the concentration of the transcriptional regulator β-catenin. Proteasomal degradation of β-catenin is mediated by two β-transducin repeat-containing protein paralogues, homologous to Slimb protein (HOS) and F-box/WD repeat-containing protein 1A (FWD1), which are functionally interchangeable and thereby considered to function redundantly in the pathway. HOS and FWD1 are both regulated by Wnt/β-catenin signalling, albeit in opposite directions, thus establishing interlocked negative and positive feedback loops. The functional relevance of the opposite regulation of HOS and FWD1 by Wnt/β-catenin signalling in conjunction with their redundant activities in proteasomal degradation of β-catenin remains unresolved. Using a detailed ordinary differential equation model, we investigated the specific influence of each individual feedback mechanism and their combination on Wnt/β-catenin signal transduction under wild-type and cancerous conditions. We found that, under wild-type conditions, the signalling dynamics are predominantly affected by the HOS feedback as a result of a higher concentration of HOS than FWD1. Transcriptional up-regulation of FWD1 by other signalling pathways reduced the impact of the HOS feedback. The opposite regulation of HOS and FWD1 expression by Wnt/β-catenin signalling allows the FWD1 feedback to be employed as a compensation mechanism against aberrant pathway activation as a result of a reduced HOS concentration. By contrast, the FWD1 feedback provides no protection against aberrant activation in adenomatous polyposis coli protein mutant cancer cells. link:

Benary2019 - Controlling NFKB dynamics by B-TrCP: BIOMD0000000794v0.0.1

its a mathematical model studying impact of b_TrCP on NFKB nuclear dynamics. This model is derived from Lipniacki2004 (P…


The canonical nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB) signaling pathway regulates central processes in mammalian cells and plays a fundamental role in the regulation of inflammation and immunity. Aberrant regulation of the activation of the transcription factor NF-κB is associated with severe diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease and arthritis. In the canonical pathway, the inhibitor IκB suppresses NF-κB's transcriptional activity. NF-κB becomes active upon the degradation of IκB, a process that is, in turn, regulated by the β-transducin repeat-containing protein (β-TrCP). β-TrCP has therefore been proposed as a promising pharmacological target in the development of novel therapeutic approaches to control NF-κB's activity in diseases. This study explores the extent to which β-TrCP affects the dynamics of nuclear NF-κB using a computational model of canonical NF-κB signaling. The analysis predicts that β-TrCP influences the steady-state concentration of nuclear NF-κB, as well as changes characteristic dynamic properties of nuclear NF-κB, such as fold-change and the duration of its response to pathway stimulation. The results suggest that the modulation of β-TrCP has a high potential to regulate the transcriptional activity of NF-κB. link:


k2 = 0.006Reaction: IKK_active => IKK_inact; TNF, A20, Rate Law: Cytosol*function_for_R26(k2, TNF, A20, IKK_active)
a1 = 0.03Reaction: NFKB + IkB => IkB_NFKB, Rate Law: Cytosol*a1*NFKB*IkB
c5a = 0.006Reaction: IkB =>, Rate Law: Cytosol*c5a*IkB
a2 = 0.012Reaction: IKK_active + IkB => IKKactive_IkB, Rate Law: Cytosol*a2*IKK_active*IkB
t1 = 6.0Reaction: IKKactive_IkB => IKK_active; b_TrCP, Rate Law: Cytosol*function_for_R3(t1, b_TrCP, IKKactive_IkB)
c3a = 0.024Reaction: IkB_mRNA =>, Rate Law: Nucleus*c3a*IkB_mRNA
c4a = 30.0Reaction: => IkB; IkB_mRNA, Rate Law: function_for_substrateless_production(c4a, IkB_mRNA)
Kprod = 1.5Reaction: => IKK_neutral, Rate Law: Cytosol*Constant_flux__irreversible(Kprod)
c3 = 0.024Reaction: A20_mRNA =>, Rate Law: Nucleus*c3*A20_mRNA
c6a = 0.0012Reaction: IkB_NFKB => NFKB, Rate Law: Cytosol*c6a*IkB_NFKB
c3c = 0.024Reaction: cgen_mRNA =>, Rate Law: Nucleus*c3c*cgen_mRNA
i1a = 0.06Reaction: IkB =>, Rate Law: Cytosol*i1a*IkB
e1a = 0.03Reaction: => IkB; IkB_nuc, Rate Law: function_for_indirect_production(e1a, IkB_nuc)
i1 = 0.15Reaction: NFKB =>, Rate Law: Cytosol*i1*NFKB
Kv = 5.0; i1 = 0.15Reaction: => NFKB_nuc; NFKB, Rate Law: function_for_indirect_transport(i1, Kv, NFKB)
a3 = 0.06Reaction: IKK_active + IkB_NFKB => IKKactive_IkB_NFKB, Rate Law: Cytosol*a3*IKK_active*IkB_NFKB
e2a = 0.6Reaction: => IkB_NFKB; IkB_NFKB_nuc, Rate Law: function_for_indirect_production(e2a, IkB_NFKB_nuc)
c1 = 3.0E-5Reaction: => A20_mRNA; NFKB_nuc, Rate Law: Nucleus*function_for_substrateless_production(c1, NFKB_nuc)
c1c = 3.0E-5Reaction: => cgen_mRNA; NFKB_nuc, Rate Law: Nucleus*function_for_substrateless_production(c1c, NFKB_nuc)
Kv = 5.0; i1a = 0.06Reaction: => IkB_nuc; IkB, Rate Law: function_for_indirect_transport(i1a, Kv, IkB)
TNF_R = 0.0Reaction: TNF = TNF_R, Rate Law: missing
Kv = 5.0; e2a = 0.6Reaction: IkB_NFKB_nuc =>, Rate Law: Nucleus*function_for_transport(e2a, Kv, IkB_NFKB_nuc)
c1a = 3.0E-5Reaction: => IkB_mRNA; NFKB_nuc, Rate Law: Nucleus*function_for_substrateless_production(c1a, NFKB_nuc)
t2 = 6.0Reaction: IKKactive_IkB_NFKB => IKK_active + NFKB; b_TrCP, Rate Law: Cytosol*function_for_R3(t2, b_TrCP, IKKactive_IkB_NFKB)
c4 = 30.0Reaction: => A20; A20_mRNA, Rate Law: function_for_substrateless_production(c4, A20_mRNA)
k1 = 0.15Reaction: IKK_neutral => IKK_active; TNF, Rate Law: Cytosol*function_for_R3(k1, TNF, IKK_neutral)
e1a = 0.03; Kv = 5.0Reaction: IkB_nuc =>, Rate Law: Nucleus*function_for_transport(e1a, Kv, IkB_nuc)
c5 = 0.018Reaction: A20 =>, Rate Law: Cytosol*c5*A20
k3 = 0.09Reaction: IKK_active => IKK_inact, Rate Law: Cytosol*k3*IKK_active
Kdeg = 0.0075Reaction: IKK_inact =>, Rate Law: Cytosol*Kdeg*IKK_inact


IKKactive IkB NFKB[NF-kappa-B inhibitor alpha; Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit alpha; Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunit]
IKK inact[Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit alpha]
TNF[Tumor necrosis factor]
A20[Tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein 3]
IkB mRNA[NF-kappa-B inhibitor alpha]
IkB NFKB nuc[NF-kappa-B inhibitor alpha; Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunit]
IKK active[Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit alpha]
IkB[NF-kappa-B inhibitor alpha]
IKKactive IkB[NF-kappa-B inhibitor alpha; Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit alpha]
NFKB nuc[Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunit]
IkB NFKB[Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunit; NF-kappa-B inhibitor alpha]
cgen mRNAcgen_mRNA
IkB nuc[NF-kappa-B inhibitor alpha]
IKK neutral[Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit alpha]
NFKB[Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunit]
A20 mRNA[Tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein 3]

Benedict2011 - Genome-scale metoblic network of Methanosarcina acetivorans (iMB745): MODEL1507180040v0.0.1

Benedict2011 - Genome-scale metoblic network of Methanosarcina acetivorans (iMB745)This model is described in the articl…


Methanosarcina acetivorans strain C2A is a marine methanogenic archaeon notable for its substrate utilization, genetic tractability, and novel energy conservation mechanisms. To help probe the phenotypic implications of this organism's unique metabolism, we have constructed and manually curated a genome-scale metabolic model of M. acetivorans, iMB745, which accounts for 745 of the 4,540 predicted protein-coding genes (16%) in the M. acetivorans genome. The reconstruction effort has identified key knowledge gaps and differences in peripheral and central metabolism between methanogenic species. Using flux balance analysis, the model quantitatively predicts wild-type phenotypes and is 96% accurate in knockout lethality predictions compared to currently available experimental data. The model was used to probe the mechanisms and energetics of by-product formation and growth on carbon monoxide, as well as the nature of the reaction catalyzed by the soluble heterodisulfide reductase HdrABC in M. acetivorans. The genome-scale model provides quantitative and qualitative hypotheses that can be used to help iteratively guide additional experiments to further the state of knowledge about methanogenesis. link:

Benson2008_Arrhythmogenesis_Endocardial: MODEL1006230078v0.0.1

This a model from the article: The canine virtual ventricular wall: a platform for dissecting pharmacological effects…


We have constructed computational models of canine ventricular cells and tissues, ultimately combining detailed tissue architecture and heterogeneous transmural electrophysiology. The heterogeneity is introduced by modifying the Hund-Rudy canine cell model in order to reproduce experimentally reported electrophysiological properties of endocardial, midmyocardial (M) and epicardial cells. These models are validated against experimental data for individual ionic current and action potential characteristics, and their rate dependencies. 1D and 3D heterogeneous virtual tissues are constructed, with detailed tissue architecture (anisotropy and orthotropy, due to fibre orientation and sheet structure) of the left ventricular wall wedge extracted from a diffusion tensor imaging data set. The models are used to study the effects of tissue heterogeneity and class III drugs on transmural propagation and tissue vulnerability to re-entry. We have determined relationships between the transmural dispersion of action potential duration (APD) and the vulnerable window in the 1D virtual ventricular wall, and demonstrated how changes in the transmural heterogeneity, and hence tissue vulnerability, can lead to generation of re-entry in the 3D ventricular wedge. Two class III drugs with opposite qualitative effects on transmural APD heterogeneity are considered: d-sotalol that increases transmural APD dispersion, and amiodarone that decreases it. Simulations with the 1D virtual ventricular wall show that under d-sotalol conditions the vulnerable window is substantially wider compared to amiodarone conditions, primarily in the epicardial region where unidirectional conduction block persists until the adjacent M cells are fully repolarised. Further simulations with the 3D ventricular wedge have shown that ectopic stimulation of the epicardial region results in generation of sustained re-entry under d-sotalol conditions, but not under amiodarone conditions or in control. Again, APD increase in M cells was identified as the major contributor to tissue vulnerability–re-entry was initiated primarily due to ectopic excitation propagating around the unidirectional conduction block in the M cell region. This suggests an electrophysiological mechanism for the anti- and proarrhythmic effects of the class III drugs: the relative safety of amiodarone in comparison to d-sotalol can be explained by relatively low transmural APD dispersion, and hence, a narrow vulnerable window and low probability of re-entry in the tissue. link:

Benson2008_Arrhythmogenesis_Epicardial: MODEL1006230101v0.0.1

This a model from the article: The canine virtual ventricular wall: a platform for dissecting pharmacological effects…


We have constructed computational models of canine ventricular cells and tissues, ultimately combining detailed tissue architecture and heterogeneous transmural electrophysiology. The heterogeneity is introduced by modifying the Hund-Rudy canine cell model in order to reproduce experimentally reported electrophysiological properties of endocardial, midmyocardial (M) and epicardial cells. These models are validated against experimental data for individual ionic current and action potential characteristics, and their rate dependencies. 1D and 3D heterogeneous virtual tissues are constructed, with detailed tissue architecture (anisotropy and orthotropy, due to fibre orientation and sheet structure) of the left ventricular wall wedge extracted from a diffusion tensor imaging data set. The models are used to study the effects of tissue heterogeneity and class III drugs on transmural propagation and tissue vulnerability to re-entry. We have determined relationships between the transmural dispersion of action potential duration (APD) and the vulnerable window in the 1D virtual ventricular wall, and demonstrated how changes in the transmural heterogeneity, and hence tissue vulnerability, can lead to generation of re-entry in the 3D ventricular wedge. Two class III drugs with opposite qualitative effects on transmural APD heterogeneity are considered: d-sotalol that increases transmural APD dispersion, and amiodarone that decreases it. Simulations with the 1D virtual ventricular wall show that under d-sotalol conditions the vulnerable window is substantially wider compared to amiodarone conditions, primarily in the epicardial region where unidirectional conduction block persists until the adjacent M cells are fully repolarised. Further simulations with the 3D ventricular wedge have shown that ectopic stimulation of the epicardial region results in generation of sustained re-entry under d-sotalol conditions, but not under amiodarone conditions or in control. Again, APD increase in M cells was identified as the major contributor to tissue vulnerability–re-entry was initiated primarily due to ectopic excitation propagating around the unidirectional conduction block in the M cell region. This suggests an electrophysiological mechanism for the anti- and proarrhythmic effects of the class III drugs: the relative safety of amiodarone in comparison to d-sotalol can be explained by relatively low transmural APD dispersion, and hence, a narrow vulnerable window and low probability of re-entry in the tissue. link:

Benson2008_Arrhythmogenesis_Mcell: MODEL1006230087v0.0.1

This a model from the article: The canine virtual ventricular wall: a platform for dissecting pharmacological effects…


We have constructed computational models of canine ventricular cells and tissues, ultimately combining detailed tissue architecture and heterogeneous transmural electrophysiology. The heterogeneity is introduced by modifying the Hund-Rudy canine cell model in order to reproduce experimentally reported electrophysiological properties of endocardial, midmyocardial (M) and epicardial cells. These models are validated against experimental data for individual ionic current and action potential characteristics, and their rate dependencies. 1D and 3D heterogeneous virtual tissues are constructed, with detailed tissue architecture (anisotropy and orthotropy, due to fibre orientation and sheet structure) of the left ventricular wall wedge extracted from a diffusion tensor imaging data set. The models are used to study the effects of tissue heterogeneity and class III drugs on transmural propagation and tissue vulnerability to re-entry. We have determined relationships between the transmural dispersion of action potential duration (APD) and the vulnerable window in the 1D virtual ventricular wall, and demonstrated how changes in the transmural heterogeneity, and hence tissue vulnerability, can lead to generation of re-entry in the 3D ventricular wedge. Two class III drugs with opposite qualitative effects on transmural APD heterogeneity are considered: d-sotalol that increases transmural APD dispersion, and amiodarone that decreases it. Simulations with the 1D virtual ventricular wall show that under d-sotalol conditions the vulnerable window is substantially wider compared to amiodarone conditions, primarily in the epicardial region where unidirectional conduction block persists until the adjacent M cells are fully repolarised. Further simulations with the 3D ventricular wedge have shown that ectopic stimulation of the epicardial region results in generation of sustained re-entry under d-sotalol conditions, but not under amiodarone conditions or in control. Again, APD increase in M cells was identified as the major contributor to tissue vulnerability–re-entry was initiated primarily due to ectopic excitation propagating around the unidirectional conduction block in the M cell region. This suggests an electrophysiological mechanism for the anti- and proarrhythmic effects of the class III drugs: the relative safety of amiodarone in comparison to d-sotalol can be explained by relatively low transmural APD dispersion, and hence, a narrow vulnerable window and low probability of re-entry in the tissue. link:

Benson2013 - Identification of key drug targets in nerve growth factor pathway: BIOMD0000000588v0.0.1

Benson2013 - Identification of key drug targets in nerve growth factor pathwayThis model is described in the article: […


The nerve growth factor (NGF) pathway is of great interest as a potential source of drug targets, for example in the management of certain types of pain. However, selecting targets from this pathway either by intuition or by non-contextual measures is likely to be challenging. An alternative approach is to construct a mathematical model of the system and via sensitivity analysis rank order the targets in the known pathway, with respect to an endpoint such as the diphosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase concentration in the nucleus. Using the published literature, a model was created and, via sensitivity analysis, it was concluded that, after NGF itself, tropomyosin receptor kinase A (TrkA) was one of the most sensitive druggable targets. This initial model was subsequently used to develop a further model incorporating physiological and pharmacological parameters. This allowed the exploration of the characteristics required for a successful hypothetical TrkA inhibitor. Using these systems models, we were able to identify candidates for the optimal drug targets in the known pathway. These conclusions were consistent with clinical and human genetic data. We also found that incorporating appropriate physiological context was essential to drawing accurate conclusions about important parameters such as the drug dose required to give pathway inhibition. Furthermore, the importance of the concentration of key reactants such as TrkA kinase means that appropriate contextual data are required before clear conclusions can be drawn. Such models could be of great utility in selecting optimal targets and in the clinical evaluation of novel drugs. link:


kf_20 = 600.0 1/(micromolarity*minute); kb_20 = 12.0 1/minuteReaction: pTrkA + Grb2_SOS_pShc => Grb2_SOS_pShc_pTrkA; Grb2_SOS_pShc, pTrkA, Grb2_SOS_pShc_pTrkA, Rate Law: kf_20*Grb2_SOS_pShc*pTrkA-kb_20*Grb2_SOS_pShc_pTrkA
kf_23 = 600.0 1/(micromolarity*minute); kb_23 = 12.0 1/minuteReaction: pTrkA_endo + Grb2_SOS_pShc => Grb2_SOS_pShc_pTrkA_endo; Grb2_SOS_pShc, pTrkA_endo, Grb2_SOS_pShc_pTrkA_endo, Rate Law: kf_23*Grb2_SOS_pShc*pTrkA_endo-kb_23*Grb2_SOS_pShc_pTrkA_endo
kf_67 = 60.0 1/(micromolarity*minute); kb_67 = 12.0 1/minuteReaction: pFRS2_pTrkA_endo + Crk_C3G => Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA_endo; Crk_C3G, pFRS2_pTrkA_endo, Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA_endo, Rate Law: kf_67*Crk_C3G*pFRS2_pTrkA_endo-kb_67*Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA_endo
kf_1 = 0.049998 1/minute; kb_1 = 0.0166668 1/minuteReaction: mwf82ad06a_b8aa_40fa_a532_a1da44e3425f => NGFR + mwf82ad06a_b8aa_40fa_a532_a1da44e3425f; mwf82ad06a_b8aa_40fa_a532_a1da44e3425f, NGFR, Rate Law: kf_1*mwf82ad06a_b8aa_40fa_a532_a1da44e3425f-kb_1*NGFR
kf_47 = 1.8 1/(micromolarity*minute); kb_47 = 1.008 1/minuteReaction: Grb2 + pSOS => Grb2_pSOS; Grb2, pSOS, Grb2_pSOS, Rate Law: kf_47*Grb2*pSOS-kb_47*Grb2_pSOS
Km_41 = 0.1 micromolarity; Vmax_41 = 1.2 1/minuteReaction: Dok + pShc_pTrkA => pDok + pShc_pTrkA; pShc_pTrkA, Dok, Rate Law: Vmax_41*pShc_pTrkA*Dok/(Km_41+Dok)
kb_74 = 30.0 1/minute; kf_74 = 3600.0 1/(micromolarity*minute)Reaction: Ras_GTP + B_Raf => B_Raf_Ras_GTP; B_Raf, Ras_GTP, B_Raf_Ras_GTP, Rate Law: kf_74*B_Raf*Ras_GTP-kb_74*B_Raf_Ras_GTP
Vmax_90 = 18.0 1/minute; Km_90 = 0.16 micromolarityReaction: pMEKcyt + B_Raf_Rap1_GTP => ppMEKcyt + B_Raf_Rap1_GTP; B_Raf_Rap1_GTP, pMEKcyt, Rate Law: Vmax_90*B_Raf_Rap1_GTP*pMEKcyt/(Km_90+pMEKcyt)
Km_63 = 1.0 micromolarity; Vmax_63 = 600.0 1/minuteReaction: B_Raf_Ras_GTP + pDok_RasGAP => Ras_GDP + B_Raf + pDok_RasGAP; pDok_RasGAP, B_Raf_Ras_GTP, Rate Law: Vmax_63*pDok_RasGAP*B_Raf_Ras_GTP/(Km_63+B_Raf_Ras_GTP)
kf_68 = 0.3 1/minuteReaction: pFRS2 => FRS2; pFRS2, Rate Law: kf_68*pFRS2
kf_76 = 9.0 1/minuteReaction: ppMEKcyt_ERKcyt => ppMEKcyt + ppERKcyt; ppMEKcyt_ERKcyt, Rate Law: kf_76*ppMEKcyt_ERKcyt
kf_53 = 0.12 1/minuteReaction: pSOS => SOS; pSOS, Rate Law: kf_53*pSOS
Km_44 = 0.1 micromolarity; Vmax_44 = 1.2 1/minuteReaction: Dok + pFRS2_pTrkA => pDok + pFRS2_pTrkA; pFRS2_pTrkA, Dok, Rate Law: Vmax_44*pFRS2_pTrkA*Dok/(Km_44+Dok)
Km_71 = 1.0 micromolarity; Vmax_71 = 120.0 1/minute; Rap1GAP = 0.012 micromolarityReaction: Rap1_GTP => Rap1_GDP; Rap1_GTP, Rate Law: Vmax_71*Rap1GAP*Rap1_GTP/(Km_71+Rap1_GTP)
kf_31 = 120.0 1/minuteReaction: FRS2_pTrkA_endo => pFRS2_pTrkA_endo; FRS2_pTrkA_endo, Rate Law: kf_31*FRS2_pTrkA_endo
kf_21 = 600.0 1/(micromolarity*minute); kb_21 = 12.0 1/minuteReaction: pTrkA_endo + Shc => Shc_pTrkA_endo; Shc, pTrkA_endo, Shc_pTrkA_endo, Rate Law: kf_21*Shc*pTrkA_endo-kb_21*Shc_pTrkA_endo
Vmax_64 = 600.0 1/minute; Km_64 = 1.0 micromolarityReaction: c_Raf_Ras_GTP + pDok_RasGAP => Ras_GDP + c_Raf + pDok_RasGAP; pDok_RasGAP, c_Raf_Ras_GTP, Rate Law: Vmax_64*pDok_RasGAP*c_Raf_Ras_GTP/(Km_64+c_Raf_Ras_GTP)
kf_80 = 978.24 1/(micromolarity*minute); kb_80 = 36.0 1/minuteReaction: ppMEKcyt + ERKcyt => ppMEKcyt_ERKcyt; ppMEKcyt, ERKcyt, ppMEKcyt_ERKcyt, Rate Law: kf_80*ppMEKcyt*ERKcyt-kb_80*ppMEKcyt_ERKcyt
kb_79 = 36.0 1/minute; kf_79 = 978.24 1/(micromolarity*minute)Reaction: ERKcyt + pMEKcyt => pMEKcyt_ERKcyt; pMEKcyt, ERKcyt, pMEKcyt_ERKcyt, Rate Law: kf_79*pMEKcyt*ERKcyt-kb_79*pMEKcyt_ERKcyt
mwd74ca4a6_566f_4161_859e_2b05bf2851fc=1.0E7 1/(molarity*second); mw924e0439_7ac5_4812_b1c2_11e46b4737b8=0.001 1/secondReaction: mwd4cc05d6_6e19_4e2e_b540_45954f2df4f0 + NGFR => mw5afa8250_0cf0_40a2_a97a_f7cf20a9cfbd; mwd4cc05d6_6e19_4e2e_b540_45954f2df4f0, NGFR, mw5afa8250_0cf0_40a2_a97a_f7cf20a9cfbd, Rate Law: mwd74ca4a6_566f_4161_859e_2b05bf2851fc*mwd4cc05d6_6e19_4e2e_b540_45954f2df4f0*NGFR-mw924e0439_7ac5_4812_b1c2_11e46b4737b8*mw5afa8250_0cf0_40a2_a97a_f7cf20a9cfbd
Vmax_39 = 1.2 1/minute; Km_39 = 0.1 micromolarityReaction: Dok + pTrkA => pDok + pTrkA; pTrkA, Dok, Rate Law: Vmax_39*pTrkA*Dok/(Km_39+Dok)
Vmax_40 = 1.2 1/minute; Km_40 = 0.1 micromolarityReaction: Dok + Shc_pTrkA => pDok + Shc_pTrkA; Shc_pTrkA, Dok, Rate Law: Vmax_40*Shc_pTrkA*Dok/(Km_40+Dok)
Km_58 = 0.02 micromolarity; Vmax_58 = 120.0 1/minuteReaction: Ras_GDP + Grb2_SOS_pShc_pTrkA => Ras_GTP + Grb2_SOS_pShc_pTrkA; Grb2_SOS_pShc_pTrkA, Ras_GDP, Rate Law: Vmax_58*Grb2_SOS_pShc_pTrkA*Ras_GDP/(Km_58+Ras_GDP)
kf_55 = 3.0 1/(micromolarity*minute); kb_55 = 1.99999998 1/minuteReaction: pDok + RasGAP => pDok_RasGAP; pDok, RasGAP, pDok_RasGAP, Rate Law: kf_55*pDok*RasGAP-kb_55*pDok_RasGAP
Km_87 = 0.16 micromolarity; Vmax_87 = 12.0 1/minuteReaction: MEKcyt_ERKcyt + B_Raf_Ras_GTP => pMEKcyt_ERKcyt + B_Raf_Ras_GTP; B_Raf_Ras_GTP, MEKcyt_ERKcyt, Rate Law: Vmax_87*B_Raf_Ras_GTP*MEKcyt_ERKcyt/(Km_87+MEKcyt_ERKcyt)
Vmax_43 = 1.2 1/minute; Km_43 = 0.1 micromolarityReaction: Dok + FRS2_pTrkA => pDok + FRS2_pTrkA; FRS2_pTrkA, Dok, Rate Law: Vmax_43*FRS2_pTrkA*Dok/(Km_43+Dok)
kf_117 = 2.1 1/minuteReaction: MEKnuc_ERKnuc => ; MEKnuc_ERKnuc, Rate Law: kf_117*MEKnuc_ERKnuc
kf_54 = 0.12 1/minuteReaction: Grb2_pSOS => Grb2_SOS; Grb2_pSOS, Rate Law: kf_54*Grb2_pSOS
Km_88 = 0.16 micromolarity; Vmax_88 = 12.0 1/minuteReaction: pMEKcyt_ERKcyt + B_Raf_Ras_GTP => ppMEKcyt_ERKcyt + B_Raf_Ras_GTP; B_Raf_Ras_GTP, pMEKcyt_ERKcyt, Rate Law: Vmax_88*B_Raf_Ras_GTP*pMEKcyt_ERKcyt/(Km_88+pMEKcyt_ERKcyt)
kf_65 = 60.0 1/(micromolarity*minute); kb_65 = 0.12 1/minuteReaction: Crk + C3G => Crk_C3G; C3G, Crk, Crk_C3G, Rate Law: kf_65*C3G*Crk-kb_65*Crk_C3G
Vmax_59 = 60.0 1/minute; Km_59 = 25.641 micromolarityReaction: SOS + dppERKcyt => pSOS + dppERKcyt; dppERKcyt, SOS, Rate Law: Vmax_59*dppERKcyt*SOS/(Km_59+SOS)
kb_18 = 12.0 1/minute; mwdfa3719d_20cc_4f14_b45e_3f097c3aff65 = 600.0 1/(micromolarity*minute)Reaction: pTrkA + Shc => Shc_pTrkA; Shc, pTrkA, Shc_pTrkA, Rate Law: mwdfa3719d_20cc_4f14_b45e_3f097c3aff65*Shc*pTrkA-kb_18*Shc_pTrkA
kf_48 = 600.0 1/(micromolarity*minute); kb_48 = 12.0 1/minuteReaction: Grb2_SOS + pShc => Grb2_SOS_pShc; Grb2_SOS, pShc, Grb2_SOS_pShc, Rate Law: kf_48*Grb2_SOS*pShc-kb_48*Grb2_SOS_pShc
kf_33 = 0.132 1/minuteReaction: Shc_pTrkA => Shc; Shc_pTrkA, Rate Law: kf_33*Shc_pTrkA
PP2Acyt = 0.24 micromolarity; Km_95 = 15.657 micromolarity; Vmax_95 = 180.0 1/minuteReaction: pMEKcyt_ERKcyt => MEKcyt_ERKcyt; pMEKcyt_ERKcyt, Rate Law: Vmax_95*PP2Acyt*pMEKcyt_ERKcyt/(Km_95+pMEKcyt_ERKcyt)
mw3716109a_c83e_4fd4_911e_ccc67b036bb7=0.001 1/second; mwfc8fe87e_6841_4214_9c2f_5d821794f38d=1.0E7 1/(molarity*second)Reaction: L_NGFR + mwd4cc05d6_6e19_4e2e_b540_45954f2df4f0 => mwe009ad7f_90fd_4186_8855_77780724ddb8; L_NGFR, mwd4cc05d6_6e19_4e2e_b540_45954f2df4f0, mwe009ad7f_90fd_4186_8855_77780724ddb8, Rate Law: mwfc8fe87e_6841_4214_9c2f_5d821794f38d*L_NGFR*mwd4cc05d6_6e19_4e2e_b540_45954f2df4f0-mw3716109a_c83e_4fd4_911e_ccc67b036bb7*mwe009ad7f_90fd_4186_8855_77780724ddb8
Km_62 = 1.0 micromolarity; Vmax_62 = 600.0 1/minuteReaction: Ras_GTP + pDok_RasGAP => Ras_GDP + pDok_RasGAP; pDok_RasGAP, Ras_GTP, Rate Law: Vmax_62*pDok_RasGAP*Ras_GTP/(Km_62+Ras_GTP)
Vmax_70 = 2.88 1/minute; Km_70 = 0.01 micromolarityReaction: Rap1_GDP + Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA_endo => Rap1_GTP + Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA_endo; Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA_endo, Rap1_GDP, Rate Law: Vmax_70*Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA_endo*Rap1_GDP/(Km_70+Rap1_GDP)
kf_46 = 1.8 1/(micromolarity*minute); kb_46 = 1.008 1/minuteReaction: Grb2 + SOS => Grb2_SOS; Grb2, SOS, Grb2_SOS, Rate Law: kf_46*Grb2*SOS-kb_46*Grb2_SOS
Vmax_45 = 1.2 1/minute; Km_45 = 0.1 micromolarityReaction: Dok + Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA => pDok + Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA; Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA, Dok, Rate Law: Vmax_45*Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA*Dok/(Km_45+Dok)
kf_36 = 0.132 1/minuteReaction: FRS2_pTrkA => FRS2; FRS2_pTrkA, Rate Law: kf_36*FRS2_pTrkA
kf_12 = 0.0252 1/minuteReaction: Shc_pTrkA_endo => Shc; Shc_pTrkA_endo, Rate Law: kf_12*Shc_pTrkA_endo
kf_4 = 0.0378 1/minuteReaction: pTrkA => pTrkA_endo; pTrkA, Rate Law: kf_4*pTrkA
Km_42 = 0.1 micromolarity; Vmax_42 = 1.2 1/minuteReaction: Dok + Grb2_SOS_pShc_pTrkA => pDok + Grb2_SOS_pShc_pTrkA; Grb2_SOS_pShc_pTrkA, Dok, Rate Law: Vmax_42*Grb2_SOS_pShc_pTrkA*Dok/(Km_42+Dok)
kf_32 = 0.132 1/minuteReaction: pTrkA => ; pTrkA, Rate Law: kf_32*pTrkA
kf_116 = 0.42 1/minuteReaction: MEKnuc_ERKnuc => MEKcyt_ERKcyt + MEKnuc_ERKnuc; MEKnuc_ERKnuc, Rate Law: kf_116*MEKnuc_ERKnuc
kb_25 = 6.0 1/minute; kf_25 = 300.0 1/(micromolarity*minute)Reaction: pTrkA + pFRS2 => pFRS2_pTrkA; pFRS2, pTrkA, pFRS2_pTrkA, Rate Law: kf_25*pFRS2*pTrkA-kb_25*pFRS2_pTrkA
PP2Anuc = 0.08 micromolarity; Km_106 = 15.657 micromolarity; Vmax_106 = 180.0 1/minuteReaction: pMEKnuc_ERKnuc => MEKnuc_ERKnuc; pMEKnuc_ERKnuc, Rate Law: Vmax_106*PP2Anuc*pMEKnuc_ERKnuc/(Km_106+pMEKnuc_ERKnuc)
Km_89 = 0.16 micromolarity; Vmax_89 = 18.0 1/minuteReaction: MEKcyt + B_Raf_Rap1_GTP => pMEKcyt + B_Raf_Rap1_GTP; B_Raf_Rap1_GTP, MEKcyt, Rate Law: Vmax_89*B_Raf_Rap1_GTP*MEKcyt/(Km_89+MEKcyt)
kb_49 = 12.0 1/minute; kf_49 = 600.0 1/(micromolarity*minute)Reaction: pShc_pTrkA + Grb2_SOS => Grb2_SOS_pShc_pTrkA; Grb2_SOS, pShc_pTrkA, Grb2_SOS_pShc_pTrkA, Rate Law: kf_49*Grb2_SOS*pShc_pTrkA-kb_49*Grb2_SOS_pShc_pTrkA
Vmax_84 = 30.0 1/minute; Km_84 = 0.16 micromolarityReaction: pMEKcyt_ERKcyt + c_Raf_Ras_GTP => ppMEKcyt_ERKcyt + c_Raf_Ras_GTP; c_Raf_Ras_GTP, pMEKcyt_ERKcyt, Rate Law: Vmax_84*c_Raf_Ras_GTP*pMEKcyt_ERKcyt/(Km_84+pMEKcyt_ERKcyt)
kf_3 = 60.0 1/minuteReaction: L_NGFR => pTrkA; L_NGFR, Rate Law: kf_3*L_NGFR
kf_52 = 0.3 1/minuteReaction: Grb2_SOS_pShc => Shc + Grb2_SOS; Grb2_SOS_pShc, Rate Law: kf_52*Grb2_SOS_pShc
kf_101 = 978.24 1/(micromolarity*minute); kb_101 = 36.0 1/minuteReaction: MEKnuc + ERKnuc => MEKnuc_ERKnuc; MEKnuc, ERKnuc, MEKnuc_ERKnuc, Rate Law: kf_101*MEKnuc*ERKnuc-kb_101*MEKnuc_ERKnuc
kf_56 = 0.12 1/minute; kb_56 = 6.0E-4 1/minuteReaction: pDok => Dok; pDok, Dok, Rate Law: kf_56*pDok-kb_56*Dok
Km_61 = 25.641 micromolarity; Vmax_61 = 60.0 1/minuteReaction: Grb2_SOS + dppERKcyt => Grb2_pSOS + dppERKcyt; dppERKcyt, Grb2_SOS, Rate Law: Vmax_61*dppERKcyt*Grb2_SOS/(Km_61+Grb2_SOS)
kf_10 = 0.0378 1/minuteReaction: Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA => Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA_endo; Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA, Rate Law: kf_10*Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA
kb_50 = 12.0 1/minute; kf_50 = 600.0 1/(micromolarity*minute)Reaction: pShc_pTrkA_endo + Grb2_SOS => Grb2_SOS_pShc_pTrkA_endo; Grb2_SOS, pShc_pTrkA_endo, Grb2_SOS_pShc_pTrkA_endo, Rate Law: kf_50*Grb2_SOS*pShc_pTrkA_endo-kb_50*Grb2_SOS_pShc_pTrkA_endo
kf_26 = 300.0 1/(micromolarity*minute); kb_26 = 6.0 1/minuteReaction: pTrkA_endo + FRS2 => FRS2_pTrkA_endo; FRS2, pTrkA_endo, FRS2_pTrkA_endo, Rate Law: kf_26*FRS2*pTrkA_endo-kb_26*FRS2_pTrkA_endo
kb_73 = 30.0 1/minute; kf_73 = 3600.0 1/(micromolarity*minute)Reaction: Ras_GTP + c_Raf => c_Raf_Ras_GTP; c_Raf, Ras_GTP, c_Raf_Ras_GTP, Rate Law: kf_73*c_Raf*Ras_GTP-kb_73*c_Raf_Ras_GTP
kf_38 = 0.132 1/minuteReaction: Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA => Crk_C3G + pFRS2; Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA, Rate Law: kf_38*Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA
kf_17 = 0.0252 1/minuteReaction: Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA_endo => Crk_C3G + pFRS2; Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA_endo, Rate Law: kf_17*Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA_endo
kf_114 = 3.12 1/minuteReaction: MEKcyt_ERKcyt => ; MEKcyt_ERKcyt, Rate Law: kf_114*MEKcyt_ERKcyt
kf_57 = 0.0070002 1/minuteReaction: Ras_GTP => Ras_GDP; Ras_GTP, Rate Law: kf_57*Ras_GTP
kf_115 = 15.6 1/minuteReaction: MEKcyt_ERKcyt => MEKnuc_ERKnuc + MEKcyt_ERKcyt; MEKcyt_ERKcyt, Rate Law: kf_115*MEKcyt_ERKcyt
kf_66 = 60.0 1/(micromolarity*minute); kb_66 = 12.0 1/minuteReaction: pFRS2_pTrkA + Crk_C3G => Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA; Crk_C3G, pFRS2_pTrkA, Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA, Rate Law: kf_66*Crk_C3G*pFRS2_pTrkA-kb_66*Crk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA
kf_75 = 3600.0 1/(micromolarity*minute); kb_75 = 30.0 1/minuteReaction: B_Raf + Rap1_GTP => B_Raf_Rap1_GTP; B_Raf, Rap1_GTP, B_Raf_Rap1_GTP, Rate Law: kf_75*B_Raf*Rap1_GTP-kb_75*B_Raf_Rap1_GTP
Km_72 = 1.0 micromolarity; Vmax_72 = 120.0 1/minute; Rap1GAP = 0.012 micromolarityReaction: B_Raf_Rap1_GTP => B_Raf + Rap1_GDP; B_Raf_Rap1_GTP, Rate Law: Vmax_72*Rap1GAP*B_Raf_Rap1_GTP/(Km_72+B_Raf_Rap1_GTP)
Km_85 = 0.16 micromolarity; Vmax_85 = 12.0 1/minuteReaction: MEKcyt + B_Raf_Ras_GTP => pMEKcyt + B_Raf_Ras_GTP; B_Raf_Ras_GTP, MEKcyt, Rate Law: Vmax_85*B_Raf_Ras_GTP*MEKcyt/(Km_85+MEKcyt)
mwda0271e2_458c_4419_9c7d_8fb1bf692c13=2000.0 1/minute; mwc3897a3e_bec3_478d_9450_afc4751c2775=2000.0 1/minuteReaction: NGFR => mwe979ec8f_a55c_470c_a554_9fa8013eab74; NGFR, mwe979ec8f_a55c_470c_a554_9fa8013eab74, Rate Law: mwc3897a3e_bec3_478d_9450_afc4751c2775*NGFR*mw3bc142df_1951_4fa9_b0a7_011c95012bbf-mwda0271e2_458c_4419_9c7d_8fb1bf692c13*mwe979ec8f_a55c_470c_a554_9fa8013eab74*mwc2fe3668_8fb0_4cfb_b795_99057e61e290
mw5d69c45e_20e6_4a18_b22a_b79692b9c57d=2000.0 1/minute; mw88063cbd_d06b_40bd_bbed_3f8a4a9ee082=2000.0 1/minuteReaction: mw6782adfa_29ee_41a8_acbb_4c86c6c81596 => L_NGFR; mw6782adfa_29ee_41a8_acbb_4c86c6c81596, L_NGFR, Rate Law: mw5d69c45e_20e6_4a18_b22a_b79692b9c57d*mw6782adfa_29ee_41a8_acbb_4c86c6c81596*mwc2fe3668_8fb0_4cfb_b795_99057e61e290-mw88063cbd_d06b_40bd_bbed_3f8a4a9ee082*L_NGFR*mw3bc142df_1951_4fa9_b0a7_011c95012bbf


B RafB_Raf
pTrkA endopTrkA_endo
Grb2 SOSGrb2_SOS
Rap1 GTPRap1_GTP
Crk C3G pFRS2 pTrkACrk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA
MEKnuc ERKnucMEKnuc_ERKnuc
B Raf Ras GTPB_Raf_Ras_GTP
Crk C3G pFRS2 pTrkA endoCrk_C3G_pFRS2_pTrkA_endo
Crk C3GCrk_C3G
Grb2 SOS pShcGrb2_SOS_pShc
MEKcyt ERKcytMEKcyt_ERKcyt
pFRS2 pTrkA endopFRS2_pTrkA_endo
ppMEKcyt ERKcytppMEKcyt_ERKcyt
c Rafc_Raf

Benson2014 - FAAH inhibitors for the treatment of osteoarthritic pain: BIOMD0000000512v0.0.1

Benson2014 - FAAH inhibitors for the treatment of osteoarthritic painEvaluation of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) as…


The level of the endocannabinoid anandamide is controlled by fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH). In 2011, PF-04457845, an irreversible inhibitor of FAAH, was progressed to phase II clinical trials for osteoarthritic pain. This article discusses a prospective, integrated systems pharmacology model evaluation of FAAH as a target for pain in humans, using physiologically based pharmacokinetic and systems biology approaches. The model integrated physiological compartments; endocannabinoid production, degradation, and disposition data; PF-04457845 pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, and cannabinoid receptor CB1-binding kinetics. The modeling identified clear gaps in our understanding and highlighted key risks going forward, in particular relating to whether methods are in place to demonstrate target engagement and pharmacological effect. The value of this modeling exercise will be discussed in detail and in the context of the clinical phase II data, together with recommendations to enable optimal future evaluation of FAAH inhibitors.CPT: Pharmacometrics Systems Pharmacology (2014) 3, e91; doi:10.1038/psp.2013.72; published online 15 January 2014. link:


kcat_FAAH = 18000.0; FAAH_D_m = 0.0; a_FAAH_S = 1.0; Km_FAAH_S = 10000.0Reaction: S_m => ; FAAH_m, FAAH_m, S_m, Rate Law: MEC*FAAH_m*kcat_FAAH*a_FAAH_S*S_m/(Km_FAAH_S*FAAH_D_m)
ktr_r_p = 100.0; Ktr_p_r_A = 0.62; Km_p_m_A = 1.0Reaction: A_r => A_p; A_r, A_p, Rate Law: PLASMA*ktr_r_p*(A_r-A_p*Ktr_p_r_A)/(A_r+A_p+Km_p_m_A)
b_NAT_Brain = 1.667; Vmax_NAT = 300.0; p_O = 0.098; a_NAT_O = 13.0Reaction: => NOPE_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*Vmax_NAT*p_O*a_NAT_O*b_NAT_Brain
Vmax_NAT = 300.0; p_O = 0.098; a_NAT_O = 13.0; c_NAT_ROB = 0.0Reaction: => NOPE_r, Rate Law: Vmax_NAT*p_O*a_NAT_O*c_NAT_ROB
kcat_FAAH = 18000.0; a_FAAH_P = 37.8; FAAH_D_m = 0.0; Km_FAAH_P = 543000.0Reaction: P_m => ; FAAH_m, FAAH_m, P_m, Rate Law: MEC*FAAH_m*kcat_FAAH*a_FAAH_P*P_m/(Km_FAAH_P*FAAH_D_m)
Ktr_p_m_A = 1.89; ktr_m_p_A = 150.0; Km_p_m_A = 1.0Reaction: A_m => A_p; A_m, A_p, Rate Law: MEC*ktr_m_p_A*(A_m-A_p*Ktr_p_m_A)/(A_m+A_p+Km_p_m_A)
kcat_FAAH = 18000.0; FAAH_D_r = 0.0; a_FAAH_S = 1.0; Km_FAAH_S = 10000.0Reaction: S_r => ; FAAH_r, FAAH_r, S_r, Rate Law: ROB*FAAH_r*kcat_FAAH*a_FAAH_S*S_r/(Km_FAAH_S*FAAH_D_r)
den_b = 0.0; Km_NS_PE = 3400.0; k_NS_PE = 280.0; PLD_b = 1.0E7Reaction: NSPE_b => S_b; NSPE_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*PLD_b*k_NS_PE*NSPE_b/Km_NS_PE/den_b
k_inh = 1.1; PF_r = 0.0Reaction: FAAH_r => FAAHinh_r; FAAH_r, Rate Law: ROB*k_inh*FAAH_r*PF_r
kin_PFM = 0.117; kout_PFM = 0.18Reaction: PFM_p => PFM_r; PFM_p, PFM_r, Rate Law: kout_PFM*PFM_p-kin_PFM*PFM_r
p_P = 0.615; a_NAT_P = 0.42; b_NAT_Brain = 1.667; Vmax_NAT = 300.0Reaction: => NPPE_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*Vmax_NAT*p_P*a_NAT_P*b_NAT_Brain
kcat_FAAH = 18000.0; FAAH_D_r = 0.0; Km_FAAH_O = 52200.0; a_FAAH_O = 5.7Reaction: O_r => ; FAAH_r, FAAH_r, O_r, Rate Law: ROB*FAAH_r*kcat_FAAH*a_FAAH_O*O_r/(Km_FAAH_O*FAAH_D_r)
ktr_r_p = 100.0; Ktr_p_r_S = 9.19Reaction: S_r => S_p; S_r, S_p, Rate Law: PLASMA*ktr_r_p*(S_r-S_p*Ktr_p_r_S)
PLD_r = 1.0E7; k_NA_PE = 202.0; Km_NA_PE = 2800.0; den_r = 0.0Reaction: NAPE_r => A_r; NAPE_r, Rate Law: ROB*PLD_r*k_NA_PE*NAPE_r/Km_NA_PE/den_r
a_NAT_L = 8.6; p_L = 0.016; b_NAT_Brain = 1.667; Vmax_NAT = 300.0Reaction: => NLPE_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*Vmax_NAT*p_L*a_NAT_L*b_NAT_Brain
kcl_A = 1.74; b_FAAH_Brain = 0.197Reaction: A_b => ; A_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*b_FAAH_Brain*kcl_A*A_b
Ktr_p_r_P = 0.85; ktr_r_p = 100.0Reaction: P_r => P_p; P_r, P_p, Rate Law: PLASMA*ktr_r_p*(P_r-P_p*Ktr_p_r_P)
den_b = 0.0; Km_NO_PE = 2900.0; k_NO_PE = 230.0; PLD_b = 1.0E7Reaction: NOPE_b => O_b; NOPE_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*PLD_b*k_NO_PE*NOPE_b/Km_NO_PE/den_b
b_FAAH_Brain = 0.197; kcl_S = 1.2Reaction: S_b => ; S_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*b_FAAH_Brain*kcl_S*S_b
c_NAAA_ROB = 0.0; kcl_O = 2.5Reaction: O_r => ; O_r, Rate Law: c_NAAA_ROB*kcl_O*O_r
ktr_m_p_L = 0.0Reaction: L_b => L_m; L_b, L_m, Rate Law: MEC*ktr_m_p_L*(L_b-L_m)
kcl_P = 2.61; b_FAAH_Brain = 0.197Reaction: P_b => ; P_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*b_FAAH_Brain*kcl_P*P_b
kcl_O = 2.5; b_FAAH_Brain = 0.197Reaction: O_b => ; O_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*b_FAAH_Brain*kcl_O*O_b
kabs_PFM = 2.2; MD = 0.0Reaction: PFM_gut => PFM_p, Rate Law: kabs_PFM*MD
kcat_FAAH = 18000.0; FAAH_D_m = 0.0; Km_FAAH_A = 8200.0; a_FAAH_A = 1.0Reaction: A_m => ; FAAH_m, FAAH_m, A_m, Rate Law: MEC*FAAH_m*kcat_FAAH*a_FAAH_A*A_m/(Km_FAAH_A*FAAH_D_m)
c_NAAA_ROB = 0.0; kcl_S = 1.2Reaction: S_r => ; S_r, Rate Law: c_NAAA_ROB*kcl_S*S_r
PF_m = 0.0; k_inh = 1.1Reaction: FAAH_m => FAAHinh_m; FAAH_m, Rate Law: MEC*k_inh*FAAH_m*PF_m
kcat_FAAH = 18000.0; FAAH_D_m = 0.0; a_FAAH_L = 1.15; Km_FAAH_L = 10800.0Reaction: L_m => ; FAAH_m, FAAH_m, L_m, Rate Law: MEC*FAAH_m*kcat_FAAH*a_FAAH_L*L_m/(Km_FAAH_L*FAAH_D_m)
b_FAAH_MEC = 0.137; k_deg_FAAH = 0.0051; FAAH_t = 78.0Reaction: => FAAH_m, Rate Law: MEC*FAAH_t*b_FAAH_MEC*k_deg_FAAH
FAAH_D_b = 0.0; kcat_FAAH = 18000.0; a_FAAH_P = 37.8; Km_FAAH_P = 543000.0Reaction: P_b => ; FAAH_b, FAAH_b, P_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*FAAH_b*kcat_FAAH*a_FAAH_P*P_b/(Km_FAAH_P*FAAH_D_b)
den_b = 0.0; k_NA_PE = 202.0; Km_NA_PE = 2800.0; PLD_b = 1.0E7Reaction: NAPE_b => A_b; NAPE_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*PLD_b*k_NA_PE*NAPE_b/Km_NA_PE/den_b
a_NAT_A = 1.0; b_NAT_Brain = 1.667; Vmax_NAT = 300.0; p_A = 0.051Reaction: => NAPE_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*Vmax_NAT*p_A*a_NAT_A*b_NAT_Brain
PLD_r = 1.0E7; Km_NL_PE = 1000.0; k_NL_PE = 100.0; den_r = 0.0Reaction: NLPE_r => L_r; NLPE_r, Rate Law: ROB*PLD_r*k_NL_PE*NLPE_r/Km_NL_PE/den_r
klinear_PFM = 0.0803; Km_PFM = 26.1; Vm_PFM = 1511.0; Vss_PFM = 58.328Reaction: PFM_p => ; PFM_p, Rate Law: klinear_PFM*PFM_p+Vm_PFM*PFM_p/(Km_PFM+PFM_p/Vss_PFM)/Vss_PFM
kcat_FAAH = 18000.0; a_FAAH_P = 37.8; Km_FAAH_P = 543000.0; FAAH_D_r = 0.0Reaction: P_r => ; FAAH_r, FAAH_r, P_r, Rate Law: ROB*FAAH_r*kcat_FAAH*a_FAAH_P*P_r/(Km_FAAH_P*FAAH_D_r)
ktr_r_p = 100.0; Ktr_p_r_L = 0.89Reaction: L_r => L_p; L_r, L_p, Rate Law: PLASMA*ktr_r_p*(L_r-L_p*Ktr_p_r_L)
PLD_r = 1.0E7; Km_NO_PE = 2900.0; k_NO_PE = 230.0; den_r = 0.0Reaction: NOPE_r => O_r; NOPE_r, Rate Law: ROB*PLD_r*k_NO_PE*NOPE_r/Km_NO_PE/den_r
kcat_FAAH = 18000.0; FAAH_D_r = 0.0; Km_FAAH_A = 8200.0; a_FAAH_A = 1.0Reaction: A_r => ; FAAH_r, FAAH_r, A_r, Rate Law: ROB*FAAH_r*kcat_FAAH*a_FAAH_A*A_r/(Km_FAAH_A*FAAH_D_r)
k_deg_FAAH = 0.0051Reaction: FAAH_r => ; FAAH_r, Rate Law: ROB*k_deg_FAAH*FAAH_r
a_NAT_S = 1.0; Vmax_NAT = 300.0; p_S = 0.191; c_NAT_ROB = 0.0Reaction: => NSPE_r, Rate Law: Vmax_NAT*p_S*a_NAT_S*c_NAT_ROB
Ktr_p_r_O = 2.8; ktr_r_p = 100.0Reaction: O_r => O_p; O_r, O_p, Rate Law: PLASMA*ktr_r_p*(O_r-O_p*Ktr_p_r_O)
kcat_FAAH = 18000.0; a_FAAH_L = 1.15; FAAH_D_r = 0.0; Km_FAAH_L = 10800.0Reaction: L_r => ; FAAH_r, FAAH_r, L_r, Rate Law: ROB*FAAH_r*kcat_FAAH*a_FAAH_L*L_r/(Km_FAAH_L*FAAH_D_r)
den_b = 0.0; Km_NL_PE = 1000.0; k_NL_PE = 100.0; PLD_b = 1.0E7Reaction: NLPE_b => L_b; NLPE_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*PLD_b*k_NL_PE*NLPE_b/Km_NL_PE/den_b
ktr_m_p_A = 150.0; Km_p_m_A = 1.0Reaction: A_b => A_m; A_b, A_m, Rate Law: MEC*ktr_m_p_A*(A_b-A_m)/(A_m+A_b+Km_p_m_A)
c_NAAA_ROB = 0.0; kcl_A = 1.74Reaction: A_r => ; A_r, Rate Law: c_NAAA_ROB*kcl_A*A_r
Ktr_p_m_P = 2.65; ktr_m_p_P = 10.0Reaction: P_m => P_p; P_m, P_p, Rate Law: MEC*ktr_m_p_P*(P_m-P_p*Ktr_p_m_P)
k_deg_FAAH = 0.0051; b_FAAH_Brain = 0.197; FAAH_t = 78.0Reaction: => FAAH_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*FAAH_t*b_FAAH_Brain*k_deg_FAAH
c_NAAA_ROB = 0.0; kcl_P = 2.61Reaction: P_r => ; P_r, Rate Law: c_NAAA_ROB*kcl_P*P_r
ktr_m_p_P = 10.0Reaction: P_b => P_m; P_b, P_m, Rate Law: MEC*ktr_m_p_P*(P_b-P_m)
den_b = 0.0; k_NP_PE = 270.0; PLD_b = 1.0E7; Km_NP_PE = 3300.0Reaction: NPPE_b => P_b; NPPE_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*PLD_b*k_NP_PE*NPPE_b/Km_NP_PE/den_b
FAAH_D_b = 0.0; kcat_FAAH = 18000.0; a_FAAH_S = 1.0; Km_FAAH_S = 10000.0Reaction: S_b => ; FAAH_b, FAAH_b, S_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*FAAH_b*kcat_FAAH*a_FAAH_S*S_b/(Km_FAAH_S*FAAH_D_b)
ktr_m_p_S = 10.0; Ktr_p_m_S = 30.01Reaction: S_m => S_p; S_m, S_p, Rate Law: MEC*ktr_m_p_S*(S_m-S_p*Ktr_p_m_S)
a_NAT_S = 1.0; b_NAT_Brain = 1.667; Vmax_NAT = 300.0; p_S = 0.191Reaction: => NSPE_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*Vmax_NAT*p_S*a_NAT_S*b_NAT_Brain
kcl_L = 1.25; b_FAAH_Brain = 0.197Reaction: L_b => ; L_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*b_FAAH_Brain*kcl_L*L_b
c_FAAH_ROB = 0.0; k_deg_FAAH = 0.0051; FAAH_t = 78.0Reaction: => FAAH_r, Rate Law: FAAH_t*c_FAAH_ROB*k_deg_FAAH
FAAH_D_b = 0.0; kcat_FAAH = 18000.0; a_FAAH_L = 1.15; Km_FAAH_L = 10800.0Reaction: L_b => ; FAAH_b, FAAH_b, L_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*FAAH_b*kcat_FAAH*a_FAAH_L*L_b/(Km_FAAH_L*FAAH_D_b)
ktr_m_p_O = 10.0Reaction: O_b => O_m; O_b, O_m, Rate Law: MEC*ktr_m_p_O*(O_b-O_m)
c_NAAA_ROB = 0.0; kcl_L = 1.25Reaction: L_r => ; L_r, Rate Law: c_NAAA_ROB*kcl_L*L_r
PLD_r = 1.0E7; Km_NS_PE = 3400.0; k_NS_PE = 280.0; den_r = 0.0Reaction: NSPE_r => S_r; NSPE_r, Rate Law: ROB*PLD_r*k_NS_PE*NSPE_r/Km_NS_PE/den_r
k_inh = 1.1; PF_b = 0.0Reaction: FAAH_b => FAAHinh_b; FAAH_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*k_inh*FAAH_b*PF_b
ktr_m_p_S = 10.0Reaction: S_b => S_m; S_b, S_m, Rate Law: MEC*ktr_m_p_S*(S_b-S_m)
a_NAT_A = 1.0; Vmax_NAT = 300.0; p_A = 0.051; c_NAT_ROB = 0.0Reaction: => NAPE_r, Rate Law: Vmax_NAT*p_A*a_NAT_A*c_NAT_ROB
kcat_FAAH = 18000.0; FAAH_D_m = 0.0; Km_FAAH_O = 52200.0; a_FAAH_O = 5.7Reaction: O_m => ; FAAH_m, FAAH_m, O_m, Rate Law: MEC*FAAH_m*kcat_FAAH*a_FAAH_O*O_m/(Km_FAAH_O*FAAH_D_m)
Ktr_p_m_L = 2.77; ktr_m_p_L = 0.0Reaction: L_m => L_p; L_m, L_p, Rate Law: MEC*ktr_m_p_L*(L_m-L_p*Ktr_p_m_L)
Ktr_p_m_O = 9.07; ktr_m_p_O = 10.0Reaction: O_m => O_p; O_m, O_p, Rate Law: MEC*ktr_m_p_O*(O_m-O_p*Ktr_p_m_O)
PLD_r = 1.0E7; k_NP_PE = 270.0; Km_NP_PE = 3300.0; den_r = 0.0Reaction: NPPE_r => P_r; NPPE_r, Rate Law: ROB*PLD_r*k_NP_PE*NPPE_r/Km_NP_PE/den_r
FAAH_D_b = 0.0; kcat_FAAH = 18000.0; Km_FAAH_O = 52200.0; a_FAAH_O = 5.7Reaction: O_b => ; FAAH_b, FAAH_b, O_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*FAAH_b*kcat_FAAH*a_FAAH_O*O_b/(Km_FAAH_O*FAAH_D_b)
FAAH_D_b = 0.0; kcat_FAAH = 18000.0; Km_FAAH_A = 8200.0; a_FAAH_A = 1.0Reaction: A_b => ; FAAH_b, FAAH_b, A_b, Rate Law: BRAIN*FAAH_b*kcat_FAAH*a_FAAH_A*A_b/(Km_FAAH_A*FAAH_D_b)


NAPE r[anandamide]
L b[linoleoyl ethanolamide]
S b[27902]
A r[anandamide]
P b[palmitoyl ethanolamide]
O b[oleoyl ethanolamide]
FAAHinh b[EC (fatty acid amide hydrolase) inhibitor]
O r[oleoyl ethanolamide]
A b[anandamide]
L p[linoleoyl ethanolamide]
A p[anandamide]
L r[linoleoyl ethanolamide]
S r[27902]
PFM gut[CHEMBL1651534]
NLPE b[linoleoyl ethanolamide]
FAAH b[Fatty-acid amide hydrolase 1]
O m[oleoyl ethanolamide]
PFM r[CHEMBL1651534]
NLPE r[linoleoyl ethanolamide]
NSPE r[27902]
L m[linoleoyl ethanolamide]
NSPE b[27902]
FAAH r[Fatty-acid amide hydrolase 1]
NAPE b[anandamide]
FAAHinh r[EC (fatty acid amide hydrolase) inhibitor]
FAAHinh m[EC (fatty acid amide hydrolase) inhibitor]
P m[palmitoyl ethanolamide]
P r[palmitoyl ethanolamide]
NPPE b[palmitoyl ethanolamide]
A m[anandamide]
FAAH m[Fatty-acid amide hydrolase 1]
O p[oleoyl ethanolamide]
PFM p[CHEMBL1651534]
S m[27902]
NOPE r[oleoyl ethanolamide]
P p[palmitoyl ethanolamide]
S p[27902]
NOPE b[oleoyl ethanolamide]

Benson2017 - Systems Pharmacology Multidrug (cholesterol biosynthesis pathway): MODEL1506220000v0.0.1

BensonWattersonetal_SystemsPharmacology_MultidrugThis model is described in the article: [Is systems pharmacology ready…


An ever-growing wealth of information on current drugs and their pharmacological effects is available from online databases. As our understanding of systems biology increases, we have the opportunity to predict, model and quantify how drug combinations can be introduced that outperform conventional single-drug therapies. Here, we explore the feasibility of such systems pharmacology approaches with an analysis of the mevalonate branch of the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway.Using open online resources, we assembled a computational model of the mevalonate pathway and compiled a set of inhibitors directed against targets in this pathway. We used computational optimisation to identify combination and dose options that show not only maximal efficacy of inhibition on the cholesterol producing branch but also minimal impact on the geranylation branch, known to mediate the side effects of pharmaceutical treatment.We describe serious impediments to systems pharmacology studies arising from limitations in the data, incomplete coverage and inconsistent reporting. By curating a more complete dataset, we demonstrate the utility of computational optimization for identifying multi-drug treatments with high efficacy and minimal off-target effects.We suggest solutions that facilitate systems pharmacology studies, based on the introduction of standards for data capture that increase the power of experimental data. We propose a systems pharmacology work-flow for the refinement of data and the generation of future therapeutic hypotheses. link:

Bertozzi2020 - SIR model of scenarios of COVID-19 spread in CA and NY: BIOMD0000000956v0.0.1

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has placed epidemic modeling at the forefront of worldwide public polic…


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has placed epidemic modeling at the forefront of worldwide public policy making. Nonetheless, modeling and forecasting the spread of COVID-19 remains a challenge. Here, we detail three regional-scale models for forecasting and assessing the course of the pandemic. This work demonstrates the utility of parsimonious models for early-time data and provides an accessible framework for generating policy-relevant insights into its course. We show how these models can be connected to each other and to time series data for a particular region. Capable of measuring and forecasting the impacts of social distancing, these models highlight the dangers of relaxing nonpharmaceutical public health interventions in the absence of a vaccine or antiviral therapies. link:

Bertram1995_PancreaticBetaCell_CRAC: BIOMD0000000374v0.0.1

This a model from the article: A role for calcium release-activated current (CRAC) in cholinergic modulation of elec…


S. Bordin and colleagues have proposed that the depolarizing effects of acetylcholine and other muscarinic agonists on pancreatic beta-cells are mediated by a calcium release-activated current (CRAC). We support this hypothesis with additional data, and present a theoretical model which accounts for most known data on muscarinic effects. Additional phenomena, such as the biphasic responses of beta-cells to changes in glucose concentration and the depolarizing effects of the sarco-endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase pump poison thapsigargin, are also accounted for by our model. The ability of this single hypothesis, that CRAC is present in beta-cells, to explain so many phenomena motivates a more complete characterization of this current. link:


lambda_er = 250.0; J_er_tot = 0.0463972850678733; sigma_er = 5.0Reaction: Ca_er_Ca_equations = (-J_er_tot)/(lambda_er*sigma_er), Rate Law: (-J_er_tot)/(lambda_er*sigma_er)
i_K_Ca = 3.45489443378119; i_leak = 0.0; i_CRAC = -11.3122509416041; Cm = 6158.0; i_Ca = -1342.58335216182; i_K = 17.55; i_K_ATP = 1350.0Reaction: V_membrane = (-(i_Ca+i_K+i_K_ATP+i_K_Ca+i_CRAC+i_leak))/Cm, Rate Law: (-(i_Ca+i_K+i_K_ATP+i_K_Ca+i_CRAC+i_leak))/Cm
tau_n = 9.085746273364; lambda_n = 1.85; n_infinity = 4.67956725632935E-4Reaction: n = lambda_n*(n_infinity-n)/tau_n, Rate Law: lambda_n*(n_infinity-n)/tau_n
J_mem_tot = -2.8573018487523E-5; lambda_er = 250.0; J_er_tot = 0.0463972850678733Reaction: Ca_i = J_er_tot/lambda_er+J_mem_tot, Rate Law: J_er_tot/lambda_er+J_mem_tot
jm_infinity = 0.0179862099620915; tau_j = 8145.05572085199Reaction: jm = (jm_infinity-jm)/tau_j, Rate Law: (jm_infinity-jm)/tau_j


Ca i[calcium(2+)]
V membrane[membrane potential]
Ca er Ca equations[calcium(2+)]
n[delayed rectifier potassium channel activity]

Bertram2000_PancreaticBetaCells_Oscillations: BIOMD0000000377v0.0.1

This a model from the article: The phantom burster model for pancreatic beta-cells. Bertram R, Previte J, Sherman A…


Pancreatic beta-cells exhibit bursting oscillations with a wide range of periods. Whereas periods in isolated cells are generally either a few seconds or a few minutes, in intact islets of Langerhans they are intermediate (10-60 s). We develop a mathematical model for beta-cell electrical activity capable of generating this wide range of bursting oscillations. Unlike previous models, bursting is driven by the interaction of two slow processes, one with a relatively small time constant (1-5 s) and the other with a much larger time constant (1-2 min). Bursting on the intermediate time scale is generated without need for a slow process having an intermediate time constant, hence phantom bursting. The model suggests that isolated cells exhibiting a fast pattern may nonetheless possess slower processes that can be brought out by injecting suitable exogenous currents. Guided by this, we devise an experimental protocol using the dynamic clamp technique that reliably elicits islet-like, medium period oscillations from isolated cells. Finally, we show that strong electrical coupling between a fast burster and a slow burster can produce synchronized medium bursting, suggesting that islets may be composed of cells that are intrinsically either fast or slow, with few or none that are intrinsically medium. link:


Is2 = 513.856; Cm = 4524.0; Il = -75.0; ICa = -2295.26000299071; IK = 1443.0; Is1 = 74.0Reaction: V = (-(ICa+IK+Il+Is1+Is2))/Cm, Rate Law: (-(ICa+IK+Il+Is1+Is2))/Cm
s2inf = 0.0758581800212435; taus2 = 120000.0Reaction: s2 = (s2inf-s2)/taus2, Rate Law: (s2inf-s2)/taus2
taun = 8.03194764300286; ninf = 0.0322954646984505Reaction: n = (ninf-n)/taun, Rate Law: (ninf-n)/taun
s1inf = 0.00247262315663477; taus1 = 1000.0Reaction: s1 = (s1inf-s1)/taus1, Rate Law: (s1inf-s1)/taus1


V[membrane potential]
n[delayed rectifier potassium channel activity]

Bertram2002_Gprotein_SynapticSignal: MODEL1006230024v0.0.1

This a model from the article: Role for G protein Gbetagamma isoform specificity in synaptic signal processing: a comp…


Computational modeling is used to investigate the functional impact of G protein-mediated presynaptic autoinhibition on synaptic filtering properties. It is demonstrated that this form of autoinhibition, which is relieved by depolarization, acts as a high-pass filter. This contrasts with vesicle depletion, which acts as a low-pass filter. Model parameters are adjusted to reproduce kinetic slowing data from different Gbetagamma dimeric isoforms, which produce different degrees of slowing. With these sets of parameter values, we demonstrate that the range of frequencies filtered out by the autoinhibition varies greatly depending on the Gbetagamma isoform activated by the autoreceptors. It is shown that G protein autoinhibition can enhance the spatial contrast between a spatially distributed high-frequency signal and surrounding low-frequency noise, providing an alternate mechanism to lateral inhibition. It is also shown that autoinhibition can increase the fidelity of coincidence detection by increasing the signal-to-noise ratio in the postsynaptic cell. The filter cut, the input frequency below which signals are filtered, depends on several biophysical parameters in addition to those related to Gbetagamma binding and unbinding. By varying one such parameter, the rate at which transmitter unbinds from autoreceptors, we show that the filter cut can be adjusted up or down for several of the Gbetagamma isoforms. This allows for great synapse-to-synapse variability in the distinction between signal and noise. link:

Bertram2004_PancreaticBetaCell_modelA: MODEL1006230071v0.0.1

This a model from the article: Calcium and glycolysis mediate multiple bursting modes in pancreatic islets. Bertram…


Pancreatic islets of Langerhans produce bursts of electrical activity when exposed to stimulatory glucose levels. These bursts often have a regular repeating pattern, with a period of 10-60 s. In some cases, however, the bursts are episodic, clustered into bursts of bursts, which we call compound bursting. Consistent with this are recordings of free Ca2+ concentration, oxygen consumption, mitochondrial membrane potential, and intraislet glucose levels that exhibit very slow oscillations, with faster oscillations superimposed. We describe a new mathematical model of the pancreatic beta-cell that can account for these multimodal patterns. The model includes the feedback of cytosolic Ca2+ onto ion channels that can account for bursting, and a metabolic subsystem that is capable of producing slow oscillations driven by oscillations in glycolysis. This slow rhythm is responsible for the slow mode of compound bursting in the model. We also show that it is possible for glycolytic oscillations alone to drive a very slow form of bursting, which we call "glycolytic bursting." Finally, the model predicts that there is bistability between stationary and oscillatory glycolysis for a range of parameter values. We provide experimental support for this model prediction. Overall, the model can account for a diversity of islet behaviors described in the literature over the past 20 years. link:

Bertram2004_PancreaticBetaCell_modelB: BIOMD0000000373v0.0.1

This a model from the article: Calcium and glycolysis mediate multiple bursting modes in pancreatic islets. Bertram…


Pancreatic islets of Langerhans produce bursts of electrical activity when exposed to stimulatory glucose levels. These bursts often have a regular repeating pattern, with a period of 10-60 s. In some cases, however, the bursts are episodic, clustered into bursts of bursts, which we call compound bursting. Consistent with this are recordings of free Ca2+ concentration, oxygen consumption, mitochondrial membrane potential, and intraislet glucose levels that exhibit very slow oscillations, with faster oscillations superimposed. We describe a new mathematical model of the pancreatic beta-cell that can account for these multimodal patterns. The model includes the feedback of cytosolic Ca2+ onto ion channels that can account for bursting, and a metabolic subsystem that is capable of producing slow oscillations driven by oscillations in glycolysis. This slow rhythm is responsible for the slow mode of compound bursting in the model. We also show that it is possible for glycolytic oscillations alone to drive a very slow form of bursting, which we call "glycolytic bursting." Finally, the model predicts that there is bistability between stationary and oscillatory glycolysis for a range of parameter values. We provide experimental support for this model prediction. Overall, the model can account for a diversity of islet behaviors described in the literature over the past 20 years. link:


Jmem = -0.0368247126576742; fcyt = 0.01; Jer = -0.06305Reaction: c = fcyt*(Jmem+Jer), Rate Law: fcyt*(Jmem+Jer)
IKCa = 1800.0; IK = 1012.5; Cm = 5300.0; IKATP = 2669.03575460448; ICa = -2927.84163162795Reaction: V = (-(IK+ICa+IKCa+IKATP))/Cm, Rate Law: (-(IK+ICa+IKCa+IKATP))/Cm
lambda = 0.005; Rgk = 0.2; pfk = 0.550829288131395Reaction: g6p = lambda*(Rgk-pfk), Rate Law: lambda*(Rgk-pfk)
fback = 1.24703296147847; atp = 1899.74679486529; taua = 300000.0; r1 = 0.35Reaction: adp = (atp-adp*exp(fback*(1-c/r1)))/(taua*1), Rate Law: (atp-adp*exp(fback*(1-c/r1)))/(taua*1)
ninf = 1.50710358059757E-4; taun = 20.0Reaction: n = (ninf-n)/taun, Rate Law: (ninf-n)/taun
Jer = -0.06305; sigmaV = 31.0; fer = 0.01Reaction: cer = (-fer)*sigmaV*Jer, Rate Law: (-fer)*sigmaV*Jer
lambda = 0.005; pfk = 0.550829288131395; rgpdh = 1.26491106406735Reaction: fbp = lambda*(pfk/1-0.5*rgpdh), Rate Law: lambda*(pfk/1-0.5*rgpdh)


g6p[D-glucose 6-phosphate]
V[membrane potential]
fbp[keto-D-fructose 1,6-bisphosphate]
n[delayed rectifier potassium channel activity]

Bertram2006_ATPproduction_Mitochondrial: MODEL1006230114v0.0.1

This a model from the article: A simplified model for mitochondrial ATP production. Bertram R, Gram Pedersen M, Luci…


Most of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesized during glucose metabolism is produced in the mitochondria through oxidative phosphorylation. This is a complex reaction powered by the proton gradient across the mitochondrial inner membrane, which is generated by mitochondrial respiration. A detailed model of this reaction, which includes dynamic equations for the key mitochondrial variables, was developed earlier by Magnus and Keizer. However, this model is extraordinarily complicated. We develop a simpler model that captures the behavior of the original model but is easier to use and to understand. We then use it to investigate the mitochondrial responses to glycolytic and calcium input. We use the model to explain experimental observations of the opposite effects of raising cytosolic Ca(2+)in low and high glucose, and to predict the effects of a mutation in the mitochondrial enzyme nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (Nnt) in pancreatic beta-cells. link:

Bertram2006_Endothelin: BIOMD0000000128v0.0.1

The model is according to the paper *Endothelin Action on Pituitary Lactotrophs: One Receptor, Many GTP-Binding Proteins…


The endothelins are a family of hormones that have a biphasic action on pituitary lactotrophs. The initial effect is stimulatory, followed later by inhibition that persists long after the agonist has been removed. Recent research has uncovered several G protein pathways that mediate these effects. link:


cAMPlow = 0.2; ETswitch = 0.0; taudir = 20000.0Reaction: => cAMP, Rate Law: cell*ETswitch*(cAMPlow-cAMP)/taudir
jertot = NaN; jmemtot = NaN; f = 0.01Reaction: => c, Rate Law: cell*f*(jertot+jmemtot)
sigmav = 10.0; jertot = NaN; fer = 0.01Reaction: => cer, Rate Law: (-fer)*sigmav*jertot*cell


cer[calcium(2+); Calcium cation]
c[calcium(2+); Calcium cation]
cAMP[3',5'-cyclic AMP; 3',5'-Cyclic AMP]

Bertram2007_IsletCell_Oscillations: BIOMD0000000376v0.0.1

This is the model described in the article: Interaction of glycolysis and mitochondrial respiration in metabolic os…


Insulin secretion from pancreatic beta-cells is oscillatory, with a typical period of 2-7 min, reflecting oscillations in membrane potential and the cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration. Our central hypothesis is that the slow 2-7 min oscillations are due to glycolytic oscillations, whereas faster oscillations that are superimposed are due to Ca(2+) feedback onto metabolism or ion channels. We extend a previous mathematical model based on this hypothesis to include a more detailed description of mitochondrial metabolism. We demonstrate that this model can account for typical oscillatory patterns of membrane potential and Ca(2+) concentration in islets. It also accounts for temporal data on oxygen consumption in islets. A recent challenge to the notion that glycolytic oscillations drive slow Ca(2+) oscillations in islets are data showing that oscillations in Ca(2+), mitochondrial oxygen consumption, and NAD(P)H levels are all terminated by membrane hyperpolarization. We demonstrate that these data are in fact compatible with a model in which glycolytic oscillations are the key player in rhythmic islet activity. Finally, we use the model to address the recent finding that the activity of islets from some mice is uniformly fast, whereas that from islets of other mice is slow. We propose a mechanism for this dichotomy. link:


cm = 5300.0; Ik = 0.0; Ikatp = 2433.43025793791; Ica = -2927.84163162795; Ikca = 466.296163499462Reaction: Vm = (-(Ik+Ica+Ikca+Ikatp))/cm, Rate Law: (-(Ik+Ica+Ikca+Ikatp))/cm
JO = 0.446813558235194; JPDH = 0.451601160351069; gamma = 0.001Reaction: NADHm = gamma*(JPDH-JO), Rate Law: gamma*(JPDH-JO)
delta = 0.0733082706766917; JANT = 1.1239508472473; Jhyd = 0.0797355Reaction: adp = (-delta)*JANT+Jhyd, Rate Law: (-delta)*JANT+Jhyd
gamma = 0.001; JANT = 1.1239508472473; JF1F0 = 1.12901593707623Reaction: ADPm = gamma*(JANT-JF1F0), Rate Law: gamma*(JANT-JF1F0)
JHatp = 3.38704781122868; Cmito = 1.8; JHleak = 0.298; JNaCa = 0.162244429551387; JANT = 1.1239508472473; JHres = 5.21282484607726; Juni = 0.157794Reaction: delta_psi = (JHres-(JHatp+JANT+JHleak+JNaCa+2*Juni))/Cmito, Rate Law: (JHres-(JHatp+JANT+JHleak+JNaCa+2*Juni))/Cmito
JPFK_ms = 3.74364085279847E-4; JGK_ms = 4.0E-4Reaction: G6P = JGK_ms-JPFK_ms, Rate Law: JGK_ms-JPFK_ms
Vc_Ver = 31.0; Jer = 9.65999999999995E-4; fer = 0.01Reaction: Caer = (-fer)*Vc_Ver*Jer, Rate Law: (-fer)*Vc_Ver*Jer
n_infinity = 1.50710358059757E-4; tau_n = 20.0Reaction: n = (n_infinity-n)/tau_n, Rate Law: (n_infinity-n)/tau_n
JPFK_ms = 3.74364085279847E-4; JGPDH = 7.34846922834953E-4Reaction: FBP = JPFK_ms-0.5*JGPDH, Rate Law: JPFK_ms-0.5*JGPDH
delta = 0.0733082706766917; Jmito = 0.00445042955138744; fcyt = 0.01; Jmem = 0.00117528734232577; Jer = 9.65999999999995E-4Reaction: c = fcyt*(Jmem+Jer+delta*Jmito), Rate Law: fcyt*(Jmem+Jer+delta*Jmito)
fmito = 0.01; Jmito = 0.00445042955138744Reaction: Cam = (-fmito)*Jmito, Rate Law: (-fmito)*Jmito


delta psidelta_psi
FBP[keto-D-fructose 1,6-bisphosphate]
G6P[D-glucose 6-phosphate]
Vm[membrane potential]
n[delayed rectifier potassium channel activity]

Besozzi2012 - Oscillatory regimes in the Ras/cAMP/PKA pathway in S.cerevisiae: BIOMD0000000478v0.0.1

Besozzi2012 - Oscillatory regimes in the Ras/cAMP/PKA pathway in S.cerevisiaeMechanistic model of the Ras/cAMP/PKA in ye…


: In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Ras/cAMP/PKA pathway is involved in the regulation of cell growth and proliferation in response to nutritional sensing and stress conditions. The pathway is tightly regulated by multiple feedback loops, exerted by the protein kinase A (PKA) on a few pivotal components of the pathway. In this article, we investigate the dynamics of the second messenger cAMP by performing stochastic simulations and parameter sweep analysis of a mechanistic model of the Ras/cAMP/PKA pathway, to determine the effects that the modulation of these feedback mechanisms has on the establishment of stable oscillatory regimes. In particular, we start by studying the role of phosphodiesterases, the enzymes that catalyze the degradation of cAMP, which represent the major negative feedback in this pathway. Then, we show the results on cAMP oscillations when perturbing the amount of protein Cdc25 coupled with the alteration of the intracellular ratio of the guanine nucleotides (GTP/GDP), which are known to regulate the switch of the GTPase Ras protein. This multi-level regulation of the amplitude and frequency of oscillations in the Ras/cAMP/PKA pathway might act as a fine tuning mechanism for the downstream targets of PKA, as also recently evidenced by some experimental investigations on the nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of the transcription factor Msn2 in yeast cells. link:


K27 = 0.1 s^(-1)Reaction: cAMP_Pde1f => cAMP + Pde1f; cAMP_Pde1f, Rate Law: K27*cAMP_Pde1f
K18 = 0.1 s^(-1)Reaction: IIIcAMP_PKA => cAMP + IIcAMP_PKA; IIIcAMP_PKA, Rate Law: K18*IIIcAMP_PKA
K8 = 0.01 s^(-1)Reaction: Ras2_GTP + Ira2 => Ras2_GTP_Ira2; Ras2_GTP, Ira2, Rate Law: K8*Ras2_GTP*Ira2
K0 = 1.0 s^(-1)Reaction: Ras2_GDP + Cdc25 => Ras2_GDP_Cdc25; Ras2_GDP, Cdc25, Rate Law: K0*Ras2_GDP*Cdc25
K34 = 0.01 s^(-1)Reaction: PPA2 + Cdc25f => Cdc25 + PPA2; PPA2, Cdc25f, Rate Law: K34*PPA2*Cdc25f
K35 = 0.001 s^(-1)Reaction: Ira2 + C => C + Ira2P; Ira2, C, Rate Law: K35*Ira2*C
K17 = 0.1 s^(-1)Reaction: IVcAMP_PKA => cAMP + IIIcAMP_PKA; IVcAMP_PKA, Rate Law: K17*IVcAMP_PKA
K14 = 1.0E-5 s^(-1)Reaction: cAMP + cAMP_PKA => IIcAMP_PKA; cAMP, cAMP_PKA, Rate Law: K14*cAMP*cAMP_PKA
K28 = 7.5 s^(-1)Reaction: cAMP_Pde1f => Pde1f + AMP; cAMP_Pde1f, Rate Law: K28*cAMP_Pde1f
K13 = 1.0E-5 s^(-1)Reaction: cAMP + PKA => cAMP_PKA; cAMP, PKA, Rate Law: K13*cAMP*PKA
K12 = 0.001 s^(-1)Reaction: Ira2 + Ras2_GTP_CYR1 => Ras2_GDP + Ira2 + CYR1; Ira2, Ras2_GTP_CYR1, Rate Law: K12*Ira2*Ras2_GTP_CYR1
K1 = 1.0 s^(-1)Reaction: Ras2_GDP_Cdc25 => Ras2_GDP + Cdc25; Ras2_GDP_Cdc25, Rate Law: K1*Ras2_GDP_Cdc25
K29 = 1.0E-4 s^(-1)Reaction: Pde1f + PPA2 => Pde1 + PPA2; Pde1f, PPA2, Rate Law: K29*Pde1f*PPA2
K7 = 1.0 s^(-1)Reaction: Cdc25 + Ras2_GTP => Ras2_GTP_Cdc25; Cdc25, Ras2_GTP, Rate Law: K7*Cdc25*Ras2_GTP
K3 = 1.0 s^(-1)Reaction: Ras2_Cdc25 + GDP => Ras2_GDP_Cdc25; Ras2_Cdc25, GDP, Rate Law: K3*Ras2_Cdc25*GDP
K4 = 1.0 s^(-1)Reaction: Ras2_Cdc25 + GTP => Ras2_GTP_Cdc25; Ras2_Cdc25, GTP, Rate Law: K4*Ras2_Cdc25*GTP
K26 = 0.1 s^(-1)Reaction: cAMP + Pde1f => cAMP_Pde1f; cAMP, Pde1f, Rate Law: K26*cAMP*Pde1f
K9 = 0.25 s^(-1)Reaction: Ras2_GTP_Ira2 => Ras2_GDP + Ira2; Ras2_GTP_Ira2, Rate Law: K9*Ras2_GTP_Ira2
K16 = 1.0E-5 s^(-1)Reaction: cAMP + IIIcAMP_PKA => IVcAMP_PKA; cAMP, IIIcAMP_PKA, Rate Law: K16*cAMP*IIIcAMP_PKA
K30 = 1.0E-4 s^(-1)Reaction: cAMP + Pde2 => cAMP_Pde2; cAMP, Pde2, Rate Law: K30*cAMP*Pde2
K31 = 1.0 s^(-1)Reaction: cAMP_Pde2 => cAMP + Pde2; cAMP_Pde2, Rate Law: K31*cAMP_Pde2
K32 = 1.7 s^(-1)Reaction: cAMP_Pde2 => AMP + Pde2; cAMP_Pde2, Rate Law: K32*cAMP_Pde2
K33 = 1.0 s^(-1)Reaction: Cdc25 + C => C + Cdc25f; Cdc25, C, Rate Law: K33*Cdc25*C
K24 = 1.0 s^(-1)Reaction: R_C => PKA; R_C, Rate Law: K24*R_C*(R_C-1)/2
K10 = 0.001 s^(-1)Reaction: Ras2_GTP + CYR1 => Ras2_GTP_CYR1; Ras2_GTP, CYR1, Rate Law: K10*Ras2_GTP*CYR1
K36 = 1.25 s^(-1)Reaction: Ras2_GTP + Ira2P => Ras2_GTP_Ira2P; Ras2_GTP, Ira2P, Rate Law: K36*Ras2_GTP*Ira2P
K38 = 10.0 s^(-1)Reaction: Ira2P => Ira2; Ira2P, Rate Law: K38*Ira2P
K37 = 2.5 s^(-1)Reaction: Ras2_GTP_Ira2P => Ras2_GDP + Ira2P; Ras2_GTP_Ira2P, Rate Law: K37*Ras2_GTP_Ira2P
K22 = 1.0 s^(-1)Reaction: R_2cAMP => cAMP + R; R_2cAMP, Rate Law: K22*R_2cAMP
K20 = 0.1 s^(-1)Reaction: cAMP_PKA => cAMP + PKA; cAMP_PKA, Rate Law: K20*cAMP_PKA
K5 = 1.0 s^(-1)Reaction: Ras2_GTP_Cdc25 => Ras2_Cdc25 + GTP; Ras2_GTP_Cdc25, Rate Law: K5*Ras2_GTP_Cdc25
K15 = 1.0E-5 s^(-1)Reaction: cAMP + IIcAMP_PKA => IIIcAMP_PKA; cAMP, IIcAMP_PKA, Rate Law: K15*cAMP*IIcAMP_PKA
K23 = 0.75 s^(-1)Reaction: C + R => R_C; C, R, Rate Law: K23*C*R
K6 = 1.0 s^(-1)Reaction: Ras2_GTP_Cdc25 => Cdc25 + Ras2_GTP; Ras2_GTP_Cdc25, Rate Law: K6*Ras2_GTP_Cdc25
K19 = 0.1 s^(-1)Reaction: IIcAMP_PKA => cAMP + cAMP_PKA; IIcAMP_PKA, Rate Law: K19*IIcAMP_PKA
K11 = 2.1E-6 s^(-1)Reaction: Ras2_GTP_CYR1 + ATP => Ras2_GTP_CYR1 + cAMP; Ras2_GTP_CYR1, ATP, Rate Law: K11*Ras2_GTP_CYR1*ATP
K2 = 1.5 s^(-1)Reaction: Ras2_GDP_Cdc25 => Ras2_Cdc25 + GDP; Ras2_GDP_Cdc25, Rate Law: K2*Ras2_GDP_Cdc25


cAMP Pde1f[3',5'-cyclic AMP; 3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1; phosphorylated]
Pde1f[3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1; phosphorylated]
Ras2 GTP Ira2P[GTP; Ras-like protein 2; Inhibitory regulator protein IRA2]
Ras2 GTP CYR1[GTP; Adenylate cyclase; Ras-like protein 2]
IIcAMP PKA[3',5'-cyclic AMP; cAMP-dependent protein kinase, catalytic subunit-like]
Ras2 GDP[GDP; Ras-like protein 2]
cAMP[3',5'-cyclic AMP]
Cdc25f[Cell division control protein 25]
Ras2 GTP[GTP; Ras-like protein 2]
PPA2[Inorganic pyrophosphatase, mitochondrial]
cAMP PKA[3',5'-cyclic AMP; cAMP-dependent protein kinase, catalytic subunit-like]
cAMP Pde2[3',5'-cyclic AMP; 3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase 2]
Ras2 GTP Ira2[GTP; Inhibitory regulator protein IRA2; Ras-like protein 2]
Pde2[3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase 2]
Ras2 GTP Cdc25[GTP; Cell division control protein 25; Ras-like protein 2]
PKA[cAMP-dependent protein kinase, catalytic subunit-like]
Ras2 GDP Cdc25[GDP; Cell division control protein 25; Ras-like protein 2]
Ras2 Cdc25[Cell division control protein 25; Ras-like protein 2]
Ira2[Inhibitory regulator protein IRA2]
Cdc25[Cell division control protein 25]
R C[cAMP-dependent protein kinase regulatory subunit; cAMP-dependent protein kinase type 3; cAMP-dependent protein kinase type 2; cAMP-dependent protein kinase type 1]
CYR1[Adenylate cyclase]
Ira2P[Inhibitory regulator protein IRA2; phosphorylated]
R[cAMP-dependent protein kinase regulatory subunit]
IIIcAMP PKA[3',5'-cyclic AMP; cAMP-dependent protein kinase, catalytic subunit-like]

Best2009 - Homeostatic mechanisms in dopamine synthesis and release: MODEL1502230000v0.0.1

Best2009 - Homeostatic mechanisms in dopamine synthesis and releaseEncoded non-curated model. Issues: - Initial concent…


Dopamine is a catecholamine that is used as a neurotransmitter both in the periphery and in the central nervous system. Dysfunction in various dopaminergic systems is known to be associated with various disorders, including schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, and Tourette's syndrome. Furthermore, microdialysis studies have shown that addictive drugs increase extracellular dopamine and brain imaging has shown a correlation between euphoria and psycho-stimulant-induced increases in extracellular dopamine 1. These consequences of dopamine dysfunction indicate the importance of maintaining dopamine functionality through homeostatic mechanisms that have been attributed to the delicate balance between synthesis, storage, release, metabolism, and reuptake.We construct a mathematical model of dopamine synthesis, release, and reuptake and use it to study homeostasis in single dopaminergic neuron terminals. We investigate the substrate inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase by tyrosine, the consequences of the rapid uptake of extracellular dopamine by the dopamine transporters, and the effects of the autoreceoptors on dopaminergic function. The main focus is to understand the regulation and control of synthesis and release and to explicate and interpret experimental findings.We show that the substrate inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase by tyrosine stabilizes cytosolic and vesicular dopamine against changes in tyrosine availability due to meals. We find that the autoreceptors dampen the fluctuations in extracellular dopamine caused by changes in tyrosine hydroxylase expression and changes in the rate of firing. We show that short bursts of action potentials create significant dopamine signals against the background of tonic firing. We explain the observed time courses of extracellular dopamine responses to stimulation in wild type mice and mice that have genetically altered dopamine transporter densities and the observed half-lives of extracellular dopamine under various treatment protocols.Dopaminergic systems must respond robustly to important biological signals such as bursts, while at the same time maintaining homeostasis in the face of normal biological fluctuations in inputs, expression levels, and firing rates. This is accomplished through the cooperative effect of many different homeostatic mechanisms including special properties of tyrosine hydroxylase, the dopamine transporters, and the dopamine autoreceptors. link:

Beste2007 - Genome-scale metabolic network of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (GSMN_TB): MODEL1507180021v0.0.1

Beste2007 - Genome-scale metabolic network of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (GSMN_TB)This model is described in the article…


An impediment to the rational development of novel drugs against tuberculosis (TB) is a general paucity of knowledge concerning the metabolism of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, particularly during infection. Constraint-based modeling provides a novel approach to investigating microbial metabolism but has not yet been applied to genome-scale modeling of M. tuberculosis.GSMN-TB, a genome-scale metabolic model of M. tuberculosis, was constructed, consisting of 849 unique reactions and 739 metabolites, and involving 726 genes. The model was calibrated by growing Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette Guérin in continuous culture and steady-state growth parameters were measured. Flux balance analysis was used to calculate substrate consumption rates, which were shown to correspond closely to experimentally determined values. Predictions of gene essentiality were also made by flux balance analysis simulation and were compared with global mutagenesis data for M. tuberculosis grown in vitro. A prediction accuracy of 78% was achieved. Known drug targets were predicted to be essential by the model. The model demonstrated a potential role for the enzyme isocitrate lyase during the slow growth of mycobacteria, and this hypothesis was experimentally verified. An interactive web-based version of the model is available.The GSMN-TB model successfully simulated many of the growth properties of M. tuberculosis. The model provides a means to examine the metabolic flexibility of bacteria and predict the phenotype of mutants, and it highlights previously unexplored features of M. tuberculosis metabolism. link:

Bhalla1999_3d_fold_model: MODEL9071122126v0.0.1

This model is based closely on the one from <a href = "…


Many distinct signaling pathways allow the cell to receive, process, and respond to information. Often, components of different pathways interact, resulting in signaling networks. Biochemical signaling networks were constructed with experimentally obtained constants and analyzed by computational methods to understand their role in complex biological processes. These networks exhibit emergent properties such as integration of signals across multiple time scales, generation of distinct outputs depending on input strength and duration, and self-sustaining feedback loops. Feedback can result in bistable behavior with discrete steady-state activities, well-defined input thresholds for transition between states and prolonged signal output, and signal modulation in response to transient stimuli. These properties of signaling networks raise the possibility that information for "learned behavior" of biological systems may be stored within intracellular biochemical reactions that comprise signaling pathways. link:

Bhalla2001_MAPK_MKP1_oscillation: MODEL9071773985v0.0.1

This model relates to figure 5 in <a href = "…


Biological signaling networks comprised of cellular components including signaling proteins and small molecule messengers control the many cell function in responses to various extracellular and intracellular signals including hormone and neurotransmitter inputs, and genetic events. Many signaling pathways have motifs familiar to electronics and control theory design. Feedback loops are among the most common of these. Using experimentally derived parameters, we modeled a positive feedback loop in signaling pathways used by growth factors to trigger cell proliferation. This feedback loop is bistable under physiological conditions, although the system can move to a monostable state as well. We find that bistability persists under a wide range of regulatory conditions, even when core enzymes in the feedback loop deviate from physiological values. We did not observe any other phenomena in the core feedback loop, but the addition of a delayed inhibitory feedback was able to generate oscillations under rather extreme parameter conditions. Such oscillations may not be of physiological relevance. We propose that the kinetic properties of this feedback loop have evolved to support bistability and flexibility in going between bistable and monostable modes, while simultaneously being very refractory to oscillatory states. (c) 2001 American Institute of Physics. link:

Bhalla2002_cAMP_pathway: MODEL9077438479v0.0.1

This is a model of the canonical cAMP signaling pathway:<br">Ligand->Receptor->G-protein->Cyclase->cAMP->PKA.<br>It also…



Bhalla2002_MAPK-bistability-fig1c: MODEL9079179924v0.0.1

Model for figure 1c in <a href = "…


Intracellular signaling networks receive and process information to control cellular machines. The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) 1,2/protein kinase C (PKC) system is one such network that regulates many cellular machines, including the cell cycle machinery and autocrine/paracrine factor synthesizing machinery. We used a combination of computational analysis and experiments in mouse NIH-3T3 fibroblasts to understand the design principles of this controller network. We find that the growth factor-stimulated signaling network containing MAPK 1, 2/PKC can operate with one (monostable) or two (bistable) stable states. At low concentrations of MAPK phosphatase, the system exhibits bistable behavior, such that brief stimulus results in sustained MAPK activation. The MAPK-induced increase in the amounts of MAPK phosphatase eliminates the prolonged response capability and moves the network to a monostable state, in which it behaves as a proportional response system responding acutely to stimulus. Thus, the MAPK 1, 2/PKC controller network is flexibly designed, and MAPK phosphatase may be critical for this flexible response. link:

Bhalla2002_mkp1_feedback_effects: MODEL9070467164v0.0.1

This is a network involving the MAPK-PKC feedback loop with input from the PDGFR in the synapse. The distinctive feature…


Intracellular signaling networks receive and process information to control cellular machines. The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) 1,2/protein kinase C (PKC) system is one such network that regulates many cellular machines, including the cell cycle machinery and autocrine/paracrine factor synthesizing machinery. We used a combination of computational analysis and experiments in mouse NIH-3T3 fibroblasts to understand the design principles of this controller network. We find that the growth factor-stimulated signaling network containing MAPK 1, 2/PKC can operate with one (monostable) or two (bistable) stable states. At low concentrations of MAPK phosphatase, the system exhibits bistable behavior, such that brief stimulus results in sustained MAPK activation. The MAPK-induced increase in the amounts of MAPK phosphatase eliminates the prolonged response capability and moves the network to a monostable state, in which it behaves as a proportional response system responding acutely to stimulus. Thus, the MAPK 1, 2/PKC controller network is flexibly designed, and MAPK phosphatase may be critical for this flexible response. link:

Bhalla2004_CaMKII_2003: MODEL9080747936v0.0.1

Model of regulation of CaMKII by Calcium, including parallel excitatory input from CaM and inhibitory input from PP1 as…


Many cellular signaling events occur in small subcellular volumes and involve low-abundance molecular species. This context introduces two major differences from mass-action analyses of nondiffusive signaling. First, reactions involving small numbers of molecules occur in a probabilistic manner which introduces scatter in chemical activities. Second, the timescale of diffusion of molecules between subcellular compartments and the rest of the cell is comparable to the timescale of many chemical reactions, altering the dynamics and outcomes of signaling reactions. This study examines both these effects on information flow through four protein kinase regulatory pathways. The analysis uses Monte Carlo simulations in a subcellular volume diffusively coupled to a bulk cellular volume. Diffusion constants and the volume of the subcellular compartment are systematically varied to account for a range of cellular conditions. Each pathway is characterized in terms of the probabilistic scatter in active kinase levels as a measure of "noise" on the pathway output. Under the conditions reported here, most signaling outcomes in a volume below one femtoliter are severely degraded. Diffusion and subcellular compartmentalization influence the signaling chemistry to give a diversity of signaling outcomes. These outcomes may include washout of the signal, reinforcement of signals, and conversion of steady responses to transients. link:

Bhalla2004_EGFR_MAPK: MODEL9085850385v0.0.1

Model of MAPK activation by EGFR in the synapse. Demonstration programs using this model are available <a href = "http:/…


The synaptic signaling network is capable of sophisticated cellular computations. These include the ability to respond selectively to different patterns of input, and to sustain changes in response over long periods. The small volume of the synapse complicates the analysis of signaling because the chemical environment is strongly affected by diffusion and stochasticity. This study is based on an updated version of a previously proposed synaptic signaling circuit (Bhalla and Iyengar, 1999) and analyzes three network computation properties in small volumes: bistability, thresholding, and pattern selectivity. Simulations show that although there are diffusive regimes in which bistability may persist, chemical noise at small volumes overwhelms bistability. In the deterministic situation, the network exhibits a sharp threshold for transition between lower and upper stable states. This transition is broadened and individual runs partition between lower and upper states, when stochasticity is considered. The third network property, pattern selectivity, is severely degraded at synaptic volumes. However, there are regimes in which a process similar to stochastic resonance operates and amplifies pattern selectivity. These results imply that simple scaling of signaling conditions to femtoliter volumes is unlikely, and microenvironments, such as reaction complex formation, may be essential for reliable small-volume signaling. link:

Bhalla2004_MAPK_network_2003: MODEL9081220742v0.0.1

This is a network model of many pathways present at the neuronal synapse. The network has properties of temporal tuning…


The synaptic signaling network is capable of sophisticated cellular computations. These include the ability to respond selectively to different patterns of input, and to sustain changes in response over long periods. The small volume of the synapse complicates the analysis of signaling because the chemical environment is strongly affected by diffusion and stochasticity. This study is based on an updated version of a previously proposed synaptic signaling circuit (Bhalla and Iyengar, 1999) and analyzes three network computation properties in small volumes: bistability, thresholding, and pattern selectivity. Simulations show that although there are diffusive regimes in which bistability may persist, chemical noise at small volumes overwhelms bistability. In the deterministic situation, the network exhibits a sharp threshold for transition between lower and upper stable states. This transition is broadened and individual runs partition between lower and upper states, when stochasticity is considered. The third network property, pattern selectivity, is severely degraded at synaptic volumes. However, there are regimes in which a process similar to stochastic resonance operates and amplifies pattern selectivity. These results imply that simple scaling of signaling conditions to femtoliter volumes is unlikely, and microenvironments, such as reaction complex formation, may be essential for reliable small-volume signaling. link:

Bhalla2004_PKA_2003: MODEL9079740062v0.0.1

This model consists of receptor-ligand interaction, G-protein activation, Adenylyl cyclase mediated formation of cAMP an…


Many cellular signaling events occur in small subcellular volumes and involve low-abundance molecular species. This context introduces two major differences from mass-action analyses of nondiffusive signaling. First, reactions involving small numbers of molecules occur in a probabilistic manner which introduces scatter in chemical activities. Second, the timescale of diffusion of molecules between subcellular compartments and the rest of the cell is comparable to the timescale of many chemical reactions, altering the dynamics and outcomes of signaling reactions. This study examines both these effects on information flow through four protein kinase regulatory pathways. The analysis uses Monte Carlo simulations in a subcellular volume diffusively coupled to a bulk cellular volume. Diffusion constants and the volume of the subcellular compartment are systematically varied to account for a range of cellular conditions. Each pathway is characterized in terms of the probabilistic scatter in active kinase levels as a measure of "noise" on the pathway output. Under the conditions reported here, most signaling outcomes in a volume below one femtoliter are severely degraded. Diffusion and subcellular compartmentalization influence the signaling chemistry to give a diversity of signaling outcomes. These outcomes may include washout of the signal, reinforcement of signals, and conversion of steady responses to transients. link:

Bhalla2004_PKC_2003: MODEL9080388197v0.0.1

This model consists of receptor-ligand interaction, G-protein activation, Adenylyl cyclase mediated formation of cAMP an…


Many cellular signaling events occur in small subcellular volumes and involve low-abundance molecular species. This context introduces two major differences from mass-action analyses of nondiffusive signaling. First, reactions involving small numbers of molecules occur in a probabilistic manner which introduces scatter in chemical activities. Second, the timescale of diffusion of molecules between subcellular compartments and the rest of the cell is comparable to the timescale of many chemical reactions, altering the dynamics and outcomes of signaling reactions. This study examines both these effects on information flow through four protein kinase regulatory pathways. The analysis uses Monte Carlo simulations in a subcellular volume diffusively coupled to a bulk cellular volume. Diffusion constants and the volume of the subcellular compartment are systematically varied to account for a range of cellular conditions. Each pathway is characterized in terms of the probabilistic scatter in active kinase levels as a measure of "noise" on the pathway output. Under the conditions reported here, most signaling outcomes in a volume below one femtoliter are severely degraded. Diffusion and subcellular compartmentalization influence the signaling chemistry to give a diversity of signaling outcomes. These outcomes may include washout of the signal, reinforcement of signals, and conversion of steady responses to transients. link:

Bhartiya2003_Tryptophan_operon: BIOMD0000000062v0.0.1

[SBML]( level 2 code originaly generated for the JWS Online project by Jacky Snoep using [PySCeS](…


A mathematical model has been developed to study the effect of external tryptophan on the trp operon. The model accounts for the effect of feedback repression by tryptophan through the Hill equation. We demonstrate that the trp operon maintains an intracellular steady-state concentration in a fivefold range irrespective of extracellular conditions. Dynamic behavior of the trp operon corresponding to varying levels of extracellular tryptophan illustrates the adaptive nature of regulation. Depending on the external tryptophan level in the medium, the transient response ranges from a rapid and underdamped to a sluggish and highly overdamped response. To test model fidelity, simulation results are compared with experimental data available in the literature. We further demonstrate the significance of the biological structure of the operon on the overall performance. Our analysis suggests that the tryptophan operon has evolved to a truly optimal design. link:


ki1=3.53 microM; Ot=0.0033 microM; nH=1.92 dimensionless; k1=65.0 per_minReaction: => Enz; Tt, Rate Law: compartment*k1*ki1^nH*Ot/(ki1^nH+Tt^nH)
k2=25.0 per_min; Ki2=810.0 microMReaction: => Ts; Enz, Tt, Rate Law: compartment*k2*Enz*Ki2/(Ki2+Tt)
f_val = 380.0 microM; Tomax = 100.0 microM; Tex = 0.14 microM; e_val = 0.9 microMReaction: To = Tomax*Tex/(Tex*(1+Ts/f_val)+e_val), Rate Law: missing
mu=0.01 per_minReaction: Enz =>, Rate Law: compartment*mu*Enz
g=25.0 microM_per_min; Kg=0.2 microMReaction: Ts =>, Rate Law: compartment*g*Ts/(Kg+Ts)


Tt[tryptophan; Tryptophan]
Ts[tryptophan; Tryptophan]
Enz[Anthranilate synthase component 1]
Toexog. Trp

Bhattacharya2011_UreaCycle: MODEL0318212660v0.0.1

This model is from the article: Time Scale Simulation of Vmax of Urea Cycle Enzymes. Pradip Bhattacharya, Alok Sriva…


The objective of this study was to initialize the time-scale simulation of urea cycle enzymes based on the very limited amount of experimental data. As a model example, Vmax of each four enzymes was simulated with varying time for some organisms. These results indicated that the values of Vmax of time-scale simulation of all four enzymatic reactions of urea cycle were very close to 0.09-0.4, and were comparable (deviation â?¤0.01-0.1) for steady state kinetic measurements. Enzymes of several organisms were included in this study protocol. link:

Bhattacharya2014 - A mathematical model of the sterol regulatory element binding protein 2 cholesterol biosynthesis pathway: BIOMD0000000890v0.0.1

This is a deterministic nonlinear ordinary differential equation mathematical model of the sterol regulatory element bin…


Cholesterol is one of the key constituents for maintaining the cellular membrane and thus the integrity of the cell itself. In contrast high levels of cholesterol in the blood are known to be a major risk factor in the development of cardiovascular disease. We formulate a deterministic nonlinear ordinary differential equation model of the sterol regulatory element binding protein 2 (SREBP-2) cholesterol genetic regulatory pathway in a hepatocyte. The mathematical model includes a description of genetic transcription by SREBP-2 which is subsequently translated to mRNA leading to the formation of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGCR), a main regulator of cholesterol synthesis. Cholesterol synthesis subsequently leads to the regulation of SREBP-2 via a negative feedback formulation. Parameterised with data from the literature, the model is used to understand how SREBP-2 transcription and regulation affects cellular cholesterol concentration. Model stability analysis shows that the only positive steady-state of the system exhibits purely oscillatory, damped oscillatory or monotic behaviour under certain parameter conditions. In light of our findings we postulate how cholesterol homeostasis is maintained within the cell and the advantages of our model formulation are discussed with respect to other models of genetic regulation within the literature. link:


kappa_m = 1.0E-4; y = 4.0; mu_m = 1.9E-10; x = 3.0; kappa_c = 0.001Reaction: => m; c, Rate Law: compartment*mu_m/(1+(kappa_m*(1+(c/kappa_c)^y))^x)
delta_h = 0.00193Reaction: h =>, Rate Law: compartment*delta_h*h
delta_c = 0.0036Reaction: c =>, Rate Law: compartment*delta_c*c
delta_m = 0.00135Reaction: m =>, Rate Law: compartment*delta_m*m
mu_c = 0.462Reaction: => c; h, Rate Law: compartment*mu_c*h



Bialik2010_Apoptosis_SPIKEmodel: MODEL1107050000v0.0.1

This model is from the article: Systems biology analysis of programmed cell death Shani Bialik, Einat Zalckvar, Yaar…


Systems biology, a combined computational and experimental approach to analyzing complex biological systems, has recently been applied to understanding the pathways that regulate programmed cell death. This approach has become especially crucial because recent advances have resulted in an expanded view of the network, to include not just a single death module (apoptosis) but multiple death programs, including programmed necrosis and autophagic cell death. Current research directions in the systems biology field range from quantitative analysis of subprocesses of individual death pathways to the study of interconnectivity among the various death modules of the larger network. These initial studies have provided great advances in our understanding of programmed cell death and have important clinical implications for drug target research. link:

Bianca2012 - Mathematical modeling of the immune system recognition to mammary carcinoma antigen: MODEL1907260002v0.0.1

This model describes the humoral and cellular response of the immune system to a tumor associate antigen and the recogni…


The definition of artificial immunity, realized through vaccinations, is nowadays a practice widely developed in order to eliminate cancer disease. The present paper deals with an improved version of a mathematical model recently analyzed and related to the competition between immune system cells and mammary carcinoma cells under the action of a vaccine (Triplex). The model describes in detail both the humoral and cellular response of the immune system to the tumor associate antigen and the recognition process between B cells, T cells and antigen presenting cells. The control of the tumor cells growth occurs through the definition of different vaccine protocols. The performed numerical simulations of the model are in agreement with in vivo experiments on transgenic mice. link:

Bianca2013 - Persistence analysis in a Kolmogorov-type model for cancer-immune system competition: BIOMD0000000900v0.0.1

Persistence analysis in a Kolmogorov-type model for cancer-immune system competition AIP Conference Proceedings 1558, 17…


This paper is concerned with analytical investigations on the competition between cancer cells and immune system cells. Specifically the role of the B-cells and T-cells in the evolution of cancer cells is taken into account. The mathematical model is a Kolmogorov-type system of three evolution equations where the growth rate of the cells is described by logistic law and the response of B-cells and T-cells is modeled according to Holling type-II function. The stability analysis of equilibrium points is performed and the persistence of the model is proved. link:


delta_2 = 0.173286795139986Reaction: T =>, Rate Law: compartment*delta_2*T
gamma_2 = 0.65; gamma_1 = 0.5Reaction: C => ; B, T, Rate Law: compartment*(gamma_1/(1+gamma_1*C)*C*B+gamma_2/(1+gamma_2*C)*C*T)
beta_1 = 10.0; alpha_1 = 0.05Reaction: => C, Rate Law: compartment*alpha_1*C*(1-C/beta_1)
alpha_2 = 0.31; beta_2 = 3.0; gamma_1 = 0.5Reaction: => B; C, Rate Law: compartment*alpha_2*C*B*(1-B/beta_2)*gamma_1/(1+gamma_1*C)
beta_3 = 3.0; gamma_2 = 0.65; alpha_3 = 0.5Reaction: => T; C, Rate Law: compartment*alpha_3*C*T*(1-T/beta_3)*gamma_2/(1+gamma_2*C)
delta_1 = 0.0990210257942779Reaction: B =>, Rate Law: compartment*delta_1*B



Bianconi2012 - EGFR and IGF1R pathway in lung cancer: BIOMD0000000427v0.0.1

Bianconi2012 - EGFR and IGF1R pathway in lung cancerEGFR and IGF1R pathways play a key role in various human cancers and…


In this paper we propose a Systems Biology approach to understand the molecular biology of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR, also known as ErbB1/HER1) and type 1 Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF1R) pathways in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). This approach, combined with Translational Oncology methodologies, is used to address the experimental evidence of a close relationship among EGFR and IGF1R protein expression, by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and gene amplification, by in situ hybridization (FISH) and the corresponding ability to develop a more aggressive behavior. We develop a detailed in silico model, based on ordinary differential equations, of the pathways and study the dynamic implications of receptor alterations on the time behavior of the MAPK cascade down to ERK, which in turn governs proliferation and cell migration. In addition, an extensive sensitivity analysis of the proposed model is carried out and a simplified model is proposed which allows us to infer a similar relationship among EGFR and IGF1R activities and disease outcome. link:


gamma_EGFR = 0.02Reaction: EGFR_active => ; EGFR_active, Rate Law: gamma_EGFR*EGFR_active
n_RasActiveRasGap=1.0; KM_RasActiveRasGap=1432410.0; k_RasActiveRasGap=1509.36Reaction: RasGapActive + Ras_active => Ras + RasGapActive; RasGapActive, Ras_active, Rate Law: RasGapActive*k_RasActiveRasGap*Ras_active^n_RasActiveRasGap/(KM_RasActiveRasGap^n_RasActiveRasGap+Ras_active^n_RasActiveRasGap)
KM_MekActivePP2A=518753.0; k_MekActivePP2A=2.83243; n_MekActivePP2A=1.0Reaction: PP2A + Mek_active => Mek + PP2A; PP2A, Mek_active, Rate Law: PP2A*k_MekActivePP2A*Mek_active^n_MekActivePP2A/(KM_MekActivePP2A^n_MekActivePP2A+Mek_active^n_MekActivePP2A)
k_ERKactive_PP2A=8.8912; n_ERKactive_PP2A=1.0; KM_ERKactive_PP2A=3496490.0Reaction: ERK_active + PP2A => ERK + PP2A; PP2A, ERK_active, Rate Law: PP2A*k_ERKactive_PP2A*ERK_active^n_ERKactive_PP2A/(KM_ERKactive_PP2A^n_ERKactive_PP2A+ERK_active^n_ERKactive_PP2A)
n_Mek_PP2A=1.0; KM_MekPP2A=4768350.0; k_Mek_PP2A=185.759Reaction: Raf_active + Mek => Mek_active + Raf_active; Raf_active, Mek, Rate Law: Raf_active*k_Mek_PP2A*Mek^n_Mek_PP2A/(KM_MekPP2A^n_Mek_PP2A+Mek^n_Mek_PP2A)
k_ERK_MekActive=9.85367; KM_ERK_MekActive=1007340.0Reaction: ERK + Mek_active => ERK_active + Mek_active; Mek_active, ERK, Rate Law: Mek_active*k_ERK_MekActive*ERK/(KM_ERK_MekActive+ERK)
n_Raf_AKT=1.0; k_Raf_AKT=15.1212; KM_Raf_AKT=119355.0Reaction: AKT_active + Raf_active => Raf + AKT_active; AKT_active, Raf_active, Rate Law: AKT_active*k_Raf_AKT*Raf_active^n_Raf_AKT/(KM_Raf_AKT^n_Raf_AKT+Raf_active^n_Raf_AKT)
kd_AKT=0.005Reaction: AKT_active => AKT; AKT_active, Rate Law: kd_AKT*AKT_active
k_Ras_SOS=32.344; n_Ras_SOS=1.0; KM_Ras_SOS=35954.3Reaction: A_SOS + Ras => Ras_active + A_SOS; A_SOS, Ras, Rate Law: A_SOS*k_Ras_SOS*Ras^n_Ras_SOS/(KM_Ras_SOS^n_Ras_SOS+Ras^n_Ras_SOS)
KM_PI3K_IGF1R=184912.0; k_PI3K_IGF1R=10.6737; n_PI3K_I=1.0Reaction: PI3KCA + IGFR_active => PI3KCA_active + IGFR_active; IGFR_active, PI3KCA, Rate Law: IGFR_active*k_PI3K_IGF1R*PI3KCA^n_PI3K_I/(KM_PI3K_IGF1R^n_PI3K_I+PI3KCA^n_PI3K_I)
kd_PI3K_a = 0.005Reaction: PI3KCA_active => PI3KCA; PI3KCA_active, Rate Law: kd_PI3K_a*PI3KCA_active
n_SOS=1.0; KM_SOS_E=6086070.0; k_SOS_E=694.731Reaction: D_SOS + EGFR_active => A_SOS + EGFR_active; EGFR_active, D_SOS, Rate Law: k_SOS_E*EGFR_active*D_SOS^n_SOS/(KM_SOS_E^n_SOS+D_SOS^n_SOS)
kd_P90Rsk=0.005Reaction: P90Rsk_Active => P90RskInactive; P90Rsk_Active, Rate Law: kd_P90Rsk*P90Rsk_Active
n_D_SOS=1.0; KM_D_SOS_P90Rsk=896896.0; k_D_SOS_P90Rsk=161197.0Reaction: P90Rsk_Active + A_SOS => D_SOS + P90Rsk_Active; P90Rsk_Active, A_SOS, Rate Law: P90Rsk_Active*k_D_SOS_P90Rsk*A_SOS^n_D_SOS/(KM_D_SOS_P90Rsk^n_D_SOS+A_SOS^n_D_SOS)
n_PI3K_E=1.0; k_PI3K_EGF1R=10.6737; KM_PI3K_EGF1R=184912.0Reaction: PI3KCA + EGFR_active => PI3KCA_active + EGFR_active; EGFR_active, PI3KCA, Rate Law: EGFR_active*k_PI3K_EGF1R*EGFR_active*PI3KCA^n_PI3K_E/(KM_PI3K_EGF1R^n_PI3K_E+PI3KCA^n_PI3K_E)
KM_RasActive_RafPP=1061.71; n_RasActive_RafPP=1.0; k_RasActive_RafPP=0.126329Reaction: RafPP + Raf_active => Raf + RafPP; RafPP, Raf_active, Rate Law: RafPP*k_RasActive_RafPP*Raf_active^n_RasActive_RafPP/(KM_RasActive_RafPP^n_RasActive_RafPP+Raf_active^n_RasActive_RafPP)
KM_P90Rsk_ERKActive = 763523.0; k_P90Rsk_ERKActive = 0.0213697Reaction: P90RskInactive + ERK_active => P90Rsk_Active + ERK_active; ERK_active, P90RskInactive, Rate Law: ERK_active*k_P90Rsk_ERKActive*P90RskInactive/(KM_P90Rsk_ERKActive+P90RskInactive)
k_AKT_PI3K=0.0566279; n_AKT_PI3K=1.0; KM_AKT_PI3K=653951.0Reaction: AKT + PI3KCA_active => AKT_active + PI3KCA_active; PI3KCA_active, AKT, Rate Law: PI3KCA_active*k_AKT_PI3K*AKT^n_AKT_PI3K/(KM_AKT_PI3K^n_AKT_PI3K+AKT^n_AKT_PI3K)
gamma_IGFR = 0.02Reaction: IGFR_active => ; IGFR_active, Rate Law: gamma_IGFR*IGFR_active
k_PI3K_Ras=0.0771067; KM_PI3K_Ras=272056.0; n_PI3K_Ras=1.0Reaction: PI3KCA + Ras_active => PI3KCA_active + Ras_active; Ras_active, PI3KCA, Rate Law: Ras_active*k_PI3K_Ras*PI3KCA^n_PI3K_Ras/(KM_PI3K_Ras^n_PI3K_Ras+PI3KCA^n_PI3K_Ras)
n_A_SOS_I=1.0; KM_A_SOS_I=100000.0; k_A_SOS_I=500.0Reaction: IGFR_active + D_SOS => A_SOS + IGFR_active; IGFR_active, D_SOS, Rate Law: IGFR_active*k_A_SOS_I*D_SOS^n_A_SOS_I/(KM_A_SOS_I^n_A_SOS_I+D_SOS^n_A_SOS_I)
n_Raf_RasActive=1.0; k_Raf_RasActive=0.884096; KM_Raf_RasActive=62464.6Reaction: Ras_active + Raf => Raf_active + Ras_active; Ras_active, Raf, Rate Law: Ras_active*k_Raf_RasActive*Raf^n_Raf_RasActive/(KM_Raf_RasActive+Raf^n_Raf_RasActive)


IGFR active[IGF-like family receptor 1]
P90RskInactive[Ribosomal protein S6 kinase alpha-6]
AKT[RAC-beta serine/threonine-protein kinase]
A SOS[Son of sevenless homolog 1]
Raf active[RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase]
RafPP[RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase]
RasGapActive[Ras-related protein R-Ras2]
D SOS[Son of sevenless homolog 1]
PI3KCA active[Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 3-kinase C2 domain-containing subunit alpha]
ERK active[Mitogen-activated protein kinase 3]
PP2A[protein phosphatase type 2A complex]
Raf[RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase]
Ras active[Ras-related protein R-Ras2]
Mek active[Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1]
Ras[Ras-related protein R-Ras2]
PI3KCA[Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 3-kinase C2 domain-containing subunit alpha]
ERK[Mitogen-activated protein kinase 3]
AKT active[RAC-beta serine/threonine-protein kinase]
Mek[Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1]
EGFR active[Receptor protein-tyrosine kinase]
P90Rsk Active[Ribosomal protein S6 kinase alpha-6]

Bidkhori2012 - EGFR signalling in NSCLC: BIOMD0000000453v0.0.1

Bidkhori2012 - EGFR signalling in NSCLCThe paper describes and compares two models on EGFR signalling between normal and…


EGFR signaling plays a very important role in NSCLC. It activates Ras/ERK, PI3K/Akt and STAT activation pathways. These are the main pathways for cell proliferation and survival. We have developed two mathematical models to relate to the different EGFR signaling in NSCLC and normal cells in the presence or absence of EGFR and PTEN mutations. The dynamics of downstream signaling pathways vary in the disease state and activation of some factors can be indicative of drug resistance. Our simulation denotes the effect of EGFR mutations and increased expression of certain factors in NSCLC EGFR signaling on each of the three pathways where levels of pERK, pSTAT and pAkt are increased. Over activation of ERK, Akt and STAT3 which are the main cell proliferation and survival factors act as promoting factors for tumor progression in NSCLC. In case of loss of PTEN, Akt activity level is considerably increased. Our simulation results show that in the presence of erlotinib, downstream factors i.e. pAkt, pSTAT3 and pERK are inhibited. However, in case of loss of PTEN expression in the presence of erlotinib, pAkt level would not decrease which demonstrates that these cells are resistant to erlotinib. link:


mwa4c71b8d_fb74_465b_b76e_cec4e4c95484=16.0Reaction: mwcedf8ecd_67bd_4b91_aa04_d58782dec2a4 => mwf816df4c_4593_4d23_990f_0d7c15ddde5d + mwcc894c94_0ddf_42cc_913e_cdcc4d471d94; mwcedf8ecd_67bd_4b91_aa04_d58782dec2a4, Rate Law: mwa4c71b8d_fb74_465b_b76e_cec4e4c95484*mwcedf8ecd_67bd_4b91_aa04_d58782dec2a4
mw56f1bdc0_66fd_47c0_806a_beeaf123e2f2=0.8; mwc489f472_68ce_44e7_aad1_f8d2f6dda4ff=14.3Reaction: mwf816df4c_4593_4d23_990f_0d7c15ddde5d + mwf9e2a044_7774_400b_a74e_a111b4a21f30 => mwcb572fe2_c3ac_40e7_8141_da7d55fce18a; mwf816df4c_4593_4d23_990f_0d7c15ddde5d, mwf9e2a044_7774_400b_a74e_a111b4a21f30, mwcb572fe2_c3ac_40e7_8141_da7d55fce18a, Rate Law: mwc489f472_68ce_44e7_aad1_f8d2f6dda4ff*mwf816df4c_4593_4d23_990f_0d7c15ddde5d*mwf9e2a044_7774_400b_a74e_a111b4a21f30-mw56f1bdc0_66fd_47c0_806a_beeaf123e2f2*mwcb572fe2_c3ac_40e7_8141_da7d55fce18a
mw1decb177_5075_41f3_a348_ca13b8f4497e=5.0E-4Reaction: mwa455ec7e_1a12_4659_95a2_a5695d09ca60 => mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b + mwb2366216_0b3c_4f28_8303_fec92c68dd57; mwa455ec7e_1a12_4659_95a2_a5695d09ca60, Rate Law: mw1decb177_5075_41f3_a348_ca13b8f4497e*mwa455ec7e_1a12_4659_95a2_a5695d09ca60
mw9cc637fe_d9ca_47d2_a4dc_66009d458094=0.18; mw5639395a_a5cd_46dd_81b8_30fe72400a2e=202.9Reaction: mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6 + mw8f5a7b5c_ca4c_4a4c_85b1_e5d640c426bf => mw28464aad_8013_4a23_ae09_a406954859a6; mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6, mw8f5a7b5c_ca4c_4a4c_85b1_e5d640c426bf, mw28464aad_8013_4a23_ae09_a406954859a6, Rate Law: mw5639395a_a5cd_46dd_81b8_30fe72400a2e*mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6*mw8f5a7b5c_ca4c_4a4c_85b1_e5d640c426bf-mw9cc637fe_d9ca_47d2_a4dc_66009d458094*mw28464aad_8013_4a23_ae09_a406954859a6
mw289fed85_e6ee_43e6_a69f_77b5f487a452=10.0; mw8768b5c7_b227_4825_aa55_a525b0d915c2=1.0Reaction: mw504578d8_96c3_471f_8a7e_8c14e7535d3d + mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17 => mw45ab688a_6467_4a3e_a779_2118fa84d69e; mw504578d8_96c3_471f_8a7e_8c14e7535d3d, mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17, mw45ab688a_6467_4a3e_a779_2118fa84d69e, Rate Law: mw289fed85_e6ee_43e6_a69f_77b5f487a452*mw504578d8_96c3_471f_8a7e_8c14e7535d3d*mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17-mw8768b5c7_b227_4825_aa55_a525b0d915c2*mw45ab688a_6467_4a3e_a779_2118fa84d69e
mw11e520e6_b1f1_4802_af71_92a2bd9cb644=0.001; mw65e1222f_39ad_4a29_ae76_04b7d591af38=1.0Reaction: mw3d81860d_d786_4fcc_b8bb_64f1a2d7739d => mw16796ffe_4764_4a9f_942e_149f42c1cd28 + mwd7f41594_8377_4e2e_9528_45d5a82ffdb4; mw3d81860d_d786_4fcc_b8bb_64f1a2d7739d, mw16796ffe_4764_4a9f_942e_149f42c1cd28, mwd7f41594_8377_4e2e_9528_45d5a82ffdb4, Rate Law: mw65e1222f_39ad_4a29_ae76_04b7d591af38*mw3d81860d_d786_4fcc_b8bb_64f1a2d7739d-mw11e520e6_b1f1_4802_af71_92a2bd9cb644*mw16796ffe_4764_4a9f_942e_149f42c1cd28*mwd7f41594_8377_4e2e_9528_45d5a82ffdb4
mw134431c3_e8e5_4375_89a0_2c51a03d65dd=25.0Reaction: mw014cc419_b720_4b90_9192_2ec6e706c87d => mw78e207c4_4faf_4b48_8e22_1ee666e9cc4c + mwd7f41594_8377_4e2e_9528_45d5a82ffdb4; mw014cc419_b720_4b90_9192_2ec6e706c87d, Rate Law: mw134431c3_e8e5_4375_89a0_2c51a03d65dd*mw014cc419_b720_4b90_9192_2ec6e706c87d
mw11bb74b8_d908_46f0_ac4d_06e8dd1aa5ae=3.0; mwb44117f5_20b2_495e_adf3_3467cd119fd6=0.033Reaction: mwf816df4c_4593_4d23_990f_0d7c15ddde5d + mw7e23b961_186b_47a0_a8b5_5e9957766792 => mwcedf8ecd_67bd_4b91_aa04_d58782dec2a4; mwf816df4c_4593_4d23_990f_0d7c15ddde5d, mw7e23b961_186b_47a0_a8b5_5e9957766792, mwcedf8ecd_67bd_4b91_aa04_d58782dec2a4, Rate Law: mw11bb74b8_d908_46f0_ac4d_06e8dd1aa5ae*mwf816df4c_4593_4d23_990f_0d7c15ddde5d*mw7e23b961_186b_47a0_a8b5_5e9957766792-mwb44117f5_20b2_495e_adf3_3467cd119fd6*mwcedf8ecd_67bd_4b91_aa04_d58782dec2a4
mw91a84697_3231_4fa6_b6ff_d69ee86056dc=3.372E-4; mwf3d00ca5_89dc_4693_92ec_a47db8150144=33.72Reaction: mw0dc4e5eb_4366_4799_bebc_cfcffe5c06f5 => mw1e591998_65c0_484e_8a3b_537a38d94de1; mw0dc4e5eb_4366_4799_bebc_cfcffe5c06f5, mw1e591998_65c0_484e_8a3b_537a38d94de1, Rate Law: mwf3d00ca5_89dc_4693_92ec_a47db8150144*mw0dc4e5eb_4366_4799_bebc_cfcffe5c06f5-mw91a84697_3231_4fa6_b6ff_d69ee86056dc*mw1e591998_65c0_484e_8a3b_537a38d94de1
mw0aa92e25_f9aa_461e_92b8_23b1b5b3ab92=0.2661Reaction: mwf9999977_6f0e_4e35_9b73_75587f3448e9 => mw3c2e1b43_29ca_491a_93e9_c723a993d6fb + mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17; mwf9999977_6f0e_4e35_9b73_75587f3448e9, Rate Law: mw0aa92e25_f9aa_461e_92b8_23b1b5b3ab92*mwf9999977_6f0e_4e35_9b73_75587f3448e9
mwe1743f7b_ca2c_47d4_91d7_aed2748d98c5=2.661Reaction: mwbf5cb039_b830_4282_aa22_a3dda6272ec1 => mwa8f2e7b2_0927_4ab4_a817_dddc43bb4fa3 + mw7cff9a0e_094d_498e_bf7f_7b162c61d63a + mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17; mwbf5cb039_b830_4282_aa22_a3dda6272ec1, Rate Law: mwe1743f7b_ca2c_47d4_91d7_aed2748d98c5*mwbf5cb039_b830_4282_aa22_a3dda6272ec1
mw21d22acd_ddd4_4794_9700_52201984f75b=0.2; mw8cbe6595_6f16_4704_afe2_0dd043a175fa=1.0Reaction: mw4f575c55_7dff_45d7_94ad_cda9621d5b63 + mwcea1f1c1_2f85_4af1_98ea_ef14cf580c09 => mw472d5cb9_120e_4f60_bbae_1ae2552837dd; mw4f575c55_7dff_45d7_94ad_cda9621d5b63, mwcea1f1c1_2f85_4af1_98ea_ef14cf580c09, mw472d5cb9_120e_4f60_bbae_1ae2552837dd, Rate Law: mw8cbe6595_6f16_4704_afe2_0dd043a175fa*mw4f575c55_7dff_45d7_94ad_cda9621d5b63*mwcea1f1c1_2f85_4af1_98ea_ef14cf580c09-mw21d22acd_ddd4_4794_9700_52201984f75b*mw472d5cb9_120e_4f60_bbae_1ae2552837dd
mwba545ecf_c7d4_4a6c_8c47_9e91f052d5a9=1.0; mw01c5ceef_57a1_4baa_b2cd_fd39e9588a10=0.2Reaction: mwe3fd7f65_b0d1_44d9_b6f3_d2f7d332f664 + mw0e1be972_fded_4bff_a93d_091ec942485f => mw8c85ff7f_6368_4b11_a2ed_ce83481b55e6; mwe3fd7f65_b0d1_44d9_b6f3_d2f7d332f664, mw0e1be972_fded_4bff_a93d_091ec942485f, mw8c85ff7f_6368_4b11_a2ed_ce83481b55e6, Rate Law: mwba545ecf_c7d4_4a6c_8c47_9e91f052d5a9*mwe3fd7f65_b0d1_44d9_b6f3_d2f7d332f664*mw0e1be972_fded_4bff_a93d_091ec942485f-mw01c5ceef_57a1_4baa_b2cd_fd39e9588a10*mw8c85ff7f_6368_4b11_a2ed_ce83481b55e6
mwafd23622_952d_44b3_a437_4aa12422add7=0.25; mw9d9a7d08_b19a_44f1_a806_151597049345=0.5Reaction: mw9b25f809_18a1_4c14_8f4b_cf18e6d93c28 + mwf9e2a044_7774_400b_a74e_a111b4a21f30 => mwa0acc0ac_5fac_4a42_a3be_e36db44994b0; mw9b25f809_18a1_4c14_8f4b_cf18e6d93c28, mwf9e2a044_7774_400b_a74e_a111b4a21f30, mwa0acc0ac_5fac_4a42_a3be_e36db44994b0, Rate Law: mwafd23622_952d_44b3_a437_4aa12422add7*mw9b25f809_18a1_4c14_8f4b_cf18e6d93c28*mwf9e2a044_7774_400b_a74e_a111b4a21f30-mw9d9a7d08_b19a_44f1_a806_151597049345*mwa0acc0ac_5fac_4a42_a3be_e36db44994b0
mwab1ef4d4_2acc_4fa2_b07c_fac51fb7bfaf=0.3; mw9e24066c_51a5_4c7a_af7c_4656155a4eb0=4.481Reaction: mwa98802cb_c977_4fe0_9e67_5000904c2c36 => mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74 + mwa0349407_8187_48fc_9e94_5698ccc4e06d; mwa98802cb_c977_4fe0_9e67_5000904c2c36, mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74, mwa0349407_8187_48fc_9e94_5698ccc4e06d, Rate Law: mw9e24066c_51a5_4c7a_af7c_4656155a4eb0*mwa98802cb_c977_4fe0_9e67_5000904c2c36-mwab1ef4d4_2acc_4fa2_b07c_fac51fb7bfaf*mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74*mwa0349407_8187_48fc_9e94_5698ccc4e06d
mwbc2119ce_ade3_4e2a_a3bc_a29cd77adf72=8.898; mw54b0e5e9_710f_438e_a8d3_749c594667bc=1.0Reaction: mwd784228d_0cb5_468a_ac70_02d8f04b3d9c + mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21 => mw5babe3d5_a9af_4dfd_ac01_35474ef64af2; mwd784228d_0cb5_468a_ac70_02d8f04b3d9c, mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21, mw5babe3d5_a9af_4dfd_ac01_35474ef64af2, Rate Law: mwbc2119ce_ade3_4e2a_a3bc_a29cd77adf72*mwd784228d_0cb5_468a_ac70_02d8f04b3d9c*mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21-mw54b0e5e9_710f_438e_a8d3_749c594667bc*mw5babe3d5_a9af_4dfd_ac01_35474ef64af2
mw58c37b3e_91e7_445e_846e_77cd0b2320af=0.01833; mw11cdaca9_941c_4a59_ba2a_3bfeafb65aeb=4.0Reaction: mwaff92910_ed3d_40b9_a29c_e4866167e828 + mw9b25f809_18a1_4c14_8f4b_cf18e6d93c28 => mw12ba4000_d452_420c_be63_96d2848aca32; mwaff92910_ed3d_40b9_a29c_e4866167e828, mw9b25f809_18a1_4c14_8f4b_cf18e6d93c28, mw12ba4000_d452_420c_be63_96d2848aca32, Rate Law: mw11cdaca9_941c_4a59_ba2a_3bfeafb65aeb*mwaff92910_ed3d_40b9_a29c_e4866167e828*mw9b25f809_18a1_4c14_8f4b_cf18e6d93c28-mw58c37b3e_91e7_445e_846e_77cd0b2320af*mw12ba4000_d452_420c_be63_96d2848aca32
mwba77a9ba_078d_4ec6_a8b8_d7042a2cefe7=0.2; mwb4c6ed27_c7ec_438f_bafd_4a09a9f356f1=3.114Reaction: mwd39388fd_4f85_4d1c_b2a3_37857c595a2d + mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17 => mwbf5cb039_b830_4282_aa22_a3dda6272ec1; mwd39388fd_4f85_4d1c_b2a3_37857c595a2d, mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17, mwbf5cb039_b830_4282_aa22_a3dda6272ec1, Rate Law: mwb4c6ed27_c7ec_438f_bafd_4a09a9f356f1*mwd39388fd_4f85_4d1c_b2a3_37857c595a2d*mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17-mwba77a9ba_078d_4ec6_a8b8_d7042a2cefe7*mwbf5cb039_b830_4282_aa22_a3dda6272ec1
mwd3e2533f_8d57_407c_834d_e0dde30b7f4a=4.7E-6; mwbd416b7b_f9b6_4464_b9e8_be4ac001d13d=2.297E-6Reaction: mw7033dfd6_53c5_433b_a132_f8cb34dea20f => mwfc4a9c3d_3ebb_4033_8b7d_f4d7613d2078 + mw2ba1db9a_4483_44fa_a3a2_b4a5ea66898c; mw7033dfd6_53c5_433b_a132_f8cb34dea20f, mwfc4a9c3d_3ebb_4033_8b7d_f4d7613d2078, mw2ba1db9a_4483_44fa_a3a2_b4a5ea66898c, Rate Law: mwd3e2533f_8d57_407c_834d_e0dde30b7f4a*mw7033dfd6_53c5_433b_a132_f8cb34dea20f-mwbd416b7b_f9b6_4464_b9e8_be4ac001d13d*mwfc4a9c3d_3ebb_4033_8b7d_f4d7613d2078*mw2ba1db9a_4483_44fa_a3a2_b4a5ea66898c
mw1df2caba_8e41_4fe5_a1b5_7777eb98ed1c=0.005Reaction: mw4f575c55_7dff_45d7_94ad_cda9621d5b63 => mw4110f531_7513_4786_8896_7c9d969ff558; mw4f575c55_7dff_45d7_94ad_cda9621d5b63, Rate Law: mw1df2caba_8e41_4fe5_a1b5_7777eb98ed1c*mw4f575c55_7dff_45d7_94ad_cda9621d5b63
mwa17c895f_29d8_4977_a99f_cf9bf6216785=0.058Reaction: mwcb572fe2_c3ac_40e7_8141_da7d55fce18a => mw9b25f809_18a1_4c14_8f4b_cf18e6d93c28 + mwf9e2a044_7774_400b_a74e_a111b4a21f30; mwcb572fe2_c3ac_40e7_8141_da7d55fce18a, Rate Law: mwa17c895f_29d8_4977_a99f_cf9bf6216785*mwcb572fe2_c3ac_40e7_8141_da7d55fce18a
mwff6f49f7_268a_4f08_8d36_3ad8449d7472=0.2; mw7e889122_d26c_4d09_bae4_d313b992dc8e=3.114Reaction: mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74 + mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17 => mw954e8fcb_ac0a_459d_8878_f19080208a17; mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74, mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17, mw954e8fcb_ac0a_459d_8878_f19080208a17, Rate Law: mw7e889122_d26c_4d09_bae4_d313b992dc8e*mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74*mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17-mwff6f49f7_268a_4f08_8d36_3ad8449d7472*mw954e8fcb_ac0a_459d_8878_f19080208a17
mwb1b46773_a218_4f99_a000_a98fbc1275d7=1.0; mwd2d0b340_bbdb_40bd_9eac_992a2a402b94=10.0Reaction: mw16796ffe_4764_4a9f_942e_149f42c1cd28 + mw11a8b702_b8ac_4513_b4aa_063e51089812 => mwa6e82fc9_a0ce_461c_93c8_17f3c807c1a1; mw16796ffe_4764_4a9f_942e_149f42c1cd28, mw11a8b702_b8ac_4513_b4aa_063e51089812, mwa6e82fc9_a0ce_461c_93c8_17f3c807c1a1, Rate Law: mwd2d0b340_bbdb_40bd_9eac_992a2a402b94*mw16796ffe_4764_4a9f_942e_149f42c1cd28*mw11a8b702_b8ac_4513_b4aa_063e51089812-mwb1b46773_a218_4f99_a000_a98fbc1275d7*mwa6e82fc9_a0ce_461c_93c8_17f3c807c1a1
mw7e974605_8d9c_4250_8f69_072aab1f24f7=3.5Reaction: mw4628f984_eb87_4922_9760_4975095ce6eb => mwaff92910_ed3d_40b9_a29c_e4866167e828 + mw9b25f809_18a1_4c14_8f4b_cf18e6d93c28; mw4628f984_eb87_4922_9760_4975095ce6eb, Rate Law: mw7e974605_8d9c_4250_8f69_072aab1f24f7*mw4628f984_eb87_4922_9760_4975095ce6eb
mwa8f70790_9f44_4548_988e_49d13016d2f1=71.7; mwaad540b6_783e_4576_8862_ad522fd897db=0.2Reaction: mwaff92910_ed3d_40b9_a29c_e4866167e828 + mwbaaeb210_4806_4076_9d60_219f4ed945b6 => mw19a33ad5_5ba4_46c7_84eb_c1287f02bcd5; mwaff92910_ed3d_40b9_a29c_e4866167e828, mwbaaeb210_4806_4076_9d60_219f4ed945b6, mw19a33ad5_5ba4_46c7_84eb_c1287f02bcd5, Rate Law: mwa8f70790_9f44_4548_988e_49d13016d2f1*mwaff92910_ed3d_40b9_a29c_e4866167e828*mwbaaeb210_4806_4076_9d60_219f4ed945b6-mwaad540b6_783e_4576_8862_ad522fd897db*mw19a33ad5_5ba4_46c7_84eb_c1287f02bcd5
mw4f6f44d9_408e_49b2_bedf_d34b2448725e=0.595Reaction: mwbd6bb050_89bd_41df_8cea_d2e1fb77bafe => mw7033dfd6_53c5_433b_a132_f8cb34dea20f; mwbd6bb050_89bd_41df_8cea_d2e1fb77bafe, Rate Law: mw4f6f44d9_408e_49b2_bedf_d34b2448725e*mwbd6bb050_89bd_41df_8cea_d2e1fb77bafe
mw81384973_14a0_4498_ab21_f70666d46d7f=0.003Reaction: mw472d5cb9_120e_4f60_bbae_1ae2552837dd => mwd2c465fb_eea7_499a_8ea4_f318a64cb9ee + mwcea1f1c1_2f85_4af1_98ea_ef14cf580c09; mw472d5cb9_120e_4f60_bbae_1ae2552837dd, Rate Law: mw81384973_14a0_4498_ab21_f70666d46d7f*mw472d5cb9_120e_4f60_bbae_1ae2552837dd
mwe5304629_3bf5_4912_b431_190349f23010=0.2; mw53f2f6aa_0608_4b23_bfe6_f27b10b55fe5=0.005Reaction: mw0dc4e5eb_4366_4799_bebc_cfcffe5c06f5 + mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b => mwbedcc124_dbf3_41ab_989e_6b0900d7590a; mw0dc4e5eb_4366_4799_bebc_cfcffe5c06f5, mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b, mwbedcc124_dbf3_41ab_989e_6b0900d7590a, Rate Law: mwe5304629_3bf5_4912_b431_190349f23010*mw0dc4e5eb_4366_4799_bebc_cfcffe5c06f5*mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b-mw53f2f6aa_0608_4b23_bfe6_f27b10b55fe5*mwbedcc124_dbf3_41ab_989e_6b0900d7590a
mwd12a67b3_6d98_40e9_a54b_282a577498eb=2.661Reaction: mw45ab688a_6467_4a3e_a779_2118fa84d69e => mwa8f2e7b2_0927_4ab4_a817_dddc43bb4fa3 + mwa0349407_8187_48fc_9e94_5698ccc4e06d + mwf430a579_ecbf_48ba_80c2_06e455808f2a + mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17; mw45ab688a_6467_4a3e_a779_2118fa84d69e, Rate Law: mwd12a67b3_6d98_40e9_a54b_282a577498eb*mw45ab688a_6467_4a3e_a779_2118fa84d69e
mwb0744746_88a2_488e_a483_266747a044c6=0.2661Reaction: mw954e8fcb_ac0a_459d_8878_f19080208a17 => mwa8f2e7b2_0927_4ab4_a817_dddc43bb4fa3 + mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17; mw954e8fcb_ac0a_459d_8878_f19080208a17, Rate Law: mwb0744746_88a2_488e_a483_266747a044c6*mw954e8fcb_ac0a_459d_8878_f19080208a17
mwc6b3c76f_af7b_488c_8751_28f1d9ab90a1=5.0E-4Reaction: mw06b8aada_c92a_48eb_8ee7_af3778cfe62f => mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b + mw1093b3af_1864_4ba3_a541_6009a9921282 + mwb2366216_0b3c_4f28_8303_fec92c68dd57 + mwa0349407_8187_48fc_9e94_5698ccc4e06d; mw06b8aada_c92a_48eb_8ee7_af3778cfe62f, Rate Law: mwc6b3c76f_af7b_488c_8751_28f1d9ab90a1*mw06b8aada_c92a_48eb_8ee7_af3778cfe62f
mwa5567196_f821_479b_973b_f0967a3eb761=17.0Reaction: mwd7f41594_8377_4e2e_9528_45d5a82ffdb4 => mwb561d9f3_a9ed_4bdb_8d40_87be5cc3237a; mwd7f41594_8377_4e2e_9528_45d5a82ffdb4, Rate Law: mwa5567196_f821_479b_973b_f0967a3eb761*mwd7f41594_8377_4e2e_9528_45d5a82ffdb4
mw92d81b3b_fa59_4637_8540_8cb8482490d9=0.0025; mw90873203_7a5d_4fca_a789_5e989ff0c999=0.2Reaction: mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21 + mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b => mwb1bc2058_e6d8_4680_9e6c_d27bb366cde0; mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21, mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b, mwb1bc2058_e6d8_4680_9e6c_d27bb366cde0, Rate Law: mw90873203_7a5d_4fca_a789_5e989ff0c999*mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21*mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b-mw92d81b3b_fa59_4637_8540_8cb8482490d9*mwb1bc2058_e6d8_4680_9e6c_d27bb366cde0
mwa617804d_95cc_4197_a39b_264a2c66b5a3=0.3Reaction: mw35f5adaa_d1c0_433c_817d_76e317f4cb15 => mw7e23b961_186b_47a0_a8b5_5e9957766792 + mwd087f76b_65dc_47f1_ba21_c43774457686; mw35f5adaa_d1c0_433c_817d_76e317f4cb15, Rate Law: mwa617804d_95cc_4197_a39b_264a2c66b5a3*mw35f5adaa_d1c0_433c_817d_76e317f4cb15
mwbb727dc5_30e8_45f4_9d15_3b34be5c1e93=0.1; mw7ae1ee96_563e_4684_bc9a_8f4ef373620e=0.0015Reaction: mwf430a579_ecbf_48ba_80c2_06e455808f2a + mw9dcaa655_a755_426e_a3fa_1ad7c3c45575 => mw1093b3af_1864_4ba3_a541_6009a9921282; mwf430a579_ecbf_48ba_80c2_06e455808f2a, mw9dcaa655_a755_426e_a3fa_1ad7c3c45575, mw1093b3af_1864_4ba3_a541_6009a9921282, Rate Law: mwbb727dc5_30e8_45f4_9d15_3b34be5c1e93*mwf430a579_ecbf_48ba_80c2_06e455808f2a*mw9dcaa655_a755_426e_a3fa_1ad7c3c45575-mw7ae1ee96_563e_4684_bc9a_8f4ef373620e*mw1093b3af_1864_4ba3_a541_6009a9921282
mw880a5942_7549_4466_bd19_0e1768a3a533=0.6; mwf1697f55_a3f4_4fb6_ae1d_f96f09ad1daa=90.0Reaction: mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74 + mw3c2e1b43_29ca_491a_93e9_c723a993d6fb => mw5198d3c2_879c_4f0d_b4f8_cd40efe0b1cf; mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74, mw3c2e1b43_29ca_491a_93e9_c723a993d6fb, mw5198d3c2_879c_4f0d_b4f8_cd40efe0b1cf, Rate Law: mwf1697f55_a3f4_4fb6_ae1d_f96f09ad1daa*mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74*mw3c2e1b43_29ca_491a_93e9_c723a993d6fb-mw880a5942_7549_4466_bd19_0e1768a3a533*mw5198d3c2_879c_4f0d_b4f8_cd40efe0b1cf
mwe2aded94_f2b5_4513_8670_71a86abf7968=10.0; mw8d6eacb6_7184_4564_8cde_53e93add2146=1.0Reaction: mw62bf5275_ce02_4e86_b3b6_3f87a335e1de + mw6e01967b_3e2a_433d_bec6_9f9cf3ba243c => mw6353aa36_d4a4_4254_8a1f_1f7f571d4233; mw62bf5275_ce02_4e86_b3b6_3f87a335e1de, mw6e01967b_3e2a_433d_bec6_9f9cf3ba243c, mw6353aa36_d4a4_4254_8a1f_1f7f571d4233, Rate Law: mwe2aded94_f2b5_4513_8670_71a86abf7968*mw62bf5275_ce02_4e86_b3b6_3f87a335e1de*mw6e01967b_3e2a_433d_bec6_9f9cf3ba243c-mw8d6eacb6_7184_4564_8cde_53e93add2146*mw6353aa36_d4a4_4254_8a1f_1f7f571d4233
mw3d07dc22_f821_49a5_9712_820ba9592353=5.7Reaction: mw6cb74b27_ffef_49bb_8ffb_622d552caa9e => mwf816df4c_4593_4d23_990f_0d7c15ddde5d + mwd784228d_0cb5_468a_ac70_02d8f04b3d9c; mw6cb74b27_ffef_49bb_8ffb_622d552caa9e, Rate Law: mw3d07dc22_f821_49a5_9712_820ba9592353*mw6cb74b27_ffef_49bb_8ffb_622d552caa9e
mw93f832d7_eefb_43dd_853c_a0d7a76023cf=0.0214; mw6ac313e2_e8a9_42a9_b13a_27e55c1012a2=10.0Reaction: mw504578d8_96c3_471f_8a7e_8c14e7535d3d + mw9dcaa655_a755_426e_a3fa_1ad7c3c45575 => mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21; mw504578d8_96c3_471f_8a7e_8c14e7535d3d, mw9dcaa655_a755_426e_a3fa_1ad7c3c45575, mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21, Rate Law: mw6ac313e2_e8a9_42a9_b13a_27e55c1012a2*mw504578d8_96c3_471f_8a7e_8c14e7535d3d*mw9dcaa655_a755_426e_a3fa_1ad7c3c45575-mw93f832d7_eefb_43dd_853c_a0d7a76023cf*mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21
mw64664eb9_353a_4f1d_a8dc_e22bcb06e2c2=25.0; mw0573df9d_f365_40b7_83d4_3846a05aefdc=3.5Reaction: mw78e207c4_4faf_4b48_8e22_1ee666e9cc4c + mwb561d9f3_a9ed_4bdb_8d40_87be5cc3237a => mw014cc419_b720_4b90_9192_2ec6e706c87d; mw78e207c4_4faf_4b48_8e22_1ee666e9cc4c, mwb561d9f3_a9ed_4bdb_8d40_87be5cc3237a, mw014cc419_b720_4b90_9192_2ec6e706c87d, Rate Law: mw64664eb9_353a_4f1d_a8dc_e22bcb06e2c2*mw78e207c4_4faf_4b48_8e22_1ee666e9cc4c*mwb561d9f3_a9ed_4bdb_8d40_87be5cc3237a-mw0573df9d_f365_40b7_83d4_3846a05aefdc*mw014cc419_b720_4b90_9192_2ec6e706c87d
mw74529c03_0e18_4c1b_8704_a9816a9ea3d0=5.0E-4Reaction: mw741407c8_029b_44ed_9799_02eb9d90ec9a => mw13abe2a6_9905_40e5_8c23_3fc8834b572a + mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b + mwb2366216_0b3c_4f28_8303_fec92c68dd57; mw741407c8_029b_44ed_9799_02eb9d90ec9a, Rate Law: mw74529c03_0e18_4c1b_8704_a9816a9ea3d0*mw741407c8_029b_44ed_9799_02eb9d90ec9a
mwfa680314_051c_4b10_afc9_7e7fbee49e3f=0.2; mw97b9ab43_02ae_4e42_a524_6b781633a255=5.0E-4Reaction: mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74 + mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b => mwec1b368b_8f73_47eb_9636_9956389836eb; mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74, mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b, mwec1b368b_8f73_47eb_9636_9956389836eb, Rate Law: mwfa680314_051c_4b10_afc9_7e7fbee49e3f*mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74*mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b-mw97b9ab43_02ae_4e42_a524_6b781633a255*mwec1b368b_8f73_47eb_9636_9956389836eb
mw77c60377_28ae_4aad_b911_5768fc8b824f=4.0; mw2eed2db0_ba78_435b_b2c8_ee91efdba1b4=0.01833Reaction: mwaff92910_ed3d_40b9_a29c_e4866167e828 + mw0834731b_0477_4217_a53b_30cef851191b => mw4628f984_eb87_4922_9760_4975095ce6eb; mwaff92910_ed3d_40b9_a29c_e4866167e828, mw0834731b_0477_4217_a53b_30cef851191b, mw4628f984_eb87_4922_9760_4975095ce6eb, Rate Law: mw77c60377_28ae_4aad_b911_5768fc8b824f*mwaff92910_ed3d_40b9_a29c_e4866167e828*mw0834731b_0477_4217_a53b_30cef851191b-mw2eed2db0_ba78_435b_b2c8_ee91efdba1b4*mw4628f984_eb87_4922_9760_4975095ce6eb
mw19173345_925d_427b_8658_add0978e5931=2.854; mw9f6790d7_19ce_41d9_b4de_a1658c047501=0.96Reaction: mwa54a9c38_c98b_45e5_8432_4119fb777e44 + mw7cff9a0e_094d_498e_bf7f_7b162c61d63a => mwdf82303e_323f_4c51_a858_56a59233cd98; mwa54a9c38_c98b_45e5_8432_4119fb777e44, mw7cff9a0e_094d_498e_bf7f_7b162c61d63a, mwdf82303e_323f_4c51_a858_56a59233cd98, Rate Law: mw19173345_925d_427b_8658_add0978e5931*mwa54a9c38_c98b_45e5_8432_4119fb777e44*mw7cff9a0e_094d_498e_bf7f_7b162c61d63a-mw9f6790d7_19ce_41d9_b4de_a1658c047501*mwdf82303e_323f_4c51_a858_56a59233cd98
mwa0806e7a_a90d_4187_9c37_6d9ea569a447=2.0E-4; mw95cb9071_56e2_447d_b7c7_59ac96baa623=0.2Reaction: mw960bddeb_e567_46dd_b2f3_ed5e6a5c7972 + mwe3fd7f65_b0d1_44d9_b6f3_d2f7d332f664 => mw9686f53e_d343_45fd_b441_9c992219546a; mw960bddeb_e567_46dd_b2f3_ed5e6a5c7972, mwe3fd7f65_b0d1_44d9_b6f3_d2f7d332f664, mw9686f53e_d343_45fd_b441_9c992219546a, Rate Law: mwa0806e7a_a90d_4187_9c37_6d9ea569a447*mw960bddeb_e567_46dd_b2f3_ed5e6a5c7972*mwe3fd7f65_b0d1_44d9_b6f3_d2f7d332f664-mw95cb9071_56e2_447d_b7c7_59ac96baa623*mw9686f53e_d343_45fd_b441_9c992219546a
mw693f22fe_7af9_4af8_a026_faace261163b=0.2; mw4e34dd0b_2ef1_4805_ba4a_2c859bdcb5e2=0.005Reaction: mw2fd710a6_7fe2_4484_bca6_59c187bade8b + mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b => mw9da19d39_6d91_41d0_b101_f7748391705a; mw2fd710a6_7fe2_4484_bca6_59c187bade8b, mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b, mw9da19d39_6d91_41d0_b101_f7748391705a, Rate Law: mw693f22fe_7af9_4af8_a026_faace261163b*mw2fd710a6_7fe2_4484_bca6_59c187bade8b*mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b-mw4e34dd0b_2ef1_4805_ba4a_2c859bdcb5e2*mw9da19d39_6d91_41d0_b101_f7748391705a
mw084cd67b_f328_48a7_8e16_1d6256c8c137=10.0; mw43f177dc_f522_4dd1_b8e5_21b2b8fdfdba=0.06Reaction: mwd9462e5b_a272_4b66_ab66_fde9266b1a43 + mw9dcaa655_a755_426e_a3fa_1ad7c3c45575 => mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6; mwd9462e5b_a272_4b66_ab66_fde9266b1a43, mw9dcaa655_a755_426e_a3fa_1ad7c3c45575, mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6, Rate Law: mw084cd67b_f328_48a7_8e16_1d6256c8c137*mwd9462e5b_a272_4b66_ab66_fde9266b1a43*mw9dcaa655_a755_426e_a3fa_1ad7c3c45575-mw43f177dc_f522_4dd1_b8e5_21b2b8fdfdba*mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6
mw2dfc8a19_1792_4e12_af38_8bfbda31a577=0.18; mw7e09242b_bd80_4af0_90c8_e0cddace89fe=202.9Reaction: mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21 + mw8f5a7b5c_ca4c_4a4c_85b1_e5d640c426bf => mwf40d6176_abfc_4a30_886f_83a19fcffc48; mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21, mw8f5a7b5c_ca4c_4a4c_85b1_e5d640c426bf, mwf40d6176_abfc_4a30_886f_83a19fcffc48, Rate Law: mw7e09242b_bd80_4af0_90c8_e0cddace89fe*mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21*mw8f5a7b5c_ca4c_4a4c_85b1_e5d640c426bf-mw2dfc8a19_1792_4e12_af38_8bfbda31a577*mwf40d6176_abfc_4a30_886f_83a19fcffc48
mw94cadd24_0432_4f89_a6fc_96cb0475c44e=0.1764; mw901b5284_bdae_4040_b77d_10f1ec267f06=0.09Reaction: mw0dc4e5eb_4366_4799_bebc_cfcffe5c06f5 => mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74 + mw78e207c4_4faf_4b48_8e22_1ee666e9cc4c; mw0dc4e5eb_4366_4799_bebc_cfcffe5c06f5, mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74, mw78e207c4_4faf_4b48_8e22_1ee666e9cc4c, Rate Law: mw901b5284_bdae_4040_b77d_10f1ec267f06*mw0dc4e5eb_4366_4799_bebc_cfcffe5c06f5-mw94cadd24_0432_4f89_a6fc_96cb0475c44e*mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74*mw78e207c4_4faf_4b48_8e22_1ee666e9cc4c
mw98405e53_330b_4a64_a700_a62bb3f21426=0.1; mw11f8de84_6639_486d_bf17_8f7021f54b66=0.005Reaction: mwc1935afc_56b1_4a87_923c_ae6d82455d80 => mw3d81860d_d786_4fcc_b8bb_64f1a2d7739d + mw6e01967b_3e2a_433d_bec6_9f9cf3ba243c; mwc1935afc_56b1_4a87_923c_ae6d82455d80, mw3d81860d_d786_4fcc_b8bb_64f1a2d7739d, mw6e01967b_3e2a_433d_bec6_9f9cf3ba243c, Rate Law: mw98405e53_330b_4a64_a700_a62bb3f21426*mwc1935afc_56b1_4a87_923c_ae6d82455d80-mw11f8de84_6639_486d_bf17_8f7021f54b66*mw3d81860d_d786_4fcc_b8bb_64f1a2d7739d*mw6e01967b_3e2a_433d_bec6_9f9cf3ba243c
mwb881f20a_cf8a_493a_aa84_59ee90f26dd9=7.76Reaction: mwd7bf31ba_b05c_4c45_bb2f_6a2468a2a507 => mwd39388fd_4f85_4d1c_b2a3_37857c595a2d + mw8f5a7b5c_ca4c_4a4c_85b1_e5d640c426bf; mwd7bf31ba_b05c_4c45_bb2f_6a2468a2a507, Rate Law: mwb881f20a_cf8a_493a_aa84_59ee90f26dd9*mwd7bf31ba_b05c_4c45_bb2f_6a2468a2a507
mw3676a900_b098_4a74_a511_e15984ca0cd2=10.0; mwf68a0726_94b5_4be1_933f_1ac48053601d=1.0Reaction: mwc1935afc_56b1_4a87_923c_ae6d82455d80 + mw11a8b702_b8ac_4513_b4aa_063e51089812 => mw57a44eb0_ace7_4294_905a_219e87d3c281; mwc1935afc_56b1_4a87_923c_ae6d82455d80, mw11a8b702_b8ac_4513_b4aa_063e51089812, mw57a44eb0_ace7_4294_905a_219e87d3c281, Rate Law: mw3676a900_b098_4a74_a511_e15984ca0cd2*mwc1935afc_56b1_4a87_923c_ae6d82455d80*mw11a8b702_b8ac_4513_b4aa_063e51089812-mwf68a0726_94b5_4be1_933f_1ac48053601d*mw57a44eb0_ace7_4294_905a_219e87d3c281
mwe483687f_b591_4c42_9abc_7ea9f47470bf=2.845; mwcf964aba_9db6_46c5_b687_beafc5d89169=0.96Reaction: mwd39388fd_4f85_4d1c_b2a3_37857c595a2d + mwa54a9c38_c98b_45e5_8432_4119fb777e44 => mwd7bf31ba_b05c_4c45_bb2f_6a2468a2a507; mwd39388fd_4f85_4d1c_b2a3_37857c595a2d, mwa54a9c38_c98b_45e5_8432_4119fb777e44, mwd7bf31ba_b05c_4c45_bb2f_6a2468a2a507, Rate Law: mwe483687f_b591_4c42_9abc_7ea9f47470bf*mwd39388fd_4f85_4d1c_b2a3_37857c595a2d*mwa54a9c38_c98b_45e5_8432_4119fb777e44-mwcf964aba_9db6_46c5_b687_beafc5d89169*mwd7bf31ba_b05c_4c45_bb2f_6a2468a2a507
mw6d852e8c_c64a_4926_80c4_781a9c04b20e=0.001; mw4d614bfc_3e20_450e_8890_6326afd0a0d7=0.001Reaction: mw9b937ca3_0d82_46d5_8f5a_0f9701002797 => mw62bf5275_ce02_4e86_b3b6_3f87a335e1de + mw11a8b702_b8ac_4513_b4aa_063e51089812; mw9b937ca3_0d82_46d5_8f5a_0f9701002797, mw62bf5275_ce02_4e86_b3b6_3f87a335e1de, mw11a8b702_b8ac_4513_b4aa_063e51089812, Rate Law: mw6d852e8c_c64a_4926_80c4_781a9c04b20e*mw9b937ca3_0d82_46d5_8f5a_0f9701002797-mw4d614bfc_3e20_450e_8890_6326afd0a0d7*mw62bf5275_ce02_4e86_b3b6_3f87a335e1de*mw11a8b702_b8ac_4513_b4aa_063e51089812
mwc4824ff0_2b51_4d66_ad48_1145f670a6e1=3.114; mw0f1d282f_1c6b_455c_8254_3760632c6ecc=0.2Reaction: mwa0349407_8187_48fc_9e94_5698ccc4e06d + mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17 => mwf9999977_6f0e_4e35_9b73_75587f3448e9; mwa0349407_8187_48fc_9e94_5698ccc4e06d, mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17, mwf9999977_6f0e_4e35_9b73_75587f3448e9, Rate Law: mwc4824ff0_2b51_4d66_ad48_1145f670a6e1*mwa0349407_8187_48fc_9e94_5698ccc4e06d*mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17-mw0f1d282f_1c6b_455c_8254_3760632c6ecc*mwf9999977_6f0e_4e35_9b73_75587f3448e9
mw432640ec_11b9_484d_ba26_415538ab9a10=2.9Reaction: mw12ba4000_d452_420c_be63_96d2848aca32 => mwaff92910_ed3d_40b9_a29c_e4866167e828 + mwf816df4c_4593_4d23_990f_0d7c15ddde5d; mw12ba4000_d452_420c_be63_96d2848aca32, Rate Law: mw432640ec_11b9_484d_ba26_415538ab9a10*mw12ba4000_d452_420c_be63_96d2848aca32
mw6a4e035b_11a7_4155_9a78_cfba13631cb1=0.05Reaction: mwa6e82fc9_a0ce_461c_93c8_17f3c807c1a1 => mw236a3250_4c96_4f6e_b94c_ab3d12852801; mwa6e82fc9_a0ce_461c_93c8_17f3c807c1a1, Rate Law: mw6a4e035b_11a7_4155_9a78_cfba13631cb1*mwa6e82fc9_a0ce_461c_93c8_17f3c807c1a1
mw10c97b8e_72aa_4f56_b3b9_c94baad7e213=0.1; mw0b6eb5f7_b133_4b3d_bf15_9fd6c2e9332d=0.01Reaction: mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74 + mw7cff9a0e_094d_498e_bf7f_7b162c61d63a => mwd39388fd_4f85_4d1c_b2a3_37857c595a2d; mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74, mw7cff9a0e_094d_498e_bf7f_7b162c61d63a, mwd39388fd_4f85_4d1c_b2a3_37857c595a2d, Rate Law: mw10c97b8e_72aa_4f56_b3b9_c94baad7e213*mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74*mw7cff9a0e_094d_498e_bf7f_7b162c61d63a-mw0b6eb5f7_b133_4b3d_bf15_9fd6c2e9332d*mwd39388fd_4f85_4d1c_b2a3_37857c595a2d
mw193f2553_1ab3_4b07_9b4b_201ee9e08c96=10.0; mwb7292ff5_dd13_41aa_b9b8_2c0c75d35fb1=1.0Reaction: mw3d81860d_d786_4fcc_b8bb_64f1a2d7739d + mw11a8b702_b8ac_4513_b4aa_063e51089812 => mw1a0cb97a_b657_430b_963c_92217f643081; mw3d81860d_d786_4fcc_b8bb_64f1a2d7739d, mw11a8b702_b8ac_4513_b4aa_063e51089812, mw1a0cb97a_b657_430b_963c_92217f643081, Rate Law: mw193f2553_1ab3_4b07_9b4b_201ee9e08c96*mw3d81860d_d786_4fcc_b8bb_64f1a2d7739d*mw11a8b702_b8ac_4513_b4aa_063e51089812-mwb7292ff5_dd13_41aa_b9b8_2c0c75d35fb1*mw1a0cb97a_b657_430b_963c_92217f643081
mw95e2190d_8e39_419b_ad26_7cc141f7b87b=0.4Reaction: mw2fd710a6_7fe2_4484_bca6_59c187bade8b => mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74 + mwb6a9aa2c_62e7_410f_9c33_dbe36dfcc4af; mw2fd710a6_7fe2_4484_bca6_59c187bade8b, Rate Law: mw95e2190d_8e39_419b_ad26_7cc141f7b87b*mw2fd710a6_7fe2_4484_bca6_59c187bade8b
mwa18578d7_236f_4939_baca_52259e38fe15=0.1; mwe879a9ac_4b8d_4c9a_a157_a3751761cf63=3.0Reaction: mwa98802cb_c977_4fe0_9e67_5000904c2c36 + mwf430a579_ecbf_48ba_80c2_06e455808f2a => mw504578d8_96c3_471f_8a7e_8c14e7535d3d; mwa98802cb_c977_4fe0_9e67_5000904c2c36, mwf430a579_ecbf_48ba_80c2_06e455808f2a, mw504578d8_96c3_471f_8a7e_8c14e7535d3d, Rate Law: mwe879a9ac_4b8d_4c9a_a157_a3751761cf63*mwa98802cb_c977_4fe0_9e67_5000904c2c36*mwf430a579_ecbf_48ba_80c2_06e455808f2a-mwa18578d7_236f_4939_baca_52259e38fe15*mw504578d8_96c3_471f_8a7e_8c14e7535d3d
mwf59d397b_cfee_4a84_9279_134cc951db8c=1.0; mw22510791_ef7e_4373_907c_9eecbc8adda7=10.0Reaction: mwcef73e0e_d195_4077_ae71_723664ee1602 + mwd7f41594_8377_4e2e_9528_45d5a82ffdb4 => mw62bf5275_ce02_4e86_b3b6_3f87a335e1de; mwcef73e0e_d195_4077_ae71_723664ee1602, mwd7f41594_8377_4e2e_9528_45d5a82ffdb4, mw62bf5275_ce02_4e86_b3b6_3f87a335e1de, Rate Law: mw22510791_ef7e_4373_907c_9eecbc8adda7*mwcef73e0e_d195_4077_ae71_723664ee1602*mwd7f41594_8377_4e2e_9528_45d5a82ffdb4-mwf59d397b_cfee_4a84_9279_134cc951db8c*mw62bf5275_ce02_4e86_b3b6_3f87a335e1de
mwbc5340b6_06b7_4081_bd0c_e7a397f06a92=10.0; mw0df80c0e_c32b_4f90_99bd_e8f90e4c8109=0.045Reaction: mwa98802cb_c977_4fe0_9e67_5000904c2c36 + mw1093b3af_1864_4ba3_a541_6009a9921282 => mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21; mwa98802cb_c977_4fe0_9e67_5000904c2c36, mw1093b3af_1864_4ba3_a541_6009a9921282, mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21, Rate Law: mwbc5340b6_06b7_4081_bd0c_e7a397f06a92*mwa98802cb_c977_4fe0_9e67_5000904c2c36*mw1093b3af_1864_4ba3_a541_6009a9921282-mw0df80c0e_c32b_4f90_99bd_e8f90e4c8109*mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21
mw6eebbe41_cf28_46e8_930c_26f50e08d602=0.001; mw751c2663_d807_482f_991b_c8032cb6d996=0.001Reaction: mw236a3250_4c96_4f6e_b94c_ab3d12852801 => mwcef73e0e_d195_4077_ae71_723664ee1602 + mw11a8b702_b8ac_4513_b4aa_063e51089812; mw236a3250_4c96_4f6e_b94c_ab3d12852801, mwcef73e0e_d195_4077_ae71_723664ee1602, mw11a8b702_b8ac_4513_b4aa_063e51089812, Rate Law: mw6eebbe41_cf28_46e8_930c_26f50e08d602*mw236a3250_4c96_4f6e_b94c_ab3d12852801-mw751c2663_d807_482f_991b_c8032cb6d996*mwcef73e0e_d195_4077_ae71_723664ee1602*mw11a8b702_b8ac_4513_b4aa_063e51089812
mw23e16d40_acbb_4658_a336_be5d0b0dd86a=7.76Reaction: mwdf82303e_323f_4c51_a858_56a59233cd98 => mw8f5a7b5c_ca4c_4a4c_85b1_e5d640c426bf + mw7cff9a0e_094d_498e_bf7f_7b162c61d63a; mwdf82303e_323f_4c51_a858_56a59233cd98, Rate Law: mw23e16d40_acbb_4658_a336_be5d0b0dd86a*mwdf82303e_323f_4c51_a858_56a59233cd98
mw85c8ff7d_8d7c_4403_8a58_4996a3e6ac28=0.038; mw688106ee_719d_4995_b1a0_faeefdb0af5a=1.0Reaction: mwfc4a9c3d_3ebb_4033_8b7d_f4d7613d2078 + mw78e207c4_4faf_4b48_8e22_1ee666e9cc4c => mwbd6bb050_89bd_41df_8cea_d2e1fb77bafe; mwfc4a9c3d_3ebb_4033_8b7d_f4d7613d2078, mw78e207c4_4faf_4b48_8e22_1ee666e9cc4c, mwbd6bb050_89bd_41df_8cea_d2e1fb77bafe, Rate Law: mw688106ee_719d_4995_b1a0_faeefdb0af5a*mwfc4a9c3d_3ebb_4033_8b7d_f4d7613d2078*mw78e207c4_4faf_4b48_8e22_1ee666e9cc4c-mw85c8ff7d_8d7c_4403_8a58_4996a3e6ac28*mwbd6bb050_89bd_41df_8cea_d2e1fb77bafe
mw5a798f7a_b4eb_4a27_b413_4ff3956b90e9=20.0; mw54178365_18c1_47e0_94ee_6b96582c52ef=0.1Reaction: mwe3fd7f65_b0d1_44d9_b6f3_d2f7d332f664 + mwe3fd7f65_b0d1_44d9_b6f3_d2f7d332f664 => mw4110f531_7513_4786_8896_7c9d969ff558; mwe3fd7f65_b0d1_44d9_b6f3_d2f7d332f664, mw4110f531_7513_4786_8896_7c9d969ff558, Rate Law: mw5a798f7a_b4eb_4a27_b413_4ff3956b90e9*mwe3fd7f65_b0d1_44d9_b6f3_d2f7d332f664*mwe3fd7f65_b0d1_44d9_b6f3_d2f7d332f664-mw54178365_18c1_47e0_94ee_6b96582c52ef*mw4110f531_7513_4786_8896_7c9d969ff558
mw8b269d52_eda9_4dd1_8616_ebcf29c971fa=0.2; mw1ff4e75e_fce5_4a7a_907b_05df4981f80b=1.0Reaction: mw4110f531_7513_4786_8896_7c9d969ff558 + mw0e1be972_fded_4bff_a93d_091ec942485f => mw0facb8f2_95cf_4ddf_a959_b24ba64f320b; mw4110f531_7513_4786_8896_7c9d969ff558, mw0e1be972_fded_4bff_a93d_091ec942485f, mw0facb8f2_95cf_4ddf_a959_b24ba64f320b, Rate Law: mw1ff4e75e_fce5_4a7a_907b_05df4981f80b*mw4110f531_7513_4786_8896_7c9d969ff558*mw0e1be972_fded_4bff_a93d_091ec942485f-mw8b269d52_eda9_4dd1_8616_ebcf29c971fa*mw0facb8f2_95cf_4ddf_a959_b24ba64f320b
mw1ddaf9f4_dcab_4dc2_a6fa_5ce85b9d7a3a=0.0426Reaction: mw5babe3d5_a9af_4dfd_ac01_35474ef64af2 => mwd784228d_0cb5_468a_ac70_02d8f04b3d9c + mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74 + mwa0349407_8187_48fc_9e94_5698ccc4e06d + mwf430a579_ecbf_48ba_80c2_06e455808f2a + mw31ac308f_da36_4f73_830f_67f3e5b945d9; mw5babe3d5_a9af_4dfd_ac01_35474ef64af2, Rate Law: mw1ddaf9f4_dcab_4dc2_a6fa_5ce85b9d7a3a*mw5babe3d5_a9af_4dfd_ac01_35474ef64af2


mw6e01967b 3e2a 433d bec6 9f9cf3ba243c[3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1]
mw0dc4e5eb 4366 4799 bebc cfcffe5c06f5[Pro-epidermal growth factor; Epidermal growth factor receptor; Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 3; Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulatory subunit beta; phosphorylated]
mwd39388fd 4f85 4d1c b2a3 37857c595a2d[Pro-epidermal growth factor; Epidermal growth factor receptor; GTPase HRas; Ras GTPase-activating protein 1; phosphorylated]
mwcedf8ecd 67bd 4b91 aa04 d58782dec2a4[Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1; Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1; phosphorylated]
mw2ba1db9a 4483 44fa a3a2 b4a5ea66898c[Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 3; Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulatory subunit beta]
mw4110f531 7513 4786 8896 7c9d969ff558[Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3; phosphorylated]
mwf816df4c 4593 4d23 990f 0d7c15ddde5d[Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1; phosphorylated]
mwf9999977 6f0e 4e35 9b73 75587f3448e9[SHC-transforming protein 2; Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 2; phosphorylated]
mw472d5cb9 120e 4f60 bbae 1ae2552837dd[Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3; Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate 3-phosphatase and dual-specificity protein phosphatase PTEN; phosphorylated]
mw1e591998 65c0 484e 8a3b 537a38d94de1[Pro-epidermal growth factor; Epidermal growth factor receptor; Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 3; Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulatory subunit beta; phosphorylated]
mw62bf5275 ce02 4e86 b3b6 3f87a335e1de[RAC-beta serine/threonine-protein kinase]
mw78e207c4 4faf 4b48 8e22 1ee666e9cc4c[Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 3; Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulatory subunit beta; phosphorylated]
mwf430a579 ecbf 48ba 80c2 06e455808f2a[Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2]
mw3d81860d d786 4fcc b8bb 64f1a2d7739d[RAC-beta serine/threonine-protein kinase; phosphorylated]
mwcc894c94 0ddf 42cc 913e cdcc4d471d94[Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1; phosphorylated]
mwbd6bb050 89bd 41df 8cea d2e1fb77bafe[Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 3; Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulatory subunit beta; Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphatase 2]
mwcef73e0e d195 4077 ae71 723664ee1602[RAC-beta serine/threonine-protein kinase]
mw7e23b961 186b 47a0 a8b5 5e9957766792[Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1]
mw504578d8 96c3 471f 8a7e 8c14e7535d3d[Pro-epidermal growth factor; Epidermal growth factor receptor; SHC-transforming protein 2; Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2; phosphorylated]
mw236a3250 4c96 4f6e b94c ab3d12852801[protein polypeptide chain; RAC-beta serine/threonine-protein kinase]
mwfc4a9c3d 3ebb 4033 8b7d f4d7613d2078[Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphatase 2]
mwb561d9f3 a9ed 4bdb 8d40 87be5cc3237a[phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate]
mwa98802cb c977 4fe0 9e67 5000904c2c36[Pro-epidermal growth factor; Epidermal growth factor receptor; SHC-transforming protein 2; phosphorylated]
mwaff92910 ed3d 40b9 a29c e4866167e828[RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase]
mwbfcf6773 1915 432c b1d2 1f246094cc74[Pro-epidermal growth factor; Epidermal growth factor receptor; phosphorylated]
mwfbda4e09 0cbb 49bc ae69 f88b7a79ed21[Pro-epidermal growth factor; Epidermal growth factor receptor; SHC-transforming protein 2; Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2; Son of sevenless homolog 1; phosphorylated]
mw11a8b702 b8ac 4513 b4aa 063e51089812[protein polypeptide chain]
mw12ba4000 d452 420c be63 96d2848aca32[RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase; Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1; phosphorylated]
mw7cff9a0e 094d 498e bf7f 7b162c61d63a[GTPase HRas; Ras GTPase-activating protein 1]
mwd7f41594 8377 4e2e 9528 45d5a82ffdb4[24755492]
mw28464aad 8013 4a23 ae09 a406954859a6[GDP; Pro-epidermal growth factor; Epidermal growth factor receptor; Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2; Son of sevenless homolog 1; GTPase HRas; phosphorylated]
mwa0349407 8187 48fc 9e94 5698ccc4e06d[SHC-transforming protein 2; phosphorylated]
mw0e1be972 fded 4bff a93d 091ec942485f[Putative uncharacterized protein PTEN2]
mw5198d3c2 879c 4f0d b4f8 cd40efe0b1cf[Pro-epidermal growth factor; Epidermal growth factor receptor; SHC-transforming protein 2; phosphorylated]
mw4628f984 eb87 4922 9760 4975095ce6eb[RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase; Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1]
mw9dcaa655 a755 426e a3fa 1ad7c3c45575[Son of sevenless homolog 1]
mw3c2e1b43 29ca 491a 93e9 c723a993d6fb[SHC-transforming protein 2]
mw9b25f809 18a1 4c14 8f4b cf18e6d93c28[Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1; phosphorylated]
mwdf82303e 323f 4c51 a858 56a59233cd98[GTP; GTPase HRas; Ras GTPase-activating protein 1]
mw4f575c55 7dff 45d7 94ad cda9621d5b63[Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3; phosphorylated]
mw6353aa36 d4a4 4254 8a1f 1f7f571d4233[RAC-beta serine/threonine-protein kinase; 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1]
mw7033dfd6 53c5 433b a132 f8cb34dea20f[Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 3; Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulatory subunit beta; Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphatase 2]
mw19122f7d f92e 4dc0 922f 6b681db65b0b[E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBL]
mwe57c3282 5935 405c 8c0b 7fadb7a5de17[Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 2]
mwcea1f1c1 2f85 4af1 98ea ef14cf580c09[Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate 3-phosphatase and dual-specificity protein phosphatase PTEN]
mwe3fd7f65 b0d1 44d9 b6f3 d2f7d332f664[Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3; phosphorylated]
mw16796ffe 4764 4a9f 942e 149f42c1cd28[RAC-beta serine/threonine-protein kinase; phosphorylated]
mwa6e82fc9 a0ce 461c 93c8 17f3c807c1a1[protein polypeptide chain; RAC-beta serine/threonine-protein kinase; phosphorylated]

Bidkhori2012 - normal EGFR signalling: BIOMD0000000452v0.0.1

Bidkhori2012 - normal EGFR signallingThe paper describes and compares two models on EGFR signalling between normal and N…


EGFR signaling plays a very important role in NSCLC. It activates Ras/ERK, PI3K/Akt and STAT activation pathways. These are the main pathways for cell proliferation and survival. We have developed two mathematical models to relate to the different EGFR signaling in NSCLC and normal cells in the presence or absence of EGFR and PTEN mutations. The dynamics of downstream signaling pathways vary in the disease state and activation of some factors can be indicative of drug resistance. Our simulation denotes the effect of EGFR mutations and increased expression of certain factors in NSCLC EGFR signaling on each of the three pathways where levels of pERK, pSTAT and pAkt are increased. Over activation of ERK, Akt and STAT3 which are the main cell proliferation and survival factors act as promoting factors for tumor progression in NSCLC. In case of loss of PTEN, Akt activity level is considerably increased. Our simulation results show that in the presence of erlotinib, downstream factors i.e. pAkt, pSTAT3 and pERK are inhibited. However, in case of loss of PTEN expression in the presence of erlotinib, pAkt level would not decrease which demonstrates that these cells are resistant to erlotinib. link:


mw9f1a7f64_0b37_42df_9dd5_e1a44efdcbba=2.0E-4; mw366e6f17_4081_4cdc_9fa5_0aeb354d692c=0.2Reaction: mw13abe2a6_9905_40e5_8c23_3fc8834b572a + mwb6a9aa2c_62e7_410f_9c33_dbe36dfcc4af => mwd2c465fb_eea7_499a_8ea4_f318a64cb9ee; mw13abe2a6_9905_40e5_8c23_3fc8834b572a, mwb6a9aa2c_62e7_410f_9c33_dbe36dfcc4af, mwd2c465fb_eea7_499a_8ea4_f318a64cb9ee, Rate Law: mw9f1a7f64_0b37_42df_9dd5_e1a44efdcbba*mw13abe2a6_9905_40e5_8c23_3fc8834b572a*mwb6a9aa2c_62e7_410f_9c33_dbe36dfcc4af-mw366e6f17_4081_4cdc_9fa5_0aeb354d692c*mwd2c465fb_eea7_499a_8ea4_f318a64cb9ee
mw9cc637fe_d9ca_47d2_a4dc_66009d458094=0.18; mw5639395a_a5cd_46dd_81b8_30fe72400a2e=202.9Reaction: mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6 + mw8f5a7b5c_ca4c_4a4c_85b1_e5d640c426bf => mw28464aad_8013_4a23_ae09_a406954859a6; mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6, mw8f5a7b5c_ca4c_4a4c_85b1_e5d640c426bf, mw28464aad_8013_4a23_ae09_a406954859a6, Rate Law: mw5639395a_a5cd_46dd_81b8_30fe72400a2e*mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6*mw8f5a7b5c_ca4c_4a4c_85b1_e5d640c426bf-mw9cc637fe_d9ca_47d2_a4dc_66009d458094*mw28464aad_8013_4a23_ae09_a406954859a6
mw289fed85_e6ee_43e6_a69f_77b5f487a452=10.0; mw8768b5c7_b227_4825_aa55_a525b0d915c2=1.0Reaction: mw504578d8_96c3_471f_8a7e_8c14e7535d3d + mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17 => mw45ab688a_6467_4a3e_a779_2118fa84d69e; mw504578d8_96c3_471f_8a7e_8c14e7535d3d, mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17, mw45ab688a_6467_4a3e_a779_2118fa84d69e, Rate Law: mw289fed85_e6ee_43e6_a69f_77b5f487a452*mw504578d8_96c3_471f_8a7e_8c14e7535d3d*mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17-mw8768b5c7_b227_4825_aa55_a525b0d915c2*mw45ab688a_6467_4a3e_a779_2118fa84d69e
mw11e520e6_b1f1_4802_af71_92a2bd9cb644=0.001; mw65e1222f_39ad_4a29_ae76_04b7d591af38=1.0Reaction: mw3d81860d_d786_4fcc_b8bb_64f1a2d7739d => mw16796ffe_4764_4a9f_942e_149f42c1cd28 + mwd7f41594_8377_4e2e_9528_45d5a82ffdb4; mw3d81860d_d786_4fcc_b8bb_64f1a2d7739d, mw16796ffe_4764_4a9f_942e_149f42c1cd28, mwd7f41594_8377_4e2e_9528_45d5a82ffdb4, Rate Law: mw65e1222f_39ad_4a29_ae76_04b7d591af38*mw3d81860d_d786_4fcc_b8bb_64f1a2d7739d-mw11e520e6_b1f1_4802_af71_92a2bd9cb644*mw16796ffe_4764_4a9f_942e_149f42c1cd28*mwd7f41594_8377_4e2e_9528_45d5a82ffdb4
mw134431c3_e8e5_4375_89a0_2c51a03d65dd=25.0Reaction: mw014cc419_b720_4b90_9192_2ec6e706c87d => mw78e207c4_4faf_4b48_8e22_1ee666e9cc4c + mwd7f41594_8377_4e2e_9528_45d5a82ffdb4; mw014cc419_b720_4b90_9192_2ec6e706c87d, Rate Law: mw134431c3_e8e5_4375_89a0_2c51a03d65dd*mw014cc419_b720_4b90_9192_2ec6e706c87d
mw56f1be7e_e303_4a72_be17_5bd08e3eb1f2=0.1; mwcc0d3fcd_9b9e_4390_b588_e57b57d89d22=5.0Reaction: mwec1b368b_8f73_47eb_9636_9956389836eb + mwb2366216_0b3c_4f28_8303_fec92c68dd57 => mwa455ec7e_1a12_4659_95a2_a5695d09ca60; mwec1b368b_8f73_47eb_9636_9956389836eb, mwb2366216_0b3c_4f28_8303_fec92c68dd57, mwa455ec7e_1a12_4659_95a2_a5695d09ca60, Rate Law: mwcc0d3fcd_9b9e_4390_b588_e57b57d89d22*mwec1b368b_8f73_47eb_9636_9956389836eb*mwb2366216_0b3c_4f28_8303_fec92c68dd57-mw56f1be7e_e303_4a72_be17_5bd08e3eb1f2*mwa455ec7e_1a12_4659_95a2_a5695d09ca60
mwfbc395b5_05b8_4e27_9696_c3ba52edaf74=1.0Reaction: mw19a33ad5_5ba4_46c7_84eb_c1287f02bcd5 => mw66ac98c4_7e7b_4071_954d_43eb17584220 + mwbaaeb210_4806_4076_9d60_219f4ed945b6; mw19a33ad5_5ba4_46c7_84eb_c1287f02bcd5, Rate Law: mwfbc395b5_05b8_4e27_9696_c3ba52edaf74*mw19a33ad5_5ba4_46c7_84eb_c1287f02bcd5
mw9cafad09_6002_46e1_8336_bb91c3716d70=17.0Reaction: mwd7f41594_8377_4e2e_9528_45d5a82ffdb4 => mwb561d9f3_a9ed_4bdb_8d40_87be5cc3237a; mwd7f41594_8377_4e2e_9528_45d5a82ffdb4, Rate Law: mw9cafad09_6002_46e1_8336_bb91c3716d70*mwd7f41594_8377_4e2e_9528_45d5a82ffdb4
mwfc146e94_8070_4727_8416_fb55829068cb=0.1434Reaction: mwf40d6176_abfc_4a30_886f_83a19fcffc48 => mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21 + mwa54a9c38_c98b_45e5_8432_4119fb777e44; mwf40d6176_abfc_4a30_886f_83a19fcffc48, Rate Law: mwfc146e94_8070_4727_8416_fb55829068cb*mwf40d6176_abfc_4a30_886f_83a19fcffc48
mwe1743f7b_ca2c_47d4_91d7_aed2748d98c5=2.661Reaction: mwbf5cb039_b830_4282_aa22_a3dda6272ec1 => mwa8f2e7b2_0927_4ab4_a817_dddc43bb4fa3 + mw7cff9a0e_094d_498e_bf7f_7b162c61d63a + mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17; mwbf5cb039_b830_4282_aa22_a3dda6272ec1, Rate Law: mwe1743f7b_ca2c_47d4_91d7_aed2748d98c5*mwbf5cb039_b830_4282_aa22_a3dda6272ec1
mw21d22acd_ddd4_4794_9700_52201984f75b=0.2; mw8cbe6595_6f16_4704_afe2_0dd043a175fa=1.0Reaction: mw4f575c55_7dff_45d7_94ad_cda9621d5b63 + mwcea1f1c1_2f85_4af1_98ea_ef14cf580c09 => mw472d5cb9_120e_4f60_bbae_1ae2552837dd; mw4f575c55_7dff_45d7_94ad_cda9621d5b63, mwcea1f1c1_2f85_4af1_98ea_ef14cf580c09, mw472d5cb9_120e_4f60_bbae_1ae2552837dd, Rate Law: mw8cbe6595_6f16_4704_afe2_0dd043a175fa*mw4f575c55_7dff_45d7_94ad_cda9621d5b63*mwcea1f1c1_2f85_4af1_98ea_ef14cf580c09-mw21d22acd_ddd4_4794_9700_52201984f75b*mw472d5cb9_120e_4f60_bbae_1ae2552837dd
mw90b25c4b_ad1a_4ee5_ae20_c60451484516=0.005Reaction: mw0facb8f2_95cf_4ddf_a959_b24ba64f320b => mw9686f53e_d343_45fd_b441_9c992219546a + mw0e1be972_fded_4bff_a93d_091ec942485f; mw0facb8f2_95cf_4ddf_a959_b24ba64f320b, Rate Law: mw90b25c4b_ad1a_4ee5_ae20_c60451484516*mw0facb8f2_95cf_4ddf_a959_b24ba64f320b
mwba545ecf_c7d4_4a6c_8c47_9e91f052d5a9=1.0; mw01c5ceef_57a1_4baa_b2cd_fd39e9588a10=0.2Reaction: mwe3fd7f65_b0d1_44d9_b6f3_d2f7d332f664 + mw0e1be972_fded_4bff_a93d_091ec942485f => mw8c85ff7f_6368_4b11_a2ed_ce83481b55e6; mwe3fd7f65_b0d1_44d9_b6f3_d2f7d332f664, mw0e1be972_fded_4bff_a93d_091ec942485f, mw8c85ff7f_6368_4b11_a2ed_ce83481b55e6, Rate Law: mwba545ecf_c7d4_4a6c_8c47_9e91f052d5a9*mwe3fd7f65_b0d1_44d9_b6f3_d2f7d332f664*mw0e1be972_fded_4bff_a93d_091ec942485f-mw01c5ceef_57a1_4baa_b2cd_fd39e9588a10*mw8c85ff7f_6368_4b11_a2ed_ce83481b55e6
mw60892818_7ef4_4f65_8003_9700a708c66c=8.898; mw6843d346_6e9f_43d5_97f6_1059f164aa16=1.0Reaction: mwd784228d_0cb5_468a_ac70_02d8f04b3d9c + mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6 => mw31261227_9cd6_4059_a0bb_04dbf4888080; mwd784228d_0cb5_468a_ac70_02d8f04b3d9c, mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6, mw31261227_9cd6_4059_a0bb_04dbf4888080, Rate Law: mw60892818_7ef4_4f65_8003_9700a708c66c*mwd784228d_0cb5_468a_ac70_02d8f04b3d9c*mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6-mw6843d346_6e9f_43d5_97f6_1059f164aa16*mw31261227_9cd6_4059_a0bb_04dbf4888080
mwafd23622_952d_44b3_a437_4aa12422add7=0.25; mw9d9a7d08_b19a_44f1_a806_151597049345=0.5Reaction: mw9b25f809_18a1_4c14_8f4b_cf18e6d93c28 + mwf9e2a044_7774_400b_a74e_a111b4a21f30 => mwa0acc0ac_5fac_4a42_a3be_e36db44994b0; mw9b25f809_18a1_4c14_8f4b_cf18e6d93c28, mwf9e2a044_7774_400b_a74e_a111b4a21f30, mwa0acc0ac_5fac_4a42_a3be_e36db44994b0, Rate Law: mwafd23622_952d_44b3_a437_4aa12422add7*mw9b25f809_18a1_4c14_8f4b_cf18e6d93c28*mwf9e2a044_7774_400b_a74e_a111b4a21f30-mw9d9a7d08_b19a_44f1_a806_151597049345*mwa0acc0ac_5fac_4a42_a3be_e36db44994b0
mwb9547c37_09b7_4258_95ab_8039d4088298=0.025; mwfa6a58ab_0ca5_4c05_92b0_870593ac135d=2.734Reaction: mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74 + mw1093b3af_1864_4ba3_a541_6009a9921282 => mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6; mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74, mw1093b3af_1864_4ba3_a541_6009a9921282, mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6, Rate Law: mwfa6a58ab_0ca5_4c05_92b0_870593ac135d*mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74*mw1093b3af_1864_4ba3_a541_6009a9921282-mwb9547c37_09b7_4258_95ab_8039d4088298*mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6
mwbc2119ce_ade3_4e2a_a3bc_a29cd77adf72=8.898; mw54b0e5e9_710f_438e_a8d3_749c594667bc=1.0Reaction: mwd784228d_0cb5_468a_ac70_02d8f04b3d9c + mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21 => mw5babe3d5_a9af_4dfd_ac01_35474ef64af2; mwd784228d_0cb5_468a_ac70_02d8f04b3d9c, mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21, mw5babe3d5_a9af_4dfd_ac01_35474ef64af2, Rate Law: mwbc2119ce_ade3_4e2a_a3bc_a29cd77adf72*mwd784228d_0cb5_468a_ac70_02d8f04b3d9c*mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21-mw54b0e5e9_710f_438e_a8d3_749c594667bc*mw5babe3d5_a9af_4dfd_ac01_35474ef64af2
mwba77a9ba_078d_4ec6_a8b8_d7042a2cefe7=0.2; mwb4c6ed27_c7ec_438f_bafd_4a09a9f356f1=3.114Reaction: mwd39388fd_4f85_4d1c_b2a3_37857c595a2d + mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17 => mwbf5cb039_b830_4282_aa22_a3dda6272ec1; mwd39388fd_4f85_4d1c_b2a3_37857c595a2d, mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17, mwbf5cb039_b830_4282_aa22_a3dda6272ec1, Rate Law: mwb4c6ed27_c7ec_438f_bafd_4a09a9f356f1*mwd39388fd_4f85_4d1c_b2a3_37857c595a2d*mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17-mwba77a9ba_078d_4ec6_a8b8_d7042a2cefe7*mwbf5cb039_b830_4282_aa22_a3dda6272ec1
mwd3e2533f_8d57_407c_834d_e0dde30b7f4a=4.7E-6; mwbd416b7b_f9b6_4464_b9e8_be4ac001d13d=2.297E-6Reaction: mw7033dfd6_53c5_433b_a132_f8cb34dea20f => mwfc4a9c3d_3ebb_4033_8b7d_f4d7613d2078 + mw2ba1db9a_4483_44fa_a3a2_b4a5ea66898c; mw7033dfd6_53c5_433b_a132_f8cb34dea20f, mwfc4a9c3d_3ebb_4033_8b7d_f4d7613d2078, mw2ba1db9a_4483_44fa_a3a2_b4a5ea66898c, Rate Law: mwd3e2533f_8d57_407c_834d_e0dde30b7f4a*mw7033dfd6_53c5_433b_a132_f8cb34dea20f-mwbd416b7b_f9b6_4464_b9e8_be4ac001d13d*mwfc4a9c3d_3ebb_4033_8b7d_f4d7613d2078*mw2ba1db9a_4483_44fa_a3a2_b4a5ea66898c
mw26688d02_8ab9_4123_89c4_022b981cb72c=0.1434Reaction: mw28464aad_8013_4a23_ae09_a406954859a6 => mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6 + mwa54a9c38_c98b_45e5_8432_4119fb777e44; mw28464aad_8013_4a23_ae09_a406954859a6, Rate Law: mw26688d02_8ab9_4123_89c4_022b981cb72c*mw28464aad_8013_4a23_ae09_a406954859a6
mwa17c895f_29d8_4977_a99f_cf9bf6216785=0.058Reaction: mwcb572fe2_c3ac_40e7_8141_da7d55fce18a => mw9b25f809_18a1_4c14_8f4b_cf18e6d93c28 + mwf9e2a044_7774_400b_a74e_a111b4a21f30; mwcb572fe2_c3ac_40e7_8141_da7d55fce18a, Rate Law: mwa17c895f_29d8_4977_a99f_cf9bf6216785*mwcb572fe2_c3ac_40e7_8141_da7d55fce18a
mwff6f49f7_268a_4f08_8d36_3ad8449d7472=0.2; mw7e889122_d26c_4d09_bae4_d313b992dc8e=3.114Reaction: mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74 + mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17 => mw954e8fcb_ac0a_459d_8878_f19080208a17; mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74, mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17, mw954e8fcb_ac0a_459d_8878_f19080208a17, Rate Law: mw7e889122_d26c_4d09_bae4_d313b992dc8e*mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74*mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17-mwff6f49f7_268a_4f08_8d36_3ad8449d7472*mw954e8fcb_ac0a_459d_8878_f19080208a17
mw4f6f44d9_408e_49b2_bedf_d34b2448725e=0.595Reaction: mwbd6bb050_89bd_41df_8cea_d2e1fb77bafe => mw7033dfd6_53c5_433b_a132_f8cb34dea20f; mwbd6bb050_89bd_41df_8cea_d2e1fb77bafe, Rate Law: mw4f6f44d9_408e_49b2_bedf_d34b2448725e*mwbd6bb050_89bd_41df_8cea_d2e1fb77bafe
mwa8f70790_9f44_4548_988e_49d13016d2f1=71.7; mwaad540b6_783e_4576_8862_ad522fd897db=0.2Reaction: mwaff92910_ed3d_40b9_a29c_e4866167e828 + mwbaaeb210_4806_4076_9d60_219f4ed945b6 => mw19a33ad5_5ba4_46c7_84eb_c1287f02bcd5; mwaff92910_ed3d_40b9_a29c_e4866167e828, mwbaaeb210_4806_4076_9d60_219f4ed945b6, mw19a33ad5_5ba4_46c7_84eb_c1287f02bcd5, Rate Law: mwa8f70790_9f44_4548_988e_49d13016d2f1*mwaff92910_ed3d_40b9_a29c_e4866167e828*mwbaaeb210_4806_4076_9d60_219f4ed945b6-mwaad540b6_783e_4576_8862_ad522fd897db*mw19a33ad5_5ba4_46c7_84eb_c1287f02bcd5
mwd12a67b3_6d98_40e9_a54b_282a577498eb=2.661Reaction: mw45ab688a_6467_4a3e_a779_2118fa84d69e => mwa8f2e7b2_0927_4ab4_a817_dddc43bb4fa3 + mwa0349407_8187_48fc_9e94_5698ccc4e06d + mwf430a579_ecbf_48ba_80c2_06e455808f2a + mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17; mw45ab688a_6467_4a3e_a779_2118fa84d69e, Rate Law: mwd12a67b3_6d98_40e9_a54b_282a577498eb*mw45ab688a_6467_4a3e_a779_2118fa84d69e
mwf59d397b_cfee_4a84_9279_134cc951db8c=3.0; mw22510791_ef7e_4373_907c_9eecbc8adda7=10.0Reaction: mwcef73e0e_d195_4077_ae71_723664ee1602 + mwd7f41594_8377_4e2e_9528_45d5a82ffdb4 => mw62bf5275_ce02_4e86_b3b6_3f87a335e1de; mwcef73e0e_d195_4077_ae71_723664ee1602, mwd7f41594_8377_4e2e_9528_45d5a82ffdb4, mw62bf5275_ce02_4e86_b3b6_3f87a335e1de, Rate Law: mw22510791_ef7e_4373_907c_9eecbc8adda7*mwcef73e0e_d195_4077_ae71_723664ee1602*mwd7f41594_8377_4e2e_9528_45d5a82ffdb4-mwf59d397b_cfee_4a84_9279_134cc951db8c*mw62bf5275_ce02_4e86_b3b6_3f87a335e1de
mwdaa378da_64fe_4ea4_b79d_c25733837b9f=0.0426Reaction: mw31261227_9cd6_4059_a0bb_04dbf4888080 => mwd784228d_0cb5_468a_ac70_02d8f04b3d9c + mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74 + mwf430a579_ecbf_48ba_80c2_06e455808f2a + mw31ac308f_da36_4f73_830f_67f3e5b945d9; mw31261227_9cd6_4059_a0bb_04dbf4888080, Rate Law: mwdaa378da_64fe_4ea4_b79d_c25733837b9f*mw31261227_9cd6_4059_a0bb_04dbf4888080
mw1351daea_68be_404a_b7b0_105920ff3371=0.1; mwcc2a950d_261b_4fd7_9c08_9f3c194ba09d=5.0Reaction: mwb1bc2058_e6d8_4680_9e6c_d27bb366cde0 + mwb2366216_0b3c_4f28_8303_fec92c68dd57 => mw06b8aada_c92a_48eb_8ee7_af3778cfe62f; mwb1bc2058_e6d8_4680_9e6c_d27bb366cde0, mwb2366216_0b3c_4f28_8303_fec92c68dd57, mw06b8aada_c92a_48eb_8ee7_af3778cfe62f, Rate Law: mwcc2a950d_261b_4fd7_9c08_9f3c194ba09d*mwb1bc2058_e6d8_4680_9e6c_d27bb366cde0*mwb2366216_0b3c_4f28_8303_fec92c68dd57-mw1351daea_68be_404a_b7b0_105920ff3371*mw06b8aada_c92a_48eb_8ee7_af3778cfe62f
mw81384973_14a0_4498_ab21_f70666d46d7f=0.003Reaction: mw472d5cb9_120e_4f60_bbae_1ae2552837dd => mwd2c465fb_eea7_499a_8ea4_f318a64cb9ee + mwcea1f1c1_2f85_4af1_98ea_ef14cf580c09; mw472d5cb9_120e_4f60_bbae_1ae2552837dd, Rate Law: mw81384973_14a0_4498_ab21_f70666d46d7f*mw472d5cb9_120e_4f60_bbae_1ae2552837dd
mwb0744746_88a2_488e_a483_266747a044c6=0.2661Reaction: mw954e8fcb_ac0a_459d_8878_f19080208a17 => mwa8f2e7b2_0927_4ab4_a817_dddc43bb4fa3 + mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17; mw954e8fcb_ac0a_459d_8878_f19080208a17, Rate Law: mwb0744746_88a2_488e_a483_266747a044c6*mw954e8fcb_ac0a_459d_8878_f19080208a17
mw92d81b3b_fa59_4637_8540_8cb8482490d9=0.005; mw90873203_7a5d_4fca_a789_5e989ff0c999=0.5Reaction: mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21 + mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b => mwb1bc2058_e6d8_4680_9e6c_d27bb366cde0; mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21, mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b, mwb1bc2058_e6d8_4680_9e6c_d27bb366cde0, Rate Law: mw90873203_7a5d_4fca_a789_5e989ff0c999*mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21*mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b-mw92d81b3b_fa59_4637_8540_8cb8482490d9*mwb1bc2058_e6d8_4680_9e6c_d27bb366cde0
mwbb727dc5_30e8_45f4_9d15_3b34be5c1e93=0.1; mw7ae1ee96_563e_4684_bc9a_8f4ef373620e=0.0015Reaction: mwf430a579_ecbf_48ba_80c2_06e455808f2a + mw9dcaa655_a755_426e_a3fa_1ad7c3c45575 => mw1093b3af_1864_4ba3_a541_6009a9921282; mwf430a579_ecbf_48ba_80c2_06e455808f2a, mw9dcaa655_a755_426e_a3fa_1ad7c3c45575, mw1093b3af_1864_4ba3_a541_6009a9921282, Rate Law: mwbb727dc5_30e8_45f4_9d15_3b34be5c1e93*mwf430a579_ecbf_48ba_80c2_06e455808f2a*mw9dcaa655_a755_426e_a3fa_1ad7c3c45575-mw7ae1ee96_563e_4684_bc9a_8f4ef373620e*mw1093b3af_1864_4ba3_a541_6009a9921282
mw3d07dc22_f821_49a5_9712_820ba9592353=5.7Reaction: mw6cb74b27_ffef_49bb_8ffb_622d552caa9e => mwf816df4c_4593_4d23_990f_0d7c15ddde5d + mwd784228d_0cb5_468a_ac70_02d8f04b3d9c; mw6cb74b27_ffef_49bb_8ffb_622d552caa9e, Rate Law: mw3d07dc22_f821_49a5_9712_820ba9592353*mw6cb74b27_ffef_49bb_8ffb_622d552caa9e
mw3f5e2165_9bb6_4ac3_992e_50943dd2ea05=0.002Reaction: mw31ac308f_da36_4f73_830f_67f3e5b945d9 => mw9dcaa655_a755_426e_a3fa_1ad7c3c45575; mw31ac308f_da36_4f73_830f_67f3e5b945d9, Rate Law: mw3f5e2165_9bb6_4ac3_992e_50943dd2ea05*mw31ac308f_da36_4f73_830f_67f3e5b945d9
mw93f832d7_eefb_43dd_853c_a0d7a76023cf=0.0214; mw6ac313e2_e8a9_42a9_b13a_27e55c1012a2=10.0Reaction: mw504578d8_96c3_471f_8a7e_8c14e7535d3d + mw9dcaa655_a755_426e_a3fa_1ad7c3c45575 => mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21; mw504578d8_96c3_471f_8a7e_8c14e7535d3d, mw9dcaa655_a755_426e_a3fa_1ad7c3c45575, mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21, Rate Law: mw6ac313e2_e8a9_42a9_b13a_27e55c1012a2*mw504578d8_96c3_471f_8a7e_8c14e7535d3d*mw9dcaa655_a755_426e_a3fa_1ad7c3c45575-mw93f832d7_eefb_43dd_853c_a0d7a76023cf*mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21
mw64664eb9_353a_4f1d_a8dc_e22bcb06e2c2=25.0; mw0573df9d_f365_40b7_83d4_3846a05aefdc=3.5Reaction: mw78e207c4_4faf_4b48_8e22_1ee666e9cc4c + mwb561d9f3_a9ed_4bdb_8d40_87be5cc3237a => mw014cc419_b720_4b90_9192_2ec6e706c87d; mw78e207c4_4faf_4b48_8e22_1ee666e9cc4c, mwb561d9f3_a9ed_4bdb_8d40_87be5cc3237a, mw014cc419_b720_4b90_9192_2ec6e706c87d, Rate Law: mw64664eb9_353a_4f1d_a8dc_e22bcb06e2c2*mw78e207c4_4faf_4b48_8e22_1ee666e9cc4c*mwb561d9f3_a9ed_4bdb_8d40_87be5cc3237a-mw0573df9d_f365_40b7_83d4_3846a05aefdc*mw014cc419_b720_4b90_9192_2ec6e706c87d
mwb6701ead_d3f2_4eb3_8b08_341cea49a4b2=1.0; mwa5016035_3f9f_44fc_9f69_1d7a0155eb36=0.2Reaction: mwb6a9aa2c_62e7_410f_9c33_dbe36dfcc4af + mwcea1f1c1_2f85_4af1_98ea_ef14cf580c09 => mwdc34472c_a6f9_4002_951d_e0e8da64eb42; mwb6a9aa2c_62e7_410f_9c33_dbe36dfcc4af, mwcea1f1c1_2f85_4af1_98ea_ef14cf580c09, mwdc34472c_a6f9_4002_951d_e0e8da64eb42, Rate Law: mwb6701ead_d3f2_4eb3_8b08_341cea49a4b2*mwb6a9aa2c_62e7_410f_9c33_dbe36dfcc4af*mwcea1f1c1_2f85_4af1_98ea_ef14cf580c09-mwa5016035_3f9f_44fc_9f69_1d7a0155eb36*mwdc34472c_a6f9_4002_951d_e0e8da64eb42
mwf44d37d0_fe7f_4e47_bf10_1e734fbc3391=0.05; mwc585e0e4_b7e7_4290_8a6d_10fcd9759a2d=3.0Reaction: mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74 + mwf430a579_ecbf_48ba_80c2_06e455808f2a => mwd9462e5b_a272_4b66_ab66_fde9266b1a43; mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74, mwf430a579_ecbf_48ba_80c2_06e455808f2a, mwd9462e5b_a272_4b66_ab66_fde9266b1a43, Rate Law: mwc585e0e4_b7e7_4290_8a6d_10fcd9759a2d*mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74*mwf430a579_ecbf_48ba_80c2_06e455808f2a-mwf44d37d0_fe7f_4e47_bf10_1e734fbc3391*mwd9462e5b_a272_4b66_ab66_fde9266b1a43
mw31eb851a_c381_419d_b694_f158b7f5cfb6=0.05Reaction: mw960bddeb_e567_46dd_b2f3_ed5e6a5c7972 => mw13abe2a6_9905_40e5_8c23_3fc8834b572a; mw960bddeb_e567_46dd_b2f3_ed5e6a5c7972, Rate Law: mw31eb851a_c381_419d_b694_f158b7f5cfb6*mw960bddeb_e567_46dd_b2f3_ed5e6a5c7972
mw77a6c207_ff8c_463c_9b4e_8a7d96652b79=0.005; mwe09b67b9_0d2a_4b82_91ef_5284216beb94=0.5Reaction: mw2fd710a6_7fe2_4484_bca6_59c187bade8b + mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b => mw548c81c2_c626_4df8_9177_a1a6fc3d4ce8; mw2fd710a6_7fe2_4484_bca6_59c187bade8b, mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b, mw548c81c2_c626_4df8_9177_a1a6fc3d4ce8, Rate Law: mwe09b67b9_0d2a_4b82_91ef_5284216beb94*mw2fd710a6_7fe2_4484_bca6_59c187bade8b*mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b-mw77a6c207_ff8c_463c_9b4e_8a7d96652b79*mw548c81c2_c626_4df8_9177_a1a6fc3d4ce8
mwac85fd83_4e73_43f1_9c42_01773349d50f=0.058Reaction: mwa0acc0ac_5fac_4a42_a3be_e36db44994b0 => mw0834731b_0477_4217_a53b_30cef851191b + mwf9e2a044_7774_400b_a74e_a111b4a21f30; mwa0acc0ac_5fac_4a42_a3be_e36db44994b0, Rate Law: mwac85fd83_4e73_43f1_9c42_01773349d50f*mwa0acc0ac_5fac_4a42_a3be_e36db44994b0
mw19173345_925d_427b_8658_add0978e5931=2.854; mw9f6790d7_19ce_41d9_b4de_a1658c047501=0.96Reaction: mwa54a9c38_c98b_45e5_8432_4119fb777e44 + mw7cff9a0e_094d_498e_bf7f_7b162c61d63a => mwdf82303e_323f_4c51_a858_56a59233cd98; mwa54a9c38_c98b_45e5_8432_4119fb777e44, mw7cff9a0e_094d_498e_bf7f_7b162c61d63a, mwdf82303e_323f_4c51_a858_56a59233cd98, Rate Law: mw19173345_925d_427b_8658_add0978e5931*mwa54a9c38_c98b_45e5_8432_4119fb777e44*mw7cff9a0e_094d_498e_bf7f_7b162c61d63a-mw9f6790d7_19ce_41d9_b4de_a1658c047501*mwdf82303e_323f_4c51_a858_56a59233cd98
mw254868f8_c9fb_493c_bc1d_807cc83c18e6=5.0; mw78a41659_4abc_4614_9e83_38cbfe1c5262=0.5Reaction: mwcc894c94_0ddf_42cc_913e_cdcc4d471d94 + mwd087f76b_65dc_47f1_ba21_c43774457686 => mw35f5adaa_d1c0_433c_817d_76e317f4cb15; mwcc894c94_0ddf_42cc_913e_cdcc4d471d94, mwd087f76b_65dc_47f1_ba21_c43774457686, mw35f5adaa_d1c0_433c_817d_76e317f4cb15, Rate Law: mw254868f8_c9fb_493c_bc1d_807cc83c18e6*mwcc894c94_0ddf_42cc_913e_cdcc4d471d94*mwd087f76b_65dc_47f1_ba21_c43774457686-mw78a41659_4abc_4614_9e83_38cbfe1c5262*mw35f5adaa_d1c0_433c_817d_76e317f4cb15
mw2a4ed8a2_fce4_44a4_adb9_edc24a06b4e1=0.005Reaction: mwa0349407_8187_48fc_9e94_5698ccc4e06d => mw3c2e1b43_29ca_491a_93e9_c723a993d6fb; mwa0349407_8187_48fc_9e94_5698ccc4e06d, Rate Law: mw2a4ed8a2_fce4_44a4_adb9_edc24a06b4e1*mwa0349407_8187_48fc_9e94_5698ccc4e06d
mwa0806e7a_a90d_4187_9c37_6d9ea569a447=2.0E-4; mw95cb9071_56e2_447d_b7c7_59ac96baa623=0.2Reaction: mw960bddeb_e567_46dd_b2f3_ed5e6a5c7972 + mwe3fd7f65_b0d1_44d9_b6f3_d2f7d332f664 => mw9686f53e_d343_45fd_b441_9c992219546a; mw960bddeb_e567_46dd_b2f3_ed5e6a5c7972, mwe3fd7f65_b0d1_44d9_b6f3_d2f7d332f664, mw9686f53e_d343_45fd_b441_9c992219546a, Rate Law: mwa0806e7a_a90d_4187_9c37_6d9ea569a447*mw960bddeb_e567_46dd_b2f3_ed5e6a5c7972*mwe3fd7f65_b0d1_44d9_b6f3_d2f7d332f664-mw95cb9071_56e2_447d_b7c7_59ac96baa623*mw9686f53e_d343_45fd_b441_9c992219546a
mw9fe16c2b_7271_4e4f_b6de_c149721a3198=20.0; mw74ea5b55_ead0_4b6f_8da0_fd1dcf7e231d=0.1Reaction: mwb6a9aa2c_62e7_410f_9c33_dbe36dfcc4af + mwb6a9aa2c_62e7_410f_9c33_dbe36dfcc4af => mw4f575c55_7dff_45d7_94ad_cda9621d5b63; mwb6a9aa2c_62e7_410f_9c33_dbe36dfcc4af, mw4f575c55_7dff_45d7_94ad_cda9621d5b63, Rate Law: mw9fe16c2b_7271_4e4f_b6de_c149721a3198*mwb6a9aa2c_62e7_410f_9c33_dbe36dfcc4af*mwb6a9aa2c_62e7_410f_9c33_dbe36dfcc4af-mw74ea5b55_ead0_4b6f_8da0_fd1dcf7e231d*mw4f575c55_7dff_45d7_94ad_cda9621d5b63
mw084cd67b_f328_48a7_8e16_1d6256c8c137=10.0; mw43f177dc_f522_4dd1_b8e5_21b2b8fdfdba=0.06Reaction: mwd9462e5b_a272_4b66_ab66_fde9266b1a43 + mw9dcaa655_a755_426e_a3fa_1ad7c3c45575 => mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6; mwd9462e5b_a272_4b66_ab66_fde9266b1a43, mw9dcaa655_a755_426e_a3fa_1ad7c3c45575, mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6, Rate Law: mw084cd67b_f328_48a7_8e16_1d6256c8c137*mwd9462e5b_a272_4b66_ab66_fde9266b1a43*mw9dcaa655_a755_426e_a3fa_1ad7c3c45575-mw43f177dc_f522_4dd1_b8e5_21b2b8fdfdba*mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6
mw2dfc8a19_1792_4e12_af38_8bfbda31a577=0.18; mw7e09242b_bd80_4af0_90c8_e0cddace89fe=202.9Reaction: mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21 + mw8f5a7b5c_ca4c_4a4c_85b1_e5d640c426bf => mwf40d6176_abfc_4a30_886f_83a19fcffc48; mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21, mw8f5a7b5c_ca4c_4a4c_85b1_e5d640c426bf, mwf40d6176_abfc_4a30_886f_83a19fcffc48, Rate Law: mw7e09242b_bd80_4af0_90c8_e0cddace89fe*mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21*mw8f5a7b5c_ca4c_4a4c_85b1_e5d640c426bf-mw2dfc8a19_1792_4e12_af38_8bfbda31a577*mwf40d6176_abfc_4a30_886f_83a19fcffc48
mwf4c4d7a7_1498_4f6c_9d72_cd5cb012146c=0.6; mwd23d026b_c5b7_4742_aab9_b9beb18ec9bc=7.0Reaction: mwd784228d_0cb5_468a_ac70_02d8f04b3d9c + mwd087f76b_65dc_47f1_ba21_c43774457686 => mwa7e3103a_6394_472c_b0f4_8ed527f68604; mwd784228d_0cb5_468a_ac70_02d8f04b3d9c, mwd087f76b_65dc_47f1_ba21_c43774457686, mwa7e3103a_6394_472c_b0f4_8ed527f68604, Rate Law: mwd23d026b_c5b7_4742_aab9_b9beb18ec9bc*mwd784228d_0cb5_468a_ac70_02d8f04b3d9c*mwd087f76b_65dc_47f1_ba21_c43774457686-mwf4c4d7a7_1498_4f6c_9d72_cd5cb012146c*mwa7e3103a_6394_472c_b0f4_8ed527f68604
mw736e4a7b_4a25_4d32_b96b_b088e3bd41e7=2.661Reaction: mw925b938a_fe73_4664_ba6f_e72e57780891 => mwa8f2e7b2_0927_4ab4_a817_dddc43bb4fa3 + mwf430a579_ecbf_48ba_80c2_06e455808f2a + mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17; mw925b938a_fe73_4664_ba6f_e72e57780891, Rate Law: mw736e4a7b_4a25_4d32_b96b_b088e3bd41e7*mw925b938a_fe73_4664_ba6f_e72e57780891
mw1decb177_5075_41f3_a348_ca13b8f4497e=0.001Reaction: mwa455ec7e_1a12_4659_95a2_a5695d09ca60 => mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b + mwb2366216_0b3c_4f28_8303_fec92c68dd57; mwa455ec7e_1a12_4659_95a2_a5695d09ca60, Rate Law: mw1decb177_5075_41f3_a348_ca13b8f4497e*mwa455ec7e_1a12_4659_95a2_a5695d09ca60
mwe3e5abe4_9f92_43eb_92e4_cea771f5bf14=0.27Reaction: mwa7e3103a_6394_472c_b0f4_8ed527f68604 => mwcc894c94_0ddf_42cc_913e_cdcc4d471d94 + mwd087f76b_65dc_47f1_ba21_c43774457686; mwa7e3103a_6394_472c_b0f4_8ed527f68604, Rate Law: mwe3e5abe4_9f92_43eb_92e4_cea771f5bf14*mwa7e3103a_6394_472c_b0f4_8ed527f68604
mw6d852e8c_c64a_4926_80c4_781a9c04b20e=0.001; mw4d614bfc_3e20_450e_8890_6326afd0a0d7=0.001Reaction: mw9b937ca3_0d82_46d5_8f5a_0f9701002797 => mw62bf5275_ce02_4e86_b3b6_3f87a335e1de + mw11a8b702_b8ac_4513_b4aa_063e51089812; mw9b937ca3_0d82_46d5_8f5a_0f9701002797, mw62bf5275_ce02_4e86_b3b6_3f87a335e1de, mw11a8b702_b8ac_4513_b4aa_063e51089812, Rate Law: mw6d852e8c_c64a_4926_80c4_781a9c04b20e*mw9b937ca3_0d82_46d5_8f5a_0f9701002797-mw4d614bfc_3e20_450e_8890_6326afd0a0d7*mw62bf5275_ce02_4e86_b3b6_3f87a335e1de*mw11a8b702_b8ac_4513_b4aa_063e51089812
mwe645e76e_bb00_4c22_b25e_a2e77a6aada2=0.5838Reaction: mw5198d3c2_879c_4f0d_b4f8_cd40efe0b1cf => mwa98802cb_c977_4fe0_9e67_5000904c2c36; mw5198d3c2_879c_4f0d_b4f8_cd40efe0b1cf, Rate Law: mwe645e76e_bb00_4c22_b25e_a2e77a6aada2*mw5198d3c2_879c_4f0d_b4f8_cd40efe0b1cf
mwa18578d7_236f_4939_baca_52259e38fe15=0.1; mwe879a9ac_4b8d_4c9a_a157_a3751761cf63=3.0Reaction: mwa98802cb_c977_4fe0_9e67_5000904c2c36 + mwf430a579_ecbf_48ba_80c2_06e455808f2a => mw504578d8_96c3_471f_8a7e_8c14e7535d3d; mwa98802cb_c977_4fe0_9e67_5000904c2c36, mwf430a579_ecbf_48ba_80c2_06e455808f2a, mw504578d8_96c3_471f_8a7e_8c14e7535d3d, Rate Law: mwe879a9ac_4b8d_4c9a_a157_a3751761cf63*mwa98802cb_c977_4fe0_9e67_5000904c2c36*mwf430a579_ecbf_48ba_80c2_06e455808f2a-mwa18578d7_236f_4939_baca_52259e38fe15*mw504578d8_96c3_471f_8a7e_8c14e7535d3d
mw26164d03_adda_4a21_b5ac_59e1d5a8d8ab=0.003Reaction: mwdc34472c_a6f9_4002_951d_e0e8da64eb42 => mw13abe2a6_9905_40e5_8c23_3fc8834b572a + mwcea1f1c1_2f85_4af1_98ea_ef14cf580c09; mwdc34472c_a6f9_4002_951d_e0e8da64eb42, Rate Law: mw26164d03_adda_4a21_b5ac_59e1d5a8d8ab*mwdc34472c_a6f9_4002_951d_e0e8da64eb42
mwf9c81339_e73a_45b5_a714_0854b718d44f=0.5; mw587125c7_6092_4627_9cdd_2415b77a8307=0.005Reaction: mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6 + mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b => mw481cd12b_61ba_44e5_93bf_8b88c6c4a4e7; mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6, mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b, mw481cd12b_61ba_44e5_93bf_8b88c6c4a4e7, Rate Law: mwf9c81339_e73a_45b5_a714_0854b718d44f*mwf8cc7834_bf4f_4ccd_8235_d0890badf0f6*mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b-mw587125c7_6092_4627_9cdd_2415b77a8307*mw481cd12b_61ba_44e5_93bf_8b88c6c4a4e7
mwc4824ff0_2b51_4d66_ad48_1145f670a6e1=3.114; mw0f1d282f_1c6b_455c_8254_3760632c6ecc=0.2Reaction: mwa0349407_8187_48fc_9e94_5698ccc4e06d + mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17 => mwf9999977_6f0e_4e35_9b73_75587f3448e9; mwa0349407_8187_48fc_9e94_5698ccc4e06d, mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17, mwf9999977_6f0e_4e35_9b73_75587f3448e9, Rate Law: mwc4824ff0_2b51_4d66_ad48_1145f670a6e1*mwa0349407_8187_48fc_9e94_5698ccc4e06d*mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17-mw0f1d282f_1c6b_455c_8254_3760632c6ecc*mwf9999977_6f0e_4e35_9b73_75587f3448e9
mw7aba6db3_c7ec_4192_bb5e_0ac4b466c1a5=0.005Reaction: mw8c85ff7f_6368_4b11_a2ed_ce83481b55e6 => mw960bddeb_e567_46dd_b2f3_ed5e6a5c7972 + mw0e1be972_fded_4bff_a93d_091ec942485f; mw8c85ff7f_6368_4b11_a2ed_ce83481b55e6, Rate Law: mw7aba6db3_c7ec_4192_bb5e_0ac4b466c1a5*mw8c85ff7f_6368_4b11_a2ed_ce83481b55e6
mw76d68ace_272d_4178_bba2_74dfdf260c70=5.0; mwe37b936f_7781_4a01_b59b_96bd7db0c49e=0.5Reaction: mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74 + mwb6a9aa2c_62e7_410f_9c33_dbe36dfcc4af => mw341082a0_8017_4cc7_9d00_b1211a196072; mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74, mwb6a9aa2c_62e7_410f_9c33_dbe36dfcc4af, mw341082a0_8017_4cc7_9d00_b1211a196072, Rate Law: mw76d68ace_272d_4178_bba2_74dfdf260c70*mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74*mwb6a9aa2c_62e7_410f_9c33_dbe36dfcc4af-mwe37b936f_7781_4a01_b59b_96bd7db0c49e*mw341082a0_8017_4cc7_9d00_b1211a196072
mw3d564c3c_aa54_4c16_90be_662cfcbf8bc8=10.0; mw371642bb_3836_4ded_93a5_68fa9b464896=1.0Reaction: mwd9462e5b_a272_4b66_ab66_fde9266b1a43 + mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17 => mw925b938a_fe73_4664_ba6f_e72e57780891; mwd9462e5b_a272_4b66_ab66_fde9266b1a43, mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17, mw925b938a_fe73_4664_ba6f_e72e57780891, Rate Law: mw3d564c3c_aa54_4c16_90be_662cfcbf8bc8*mwd9462e5b_a272_4b66_ab66_fde9266b1a43*mwe57c3282_5935_405c_8c0b_7fadb7a5de17-mw371642bb_3836_4ded_93a5_68fa9b464896*mw925b938a_fe73_4664_ba6f_e72e57780891
mwc6b3c76f_af7b_488c_8751_28f1d9ab90a1=0.001Reaction: mw06b8aada_c92a_48eb_8ee7_af3778cfe62f => mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b + mw1093b3af_1864_4ba3_a541_6009a9921282 + mwb2366216_0b3c_4f28_8303_fec92c68dd57 + mwa0349407_8187_48fc_9e94_5698ccc4e06d; mw06b8aada_c92a_48eb_8ee7_af3778cfe62f, Rate Law: mwc6b3c76f_af7b_488c_8751_28f1d9ab90a1*mw06b8aada_c92a_48eb_8ee7_af3778cfe62f
mwbc5340b6_06b7_4081_bd0c_e7a397f06a92=10.0; mw0df80c0e_c32b_4f90_99bd_e8f90e4c8109=0.045Reaction: mwa98802cb_c977_4fe0_9e67_5000904c2c36 + mw1093b3af_1864_4ba3_a541_6009a9921282 => mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21; mwa98802cb_c977_4fe0_9e67_5000904c2c36, mw1093b3af_1864_4ba3_a541_6009a9921282, mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21, Rate Law: mwbc5340b6_06b7_4081_bd0c_e7a397f06a92*mwa98802cb_c977_4fe0_9e67_5000904c2c36*mw1093b3af_1864_4ba3_a541_6009a9921282-mw0df80c0e_c32b_4f90_99bd_e8f90e4c8109*mwfbda4e09_0cbb_49bc_ae69_f88b7a79ed21
mw23e16d40_acbb_4658_a336_be5d0b0dd86a=7.76Reaction: mwdf82303e_323f_4c51_a858_56a59233cd98 => mw8f5a7b5c_ca4c_4a4c_85b1_e5d640c426bf + mw7cff9a0e_094d_498e_bf7f_7b162c61d63a; mwdf82303e_323f_4c51_a858_56a59233cd98, Rate Law: mw23e16d40_acbb_4658_a336_be5d0b0dd86a*mwdf82303e_323f_4c51_a858_56a59233cd98
mw8bff2fe0_b582_4020_8f05_83f14451b1c0=0.033; mwc40b3165_cc16_4f78_86b5_e34f2731dcbb=3.0Reaction: mwf816df4c_4593_4d23_990f_0d7c15ddde5d + mwcc894c94_0ddf_42cc_913e_cdcc4d471d94 => mw6cb74b27_ffef_49bb_8ffb_622d552caa9e; mwf816df4c_4593_4d23_990f_0d7c15ddde5d, mwcc894c94_0ddf_42cc_913e_cdcc4d471d94, mw6cb74b27_ffef_49bb_8ffb_622d552caa9e, Rate Law: mwc40b3165_cc16_4f78_86b5_e34f2731dcbb*mwf816df4c_4593_4d23_990f_0d7c15ddde5d*mwcc894c94_0ddf_42cc_913e_cdcc4d471d94-mw8bff2fe0_b582_4020_8f05_83f14451b1c0*mw6cb74b27_ffef_49bb_8ffb_622d552caa9e
mwa137184a_0eb0_4bcb_971c_8e19231b2c07=0.001Reaction: mw1d5948e7_5504_4224_9d71_227911b4f1ee => mw19122f7d_f92e_4dc0_922f_6b681db65b0b + mw1093b3af_1864_4ba3_a541_6009a9921282 + mwb2366216_0b3c_4f28_8303_fec92c68dd57; mw1d5948e7_5504_4224_9d71_227911b4f1ee, Rate Law: mwa137184a_0eb0_4bcb_971c_8e19231b2c07*mw1d5948e7_5504_4224_9d71_227911b4f1ee
mw1ddaf9f4_dcab_4dc2_a6fa_5ce85b9d7a3a=0.0426Reaction: mw5babe3d5_a9af_4dfd_ac01_35474ef64af2 => mwd784228d_0cb5_468a_ac70_02d8f04b3d9c + mwbfcf6773_1915_432c_b1d2_1f246094cc74 + mwa0349407_8187_48fc_9e94_5698ccc4e06d + mwf430a579_ecbf_48ba_80c2_06e455808f2a + mw31ac308f_da36_4f73_830f_67f3e5b945d9; mw5babe3d5_a9af_4dfd_ac01_35474ef64af2, Rate Law: mw1ddaf9f4_dcab_4dc2_a6fa_5ce85b9d7a3a*mw5babe3d5_a9af_4dfd_ac01_35474ef64af2


mw2ba1db9a 4483 44fa a3a2 b4a5ea66898c[Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulatory subunit beta; Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 3]
mw925b938a fe73 4664 ba6f e72e57780891[Epidermal growth factor receptor; Pro-epidermal growth factor; Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 2; Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2; phosphorylated]
mwa0acc0ac 5fac 4a42 a3be e36db44994b0[Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1; Dual specificity protein phosphatase 3]
mw960bddeb e567 46dd b2f3 ed5e6a5c7972[Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3]
mw19a33ad5 5ba4 46c7 84eb c1287f02bcd5[RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase; Dual specificity protein phosphatase 1]
mw0facb8f2 95cf 4ddf a959 b24ba64f320b[Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3; Putative uncharacterized protein PTEN2; phosphorylated]
mwb1bc2058 e6d8 4680 9e6c d27bb366cde0[Epidermal growth factor receptor; Pro-epidermal growth factor; SHC-transforming protein 2; Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2; Son of sevenless homolog 1; E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBL; phosphorylated]
mwf9999977 6f0e 4e35 9b73 75587f3448e9[SHC-transforming protein 2; Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 2; phosphorylated]
mwd784228d 0cb5 468a ac70 02d8f04b3d9c[Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1; phosphorylated]
mw62bf5275 ce02 4e86 b3b6 3f87a335e1de[RAC-beta serine/threonine-protein kinase; messenger RNA]
mw78e207c4 4faf 4b48 8e22 1ee666e9cc4c[Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 3; Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulatory subunit beta; phosphorylated]
mwf430a579 ecbf 48ba 80c2 06e455808f2a[Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2]
mwf8cc7834 bf4f 4ccd 8235 d0890badf0f6[Epidermal growth factor receptor; Pro-epidermal growth factor; Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2; Son of sevenless homolog 1; phosphorylated]
mwbd6bb050 89bd 41df 8cea d2e1fb77bafe[Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 3; Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulatory subunit beta; Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphatase 2; phosphorylated]
mwcc894c94 0ddf 42cc 913e cdcc4d471d94[Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1; phosphorylated]
mw341082a0 8017 4cc7 9d00 b1211a196072[phosphorylated; Epidermal growth factor receptor; Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3; Pro-epidermal growth factor]
mwcef73e0e d195 4077 ae71 723664ee1602[RAC-beta serine/threonine-protein kinase]
mw954e8fcb ac0a 459d 8878 f19080208a17[Epidermal growth factor receptor; Pro-epidermal growth factor; Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 2; phosphorylated]
mw504578d8 96c3 471f 8a7e 8c14e7535d3d[Epidermal growth factor receptor; Pro-epidermal growth factor; SHC-transforming protein 2; Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2]
mw481cd12b 61ba 44e5 93bf 8b88c6c4a4e7[Epidermal growth factor receptor; Pro-epidermal growth factor; Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2; Son of sevenless homolog 1; E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBL]
mw06b8aada c92a 48eb 8ee7 af3778cfe62f[Epidermal growth factor receptor; Pro-epidermal growth factor; SHC-transforming protein 2; Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2; Son of sevenless homolog 1; Epsin-1]
mw1093b3af 1864 4ba3 a541 6009a9921282[Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2; Son of sevenless homolog 1]
mwa455ec7e 1a12 4659 95a2 a5695d09ca60[Epidermal growth factor receptor; Pro-epidermal growth factor; E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBL; Epsin-1]
mwfc4a9c3d 3ebb 4033 8b7d f4d7613d2078[Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphatase 2]
mwb2366216 0b3c 4f28 8303 fec92c68dd57[Epsin-1]
mwbaaeb210 4806 4076 9d60 219f4ed945b6[Dual specificity protein phosphatase 1]
mwb561d9f3 a9ed 4bdb 8d40 87be5cc3237a[5497157]
mw8c85ff7f 6368 4b11 a2ed ce83481b55e6[Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3; Putative uncharacterized protein PTEN2; phosphorylated]
mwd087f76b 65dc 47f1 ba21 c43774457686[Dual specificity protein phosphatase 6]
mwfbda4e09 0cbb 49bc ae69 f88b7a79ed21[Epidermal growth factor receptor; Pro-epidermal growth factor; SHC-transforming protein 2; Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2; Son of sevenless homolog 1; phosphorylated]
mw7cff9a0e 094d 498e bf7f 7b162c61d63a[GTPase HRas; Ras GTPase-activating protein 1]
mwd7f41594 8377 4e2e 9528 45d5a82ffdb4[24755492]
mwa0349407 8187 48fc 9e94 5698ccc4e06d[SHC-transforming protein 2; phosphorylated]
mw0e1be972 fded 4bff a93d 091ec942485f[Putative uncharacterized protein PTEN2]
mw5198d3c2 879c 4f0d b4f8 cd40efe0b1cf[Epidermal growth factor receptor; Pro-epidermal growth factor; SHC-transforming protein 2; phosphorylated]
mw9dcaa655 a755 426e a3fa 1ad7c3c45575[Son of sevenless homolog 1]
mwe57c3282 5935 405c 8c0b 7fadb7a5de17[Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 2]
mw19122f7d f92e 4dc0 922f 6b681db65b0b[E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBL]
mw7033dfd6 53c5 433b a132 f8cb34dea20f[Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 3; Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulatory subunit beta; Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphatase 2]
mw8f5a7b5c ca4c 4a4c 85b1 e5d640c426bf[GDP; GTPase HRas]
mwcea1f1c1 2f85 4af1 98ea ef14cf580c09[Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate 3-phosphatase and dual-specificity protein phosphatase PTEN]
mwdc34472c a6f9 4002 951d e0e8da64eb42[Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3; Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate 3-phosphatase and dual-specificity protein phosphatase PTEN; phosphorylated]
mw9686f53e d343 45fd b441 9c992219546a[Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3; phosphorylated]
mwb6a9aa2c 62e7 410f 9c33 dbe36dfcc4af[Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3; phosphorylated]
mwd9462e5b a272 4b66 ab66 fde9266b1a43[Epidermal growth factor receptor; Pro-epidermal growth factor; Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2; phosphorylated]
mw6cb74b27 ffef 49bb 8ffb 622d552caa9e[Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1; Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1; phosphorylated]
mwf9e2a044 7774 400b a74e a111b4a21f30[Dual specificity protein phosphatase 4]

Bidot2008 - Mathematical modelling of T cell activation kinetics: MODEL1910290003v0.0.1

Mathematical modeling representing Tcell actiavtion regualtion by TCR, IL2 and other players.


T-cell activation is a crucial step in mounting of the immune response. The dynamics of T-cell receptor (TCR) specific recognition of peptide presented by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule decides the fate of the T cell. Several biochemical interactions interfere resulting in a highly complex mechanism that would be difficult to understand without computer help. The aim of the present study was to define a mathematical model in order to approach the kinetics of monoclonal T-cell-specific activation. The reaction scheme was first described and the model was tested using experimental parameters from the published data. Simulations were concordant with experimental data showing proportional decrease of membrane TCR and production of interleukin-2 (IL-2). Agonist and antagonist peptides induce different levels of intracellular signal that could make the yes or no decision for entry to cell cycle. Different conditions (peptide concentrations, initial TCR density and exogenous IL-2 levels) can be tested. Several parameters are missing for parameters estimation and adjustment before it could be adapted for a polyclonal T-cell reaction model. However, the model should be of interest in setting experiments, simulation of clinical responses and optimization of preventive or therapeutic immunotherapy. link:

Bier2000_GlycolyticOscillation: BIOMD0000000254v0.0.1

This a model from the article: How yeast cells synchronize their glycolytic oscillations: a perturbation analytic tre…


Of all the lifeforms that obtain their energy from glycolysis, yeast cells are among the most basic. Under certain conditions the concentrations of the glycolytic intermediates in yeast cells can oscillate. Individual yeast cells in a suspension can synchronize their oscillations to get in phase with each other. Although the glycolytic oscillations originate in the upper part of the glycolytic chain, the signaling agent in this synchronization appears to be acetaldehyde, a membrane-permeating metabolite at the bottom of the anaerobic part of the glycolytic chain. Here we address the issue of how a metabolite remote from the pacemaking origin of the oscillation may nevertheless control the synchronization. We present a quantitative model for glycolytic oscillations and their synchronization in terms of chemical kinetics. We show that, in essence, the common acetaldehyde concentration can be modeled as a small perturbation on the "pacemaker" whose effect on the period of the oscillations of cells in the same suspension is indeed such that a synchronization develops. link:


k1 = 0.02; km = 13.0; kp = 6.0; epsilon = 0.01Reaction: T2 = (2*k1*G2*T2-kp*T2/(km+T2))-epsilon*(T2-T1), Rate Law: (2*k1*G2*T2-kp*T2/(km+T2))-epsilon*(T2-T1)
k1 = 0.02; V_in = 0.36Reaction: G1 = V_in-k1*G1*T1, Rate Law: V_in-k1*G1*T1


G1[glucose; C00293]
G2[glucose; C00293]

Bindschadler2001_coupled_Ca_oscillators: BIOMD0000000058v0.0.1

The model reproduces the same amplitude antiphase calcium oscillations of coupled cells depicted in Figure 5B of the pub…


In many cell types, asynchronous or synchronous oscillations in the concentration of intracellular free calcium occur in adjacent cells that are coupled by gap junctions. Such oscillations are believed to underlie oscillatory intercellular calcium waves in some cell types, and thus it is important to understand how they occur and are modified by intercellular coupling. Using a previous model of intracellular calcium oscillations in pancreatic acinar cells, this article explores the effects of coupling two cells with a simple linear diffusion term. Depending on the concentration of a signal molecule, inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate, coupling two identical cells by diffusion can give rise to synchronized in-phase oscillations, as well as different-amplitude in-phase oscillations and same-amplitude antiphase oscillations. Coupling two nonidentical cells leads to more complex behaviors such as cascades of period doubling and multiply periodic solutions. This study is a first step towards understanding the role and significance of the diffusion of calcium through gap junctions in the coordination of oscillatory calcium waves in a variety of cell types. (c) 2001 American Institute of Physics. link:


D=0.01Reaction: c2 => c1, Rate Law: compartment*D*(c2-c1)
Phi_minus1_c1 = 0.0; Phi1_c1 = 0.0; Phi2_c1 = 0.0; p=0.2778Reaction: h1 =>, Rate Law: compartment*Phi1_c1*Phi2_c1*h1*p/(Phi1_c1*p+Phi_minus1_c1)
Phi3_c1 = 0.0Reaction: => h1, Rate Law: compartment*Phi3_c1*(1-h1)
kf=28.0; p=0.2778; Phi1_c2 = 0.0; Phi_minus1_c2 = 0.0Reaction: => c2; h2, Rate Law: compartment*kf*(p*h2*Phi1_c2/(Phi1_c2*p+Phi_minus1_c2))^4
Phi2_c2 = 0.0; p=0.2778; Phi1_c2 = 0.0; Phi_minus1_c2 = 0.0Reaction: h2 =>, Rate Law: compartment*Phi1_c2*Phi2_c2*h2*p/(Phi1_c2*p+Phi_minus1_c2)
Phi_minus1_c1 = 0.0; kf=28.0; Phi1_c1 = 0.0; p=0.2778Reaction: => c1; h1, Rate Law: compartment*kf*(p*h1*Phi1_c1/(Phi1_c1*p+Phi_minus1_c1))^4
Vp=1.2; Kp=0.18Reaction: c1 =>, Rate Law: compartment*Vp*c1^2/(Kp^2+c1^2)
Phi3_c2 = 0.0Reaction: => h2, Rate Law: compartment*Phi3_c2*(1-h2)
Jleak=0.2Reaction: => c1, Rate Law: compartment*Jleak


c2[calcium(2+); Calcium cation]
c1[calcium(2+); Calcium cation]

Bingzheng1990_GlucocorticoidsSecretion: MODEL1172200168v0.0.1

This a model from the article: A mathematical model of the regulation system of the secretion of glucocorticoids Liu…


We propose a mathematical model for the regulation system of the secretion of glucocorticoids and determined the coefficients in the system of ordinary differential equations. Some results are calculated which agree with the experimental results. link:

Birtwistle2007_ErbB_Signalling: BIOMD0000000175v0.0.1

This model originates from BioModels Database: A Database of Annotated Published Models. It is copyright (c) 2005-2009 T…


Deregulation of ErbB signaling plays a key role in the progression of multiple human cancers. To help understand ErbB signaling quantitatively, in this work we combine traditional experiments with computational modeling, building a model that describes how stimulation of all four ErbB receptors with epidermal growth factor (EGF) and heregulin (HRG) leads to activation of two critical downstream proteins, extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and Akt. Model analysis and experimental validation show that (i) ErbB2 overexpression, which occurs in approximately 25% of all breast cancers, transforms transient EGF-induced signaling into sustained signaling, (ii) HRG-induced ERK activity is much more robust to the ERK cascade inhibitor U0126 than EGF-induced ERK activity, and (iii) phosphoinositol-3 kinase is a major regulator of post-peak but not pre-peak EGF-induced ERK activity. Sensitivity analysis leads to the hypothesis that ERK activation is robust to parameter perturbation at high ligand doses, while Akt activation is not. link:


kf15 = 1.3565; kPTP15 = 60.2628; KmPY = 486.1398; VmaxPY = 223.8776Reaction: E44 => E44P; SigT, Rate Law: membrane*((kf15*E44-VmaxPY*E44P/(KmPY+E44P))-kPTP15*SigT*E44P)
kPTP12 = 11.4211; kf12 = 1.8012; KmPY = 486.1398; VmaxPY = 223.8776Reaction: E23 => E23P; SigT, Rate Law: membrane*((kf12*E23-VmaxPY*E23P/(KmPY+E23P))-kPTP12*SigT*E23P)
kon20 = 0.0478; koff20 = 0.6761; eps = 1.0E-16Reaction: E12P + S => E12S + SigS; SigSP, SigSP_G, Rate Law: membrane*(6*kon20*E12P*S-koff20*SigS/(SigS+SigSP+SigSP_G+eps)*E12S)
kon25 = 0.0995; eps = 1.0E-16; koff25 = 2.225Reaction: E23P + R => E23R + SigR; SigRP, Rate Law: membrane*(2*kon25*E23P*R-koff25*SigR/(SigR+SigRP+eps)*E23R)
Kmr54 = 336.183; Kmf54 = 457.9645; kf54 = 0.0538; Vmaxr54 = 588.2671Reaction: O => OP; ERKstar, Rate Law: membrane*(kf54*O*ERKstar/(Kmf54+O)-Vmaxr54*OP/(Kmr54+OP))
kon36 = 0.0043; koff36 = 1.2567Reaction: E44P + I => E44I + SigI, Rate Law: membrane*(2*kon36*E44P*I-koff36*E44I)
koff57 = 0.4526; kon57 = 0.0039Reaction: G + P3_A => SigA_G, Rate Law: membrane*(kon57*P3_A*G-koff57*SigA_G)
koff24 = 4.4226; kon24 = 0.005Reaction: E23P + I => E23I + SigI, Rate Law: membrane*(3*kon24*E23P*I-koff24*E23I)
kcat94 = 0.9966Reaction: ERKstar_ERKpase => pERK + ERKpase, Rate Law: membrane*kcat94*ERKstar_ERKpase
koff60 = 4.9981; kon60 = 1.1994E-4Reaction: SigG_A + O => A_SigG_O + SigO, Rate Law: membrane*(kon60*SigG_A*O-koff60*A_SigG_O)
kf85 = 6.7591; Kmr85 = 290.7667; Kmf85 = 179.6486; Vmaxr85 = 369.2261Reaction: H_E4 => H_E4_PT; ERKstar, Rate Law: membrane*(kf85*H_E4*ERKstar/(Kmf85+H_E4)-Vmaxr85*H_E4_PT/(Kmr85+H_E4_PT))
kon6 = 0.2283; koff6 = 2.6619Reaction: H_E3 + E2 => E23, Rate Law: membrane*(kon6*H_E3*E2-koff6*E23)
koff66 = 2.2988; kon66 = 1.9264E-4; eps = 1.0E-16Reaction: E13P + S => E13S + SigS; SigSP, SigSP_G, Rate Law: membrane*(5*kon66*E13P*S-koff66*SigS/(SigS+SigSP+SigSP_G+eps)*E13S)
kcat96 = 19.9851Reaction: pERK_ERKpase => ERK + ERKpase, Rate Law: membrane*kcat96*pERK_ERKpase
kon71 = 0.0078; koff71 = 2.2988Reaction: E14P + I => E14I + SigI, Rate Law: membrane*(1*kon71*E14P*I-koff71*E14I)
eps = 1.0E-16; kon21 = 0.0114; koff21 = 4.7291Reaction: E12P + R => E12R + SigR; SigRP, Rate Law: membrane*(2*kon21*E12P*R-koff21*SigR/(SigR+SigRP+eps)*E12R)
kon65 = 0.0123; koff65 = 0.1185; eps = 1.0E-16Reaction: E13P + G => E13G + SigG; SigG_A, SigG_O, A_SigG_O, Rate Law: membrane*(4*kon65*E13P*G-koff65*SigG/(SigG+SigG_A+SigG_O+A_SigG_O+eps)*E13G)
koff40 = 3.1051; kon40 = 0.0191Reaction: SigG + O => SigG_O + SigO, Rate Law: membrane*(kon40*SigG*O-koff40*SigG_O)
kon26 = 0.0355; koff26 = 0.0103; eps = 1.0E-16Reaction: E34P + G => E34G + SigG; SigG_A, SigG_O, A_SigG_O, Rate Law: membrane*(4*kon26*E34P*G-koff26*SigG/(SigG+SigG_A+SigG_O+A_SigG_O+eps)*E34G)
kf14 = 6.1726; KmPY = 486.1398; kPTP14 = 57.7506; VmaxPY = 223.8776Reaction: E24 => E24P; SigT, Rate Law: membrane*((kf14*E24-VmaxPY*E24P/(KmPY+E24P))-kPTP14*SigT*E24P)
kon74 = 0.0133; koff74 = 1.2496Reaction: E12P + T => E12T + SigT, Rate Law: membrane*(3*kon74*E12P*T-koff74*E12T)
kon31 = 0.0032; koff31 = 1.2204; eps = 1.0E-16Reaction: E24P + S => E24S + SigS; SigSP, SigSP_G, Rate Law: membrane*(4*kon31*E24P*S-koff31*SigS/(SigS+SigSP+SigSP_G+eps)*E24S)
kon69 = 0.0084; eps = 1.0E-16; koff69 = 3.97Reaction: E14P + G => E14G + SigG; SigG_A, SigG_O, A_SigG_O, Rate Law: membrane*(4*kon69*E14P*G-koff69*SigG/(SigG+SigG_A+SigG_O+A_SigG_O+eps)*E14G)
koff77 = 1.2237; kon77 = 0.0101Reaction: E24P + T => E24T + SigT, Rate Law: membrane*(2*kon77*E24P*T-koff77*E24T)
kf13 = 0.8875; KmPY = 486.1398; VmaxPY = 223.8776; kPTP13 = 55.2104Reaction: E34 => E34P; SigT, Rate Law: membrane*((kf13*E34-VmaxPY*E34P/(KmPY+E34P))-kPTP13*SigT*E34P)
koff80 = 2.9373; kon80 = 2.0E-4Reaction: E14P + T => E14T + SigT, Rate Law: membrane*(3*kon80*E14P*T-koff80*E14T)
koff79 = 1.1852; kon79 = 0.0078Reaction: E13P + T => E13T + SigT, Rate Law: membrane*(3*kon79*E13P*T-koff79*E13T)
kon9 = 2.2868; koff9 = 5.5425Reaction: H_E4 + H_E4 => E44, Rate Law: membrane*(kon9*H_E4*H_E4-koff9*E44)
koff19 = 2.3361; eps = 1.0E-16; kon19 = 0.0896Reaction: E12P + G => E12G + SigG; SigG_A, SigG_O, A_SigG_O, Rate Law: membrane*(3*kon19*E12P*G-koff19*SigG/(SigG+SigG_A+SigG_O+A_SigG_O+eps)*E12G)
kon42 = 0.0023; eps = 1.0E-16; koff42 = 3.5195Reaction: SigSP + G => SigSP_G + SigG; SigG_A, SigG_O, A_SigG_O, Rate Law: membrane*(kon42*SigSP*G-koff42*SigSP_G*SigG/(SigG+SigG_A+SigG_O+A_SigG_O+eps))
kon7 = 1.0606; koff7 = 8.0557Reaction: H_E3 + H_E4 => E34, Rate Law: membrane*(kon7*H_E3*H_E4-koff7*E34)
koff35 = 1.8696; eps = 1.0E-16; kon35 = 0.0602Reaction: E44P + S => E44S + SigS; SigSP, SigSP_G, Rate Law: membrane*(4*kon35*E44P*S-koff35*SigS/(SigS+SigSP+SigSP_G+eps)*E44S)
kon58 = 0.0215; koff58 = 6.3059Reaction: SigA_G + O => SigA_G_O + SigO, Rate Law: membrane*(kon58*SigA_G*O-koff58*SigA_G_O)
kdeg = 0.0259Reaction: E11G + SigG => G, Rate Law: membrane*kdeg*E11G
kon33 = 0.0335; eps = 1.0E-16; koff33 = 1.2817Reaction: E24P + R => E24R + SigR; SigRP, Rate Law: membrane*(2*kon33*E24P*R-koff33*SigR/(SigR+SigRP+eps)*E24R)
koff5 = 4.3985; kon5 = 2.5427Reaction: E_E1 + E2 => E12, Rate Law: membrane*(kon5*E_E1*E2-koff5*E12)
koff78 = 0.2007; kon78 = 0.0076Reaction: E44P + T => E44T + SigT, Rate Law: membrane*(2*kon78*E44P*T-koff78*E44T)
eps = 1.0E-16; koff22 = 3.6962; kon22 = 7.0E-4Reaction: E23P + G => E23G + SigG; SigG_A, SigG_O, A_SigG_O, Rate Law: membrane*(3*kon22*E23P*G-koff22*SigG/(SigG+SigG_A+SigG_O+A_SigG_O+eps)*E23G)
kon32 = 9.0E-4; koff32 = 3.8752Reaction: E24P + I => E24I + SigI, Rate Law: membrane*(1*kon32*E24P*I-koff32*E24I)
kon72 = 0.0355; koff72 = 0.907; eps = 1.0E-16Reaction: E14P + R => E14R + SigR; SigRP, Rate Law: membrane*(2*kon72*E14P*R-koff72*SigR/(SigR+SigRP+eps)*E14R)
kon18 = 0.0117; eps = 1.0E-16; koff18 = 2.2768Reaction: E11P + R => E11R + SigR; SigRP, Rate Law: membrane*(2*kon18*E11P*R-koff18*SigR/(SigR+SigRP+eps)*E11R)
kon4 = 0.5005; koff4 = 0.1717Reaction: E_E1 + E_E1 => E11, Rate Law: membrane*(kon4*E_E1*E_E1-koff4*E11)
kon23 = 0.0138; eps = 1.0E-16; koff23 = 2.3619Reaction: E23P + S => E23S + SigS; SigSP, SigSP_G, Rate Law: membrane*(3*kon23*E23P*S-koff23*SigS/(SigS+SigSP+SigSP_G+eps)*E23S)
KmPY = 486.1398; kf10 = 0.6496; kPTP10 = 29.8531; VmaxPY = 223.8776Reaction: E11 => E11P; SigT, Rate Law: membrane*((kf10*E11-VmaxPY*E11P/(KmPY+E11P))-kPTP10*SigT*E11P)
kPTP11 = 78.204; KmPY = 486.1398; kf11 = 0.3721; VmaxPY = 223.8776Reaction: E12 => E12P; SigT, Rate Law: membrane*((kf11*E12-VmaxPY*E12P/(KmPY+E12P))-kPTP11*SigT*E12P)
eps = 1.0E-16; kon41 = 0.0051; koff41 = 7.0487Reaction: SigG + A => SigG_A + SigA; SigAP, SigAP_S, SigAP_R, SigAP_I, SigAP_T, Rate Law: membrane*(kon41*SigG*A-koff41*SigG_A*SigA/(eps+SigA+SigAP+SigAP_S+SigAP_R+SigAP_I+SigAP_T))
koff45 = 3.9967; eps = 1.0E-16; kon45 = 0.0028Reaction: SigAP + R => SigAP_R + SigR; SigRP, Rate Law: membrane*(2*kon45*SigAP*R-koff45*SigAP_R*SigR/(SigR+SigRP+eps))
kf38 = 279.9929; kPTP38 = 83.4465; KmPY = 486.1398; VmaxPY = 223.8776Reaction: SigS => SigSP; E11P, E12P, E23P, E24P, E34P, E44P, E13P, E14P, SigT, Rate Law: membrane*((kf38*SigS*(E11P+E12P+E23P+E24P+E34P+E44P+E13P+E14P)-VmaxPY*SigSP/(KmPY+SigSP))-kPTP38*SigT*SigSP)
koff37 = 0.4059; kon37 = 0.0791; eps = 1.0E-16Reaction: E44P + R => E44R + SigR; SigRP, Rate Law: membrane*(2*kon37*E44P*R-koff37*SigR/(SigR+SigRP+eps)*E44R)
koff27 = 1.8922; eps = 1.0E-16; kon27 = 0.0201Reaction: E34P + S => E34S + SigS; SigSP, SigSP_G, Rate Law: membrane*(3*kon27*E34P*S-koff27*SigS/(SigS+SigSP+SigSP_G+eps)*E34S)
koff30 = 4.9936; kon30 = 0.002; eps = 1.0E-16Reaction: E24P + G => E24G + SigG; SigG_A, SigG_O, A_SigG_O, Rate Law: membrane*(3*kon30*E24P*G-koff30*SigG/(SigG+SigG_A+SigG_O+A_SigG_O+eps)*E24G)
kon70 = 0.0116; eps = 1.0E-16; koff70 = 2.6069Reaction: E14P + S => E14S + SigS; SigSP, SigSP_G, Rate Law: membrane*(6*kon70*E14P*S-koff70*SigS/(SigS+SigSP+SigSP_G+eps)*E14S)
koff17 = 4.6874; eps = 1.0E-16; kon17 = 0.0049Reaction: E11P + S => E11S + SigS; SigSP, SigSP_G, Rate Law: membrane*(8*kon17*E11P*S-koff17*SigS/(SigS+SigSP+SigSP_G+eps)*E11S)
eps = 1.0E-16; kon68 = 0.0045; koff68 = 2.8871Reaction: E13P + R => E13R + SigR; SigRP, Rate Law: membrane*(2*kon68*E13P*R-koff68*SigR/(SigR+SigRP+eps)*E13R)
koff28 = 4.6432; kon28 = 0.0074Reaction: E34P + I => E34I + SigI, Rate Law: membrane*(4*kon28*E34P*I-koff28*E34I)
kPTP63 = 7.4766; kf63 = 0.9297; KmPY = 486.1398; VmaxPY = 223.8776Reaction: E13 => E13P; SigT, Rate Law: membrane*((kf63*E13-VmaxPY*E13P/(KmPY+E13P))-kPTP63*SigT*E13P)
kPTP64 = 48.6335; KmPY = 486.1398; kf64 = 1.2083; VmaxPY = 223.8776Reaction: E14 => E14P; SigT, Rate Law: membrane*((kf64*E14-VmaxPY*E14P/(KmPY+E14P))-kPTP64*SigT*E14P)
kon46 = 0.0148; koff46 = 0.5194; eps = 1.0E-16Reaction: P3 + A => P3_A + SigA; SigAP, SigAP_S, SigAP_R, SigAP_I, SigAP_T, Rate Law: membrane*(kon46*P3*A-koff46*P3_A*SigA/(eps+SigA+SigAP+SigAP_S+SigAP_R+SigAP_I+SigAP_T))
kon16 = 0.0097; eps = 1.0E-16; koff16 = 0.5737Reaction: E11P + G => E11G + SigG; SigG_A, SigG_O, A_SigG_O, Rate Law: membrane*(4*kon16*E11P*G-koff16*SigG/(SigG+SigG_A+SigG_O+A_SigG_O+eps)*E11G)
koff43 = 0.5441; eps = 1.0E-16; kon43 = 0.0127Reaction: SigAP + S => SigAP_S + SigS; SigSP, SigSP_G, Rate Law: membrane*(3*kon43*SigAP*S-koff43*SigAP_S*SigS/(SigS+SigSP+SigSP_G+eps))
kon67 = 6.6667E-5; koff67 = 1.6142Reaction: E13P + I => E13I + SigI, Rate Law: membrane*(3*kon67*E13P*I-koff67*E13I)
kon73 = 0.0116; koff73 = 3.0048Reaction: E11P + T => E11T + SigT, Rate Law: membrane*(4*kon73*E11P*T-koff73*E11T)


T[176885; Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 1]
E11[Epidermal growth factor receptor; Pro-epidermal growth factor]
E24[Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2; Pro-neuregulin-1, membrane-bound isoform; Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4]
pERK ERKpasep_ERK-ERKpase
SigSSum Shc
ERKstar ERKpaseERK*-ERKpase
SigRSum RasGAP
O[Son of sevenless homolog 1; 182530]
E11P[Phosphoprotein; Epidermal growth factor receptor]
H E4[Pro-neuregulin-1, membrane-bound isoform; Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4]
E44[Pro-neuregulin-1, membrane-bound isoform; Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4]
ERKpase[602747; 600714; 602748; Dual specificity protein phosphatase 1; Dual specificity protein phosphatase 4; Dual specificity protein phosphatase 6]
norm Erk starnormalized Erk*
A[GRB2-associated-binding protein 1; 604439]
E23[Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2; Pro-neuregulin-1, membrane-bound isoform; Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3]
E34[Pro-neuregulin-1, membrane-bound isoform; Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4; Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3]
G[Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2; 108355]
SigISum PI-3K
S[SHC-transforming protein 2; 605217]
I[Phosphoinositide 3-kinase regulatory subunit 5; Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha isoform]
norm Akt starnormalized Akt*
R[139150; Ras GTPase-activating protein 1; IPR001936]
E12[Epidermal growth factor receptor; Pro-epidermal growth factor; Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2]

Blackwell2019 - mechanistic model of signaling pathways activated by dopamine D1 receptors, acetylcholine receptors, and glutamate: MODEL2006170003v0.0.1

&lt;notes xmlns=&quot;;&gt; &lt;body xmlns=&quot;…


The striatum, the input structure of the basal ganglia, is a major site of learning and memory for goal-directed actions and habit formation. Spiny projection neurons of the striatum integrate cortical, thalamic, and nigral inputs to learn associations, with cortico-striatal synaptic plasticity as a learning mechanism. Signaling molecules implicated in synaptic plasticity are altered in alcohol withdrawal, which may contribute to overly strong learning and increased alcohol seeking and consumption. To understand how interactions among signaling molecules produce synaptic plasticity, we implemented a mechanistic model of signaling pathways activated by dopamine D1 receptors, acetylcholine receptors, and glutamate. We use our novel, computationally efficient simulator, NeuroRD, to simulate stochastic interactions both within and between dendritic spines. Dopamine release during theta burst and 20-Hz stimulation was extrapolated from fast-scan cyclic voltammetry data collected in mouse striatal slices. Our results show that the combined activity of several key plasticity molecules correctly predicts the occurrence of either LTP, LTD, or no plasticity for numerous experimental protocols. To investigate spatial interactions, we stimulate two spines, either adjacent or separated on a 20-μm dendritic segment. Our results show that molecules underlying LTP exhibit spatial specificity, whereas 2-arachidonoylglycerol exhibits a spatially diffuse elevation. We also implement changes in NMDA receptors, adenylyl cyclase, and G protein signaling that have been measured following chronic alcohol treatment. Simulations under these conditions suggest that the molecular changes can predict changes in synaptic plasticity, thereby accounting for some aspects of alcohol use disorder. link:

Blow2020 - Aphid Buchnera Hamiltonella multi-compartment metabolic model: MODEL2001310002v0.0.1

Aphid Buchnera Hamiltonella multi-compartment metabolic model, FBA


Beneficial microorganisms associated with animals derive their nutritional requirements entirely from the animal host, but the impact of these microorganisms on host metabolism is largely unknown. The focus of this study was the experimentally tractable tripartite symbiosis between the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum, its obligate intracellular bacterial symbiont Buchnera, and the facultative bacterium Hamiltonella which is localized primarily to the aphid hemolymph (blood). Metabolome experiments on, first, multiple aphid genotypes that naturally bear or lack Hamiltonella and, second, one aphid genotype from which Hamiltonella was experimentally eliminated revealed no significant effects of Hamiltonella on aphid metabolite profiles, indicating that Hamiltonella does not cause major reconfiguration of host metabolism. However, the titer of just one metabolite, 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide (AICAR), displayed near-significant enrichment in Hamiltonella-positive aphids in both metabolome experiments. AICAR is a byproduct of biosynthesis of the essential amino acid histidine in Buchnera and, hence, an index of histidine biosynthetic rates, suggesting that Buchnera-mediated histidine production is elevated in Hamiltonella-bearing aphids. Consistent with this prediction, aphids fed on [13C]histidine yielded a significantly elevated 12C/13C ratio of histidine in Hamiltonella-bearing aphids, indicative of increased (~25%) histidine synthesized de novo by Buchnera. However, in silico analysis predicted an increase of only 0.8% in Buchnera histidine synthesis in Hamiltonella-bearing aphids. We hypothesize that Hamiltonella imposes increased host demand for histidine, possibly for heightened immune-related functions. These results demonstrate that facultative bacteria can alter the dynamics of host metabolic interactions with co-occurring microorganisms, even when the overall metabolic homeostasis of the host is not substantially perturbed. link:

Blum2000_LHsecretion_1: BIOMD0000000077v0.0.1

# A mathematical model quantifying GnRH-induced LH secretion from gonadotropes by Blum et al (2000) This paper includes…


A mathematical model is developed to investigate the rate of release of luteinizing hormone (LH) from pituitary gonadotropes in response to short pulses of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). The model includes binding of the hormone to its receptor, dimerization, interaction with a G protein, production of inositol 1,4, 5-trisphosphate, release of Ca(2+) from the endoplasmic reticulum, entrance of Ca(2+) into the cytosol via voltage-gated membrane channels, pumping of Ca(2+) out of the cytosol via membrane and endoplasmic reticulum pumps, and release of LH. Cytosolic Ca(2+) dynamics are simplified (i.e., oscillations are not included in the model), and it is assumed that there is only one pool of releasable LH. Despite these and other simplifications, the model explains the qualitative features of LH release in response to GnRH pulses of various durations and different concentrations in the presence and absence of external Ca(2+). link:


k1=4000.0; k2=200.0Reaction: HRRH + GQ => E, Rate Law: cell*(k1*HRRH*GQ-k2*E)
alpha = 2.0 nmol; beta = 4.0 unit for betaReaction: CHO = 0.001*alpha*IP3*(0.3+0.3*beta*time*exp(1-beta*time))/(1+0.001*alpha*IP3), Rate Law: missing
k2=5.0; k1=2500.0Reaction: HR => HRRH, Rate Law: cell*(k1*HR^2-k2*HRRH)
k=2.0E7Reaction: => IP3; E, Rate Law: cell*k*E
k1=10.0Reaction: IP3 =>, Rate Law: cell*k1*IP3
k2=5.0; k1=2.5Reaction: H + R => HR, Rate Law: cell*(k1*H*R-k2*HR)


IP3[1D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate; D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate]
HR[Progonadoliberin-1; Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor]
HRRH[protein complex]
GQ[heterotrimeric G-protein complex]
R[Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor]
H[Progonadoliberin IIA; Progonadoliberin-1]

Boada2016 - Incoherent type 1 feed-forward loop (I1-FFL): BIOMD0000000696v0.0.1

Boada2016 - Incoherent type 1 feed-forward loop (I1-FFL)A synthetic-biology mathematical modelling framework that was co…


Model based design plays a fundamental role in synthetic biology. Exploiting modularity, i.e. using biological parts and interconnecting them to build new and more complex biological circuits is one of the key issues. In this context, mathematical models have been used to generate predictions of the behavior of the designed device. Designers not only want the ability to predict the circuit behavior once all its components have been determined, but also to help on the design and selection of its biological parts, i.e. to provide guidelines for the experimental implementation. This is tantamount to obtaining proper values of the model parameters, for the circuit behavior results from the interplay between model structure and parameters tuning. However, determining crisp values for parameters of the involved parts is not a realistic approach. Uncertainty is ubiquitous to biology, and the characterization of biological parts is not exempt from it. Moreover, the desired dynamical behavior for the designed circuit usually results from a trade-off among several goals to be optimized.We propose the use of a multi-objective optimization tuning framework to get a model-based set of guidelines for the selection of the kinetic parameters required to build a biological device with desired behavior. The design criteria are encoded in the formulation of the objectives and optimization problem itself. As a result, on the one hand the designer obtains qualitative regions/intervals of values of the circuit parameters giving rise to the predefined circuit behavior; on the other hand, he obtains useful information for its guidance in the implementation process. These parameters are chosen so that they can effectively be tuned at the wet-lab, i.e. they are effective biological tuning knobs. To show the proposed approach, the methodology is applied to the design of a well known biological circuit: a genetic incoherent feed-forward circuit showing adaptive behavior.The proposed multi-objective optimization design framework is able to provide effective guidelines to tune biological parameters so as to achieve a desired circuit behavior. Moreover, it is easy to analyze the impact of the context on the synthetic device to be designed. That is, one can analyze how the presence of a downstream load influences the performance of the designed circuit, and take it into account. link:


d_AI2 = 0.035Reaction: x4 =>, Rate Law: Cell*d_AI2*x4
d_mC = 0.3624Reaction: x7 =>, Rate Law: Cell*d_mC*x7
M = 0.0; k_2r = 20.0Reaction: => x2 + x3, Rate Law: Cell*k_2r*M
k_mA_C_gA = 104.0Reaction: => x1, Rate Law: Cell*k_mA_C_gA
d_C = 0.2784Reaction: x8 =>, Rate Law: Cell*d_C*x8
d_mA = 0.3624Reaction: x1 =>, Rate Law: Cell*d_mA*x1
k_3r = 1.0Reaction: x4 =>, Rate Law: Cell*k_3r*x4
d_B = 0.016Reaction: x6 =>, Rate Law: Cell*d_B*x6
d_A = 0.035Reaction: x2 =>, Rate Law: Cell*d_A*x2
k_pA = 80.0Reaction: x1 => x1 + x2, Rate Law: Cell*k_pA*x1
d_Ie = 0.0164Reaction: x9 =>, Rate Law: Extracellular*d_Ie*x9
gamma_1 = 107.4; k_mB_C_gB = 1.0Reaction: => x5; x4, Rate Law: Cell*k_mB_C_gB*x4/(gamma_1+x4)
k_pC = 11.42Reaction: x7 => x7 + x8, Rate Law: Cell*k_pC*x7
K_cells = 1.33333333333333E-9; k_d = 0.06Reaction: x9 =>, Rate Law: Extracellular*K_cells*k_d*x9
k_2f = 0.1Reaction: x2 + x3 =>, Rate Law: Cell*k_2f*x2*x3
k_3f = 0.1; M = 0.0Reaction: => x4, Rate Law: Cell*k_3f*M*M
gamma_5 = 8.56; gamma_3 = 0.01; Beta_2 = 0.05; k_mC_C_gC = 1.0; gamma_4 = 1.15; gamma_2 = 0.2; Beta_1 = 0.05Reaction: => x7; x4, x6, Rate Law: Cell*k_mC_C_gC*(x4+Beta_1*gamma_4*x6+Beta_2*gamma_5*x4*x6)/(gamma_2+gamma_3*x4+gamma_4*x6+gamma_5*x4*x6)
d_I = 0.0164Reaction: x3 =>, Rate Law: Cell*d_I*x3
d_mB = 0.3624Reaction: x5 =>, Rate Law: Cell*d_mB*x5
k_d = 0.06Reaction: x3 =>, Rate Law: Cell*k_d*x3
k_pB = 1.0Reaction: x5 => x5 + x6, Rate Law: Cell*k_pB*x5



Boehm2014 - isoform-specific dimerization of pSTAT5A and pSTAT5B: BIOMD0000000591v0.0.1

Boehm2014 - isoform-specific dimerization of pSTAT5A and pSTAT5BTo study STAT5 activation, the authors build a dynamic m…


STAT5A and STAT5B are important transcription factors that dimerize and transduce activation signals of cytokine receptors directly to the nucleus. A typical cytokine that mediates STAT5 activation is erythropoietin (Epo). Differential functions of STAT5A and STAT5B have been reported. However, the extent to which phosphorylated STAT5A and STAT5B (pSTAT5A, pSTAT5B) form homo- or heterodimers is not understood, nor is how this might influence the signal transmission to the nucleus. To study this, we designed a concept to investigate the isoform-specific dimerization behavior of pSTAT5A and pSTAT5B that comprises isoform-specific immunoprecipitation (IP), measurement of the degree of phosphorylation, and isoform ratio determination between STAT5A and STAT5B. For the main analytical method, we employed quantitative label-free and -based mass spectrometry. For the cellular model system, we used Epo receptor (EpoR)-expressing BaF3 cells (BaF3-EpoR) stimulated with Epo. Three hypotheses of dimer formation between pSTAT5A and pSTAT5B were used to explain the analytical results by a static mathematical model: formation of (i) homodimers only, (ii) heterodimers only, and (iii) random formation of homo- and heterodimers. The best agreement between experimental data and model simulations was found for the last case. Dynamics of cytoplasmic STAT5 dimerization could be explained by distinct nuclear import rates and individual nuclear retention for homo- and heterodimers of phosphorylated STAT5. link:


k_exp_homo = 0.0061723799618614Reaction: nucpBpB => STAT5B; nucpBpB, Rate Law: k_exp_homo*nucpBpB
k_imp_homo = 96807.6817909446Reaction: pApA => nucpApA; pApA, Rate Law: k_imp_homo*pApA
k_exp_hetero = 1.00097114635938E-5Reaction: nucpApB => STAT5A + STAT5B; nucpApB, Rate Law: k_exp_hetero*nucpApB
k_imp_hetero = 0.0163701561812467Reaction: pApB => nucpApB; pApB, Rate Law: k_imp_hetero*pApB
Epo_degradation_BaF3 = 0.0269765368088175; k_phos = 15767.6469913504Reaction: STAT5A + STAT5B => pApB; STAT5A, STAT5B, Rate Law: 1.25E-7*STAT5A*STAT5B*k_phos*exp((-Epo_degradation_BaF3)*time)


pApA[Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A]
nucpApB[Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A; Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5B]
STAT5A[Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A]
nucpBpB[Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5B]
STAT5B[Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5B]
pApB[Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5B; Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A]
nucpApA[Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A]
pBpB[Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5B]

Boer1985 - Macrophage T cell interaction in anti-tumor response: MODEL1911130003v0.0.1

In this paper we present a model of the macrophage T lymphocyte interactions that generate an anti-tumor immune response…


In this paper we present a model of the macrophage T lymphocyte interactions that generate an anti-tumor immune response. The model specifies i) induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes, ii) antigen presentation by macrophages, which leads to iii) activation of helper T cells, and iv) production of lymphoid factors, which induce a) cytotoxic macrophages, b) T lymphocyte proliferation, and c) an inflammation reaction. Tumor escape mechanisms (suppression, antigenic heterogeneity) have been deliberately omitted from the model. This research combines hitherto unrelated or even contradictory data within the range of behavior of one model. In the model behavior, helper T cells play a crucial role: Tumors that differ minimally in antigenicity (i.e., helper reactivity) can differ markedly in rejectability. Immunization yields protection against tumor doses that would otherwise be lethal, because it increases the number of helper T cells. The magnitude of the cytotoxic effector cell response depends on the time at which helper T cells become activated: early helper activity steeply increases the magnitude of the immune response. The type of cytotoxic effector cells that eradicates the tumor depends on tumor antigenicity: lowly antigenic tumors are attacked mainly by macrophages, whereas large highly antigenic tumors can be eradicated by cytotoxic T lymphocytes only. link:

Boer1986 - Interactions between Macrophages and T-lymphocytes: Tumor Sneaking Through Intrinsic to Helper T cell Dynamics: MODEL1912110001v0.0.1

Interactions between Macrophages and T-lymphocytes: Tumor Sneaking Through Intrinsic to Helper T cell Dynamics ROB J. DE…


In a mathematical model of the cellular immune response we investigate immune reactions to tumors that are introduced in various doses. The model represents macrophage T-lymphocyte interactions that generate cytotoxic macrophages and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. In this model antigens (tumors) can induce infinitely large T-lymphocyte effector populations because effector T-lymphocytes are capable of repeated proliferation and we have omitted immunosuppression. In this (proliferative) model small doses of weakly antigenic tumors grow infinitely large (i.e. sneak through) eliciting an immune response of limited magnitude. Intermediate doses of the same tumor induce larger immune responses and are hence rejected. Large doses of the tumor break through, but their progressive growth is accompanied by a strong immune response involving extensive lymphocyte proliferation. Similarly a more antigenic tumor is rejected in intermediate doses and breaks through in large doses. Initially small doses however lead to tumor dormancy. Thus although the model is devoid of explicit regulatory mechanisms that limit the magnitude of its response (immunosuppression is such a mechanism), the immune response to large increasing tumors may either be a stable reaction of limited magnitude (experimentally known as tolerance or unresponsiveness) or a strong and ever increasing reaction. Unresponsiveness can evolve because in this model net T-lymphocyte proliferation requires the presence of a minimum number of helper T cells (i.e. a proliferation threshold). Unresponsiveness is caused by depletion of helper T cell precursors. link:

Bondarenko2004_Myocyte_AP_apical: MODEL1150151512v0.0.1

This the model from the article: Computer model of action potential of mouse ventricular myocytes. Bondarenko VE, Sz…


We have developed a mathematical model of the mouse ventricular myocyte action potential (AP) from voltage-clamp data of the underlying currents and Ca2+ transients. Wherever possible, we used Markov models to represent the molecular structure and function of ion channels. The model includes detailed intracellular Ca2+ dynamics, with simulations of localized events such as sarcoplasmic Ca2+ release into a small intracellular volume bounded by the sarcolemma and sarcoplasmic reticulum. Transporter-mediated Ca2+ fluxes from the bulk cytosol are closely matched to the experimentally reported values and predict stimulation rate-dependent changes in Ca2+ transients. Our model reproduces the properties of cardiac myocytes from two different regions of the heart: the apex and the septum. The septum has a relatively prolonged AP, which reflects a relatively small contribution from the rapid transient outward K+ current in the septum. The attribution of putative molecular bases for several of the component currents enables our mouse model to be used to simulate the behavior of genetically modified transgenic mice. link:

Bordbar2010_M_tuberculosis_Macrophage: MODEL1011090002v0.0.1

This is the joined genome scale reconstruction of both Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the human alveloar macrophage meta…


Metabolic coupling of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to its host is foundational to its pathogenesis. Computational genome-scale metabolic models have shown utility in integrating -omic as well as physiologic data for systemic, mechanistic analysis of metabolism. To date, integrative analysis of host-pathogen interactions using in silico mass-balanced, genome-scale models has not been performed. We, therefore, constructed a cell-specific alveolar macrophage model, iAB-AMØ-1410, from the global human metabolic reconstruction, Recon 1. The model successfully predicted experimentally verified ATP and nitric oxide production rates in macrophages. This model was then integrated with an M. tuberculosis H37Rv model, iNJ661, to build an integrated host-pathogen genome-scale reconstruction, iAB-AMØ-1410-Mt-661. The integrated host-pathogen network enables simulation of the metabolic changes during infection. The resulting reaction activity and gene essentiality targets of the integrated model represent an altered infectious state. High-throughput data from infected macrophages were mapped onto the host-pathogen network and were able to describe three distinct pathological states. Integrated host-pathogen reconstructions thus form a foundation upon which understanding the biology and pathophysiology of infections can be developed. link:

Bordbar2010_Macrophage_Metabolism: MODEL1011090001v0.0.1

This is the genome scale metabolic reconstruction of the human alveloar macrophage, iAB-AMØ-1410, described in the artic…


Metabolic coupling of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to its host is foundational to its pathogenesis. Computational genome-scale metabolic models have shown utility in integrating -omic as well as physiologic data for systemic, mechanistic analysis of metabolism. To date, integrative analysis of host-pathogen interactions using in silico mass-balanced, genome-scale models has not been performed. We, therefore, constructed a cell-specific alveolar macrophage model, iAB-AMØ-1410, from the global human metabolic reconstruction, Recon 1. The model successfully predicted experimentally verified ATP and nitric oxide production rates in macrophages. This model was then integrated with an M. tuberculosis H37Rv model, iNJ661, to build an integrated host-pathogen genome-scale reconstruction, iAB-AMØ-1410-Mt-661. The integrated host-pathogen network enables simulation of the metabolic changes during infection. The resulting reaction activity and gene essentiality targets of the integrated model represent an altered infectious state. High-throughput data from infected macrophages were mapped onto the host-pathogen network and were able to describe three distinct pathological states. Integrated host-pathogen reconstructions thus form a foundation upon which understanding the biology and pathophysiology of infections can be developed. link:

Bordbar2011_HumanErythrocyte_MetabolicNetwork: MODEL1106080000v0.0.1

This model is from the article: iAB-RBC-283: A proteomically derived knowledge-base of erythrocyte metabolism that can…


The development of high-throughput technologies capable of whole cell measurements of genes, proteins, and metabolites has led to the emergence of systems biology. Integrated analysis of the resulting omic data sets has proved to be hard to achieve. Metabolic network reconstructions enable complex relationships amongst molecular components to be represented formally in a biologically relevant manner while respecting physical constraints. In silico models derived from such reconstructions can then be queried or interrogated through mathematical simulations. Proteomic profiling studies of the mature human erythrocyte have shown more proteins present related to metabolic function than previously thought; however the significance and the causal consequences of these findings have not been explored.Erythrocyte proteomic data was used to reconstruct the most expansive description of erythrocyte metabolism to date, following extensive manual curation, assessment of the literature, and functional testing. The reconstruction contains 281 enzymes representing functions from glycolysis to cofactor and amino acid metabolism. Such a comprehensive view of erythrocyte metabolism implicates the erythrocyte as a potential biomarker for different diseases as well as a 'cell-based' drug-screening tool. The analysis shows that 94 erythrocyte enzymes are implicated in morbid single nucleotide polymorphisms, representing 142 pathologies. In addition, over 230 FDA-approved and experimental pharmaceuticals have enzymatic targets in the erythrocyte.The advancement of proteomic technologies and increased generation of high-throughput proteomic data have created the need for a means to analyze these data in a coherent manner. Network reconstructions provide a systematic means to integrate and analyze proteomic data in a biologically meaning manner. Analysis of the red cell proteome has revealed an unexpected level of complexity in the functional capabilities of human erythrocyte metabolism. link: