CellMLPhysiome: N - S
— v0.0.1Noble, Difrancesco, Denyer, 1989
Name | Description |
tau_rel | 0.01 |
V_e_ratio | 0.1 |
T | 310.0 |
C | 6.0e-5 |
I_p | 0.45 |
n_NaCa | 3.0 |
Cao | 2.0 |
Ca_up_max | 5.0 |
g_Nab | 0.0007 |
Km_f | 45.0 |
K_mf2 | 0.0005 |
length | 0.11 |
d_NaCa | 0.0001 |
radius | 0.008 |
g_f_K | 0.06 |
delta_f | 0.0001 |
speed_y | 2.0 |
Km_K1 | 10.0 |
delta_d | 0.0001 |
Nao | 140.0 |
alpha_f2 | 10.0 |
K_mK | 1.0 |
tau_rep | 0.2 |
P_si | 0.12 |
g_Na | 0.0125 |
tau_up | 0.005 |
rCa | 2.0 |
K_mNa | 40.0 |
g_Cab | 0.0001 |
g_f_Na | 0.06 |
g_K1 | 0.0075 |
delta_m | 1.0e-5 |
i_K_max | 0.8 |
gamma | 0.5 |
K_NaCa | 2.0e-5 |
K_mCa | 0.002 |
R | 8314.472 |
F | 96485.3415 |
Kc | 3.0 |
Name | Description |
d(time) | 1.26333192869164e-5 |
Ca_rel(time) | 0.177741556496929 |
V(time) | -67.797059970601 |
h(time) | 0.138105285882671 |
f2(time) | 0.485471180273736 |
x(time) | 0.129303443591363 |
f(time) | 0.999507224159629 |
y(time) | 0.0743464067197738 |
Ki(time) | 139.859968229045 |
p(time) | 0.176207580044253 |
m(time) | 0.042697621819783 |
Ca_up(time) | 3.70806465918854 |
Cai(time) | 5.84191784887783e-5 |
Nai(time) | 7.51007221193712 |
— v0.0.1Noble, Noble, 1984
Name | Description |
T | 310.0 |
C | 0.006 |
Ca_up_max | 5.0 |
length | 0.08 |
d_NaCa | 0.0001 |
g_f_K | 6.0 |
Kb | 3.0 |
delta_f | 0.0001 |
delta_x | 0.0001 |
Km_K1 | 10.0 |
tau_rep | 0.2 |
tau_up | 0.005 |
K_mNa | 40.0 |
g_K1 | 0.75 |
delta_m | 1.0e-5 |
delta_y | 1.0e-5 |
K_mCa | 0.002 |
tau_rel | 0.01 |
V_e_ratio | 0.1 |
I_p | 50.0 |
Cao | 2.0 |
n_NaCa | 3.0 |
g_Nab | 0.07 |
K_mf2 | 0.0005 |
Km_f | 45.0 |
radius | 0.08 |
speed_y | 2.0 |
delta_d | 0.0001 |
Nao | 140.0 |
alpha_f2 | 10.0 |
K_mK | 1.0 |
rCa | 2.0 |
P_si | 7.5 |
g_Na | 1.25 |
g_Cab | 0.01 |
g_f_Na | 6.0 |
i_K_max | 20.0 |
gamma | 0.5 |
K_NaCa | 0.002 |
R | 8314.472 |
V_e | 0.00016077 |
pf | 1.0 |
F | 96485.3415 |
Name | Description |
d(time) | 0.0011 |
Ca_rel(time) | 0.55 |
V(time) | -60.0 |
h(time) | 0.015 |
f2(time) | 0.785 |
x(time) | 0.54 |
f(time) | 0.785 |
y(time) | 0.007 |
Kc(time) | 3.0 |
Ki(time) | 140.0 |
p(time) | 0.785 |
m(time) | 0.076 |
Ca_up(time) | 1.98 |
Cai(time) | 5.8e-5 |
Nai(time) | 7.5 |
— v0.0.1Noble, Noble, 2001
Name | Description |
T | 310.0 |
stim_start | 0.1 |
g_Kr2 | 0.0017 |
P_kna | 0.03 |
alpha_Calmod | 100000.0 |
g_bca | 0.00025 |
alpha_Trop | 100000.0 |
length | 74.0 |
d_NaCa | 0.0 |
K_leak_rate | 0.05 |
alpha_up | 0.4 |
i_NaK_max | 0.7 |
g_to | 0.005 |
delta_f | 0.0001 |
Trop | 0.05 |
Cm | 9.5e-5 |
beta_up | 0.03 |
FRiNaCa | 0.001 |
g_Kr1 | 0.0028 |
FrICa | 0.7 |
K_cyca | 0.0003 |
beta_Trop | 200.0 |
K_mNa | 40.0 |
g_bna | 0.0006 |
g_Ks | 0.0016 |
g_K1 | 0.5 |
delta_m | 1.0e-5 |
P_Ca_L | 1.0 |
KCaChoff | 0.01 |
K_srca | 0.5 |
V_e_ratio | 0.4 |
Na_o | 140.0 |
V_ds_ratio | 0.1 |
stim_duration | 0.002 |
speed_d | 3.0 |
Kdecay | 10.0 |
K_m_rel | 250.0 |
g_tos | 0.0 |
n_NaCa | 3.0 |
Kmdsinact | 0.001 |
Ca_o | 2.0 |
shift_h | 0.0 |
V_up_ratio | 0.01 |
stim_period | 1.0 |
stim_end | 600.0 |
K_mk1 | 10.0 |
K_m_Ca_ds | 0.01 |
Calmod | 0.02 |
radius | 12.0 |
beta_Calmod | 50.0 |
K_o | 4.0 |
K_m_Ca_cyt | 0.0005 |
K_xcs | 0.4 |
V_rel_ratio | 0.1 |
P_CaK | 0.002 |
K_mK | 1.0 |
g_Na | 0.5 |
speed_f | 0.3 |
g_pna | 0.0027 |
stim_amplitude | -6.0 |
P_CaNa | 0.01 |
gamma | 0.2 |
k_NaCa | 0.0005 |
R | 8314.472 |
F | 96485.3415 |
Name | Description |
d(time) | 2.27643784381792e-8 |
Ca_Trop(time) | 0.00013982468565579 |
xr2(time) | 2.15138346929839e-7 |
Ca_rel(time) | 0.185609773872992 |
V(time) | -93.0550060340878 |
h(time) | 0.99465397024286 |
xs(time) | 6.72192033116639e-7 |
f(time) | 4.03082807230434e-9 |
K_i(time) | 138.49601832864 |
ProdFrac(time) | 0.0109931117325847 |
ActFrac(time) | 0.000183030061767109 |
Ca_ds(time) | 2.15623822848619e-7 |
r(time) | 1.8398417043009e-8 |
m(time) | 0.00157541794600382 |
xr1(time) | 9.88715446781661e-6 |
Ca_i(time) | 5.60867201979414e-6 |
s(time) | 0.999870016703514 |
Ca_up(time) | 0.187470810108547 |
Na_i(time) | 5.68929064089788 |
Ca_Calmod(time) | 0.000221858224298955 |
— v0.0.1Noble, Noble, Bett, Earm, Ho, So, 1991
Name | Description |
T | 310.0 |
stim_start | 0.1 |
alpha_Calmod | 100000.0 |
g_bca | 0.00025 |
alpha_Trop | 100000.0 |
length | 0.074 |
d_NaCa | 0.0 |
K_leak_rate | 0.0 |
alpha_up | 0.4 |
i_NaK_max | 0.7 |
g_to | 0.005 |
delta_f | 0.0001 |
Trop | 0.05 |
Cm | 9.5e-5 |
beta_up | 0.03 |
K_m_Ca | 0.0005 |
K_cyca | 0.0003 |
beta_Trop | 200.0 |
K_mNa | 40.0 |
g_bna | 0.0006 |
g_K1 | 1.0 |
delta_m | 1.0e-5 |
P_Ca_L | 0.25 |
K_srca | 0.5 |
V_e_ratio | 0.4 |
Na_o | 140.0 |
stim_duration | 0.002 |
g_tos | 0.0 |
speed_d | 3.0 |
K_m_rel | 250.0 |
n_NaCa | 3.0 |
Ca_o | 2.0 |
shift_h | 0.0 |
V_up_ratio | 0.01 |
stim_period | 1.0 |
stim_end | 100.0 |
K_mk1 | 10.0 |
Calmod | 0.02 |
radius | 0.012 |
beta_Calmod | 50.0 |
K_o | 4.0 |
g_bk | 0.0006 |
K_xcs | 0.4 |
V_rel_ratio | 0.1 |
P_CaK | 0.002 |
K_mK | 1.0 |
g_Na | 2.5 |
speed_f | 0.5 |
stim_amplitude | -6.0 |
i_K_max | 1.0 |
P_CaNa | 0.01 |
gamma | 0.5 |
k_NaCa | 0.0005 |
R | 8314.472 |
F | 96485.3415 |
Name | Description |
d(time) | 1.91821833548952e-8 |
Ca_Trop(time) | 0.00033477224086766 |
Ca_rel(time) | 0.591323137897127 |
V(time) | -93.7400119196694 |
h(time) | 0.995414125415674 |
x(time) | 0.00938586574433011 |
f(time) | 0.999999956287155 |
K_i(time) | 136.604284305878 |
ActFrac(time) | 0.00267040300939318 |
ProdFrac(time) | 0.522949441962453 |
r(time) | 1.60424507876553e-8 |
m(time) | 0.00143405969732302 |
Ca_up(time) | 0.59333810408885 |
Ca_i(time) | 1.34858164771406e-5 |
s(time) | 0.997644968939185 |
Na_i(time) | 7.50547214142684 |
Ca_Calmod(time) | 0.000524570960945961 |
— v0.0.1Noble, Varghese, Kohl, Noble, 1998
Name | Description |
stim_start | 0.1 |
cross_bridge_density | 0.05 |
gama_SAC_IT | 2.5 |
ITHST | 1.0 |
K_D | 0.00013 |
g_Ca_stretch | 0.01 |
length | 74.0 |
alpha_Trop | 100000.0 |
d_NaCa | 0.0 |
sarcomere_length | 2.0 |
Km_f2ds | 0.001 |
delta_f | 0.0001 |
E_fibro_stretch | 0.0 |
g_Na_stretch | 0.01 |
g_Kr1 | 0.0021 |
KCont2 | 100.0 |
g_fibro | 0.0002 |
K_cyca | 0.0003 |
beta_Trop | 200.0 |
K_mNa | 40.0 |
g_bna | 0.0006 |
g_K_ATP | 0.0 |
g_Ks | 0.0026 |
gama_SAC_SL | 2.5 |
P_Ca_L | 0.1 |
g_An_stretch | 0.01 |
alpha_ACh | 0.5 |
K_srca | 0.5 |
ACh | 5.0 |
Na_o | 140.0 |
V_ds_ratio | 0.1 |
speed_d | 3.0 |
Kdecay | 10.0 |
K_m_rel | 250.0 |
shift_h | 0.0 |
KCont1 | 12000.0 |
g_K_stretch | 0.01 |
gama_SR_SL | 2.5 |
K_m_Ca_ds | 0.01 |
radius | 12.0 |
SLHST | 2.0 |
K_m_Ca_cyt | 0.0005 |
K_xcs | 0.4 |
P_CaK | 0.002 |
K_mK | 1.0 |
speed_f | 0.3 |
g_KACh | 0.0 |
KCont4 | 25.0 |
stim_amplitude | -3.0 |
KCont3 | 60.0 |
K_ATP | 0.1 |
Km_f2 | 100000.0 |
P_CaNa | 0.01 |
c_fibro | 1.0e-5 |
gama_SR_IT | 2.5 |
F | 96485.3415 |
T | 310.0 |
g_Kr2 | 0.0013 |
P_kna | 0.03 |
alpha_Calmod | 100000.0 |
g_bca | 0.00025 |
g_fibro_stretch | 0.0 |
K_leak_rate | 0.005 |
alpha_up | 0.4 |
i_NaK_max | 0.7 |
g_to | 0.005 |
Trop | 0.05 |
Cm | 9.5e-5 |
beta_ACh | 0.5 |
beta_up | 0.03 |
FRiNaCa | 0.001 |
shiftK1 | 10.0 |
K_kna | 20.0 |
FrICa | 1.0 |
g_K1 | 0.5 |
KTrop | 5000.0 |
delta_m | 1.0e-5 |
V_e_ratio | 0.4 |
ATP | 0.0 |
stim_duration | 0.003 |
g_tos | 0.0 |
steepK1 | 1.25 |
n_NaCa | 3.0 |
g_K_Na | 0.0 |
Ca_o | 2.0 |
R_decay | 20.0 |
V_up_ratio | 0.01 |
stim_period | 1.0 |
stim_end | 10000.0 |
K_mk1 | 10.0 |
g_fibro_junct | 0.00029 |
Calmod | 0.02 |
beta_Calmod | 50.0 |
K_o | 4.0 |
gama_Trop_SL | 1.5 |
E_An_stretch | -20.0 |
V_rel_ratio | 0.1 |
g_Na | 2.5 |
g_pna | 0.004 |
gamma | 0.5 |
k_NaCa | 0.0005 |
R | 8314.472 |
Name | Description |
V_fibro(time) | -20.0 |
x_ACh(time) | 0.0 |
xs(time) | 0.001302 |
f(time) | 1.0 |
ProdFrac(time) | 0.2854569 |
ActFrac(time) | 0.001914 |
m(time) | 0.0016203 |
s(time) | 0.9948645 |
Na_i(time) | 7.3321223 |
Ca_Calmod(time) | 0.0005555 |
d(time) | 0.0 |
Ca_Trop(time) | 0.0002 |
xr2(time) | 2.0e-7 |
Ca_rel(time) | 0.4481927 |
V(time) | -92.849333 |
f2(time) | 0.9349197 |
h(time) | 0.9944036 |
K_i(time) | 136.5644281 |
cross_bridge(time) | 8.09e-5 |
Ca_ds(time) | 1.88e-5 |
r(time) | 0.0 |
xr1(time) | 1.03e-5 |
Ca_i(time) | 1.4e-5 |
Ca_up(time) | 0.4531889 |
f2ds(time) | 0.9651958 |
light_chain(time) | 3.32e-5 |
— v0.0.1Novak, Csikasznagy, Gyorffy, Chen, Tyson, 1998
Name | Description |
Vwee | 0.01 |
kaa_ | 1.0 |
k25 | 0.5 |
V2_ | 1.0 |
V25_ | 0.4 |
kir | 1.0 |
k25r_ | 0.2 |
kad | 0.1 |
Jmr | 0.2 |
Vmik | 0.002 |
k4_ | 0.15 |
kai_ | 0.25 |
kapr_ | 3.0 |
kapr | 0.04 |
Japr | 0.01 |
k3 | 0.15 |
km | 0.1 |
kap | 4.0 |
kwr_ | 0.2 |
kmr_ | 0.0 |
Vwee_ | 0.93 |
Jm | 0.2 |
J25r | 0.2 |
V2c | 0.03 |
mu | 0.005776 |
Jaa | 0.1 |
V2 | 0.03 |
ki | 200.0 |
kx | 0.0 |
Vmik_ | 0.2 |
J25 | 0.2 |
alpha | 0.1 |
V2c_ | 0.16 |
Puc1 | 0.013 |
kaa | 0.001 |
k4__ | 20.0 |
Jap | 0.01 |
k1 | 0.03 |
Jw | 0.2 |
kw | 0.5 |
Jwr | 0.2 |
kas | 0.25 |
Jai | 0.1 |
V25 | 0.01 |
Name | Description |
APC(time) | 0.0 |
Mik1(time) | 0.0 |
Rum1(time) | 0.0 |
Wee1(time) | 0.0 |
AAE(time) | 2.0 |
Cdc25P(time) | 0.0 |
Cdc13_Cdc2(time) | 1.0 |
Rum1_Cdc13_Cdc2(time) | 0.0 |
mass(time) | 1.0 |
Cdc13_P_Cdc2(time) | 0.0 |
AAE_total(time) | 2.0 |
— v0.0.1Novak, Pataki, Ciliberto, Tyson, 2001
Name | Description |
k14 | 0.1 |
J10 | 0.01 |
Ja25 | 0.01 |
J16 | 0.01 |
k9 | 0.1 |
J15 | 0.01 |
k2__ | 1.0 |
k8 | 0.25 |
J8 | 0.001 |
k16__ | 2.0 |
Viwee | 1.0 |
k12_ | 1.0 |
Vi25 | 0.25 |
k3__ | 10.0 |
J9 | 0.01 |
k5_ | 0.005 |
k25__ | 5.0 |
k4_ | 2.0 |
k12 | 0.01 |
J4 | 0.01 |
k12__ | 3.0 |
J3 | 0.01 |
kwee__ | 1.3 |
kwee_ | 0.15 |
Vawee | 0.25 |
Jiwee | 0.01 |
J5 | 0.3 |
k13 | 0.1 |
k10 | 0.04 |
Jawee | 0.01 |
k2___ | 0.1 |
k15 | 1.5 |
Kdiss | 0.001 |
mu | 0.005 |
k5__ | 0.3 |
Va25 | 1.0 |
k4 | 35.0 |
k6 | 0.1 |
k11 | 0.1 |
k16_ | 1.0 |
J7 | 0.001 |
k1 | 0.03 |
k3_ | 1.0 |
k2_ | 0.03 |
k7 | 1.0 |
Ji25 | 0.01 |
k25_ | 0.05 |
Name | Description |
Slp1(time) | 2.2 |
IEP(time) | 0.0 |
M(time) | 1.0 |
Slp1T(time) | 0.0 |
SK(time) | 0.0 |
Cdc13T(time) | 0.2 |
Rum1T(time) | 0.0 |
Ste9(time) | 1.0 |
preMPF(time) | 0.0 |
— v0.0.1Novak, Tyson, 1993
Name | Description |
ka | 0.01 |
kcak | 0.25 |
V2__ | 1.0 |
Vwee_ | 0.1 |
K_c | 0.01 |
Vwee__ | 1.0 |
kd_antiIE | 0.095 |
kbPPase | 0.125 |
Cdc2_T | 100.0 |
K_d | 0.01 |
V2_ | 0.015 |
V25_ | 0.1 |
Wee1_T | 1.0 |
K_e | 0.3 |
K_f | 0.3 |
Cdc25_T | 1.0 |
K_h | 0.01 |
kfPPase | 0.1 |
kc | 0.1 |
K_a | 0.1 |
khPPase | 0.087 |
kinh | 0.025 |
ke | 0.0133 |
k1AA | 1.0 |
IE_T | 1.0 |
k3 | 0.01 |
K_g | 0.01 |
V25__ | 2.0 |
UbE_T | 1.0 |
K_b | 0.1 |
kg | 0.0065 |
Name | Description |
cyclin(time) | 1.0 |
Wee1_P(time) | 0.0 |
Tyr15P_dimer(time) | 0.0 |
UbE(time) | 0.0 |
MPF_pre(time) | 0.0 |
Cdc25_P(time) | 0.0 |
IE_P(time) | 0.0 |
MPF_active(time) | 0.0 |
cyclin_Cdc2(time) | 0.0 |
— v0.0.1Novak, Tyson, 1997
Name | Description |
V2_ | 0.0075 |
V25_ | 0.025 |
k8 | 10.0 |
Kmc | 0.1 |
kir | 0.1 |
ku2 | 1.0 |
k7r | 0.1 |
k6_ | 0.0 |
Kmir | 0.01 |
kwr | 0.25 |
kc | 1.0 |
Kmwr | 0.1 |
Kmw | 0.1 |
Kmur | 0.01 |
kcr | 0.25 |
k3 | 0.09375 |
Kmur2 | 0.05 |
V6_ | 0.0375 |
Vw_ | 0.035 |
Kmi | 0.01 |
kur2 | 0.3 |
Kmp | 0.001 |
Vw | 0.35 |
mu | 0.00495 |
kur | 0.1 |
k4 | 0.1875 |
ki | 0.4 |
V2 | 0.25 |
k8r | 0.1 |
Kmu2 | 0.05 |
Kmcr | 0.1 |
kp | 3.25 |
alpha | 0.25 |
k1 | 0.015 |
k2_ | 0.05 |
beta | 0.05 |
ku | 0.2 |
V6 | 7.5 |
kw | 1.0 |
k7 | 100.0 |
V25 | 0.5 |
k5 | 0.00175 |
Kmu | 0.01 |
Name | Description |
G1K(time) | 0.0 |
UbE2(time) | 0.0 |
Cdc25(time) | 0.0 |
UbE(time) | 1.0 |
PG2R(time) | 0.0 |
PG2(time) | 0.0 |
IE(time) | 0.0 |
G2K(time) | 0.0 |
Wee1(time) | 0.0 |
G2R(time) | 0.0 |
R(time) | 0.4 |
G1R(time) | 0.0 |
mass(time) | 0.5 |
— v0.0.1Novak, Tyson, 2004
Name | Description |
k_25 | 1000.0 |
k_2_ | 0.05 |
k_22 | 1.0 |
K_21 | 1.0 |
k_5 | 20.0 |
phi_B | 2.0 |
lambda_E | 5.0 |
J_13 | 0.005 |
epsilon | 1.0 |
lambda_D | 3.3 |
k_25r | 10.0 |
gamma_B | 1.0 |
eta_B | 1.0 |
k_32 | 1.8 |
J_17 | 0.3 |
k_24 | 1000.0 |
k_26r | 200.0 |
k_27 | 0.2 |
k_7 | 0.6 |
k_26 | 10.0 |
k_34 | 0.05 |
k_19 | 20.0 |
eta_E | 0.5 |
k_28 | 0.2 |
k_16 | 0.25 |
k_8_ | 0.1 |
J_3 | 0.01 |
k_3_ | 7.5 |
k_3 | 140.0 |
k_11 | 1.5 |
lambda_B | 5.0 |
E2FT | 5.0 |
k_4 | 40.0 |
J_15 | 0.1 |
lambda_A | 3.0 |
J_32 | 0.01 |
Rb_T | 10.0 |
eta_A | 0.5 |
k_6 | 100.0 |
J_8 | 0.1 |
J_1 | 0.1 |
k_1 | 0.6 |
k_23_ | 0.005 |
phi_E | 25.0 |
k_29 | 0.05 |
k_30 | 20.0 |
k_13 | 5.0 |
k_19_ | 0.0 |
k_15 | 0.25 |
J_14 | 0.005 |
k_20 | 10.0 |
J_31 | 0.01 |
gamma_A | 0.3 |
k_24r | 10.0 |
k_10 | 5.0 |
k_31 | 0.7 |
psi_B | 0.05 |
k_9 | 2.5 |
k_2__ | 1.0 |
k_18 | 10.0 |
k_7_ | 0.0 |
k_1_ | 0.1 |
k_2 | 20.0 |
k_11_ | 0.0 |
k_12 | 1.5 |
PP1_T | 1.0 |
k_33 | 0.05 |
J_4 | 0.01 |
k_6_ | 10.0 |
k_17_ | 0.35 |
mu | 0.061 |
k_23 | 1.0 |
k_8 | 2.0 |
k_14 | 2.5 |
psi_E | 1.0 |
k_17 | 10.0 |
Name | Description |
Kip1(time) | nothing |
E2F(time) | nothing |
CycE_Kip1(time) | nothing |
ERG(time) | nothing |
Cdh1(time) | nothing |
Cdc20(time) | nothing |
PPX(time) | nothing |
GM(time) | nothing |
IEP(time) | nothing |
CycE(time) | nothing |
CycA_Kip1(time) | nothing |
DRG(time) | nothing |
CycB(time) | nothing |
CycD_Kip1(time) | nothing |
mass(time) | nothing |
CycA(time) | nothing |
CycD(time) | nothing |
Cdc20_T(time) | nothing |
— v0.0.1Nowak, Bangham, 1996
Name | Description |
beta | 0.02 |
c | 1.0 |
k | 1.0 |
b | 0.05 |
lambda | 1.0 |
u | 1.0 |
a | 0.5 |
p | 1.0 |
d | 0.01 |
Name | Description |
v(time) | 10.0 |
x(time) | 100.0 |
y(time) | 0.0 |
z(time) | 1.0 |
— v0.0.1Nygren, Fiset, Firek, Clark, Lindblad, Clark, Giles, 1998
Name | Description |
k_Ca | 0.025 |
T | 306.15 |
stim_start | 0.1 |
P_Na | 0.0016 |
tau_K | 10.0 |
Mg_i | 2.5 |
d_NaCa | 0.0003 |
tau_di | 0.01 |
k_NaK_K | 1.0 |
alpha_rel | 200000.0 |
i_NaK_max | 70.8253 |
I_up_max | 2800.0 |
phi_Na_en | -1.68 |
k_CaP | 0.0002 |
Cm | 0.05 |
Ca_b | 1.8 |
Vol_rel | 4.41e-5 |
Vol_i | 0.005884 |
Na_b | 130.0 |
Vol_up | 0.0003969 |
g_Ks | 1.0 |
g_K1 | 3.0 |
k_xcs | 0.4 |
tau_tr | 0.01 |
g_Kr | 0.5 |
k_rel_i | 0.0003 |
g_sus | 2.75 |
g_Ca_L | 6.75 |
stim_duration | 0.006 |
g_B_Na | 0.060599 |
k_rel_d | 0.003 |
stim_period | 1.0 |
stim_end | 1.0e8 |
k_NaK_Na | 11.0 |
k_srca | 0.5 |
g_t | 7.5 |
tau_Ca | 24.7 |
r_recov | 0.815 |
i_CaP_max | 4.0 |
g_B_Ca | 0.078681 |
stim_amplitude | -280.0 |
tau_Na | 14.3 |
k_cyca | 0.0003 |
E_Ca_app | 60.0 |
gamma | 0.45 |
k_NaCa | 0.0374842 |
R | 8314.0 |
F | 96487.0 |
K_b | 5.4 |
Name | Description |
O_TC(time) | 0.0133 |
f_L_2(time) | 0.9986 |
f_L_1(time) | 0.9986 |
O_Calse(time) | 0.4369 |
n(time) | 0.0048357 |
d_L(time) | 1.3005e-5 |
m(time) | 0.0032017 |
s(time) | 0.949 |
Na_i(time) | 8.5547 |
O_C(time) | 0.0275 |
r_sus(time) | 0.00015949 |
Ca_rel(time) | 0.6465 |
h2(time) | 0.8742 |
O_TMgMg(time) | 0.7094 |
V(time) | -74.2525 |
K_c(time) | 5.3581 |
p_a(time) | 0.0001 |
Ca_c(time) | 1.8147 |
K_i(time) | 129.435 |
Ca_d(time) | 7.2495e-5 |
s_sus(time) | 0.9912 |
r(time) | 0.0010678 |
F1(time) | 0.4284 |
h1(time) | 0.8814 |
Na_c(time) | 130.011 |
Ca_up(time) | 0.6646 |
Ca_i(time) | 6.729e-5 |
F2(time) | 0.0028 |
O_TMgC(time) | 0.1961 |
— v0.0.1Obeyesekere, Zimmerman, Tecarro, Auchmuty, 1999
Name | Description |
d_X | 1.04 |
f | 0.2 |
g | 0.528 |
p_S | 0.6 |
a_f | 0.9 |
a_X | 0.08 |
q_X | 0.8 |
k | 0.05 |
p_E | 0.096 |
p_X | 0.48 |
q_D | 0.6 |
p_D | 0.48 |
a_E | 0.16 |
theta | 1.5 |
R_T | 2.5 |
a_D | 0.4 |
d_E | 0.2 |
GF | 6.3 |
d_D | 0.4 |
q_E | 0.6 |
Name | Description |
E(time) | 0.6 |
X(time) | 0.7 |
R(time) | 0.5 |
R_S(time) | 1.0 |
D(time) | 0.1 |
— v0.0.1Olsen, Hauser, Kummer, 2003
Name | Description |
k14 | 700000.0 |
k10 | 1.8e6 |
k9 | 6.0e7 |
k13 | 0.006 |
k12 | 8.0e-8 |
k1 | 3.0 |
k8 | 4.0e7 |
k4 | 5200.0 |
k3 | 150000.0 |
k7 | 2.0e7 |
k13_ | 0.006 |
k6 | 1.7e7 |
O2eq | 1.2e-5 |
k5 | 2.0e7 |
k2 | 1.8e7 |
k11 | 100000.0 |
Name | Description |
coII(time) | 2.6e-8 |
NAD_radical(time) | 5.0e-10 |
Per2(time) | 1.0e-10 |
Ar_radical(time) | 1.2e-7 |
NAD2(time) | 1.2e-7 |
O2(time) | 5.33e-6 |
O2_radical(time) | 2.6e-8 |
Per3(time) | 5.9e-8 |
NAD(time) | 0.000558 |
ArH(time) | 0.00029988 |
coI(time) | 8.9e-10 |
H2O2(time) | 1.3e-8 |
coIII(time) | 1.31e-6 |
NADH(time) | 9.5e-7 |
— v0.0.1Oomens, Maenhout, Vanoijen, Drost, Baaijens, 2003
— v0.0.1Ostby, Oyehaug, Einevoll, Nagelhus, Plahte, Zeuthen, Voipio, Lloyd, Ottersen, Omholt, 2008
Name | Description |
t0 | 10.0 |
Xi | 12.41 |
T | 300.0 |
nA | 6.0221415e23 |
gNBC | 9.03e-5 |
theta_KCC1 | 1.0 |
elementary_charge | 1.6e-19 |
gCl | 8.797e-5 |
gNa | 0.0001314 |
K_Nai | 10.0 |
K_Ko | 1.5 |
Lp | 0.00021 |
Pmax | 1.4207e-10 |
gK | 0.004 |
kc | 0.0735 |
w_tot | 0.0879 |
theta_NBC | 1.0 |
theta_NKCC1 | 1.0 |
t2 | 30.0 |
alpha | 2.0 |
t1 | 20.0 |
beta | 14.0 |
gKCC1 | 1.0e-6 |
gNKCC1 | 5.54e-6 |
R | 8.315 |
zNBC | -1.0 |
F | 96490.0 |
Name | Description |
N_Cli(time) | 0.32879 |
wi(time) | 0.061 |
N_HCO3i(time) | 0.58804 |
N_Nai(time) | 0.99796 |
N_Ko(time) | 0.0807 |
N_Ki(time) | 5.52782 |
N_HCO3o(time) | 0.432552 |
N_Nao(time) | 4.301041 |
— v0.0.1Overgaard 2007
Name | Description |
pEtot | 0.144 |
kR | 5.35 |
c | 3.47 |
t_prime | 45.12 |
Ts | 2.45 |
M_b | 3.0 |
tdose3 | 120.0 |
Nf | 4.0 |
day_length | 86400.0 |
delta_T | 1.57 |
t_night | 6.73 |
AMT_dose | 3.0 |
tdose1 | 24.0 |
t_day | 17.5 |
pEf1 | 1.0 |
Ns | 4.0 |
pEf2 | 3.57 |
alpha | 0.2229166 |
T_b | 38.0 |
pEs2 | 2.43 |
kinc | 0.0258 |
T_a | 21.0 |
km | 1.1375 |
pEf3 | 8.0 |
delta_high_dose | 1.0 |
tdose2 | 72.0 |
Tf | 0.368 |
pEs1 | 0.2 |
pEs3 | 50.0 |
Name | Description |
M(time) | 3.5 |
T(time) | 38.785 |
BR(time) | 0.0 |
— v0.0.1Oyehaug, Ostby, Lloyd, Omholt, Einevoll, 2011
Name | Description |
P_Ko | 3.0 |
t0 | 100.0 |
T | 300.0 |
gNBC | 80.0 |
P_Kg | 100.0 |
P_wn | 0.05 |
Xg | 8.45 |
gCl | 50.0 |
gNa | 100.0 |
P_Vm_g | -85.0 |
P_Cln | 50.0 |
gleakf | 10.0 |
gKDR | 5000.0 |
P_Kn | 130.0 |
P_wg | 0.05 |
Lp | 2.0e-8 |
gK | 1696.0 |
KmNa | 10.0 |
KmK | 1.5 |
Cm | 1.0 |
P_Nan | 10.0 |
I_NaKATPase_n_max | 0.0289 |
gNaT | 5000.0 |
gleakK | 66.06 |
P_Nao | 146.0 |
gNaP | 150.0 |
P_HCO3o | 15.0 |
P_wo | 0.025 |
rho | 0.5975 |
tau_activation | 6.0 |
Ef_n | -70.0 |
gleakNa | 20.0 |
t1 | 900.0 |
gKA | 1000.0 |
I_NaKATPase_g_max | 0.1151 |
gNKCC1 | 2.0 |
R | 8.315 |
P_Nag | 15.0 |
F | 96490.0 |
Name | Description |
wg(time) | 0.05 |
N_Nag(time) | 0.75 |
N_Kg(time) | 5.0 |
n(time) | 0.0012 |
m(time) | 0.005 |
N_Ko(time) | 0.075 |
h(time) | 0.9718 |
Vm_n(time) | -70.0 |
N_HCO3o(time) | 0.375 |
N_Nao(time) | 3.65 |
— v0.0.1Oyehaug, Ostby, Lloyd, Ottersen, Omholt, Einevoll, 2009
Potassium-mediated positive feedback in astroglia-neuron interaction
Name | Description |
P_Ko | 3.0 |
t0 | 100.0 |
T | 300.0 |
gNBC | 80.0 |
P_Kg | 100.0 |
P_wn | 0.05 |
Xg | 8.45 |
gCl | 50.0 |
gNa | 100.0 |
P_Vm_g | -85.0 |
P_Cln | 50.0 |
gleakf | 10.0 |
gKDR | 5000.0 |
P_Kn | 130.0 |
P_wg | 0.05 |
Lp | 2.0e-8 |
gK | 1696.0 |
KmNa | 10.0 |
KmK | 1.5 |
Cm | 1.0 |
P_Nan | 10.0 |
I_NaKATPase_n_max | 0.0289 |
gNaT | 5000.0 |
gleakK | 66.06 |
P_Nao | 146.0 |
gNaP | 150.0 |
P_HCO3o | 15.0 |
P_wo | 0.025 |
rho | 0.5975 |
tau_activation | 6.0 |
Ef_n | -70.0 |
gleakNa | 20.0 |
t1 | 900.0 |
gKA | 1000.0 |
I_NaKATPase_g_max | 0.1151 |
gNKCC1 | 2.0 |
R | 8.315 |
P_Nag | 15.0 |
F | 96490.0 |
Name | Description |
wg(time) | 0.05 |
N_Nag(time) | 0.75 |
N_Kg(time) | 5.0 |
n(time) | 0.0012 |
m(time) | 0.005 |
N_Ko(time) | 0.075 |
h(time) | 0.9718 |
Vm_n(time) | -70.0 |
N_HCO3o(time) | 0.375 |
N_Nao(time) | 3.65 |
— v0.0.1paci_hyttinen_aaltosetala_severi_2013
Name | Description |
nifed_10nM | 0.0 |
T | 310.0 |
c_rel | 8.232 |
PNaK | 1.841424 |
Buf_C | 0.25 |
Chromanol_iKs70 | 0.0 |
i_stim_Amplitude | 5.5e-10 |
Kbuf_SR | 0.3 |
tau_g | 0.002 |
a_rel | 16.464 |
Ko | 5.4 |
nifed_30nM | 0.0 |
g_to | 29.9038 |
Cm | 9.87109e-11 |
E4031_100nM | 0.0 |
Chromanol_iKs90 | 0.0 |
TTX_3uM | 0.0 |
Chromanol_iKs50 | 0.0 |
KmNai | 87.5 |
tau_fCa | 0.002 |
b_rel | 0.25 |
TTX_10uM | 0.0 |
g_Ks | 2.041 |
VmaxUp | 0.56064 |
i_stim_PulseDuration | 0.005 |
g_K1 | 28.1492 |
g_Kr | 29.8667 |
Kup | 0.00025 |
E_f | -0.017 |
Kbuf_C | 0.001 |
Km_Na | 40.0 |
L0 | 0.025 |
g_b_Ca | 0.69264 |
Q | 2.3 |
Cao | 1.8 |
KPCa | 0.0005 |
V_SR | 583.73 |
Ki | 150.0 |
KmCa | 1.38 |
i_stim_frequency | 60.0 |
g_b_Na | 0.9 |
nifed_100nM | 0.0 |
i_stim_End | 800.0 |
Vc | 8800.0 |
Buf_SR | 10.0 |
Ksat | 0.1 |
PkNa | 0.03 |
Nao | 151.0 |
i_stim_Start | 0.0 |
alpha | 2.8571432 |
E4031_30nM | 0.0 |
g_Na | 3671.2302 |
g_f | 30.10312 |
nifed_3nM | 0.0 |
g_PCa | 0.4125 |
V_leak | 0.00044444 |
kNaCa | 4900.0 |
Chromanol_iKs30 | 0.0 |
Km_K | 1.0 |
TTX_30uM | 0.0 |
g_CaL | 8.635702e-5 |
gamma | 0.35 |
stim_flag | 0.0 |
R | 8.314472 |
F | 96485.3415 |
Name | Description |
d(time) | 8.96088425225182e-5 |
g(time) | 0.999999981028517 |
Xr1(time) | 0.00778547011240132 |
h(time) | 0.786926637881461 |
f2(time) | 0.999965815466749 |
f1(time) | 0.970411811263976 |
Xs(time) | 0.0322944866983666 |
fCa(time) | 0.998925296531804 |
Xr2(time) | 0.432162576531617 |
r(time) | 0.00573289893326379 |
j(time) | 0.253943221774722 |
Xf(time) | 0.100615100568753 |
Vm(time) | -0.0743340057623841 |
m(time) | 0.102953468725004 |
Ca_SR(time) | -0.2734234751931 |
Cai(time) | 1.80773974140477e-5 |
Nai(time) | 10.9248496211574 |
q(time) | 0.839295925773219 |
— v0.0.1Palecek, Horwitz, Lauffenburger, 1999
— v0.0.1Pandit, Clark, Giles, Demir, 2001
Name | Description |
k_a_minus | 576.0 |
K_mEGTA | 0.00015 |
stim_start | 0.1 |
T | 295.0 |
tau_Ca_inact | 0.009 |
K_m_K | 1.5 |
K_SR | 0.55 |
Vmaxr | 0.9 |
k_htrpn_plus | 200000.0 |
d_NaCa | 0.0001 |
k_b_minus | 1930.0 |
i_NaK_max | 0.0504 |
Cm | 0.0001 |
k_htrpn_minus | 0.066 |
g_B_K | 0.000138 |
g_K_slow | 0.014 |
V_NSR | 5.04e-7 |
LTRPN_tot | 0.07 |
V_myo | 9.36e-6 |
EGTA_tot | 0.0 |
g_K1 | 0.024 |
g_Ca_L | 0.025916 |
tau_tr | 0.0005747 |
k_b_plus | 4.05e9 |
k_c_plus | 100.0 |
k_c_minus | 0.8 |
i_Ca_P_max | 0.004 |
a_endo | 0.583 |
k_a_plus | 1.215e13 |
Na_o | 140.0 |
stim_duration | 0.005 |
E_Ca | 65.0 |
v1 | 1800.0 |
b | 0.31 |
g_B_Na | 0.000100188 |
g_ss | 0.005929 |
V_SS | 1.2e-9 |
Ca_o | 1.2 |
tau_xfer | 0.0267 |
a | 0.69 |
V_JSR | 5.6e-8 |
stim_end | 10.0 |
stim_period | 1.0 |
b_endo | 0.417 |
K_mCSQN | 0.8 |
f_Na | 0.2 |
K_mCMDN | 0.00238 |
K_o | 5.4 |
K_fb | 0.000168 |
k_ltrpn_minus | 40.0 |
CSQN_tot | 15.0 |
K_m_Na | 10.0 |
k_ltrpn_plus | 40000.0 |
g_t | 0.02975 |
CMDN_tot | 0.05 |
N_fb | 1.2 |
HTRPN_tot | 0.14 |
N_rb | 1.0 |
Vmaxf | 0.032 |
g_B_Ca | 1.62e-5 |
g_f | 0.00145 |
g_Na | 1.064 |
K_rb | 3.29 |
stim_amplitude | -0.6 |
E_Ca_L | 65.0 |
m | 3.0 |
gamma_NaCa | 0.5 |
K_NaCa | 9.984e-6 |
R | 8314.5 |
F | 96487.0 |
n | 4.0 |
Name | Description |
P_C1(time) | 0.6348229 |
Ca_ss(time) | 8.737212e-5 |
Ca_NSR(time) | 0.06600742 |
P_C2(time) | 0.3647471 |
y(time) | 0.003578708 |
s_slow(time) | 0.6421196 |
HTRPNCa(time) | 0.1394301 |
f_11(time) | 0.9999529 |
j(time) | 0.6729362 |
s_K_slow(time) | 0.314 |
m(time) | 0.004164108 |
s(time) | 0.9842542 |
Na_i(time) | 10.73519 |
d(time) | 2.171081e-6 |
LTRPNCa(time) | 0.0051619 |
V(time) | -80.50146 |
h(time) | 0.6735613 |
r_ss(time) | 0.002907171 |
f_12(time) | 0.9999529 |
s_ss(time) | 0.3142767 |
K_i(time) | 139.2751 |
Ca_JSR(time) | 0.06607948 |
P_O1(time) | 0.0004327548 |
r(time) | 0.002191519 |
r_K_slow(time) | 0.642 |
Ca_i(time) | 7.901351e-5 |
P_O2(time) | 6.06254e-10 |
Ca_inact(time) | 0.9913102 |
— v0.0.1Pandit, Giles, Demir, 2003
Name | Description |
g_ss_normal | 0.0077 |
k_a_minus | 576.0 |
K_mEGTA | 0.00015 |
stim_start | 0.1 |
T | 295.0 |
tau_Ca_inact | 0.009 |
K_m_K | 1.5 |
K_SR_normal | 1.0 |
g_t_normal | 0.04375 |
Vmaxr | 0.9 |
k_htrpn_plus | 200000.0 |
g_Ca_L_normal | 0.0341 |
d_NaCa | 0.0001 |
k_b_minus | 1930.0 |
Diabetes | 0.0 |
Cm | 0.0001 |
k_htrpn_minus | 0.066 |
g_B_K | 0.000138 |
V_NSR | 5.04e-6 |
Vmaxf_normal | 0.04 |
i_NaK_max_normal | 0.08 |
LTRPN_tot | 0.07 |
V_myo | 9.36e-6 |
EGTA_tot | 10.0 |
g_K1 | 0.024 |
k_b_plus | 4.05e9 |
tau_tr | 0.0005747 |
k_c_plus | 100.0 |
k_c_minus | 0.8 |
i_Ca_P_max | 0.004 |
k_a_plus | 1.215e13 |
Na_o | 140.0 |
stim_duration | 0.005 |
v1 | 1800.0 |
Ca_o | 1.2 |
V_SS | 1.2e-8 |
tau_xfer | 0.0267 |
V_JSR | 5.6e-7 |
stim_end | 10.0 |
stim_period | 1.0 |
K_mCSQN | 0.8 |
f_Na | 0.2 |
K_mCMDN | 0.00238 |
K_o | 5.4 |
K_fb | 0.000168 |
k_ltrpn_minus | 40.0 |
CSQN_tot | 15.0 |
K_m_Na | 10.0 |
k_ltrpn_plus | 40000.0 |
CMDN_tot | 0.05 |
N_fb | 1.2 |
HTRPN_tot | 0.14 |
N_rb | 1.0 |
g_Na | 1.064 |
g_f | 0.00145 |
g_B_Na_normal | 8.015e-5 |
K_rb | 3.29 |
stim_amplitude | -0.6 |
E_Ca_L | 65.0 |
m | 3.0 |
gamma_NaCa | 0.5 |
g_B_Ca_normal | 3.24e-5 |
K_NaCa | 9.984e-6 |
R | 8314.5 |
F | 96487.0 |
n | 4.0 |
Name | Description |
P_C1(time) | 0.6348229 |
Ca_ss(time) | 8.737212e-5 |
Ca_NSR(time) | 0.06600742 |
P_C2(time) | 0.3647471 |
y(time) | 0.003578708 |
s_slow(time) | 0.6421196 |
HTRPNCa(time) | 0.1394301 |
f_11(time) | 0.9999529 |
j(time) | 0.6729362 |
m(time) | 0.004164108 |
s(time) | 0.9842542 |
Na_i(time) | 10.73519 |
d(time) | 2.171081e-6 |
LTRPNCa(time) | 0.0051619 |
V(time) | -80.50146 |
h(time) | 0.6735613 |
r_ss(time) | 0.002907171 |
f_12(time) | 0.9999529 |
s_ss(time) | 0.3142767 |
K_i(time) | 139.2751 |
Ca_JSR(time) | 0.06607948 |
P_O1(time) | 0.0004327548 |
r(time) | 0.002191519 |
Ca_i(time) | 7.901351e-5 |
P_O2(time) | 6.06254e-10 |
Ca_inact(time) | 0.9913102 |
— v0.0.1Panerai, 1980
Name | Description |
a_1 | 200.0 |
c_2_0 | 20.0 |
x | 10.0 |
beta_p | 20.0 |
x_po | 0.221 |
t_d | 0.3 |
h | 12.0 |
beta_s | 20.0 |
b_1 | 5.0 |
k_i | 30.9 |
g_2 | 240.0 |
c_1 | 2.0e14 |
Ca_0 | 4.5e-7 |
x_so | 0.0387 |
q | 1.45 |
L_max | 1.0 |
AT_0 | 2.0 |
g_1 | 40.0 |
alpha_s | 0.1027 |
f_1 | 70.0 |
alpha_p | 0.00224 |
F_PL | 3.0 |
Name | Description |
A_c(t) | 1.0 |
n(t) | 0.0 |
— v0.0.1Parent, Supplisson, Loo, Wright, 1992
Electrogenic properties of the cloned Na+/Glucose cotransporter: II. A transport model under nonrapid equilibrium conditions.
Name | Description |
k0_54 | 1.83e7 |
k0_56 | 10.0 |
Na_o | 0.14 |
k0_21 | 500.0 |
T | 310.0 |
Na_i | 0.0196 |
k0_34 | 50.0 |
k0_16 | 35.0 |
delta | 0.7 |
z_c | -2.0 |
k0_25 | 0.3 |
z_Na | 1.0 |
k0_12 | 80000.0 |
alpha_pp | 0.0 |
k0_45 | 800.0 |
k0_43 | 50.0 |
k0_65 | 50.0 |
k0_32 | 20.0 |
glucose_o | 0.005 |
glucose_i | 0.0151 |
k0_61 | 5.0 |
area | 1.0e6 |
N_Avo | 6.022e23 |
k0_23 | 100000.0 |
k0_52 | 1.37 |
N_C | 6.0e10 |
R | 8.314 |
F | 96485.34 |
n | 2.0 |
Name | Description |
C_1(time) | 1.505e-8 |
C_3(time) | 2.4603e-10 |
V(time) | -0.0554 |
C_2(time) | 7.3976e-8 |
C_5(time) | 1.5338e-9 |
C_6_temp(time) | 8.484e-9 |
C_4(time) | 3.4444e-10 |
— v0.0.1Pasek, Simurda, Christe, 2006
— v0.0.1Pasek, Simurda, Orchard, Christe, 2008
Name | Description |
f | 300.0 |
fKNat | 0.526 |
T | 310.0 |
g_Naps | 0.0053 |
fK1t | 0.8 |
f2 | 5.0 |
fNabt | 0.526 |
tau_K | 0.2 |
K_e | 5.4 |
kcm | 0.8 |
i_NaCa_max | 0.00025 |
omega | 10.0 |
kam | 576.0 |
i_NaK_max | 1.5 |
g_KATP | 1.0 |
Na_e | 140.0 |
g | 2000.0 |
P_nsK | 1.75e-7 |
fCaLt | 0.64 |
fKATPt | 0.526 |
q_Ks | 0.1975 |
rt | 1.4815e-5 |
fnsKt | 0.526 |
fNapst | 0.526 |
ATP_i | 6.8 |
fNaKt | 0.526 |
P_nsNa | 1.75e-7 |
P_KL | 4.8e-6 |
fCabt | 0.526 |
tau_r2 | 0.02 |
g_K1 | 0.75 |
tau_tr | 0.03448 |
fNaCat | 0.526 |
stim_Period | 1.0 |
Lt | 0.000593 |
fpCat | 0.2 |
q_Kr | 0.8 |
fKtot | 0.526 |
fnsNat | 0.526 |
P_CaL | 0.0048 |
fNat | 0.64 |
tau_r3 | 0.08 |
tau_d | 0.003125 |
b | 2.0 |
i_pCa_max | 1.15 |
g_Nab | 0.00075 |
a | 2.0 |
PRNaK | 0.01833 |
fr2 | 1.0 |
Ca_e | 1.8 |
kbm | 1930.0 |
g2 | 7000.0 |
ptcm | 2.1028875e7 |
rc | 0.000593 |
g_KNa | 0.12848 |
kcp | 18.0 |
tau_Ca | 0.24 |
fKst | 0.526 |
g_Na | 30.0 |
Rot | 83.33 |
fKrt | 0.526 |
g_Cab | 0.0021 |
Lc | 0.013 |
g_Kp | 0.006 |
g_Kto | 0.0 |
tau_Na | 0.2 |
fKpt | 0.526 |
R | 8310.0 |
F | 96500.0 |
Name | Description |
Na_t(time) | 139.93239 |
Cca2(time) | 6.615513e-11 |
Cca1(time) | 5.8135383e-7 |
TC1(time) | 7.5720257e-5 |
CaSRrel(time) | 1.0326252 |
TCca4(time) | 4.6165955e-19 |
CaSRup(time) | 1.0200296 |
K_t(time) | 5.4140321 |
C3(time) | 2.7463178e-14 |
y(time) | 0.7813477 |
Vm_t(time) | -85.208034 |
Cca4(time) | 4.6640361e-19 |
r3(time) | 0.96250049 |
r2(time) | 0.9625701 |
F4(time) | 0.19442578 |
C1(time) | 7.5722514e-5 |
TCca2(time) | 6.6150547e-11 |
Ccast(time) | 0.0019155065 |
TCcast(time) | 0.0019155245 |
TCca3(time) | 3.3423167e-15 |
Ca_t(time) | 1.8476402 |
F2(time) | 0.00026639195 |
BTRL(time) | 0.081740868 |
Cca3(time) | 3.3426555e-15 |
Cst(time) | 0.99797984 |
xr(time) | 0.00020469344 |
F3(time) | 4.9455459e-10 |
Ca_ss(time) | 9.5977033e-5 |
xs(time) | 0.0061359896 |
C2(time) | 2.1545646e-9 |
TCcao(time) | 3.75926e-22 |
TCst(time) | 0.99798934 |
TCo(time) | -1.3449454e-17 |
TC4(time) | -5.7367189e-17 |
m(time) | 0.0034129472 |
C4(time) | -5.7569102e-17 |
Na_i(time) | 11.120279 |
TCca1(time) | 5.8133643e-7 |
h(time) | 0.82699973 |
TC3(time) | 2.7459475e-14 |
Vm_s(time) | -85.207812 |
BTRH(time) | 0.96700747 |
K_i(time) | 136.78926 |
Ccao(time) | 3.7986638e-22 |
TC2(time) | 2.1544156e-9 |
Co(time) | -1.3496934e-17 |
F1(time) | 0.8053082 |
Ca_i(time) | 8.8787034e-5 |
— v0.0.1Pedersen, Bertram, Sherman, 2005
Name | Description |
K3 | 50000.0 |
I_max | 20.0 |
fer | 0.01 |
ngk | 4.0 |
r | 0.5 |
pleak | 0.0002 |
gkATP_bar | 2000.0 |
kPMCA | 0.18 |
fatp | 20.0 |
fcyt | 0.01 |
glustep | 0.0 |
nh | 2.0 |
kSERCA | 0.4 |
tau_I | 10000.0 |
vCa | 25.0 |
vK | -75.0 |
steptime | 480000.0 |
fbt | 20.0 |
Vgk | 0.8 |
fmt | 20.0 |
gluper | 7.0 |
K4 | 1000.0 |
ffbp | 0.2 |
glubasa1 | 7.0 |
autoadp | 1.0 |
Kgk | 7.0 |
Vglut | 8.0 |
kg | 0.1 |
K1 | 30.0 |
K2 | 1.0 |
adpknot | 800.0 |
Kglut | 7.0 |
delta | 8.0 |
pfkbas | 0.06 |
gkCa | 400.0 |
ki | 0.1 |
kappa | 0.005 |
KD | 0.5 |
gK | 2700.0 |
alpha | 4.5e-6 |
gCa | 1000.0 |
r1 | 0.35 |
famp | 0.02 |
cat | 2.0 |
tau_a | 300000.0 |
Atot | 3000.0 |
sigmav | 31.0 |
ky | 2.2 |
gluamp | 0.0 |
cm | 5300.0 |
Name | Description |
G6P(time) | 525.97 |
Gi(time) | 6.0637 |
n(time) | 0.00012 |
I(time) | 0.316 |
FBP(time) | 0.2088 |
v(time) | -66.7 |
Caer(time) | 121.8 |
ADP(time) | 537.6 |
Ca(time) | 0.05626 |
— v0.0.1Per Pixel Lighting
— v0.0.1Perelson 1993
Name | Description |
N_AZT | 1050.0 |
T_max | 1500.0 |
T_0 | 1000.0 |
k_4 | 2.424 |
r | 0.03 |
mu_V | 2.4 |
tau | 1096.0 |
N_initial | 1400.0 |
k_3 | 0.023 |
mu_b | 0.24 |
theta | 1.0 |
mu_T | 0.02 |
V_0 | 0.001 |
t_min | 2.0 |
N | 1000.0 |
k_2 | 0.003 |
gamma | 2.0e-5 |
s | 10.0 |
p | 0.01 |
k_1 | 2.4e-5 |
Name | Description |
T_1(time) | 0.0 |
T_2(time) | 0.0 |
V(time) | 0.001 |
T(time) | 1000.0 |
— v0.0.1Perelson, Neumann, Markowitz, Leonard, Ho, 1996
Name | Description |
c | 3.07 |
T | 170000.0 |
N | 774.0 |
k | 2.4e-5 |
delta | 0.49 |
Name | Description |
VNI(time) | 0.0 |
VI(time) | 216000.0 |
T_star(time) | 0.0 |
— v0.0.1Phillips 2007
Name | Description |
tau_m | 10.0 |
v_vc | -6.3 |
Qmax | 100.0 |
Vao | 1.0 |
mu | 3.6 |
sigma | 3.0 |
theta | 10.0 |
tau_v | 10.0 |
v_mv | -1.9 |
chi | 10.8 |
v_vh | 0.19 |
v_maQao | 1.0 |
v_vm | -1.9 |
c0 | 1.0 |
Name | Description |
H(time) | 15.0 |
Vv(time) | 0.0 |
Vm(time) | 0.0 |
— v0.0.1Phillips 2008
Name | Description |
tau_m | 10.0 |
A | 1.3 |
v_vc | -2.9 |
awake_start | 167.04 |
Qmax | 100.0 |
alpha | 0.0 |
mu | 4.4 |
sigma | 3.0 |
theta | 10.0 |
tau_v | 10.0 |
v_mv | -1.8 |
chi | 45.0 |
v_vh | 1.0 |
awake_end | 240.0 |
v_vm | -2.1 |
c0 | 4.5 |
Name | Description |
H(time) | 15.0 |
Vv(time) | -12.5 |
Vm(time) | 0.0 |
— v0.0.1Pivonka, Zimak, Smith, Gardiner, Dunstan, Sims, Martin and Mundy, 2008
Name | Description |
A_OC_a | 0.7 |
KD_RANKL_activate | 4.457 |
OC_a_initial | 1.0 |
pd_OC_a | 0.0 |
Deg_OPG | 0.35 |
K_A1_RANKL | 0.001 |
K_A2_RANKL | 0.03412 |
D_OB_p | 0.2674 |
KD_TGF_repress | 0.001416 |
KD_TGF_activate | 0.004545 |
k_res | 200.0 |
RANK | 10.0 |
KD_PTH_activate | 0.2226 |
KD_PTH_repress | 150.0 |
R2_OB_a_RANKL | 0.0 |
Deg_RANKL | 10.13 |
pd_OB_p | 0.0 |
beta_RANKL | 16840.0 |
beta2_OB_a_OPG | 1.0 |
pd_OB_a | 0.0 |
P_OPG_d | 0.0 |
alpha | 1.0 |
beta_PTH | 250.0 |
P_PTH_d | 0.0 |
Deg_PTH | 86.0 |
k_form | 1.571 |
D_OB_u | 0.0007 |
OB_a_initial | 1.0 |
R_RANKL | 2.703e6 |
beta1_OB_p_OPG | 0.0 |
R1_OB_p_RANKL | 1.0 |
beta_OPG | 1.625e8 |
A_OB_a | 0.189 |
P_RANKL_d | 0.0 |
OPG_max | 2.0e8 |
Name | Description |
OB_p(time) | 0.0006194 |
OB_a(time) | 0.0005584 |
BV(time) | 100.0 |
OC_a(time) | 0.000807 |
— v0.0.1Plant, 1981
Name | Description |
tau_xT | 235.0 |
V_H_Na | 115.0 |
K_c | 0.0085 |
Kp | 0.5 |
g_L | 0.003 |
V_I | 30.0 |
V_K | -75.0 |
V_L | -40.0 |
rho | 0.0003 |
g_P | 0.03 |
g_K | 0.3 |
V_H_K | -12.0 |
V_Ca | 140.0 |
Name | Description |
V(time) | -54.0 |
xT(time) | 0.1 |
c(time) | 0.1 |
xK(time) | 0.1 |
yI(time) | 0.1 |
— v0.0.1Poh, 2012
Name | Description |
f_2 | 300.0 |
P_NCX | 1992.335 |
Q10K | 3.1 |
T | 310.0 |
K_D_CaM | 0.0001 |
Q10Na | 2.45 |
n_CaM | 4.0 |
Cao | 2.0 |
g_NsK | 0.017512 |
g_BK | 80.0 |
CaM_total | 0.012 |
t_ICCpeak | 300.0 |
period | 10000.0 |
g_Kv | 1.0217 |
Ko | 5.4 |
V_ICCamp | 33.5 |
Cm | 50.0 |
Q10Ca | 2.1 |
t_slope | 600.0 |
Nao | 140.0 |
K_mK | 1.0 |
K_mNai | 87.5 |
g_Na | 25.1 |
P_NaK | 9.26 |
k_sat | 0.1 |
Gcouple | 2.6 |
t_ICCplateau | 9700.0 |
V_ICCrest | -57.0 |
K_mNa | 40.0 |
CRT_total | 0.034 |
g_NsNa | 0.022488 |
n_CRT | 1.0 |
g_CaT | 0.0425 |
f_1 | 12000.0 |
gamma | 0.35 |
g_CaL | 1.44 |
K_mCa | 1.38 |
K_D_CRT | 0.0009 |
R | 8.314 |
F | 96.48534 |
Name | Description |
IVf(time) | 4.0998751301597e-6 |
x_Kv(time) | 0.14714161078933 |
IVfCa(time) | 8.84306615061238e-8 |
O_Na(time) | 1.96760342050475e-6 |
C2(time) | 0.0109545368437155 |
IVs(time) | 1.1193313274705e-6 |
C0(time) | 0.815464741971086 |
C2Ca(time) | 0.000230369020877669 |
O2(time) | 2.85143702125325e-8 |
C3Ca(time) | 7.1754726923539e-6 |
C3(time) | 0.973782548650071 |
IVsCa(time) | 2.41429816075123e-8 |
I2(time) | 0.00318975045717667 |
f_CaT(time) | 0.377831534375835 |
O1(time) | 5.55636826398253e-8 |
C4(time) | 0.000759264410974374 |
Nai(time) | 10.5731241425458 |
O_CaL(time) | 3.88576045134351e-6 |
O3(time) | 1.59832806123435e-6 |
C1Ca(time) | 0.00328711668724504 |
V(time) | -73.5049651455872 |
d_CaT(time) | 0.0791635737410974 |
C1(time) | 0.0119443135223679 |
O4(time) | 1.82113764497095e-6 |
C0Ca(time) | 0.0175888495282545 |
Ki(time) | 153.604280337996 |
y_Kv(time) | 0.99994773314105 |
Cai(time) | 5.38843941249284e-5 |
ICa(time) | 8.38123983500905e-8 |
O0(time) | 6.94960798375172e-7 |
I1(time) | 0.000126882921013389 |
— v0.0.1Potter, Greller, Cho, Nuttall, Stroup, Suva, Tobin, 2005
Name | Description |
kcl | 0.005 |
De | 0.0 |
dmin | 0.0 |
k4_ | 0.4 |
j | 9.0 |
k1 | 1.0e-6 |
k3_ | 0.0001 |
k2_ | 0.001 |
k4 | 0.002 |
Dd | 0.015 |
k3 | 0.001 |
dmax | 7.5 |
tau_on | 0.5 |
tau_off | 0.5 |
k1_ | 0.001 |
k2 | 1.0e-7 |
Name | Description |
P(time) | 3.0 |
Ra(time) | 16.9 |
Ci(time) | 0.05 |
Ri(time) | 1.7 |
Ca(time) | 0.0004 |
— v0.0.1Potter, Zager, Barton, 2006
Name | Description |
kDNA_offTTsec | 2.4 |
kTR_on | 0.14 |
kLH1 | 0.13 |
kDNA_onDDcd | 0.14 |
kDNA_onTT5a | 0.14 |
kTT_off | 3.13 |
kDA_on | 0.15 |
alpha_D | 0.75 |
kTT_on | 0.14 |
Ql | 1.06 |
kcpl | 1.17e-7 |
kcd1 | 0.014 |
kDT_off | 3.13 |
kDNA_offDDsec | 0.2 |
CTb | 0.6275 |
kDNA_onDTsec | 0.14 |
CDp | 52.46 |
kDNA_onDT5a | 0.14 |
kDNA_offTTcp | 8.4 |
kDR_on | 0.053 |
kLH4 | 0.8 |
kDNA_offDT5a | 0.56 |
CTst | 307.29 |
kLH2 | 0.026 |
VPL2 | 3.08e-6 |
k2T | 0.17 |
alpha_T | 0.25 |
kflo | 0.043 |
k5a | 3.02 |
VPC2 | 5.08e-5 |
CTp | 11.38 |
CTif | 307.29 |
PTst | 1.0 |
k1R | 68.15 |
CTl | 9.92 |
kDA_off | 5407.0 |
NDp | 1.0 |
kQp | 73.84 |
kDR_off | 0.018 |
VPC1b | 0.0001 |
kDNA_onDTcp | 0.14 |
kLH3 | 0.000168 |
CTbl | 7.6 |
kDNA_offDDcd | 0.1 |
kDD_off | 3.13 |
PTl | 2.75 |
CDNAsec | 0.075 |
Qc | 6.08 |
kDNA_onDD5a | 0.14 |
kDT_on | 0.14 |
PDb | 0.62 |
k1D | 77.2 |
keR | 71.9 |
kDNA_onTTcd | 0.14 |
CA | 500000.0 |
kDNA_offDDcp | 0.7 |
kDNA_offDD5a | 0.07 |
CDNA5a | 0.075 |
CDNAcp | 0.075 |
km5alpha | 40.0 |
kDD_on | 0.14 |
k1T | 87.93 |
kTR_off | 0.069 |
kTA_off | 8131.0 |
kDNA_onDTcd | 0.14 |
CDNAcd | 0.075 |
kDNA_onDDcp | 0.14 |
Qt | 0.061 |
CDl | 0.92 |
mu | 1000.0 |
ts | 0.56 |
kDNA_onTTsec | 0.14 |
kDNA_onTTcp | 0.14 |
kDNA_offDTcp | 5.6 |
Vmax0 | 2.89 |
kDNA_offTT5a | 0.84 |
CDbl | 0.59 |
ksec | 8.44e-6 |
PDl | 2.0 |
PTif | 1.96 |
NTp | 0.79 |
PTb | 1.0 |
kDNA_offDTcd | 0.8 |
kDNA_onDDsec | 0.14 |
CDb | 0.019884 |
CLH | 0.104 |
kDNA_offTTcd | 1.2 |
kDNA_offDTsec | 1.6 |
Vmax1 | 3.65 |
kTA_on | 0.18 |
Name | Description |
CTTcp(time) | 0.0 |
ATst(time) | 0.0 |
ADbl(time) | 0.0 |
CT_R(time) | 0.0 |
VPC1(time) | 0.0 |
ATb(time) | 0.0 |
ATl(time) | 0.0 |
CDD5a(time) | 0.0 |
CDTsec(time) | 0.0 |
CDD(time) | 0.0 |
CTT(time) | 0.0 |
CDTcd(time) | 0.0 |
CDTcp(time) | 0.0 |
CDT5a(time) | 0.0 |
CT_A(time) | 0.0 |
CDDsec(time) | 0.0 |
CD_R(time) | 0.0 |
AR(time) | 0.0 |
ADb(time) | 0.0 |
ATp(time) | 0.0 |
ATbl(time) | 0.0 |
VPL1(time) | 0.0 |
CD_A(time) | 0.0 |
CTTsec(time) | 0.0 |
CTTcd(time) | 0.0 |
ALH(time) | 0.0 |
ATif(time) | 0.0 |
CDDcp(time) | 0.0 |
ADp(time) | 0.0 |
CDT(time) | 0.0 |
CTT5a(time) | 0.0 |
CDDcd(time) | 0.0 |
ADl(time) | 0.0 |
— v0.0.1Priebe, Beuckelmann, 1998
Name | Description |
preplength | 100.0 |
T | 310.15 |
Tn_max | 0.07 |
failing | 0.0 |
Km_Ca | 0.0006 |
K_mup | 0.00092 |
G_rel_max | 22.0 |
stim_offset | 0.0 |
delta_Ca_ith | 5.0e-6 |
K_sat | 0.1 |
Ko | 4.0 |
Logicthresh | 0.98 |
CMDN_max | 0.05 |
V_step | 0.0 |
Cm | 153.4 |
V_clamp | 0.0 |
K_mNa | 87.5 |
eta | 0.35 |
tau_tr | 180.0 |
K_mCa | 1.38 |
stim_duration | 3.0 |
Cao | 2.0 |
stim_period | 1000.0 |
buffon | 1.0 |
g_Ca_max | 0.064 |
K_mCSQN | 0.8 |
K_mCMDN | 0.00238 |
radius | 11.0 |
V_hold | -60.0 |
Nao | 138.0 |
K_mNai | 10.0 |
g_Na | 16.0 |
G_rel_overload | 3.0 |
stim_amplitude | -15.0 |
K_mrel | 0.0008 |
CSQN_max | 10.0 |
K_mTn | 0.0005 |
g_Ks_max | 0.02 |
K_mKo | 1.5 |
CSQNthresh | 0.7 |
R | 8.3143 |
F | 96.4867 |
g_Kr_max | 0.015 |
Name | Description |
OVRLDtrack3(time) | 1.0e-6 |
Ca_NSR(time) | 2.5 |
OVRLDtrack2(time) | 1.0e-6 |
t(time) | 0.999897251531651 |
f(time) | 0.92130376850548 |
Cainfluxtrack(time) | -7.71120176147331e-138 |
APtrack2(time) | -7.58517896402761e-136 |
j(time) | 0.997011204496203 |
m(time) | 0.000585525582501575 |
APtrack3(time) | 4.82035353592764e-5 |
Nai(time) | 10.0 |
APtrack(time) | -1.372158997089e-136 |
d(time) | 2.50653215966786e-10 |
OVRLDtrack(time) | 1.0e-6 |
V(time) | -90.7796417483135 |
h(time) | 0.995865529216237 |
Xs(time) | 0.00885658064818147 |
Ca_JSR(time) | 2.5 |
Ki(time) | 140.0 |
r(time) | 1.75032478501027e-5 |
Cai(time) | 0.0002 |
Xr(time) | 0.000215523048438941 |
— v0.0.1Proctor, 2005
Mechanisms of aging and development
Name | Description |
k14 | 0.05 |
k21 | 1.0e-5 |
k20 | 0.1 |
k10 | 0.01 |
k9 | 1.0 |
k18 | 12.0 |
k13 | 0.5 |
k12 | 0.5 |
k15 | 0.08 |
k16 | 1000.0 |
k1 | 10.0 |
k8 | 500.0 |
k19 | 0.02 |
k4 | 1.0e-5 |
k3 | 50.0 |
k7 | 1.0e-7 |
k17 | 8.02e-9 |
k6 | 6.0e-7 |
k5 | 4.0e-6 |
k2 | 2.0e-5 |
k11 | 100.0 |
Name | Description |
HSE_TriH(time) | 0.0 |
NatP(time) | 6.0e6 |
ROS(time) | 100.0 |
HCom(time) | 5900.0 |
MCom(time) | 0.0 |
ATP(time) | 10000.0 |
AggP(time) | 0.0 |
Hsp90(time) | 300000.0 |
TriH(time) | 0.0 |
MisP(time) | 0.0 |
HSE(time) | 1.0 |
DiH(time) | 0.0 |
ADP(time) | 1000.0 |
HSF1(time) | 100.0 |
— v0.0.1Proctor, 2007
An in silico model of the ubiquitin-proteasome system that incorporates normal homeostasis and age-related decline
Name | Description |
k65 | 0.001 |
k69 | 0.0 |
k63 | 0.001 |
k72 | 1.0e-8 |
k61r | 0.0002 |
k71 | 1.0e-8 |
k62 | 0.0002 |
k73 | 0.001 |
k66 | 1.0e-5 |
k1 | 0.01 |
k61 | 1.7e-5 |
k3 | 4.0e-6 |
k74 | 1.0e-5 |
k68 | 1.0e-5 |
k64 | 0.001 |
k2 | 2.0e-6 |
k67 | 1.0e-5 |
Name | Description |
MisP_Ub6(time) | 0.0 |
MisP_Ub4(time) | 0.0 |
Proteasome(time) | 100.0 |
E3_MisP(time) | 0.0 |
degUb5(time) | 0.0 |
MisP_Ub7_Proteasome(time) | 0.0 |
ROS(time) | 10.0 |
AMP(time) | 1000.0 |
E1(time) | 100.0 |
ATP(time) | 10000.0 |
MisP_Ub6_Proteasome(time) | 0.0 |
degUb6(time) | 0.0 |
MisP_Ub5(time) | 0.0 |
degUb8(time) | 0.0 |
SeqAggP(time) | 0.0 |
MisP_Ub3(time) | 0.0 |
E2_Ub(time) | 0.0 |
ADP(time) | 1000.0 |
NatP_refolded(time) | 0.0 |
MisP_Ub5_Proteasome(time) | 0.0 |
NatP(time) | 500.0 |
E2(time) | 100.0 |
Ub(time) | 500.0 |
E1_Ub(time) | 0.0 |
MisP_Ub7(time) | 0.0 |
E3(time) | 100.0 |
MisP_total(time) | 0.0 |
AggP(time) | 0.0 |
MisP_Ub(time) | 0.0 |
MisP_Ub8_Proteasome(time) | 0.0 |
MisP(time) | 0.0 |
AggP_Proteasome(time) | 0.0 |
degUb4(time) | 0.0 |
MisP_Ub8(time) | 0.0 |
degUb7(time) | 0.0 |
MisP_Ub4_Proteasome(time) | 0.0 |
DUB(time) | 200.0 |
MisP_Ub2(time) | 0.0 |
— v0.0.1Puglisi, Bers, 2001
Name | Description |
gamma_Cai | nothing |
gamma_Cao | nothing |
T | nothing |
TRPN_max | nothing |
C | nothing |
P_Na | nothing |
Km_Ca | nothing |
g_Cl | nothing |
delta_Ca_i2 | nothing |
K_mup | nothing |
delta_Ca_ith | nothing |
E_K | nothing |
K_sat | nothing |
delta_Ca_JSR | nothing |
Y_to | nothing |
gamma_Nao | nothing |
tau_on | nothing |
g_to | nothing |
CMDN_max | nothing |
V_NSR | nothing |
E_Cl | nothing |
R_A_V | nothing |
P_NaK | nothing |
K_mNa | nothing |
eta | nothing |
V_myo | nothing |
I_stim | nothing |
tau_tr | nothing |
Ca_NSR_max | nothing |
K_mCa | nothing |
E_Na | nothing |
Cao | nothing |
X_to | nothing |
g_Nab | nothing |
K_mpCa | nothing |
gamma_Nai | nothing |
V_JSR | nothing |
K_mCSQN | nothing |
K_mCMDN | nothing |
delta_Ca | nothing |
gamma_Ki | nothing |
t | nothing |
tau_off | nothing |
A_cap | nothing |
I_pCa | nothing |
I_NaK | nothing |
Nao | nothing |
K_mTRPN | nothing |
K_mNai | nothing |
P_Ca | nothing |
g_Na | nothing |
I_up | nothing |
V_cleft | nothing |
g_Cab | nothing |
CSQN_th | nothing |
g_Kp | nothing |
K_mrel | nothing |
CSQN_max | nothing |
g_Ca_T | nothing |
gamma_Ko | nothing |
K_NaCa | nothing |
K_mKo | nothing |
R | nothing |
P_K | nothing |
F | nothing |
Name | Description |
d(time) | nothing |
g(time) | nothing |
V(time) | nothing |
h(time) | nothing |
Ca_NSR(time) | nothing |
f(time) | nothing |
Xs(time) | nothing |
Ko(time) | nothing |
Ca_JSR(time) | nothing |
Ki(time) | nothing |
b(time) | nothing |
j(time) | nothing |
m(time) | nothing |
Xr(time) | nothing |
Nai(time) | nothing |
Cai(time) | nothing |
Ca_foot(time) | nothing |
— v0.0.1Purvis, Butera, 2005
Name | Description |
tau_m | 5.0 |
tau_z | 1.0 |
K2 | 0.04 |
E_Ca | 40.0 |
i_stimAmplitude | 10.0 |
C | 0.04 |
theta_1 | 40.0 |
theta_h | 70.0 |
sigma_h | 3.0 |
sigma_1 | 5.0 |
theta_2 | 74.0 |
g_P | 0.05 |
E_K | -80.0 |
g_N | 0.05 |
sigma_2 | 7.5 |
i_stimStart | 10.0 |
sigma_m | 6.0 |
sigma_n | 25.0 |
g_NaP | 0.05 |
g_SK | 0.3 |
tau_h | 25.0 |
g_H | 0.005 |
g_Na | 0.7 |
theta_n | 30.0 |
E_leak | -50.0 |
g_K | 1.3 |
i_stimEnd | 11.0 |
g_leak | 0.005 |
g_T | 0.1 |
E_H | -38.8 |
E_Na | 60.0 |
theta_m | 30.0 |
g_A | 1.0 |
K1 | -500.0 |
Name | Description |
V(time) | -71.847 |
h(time) | 0.649 |
m(time) | 0.001 |
n(time) | 0.158 |
z(time) | 0.0 |
Ca_conc(time) | 0.0604 |
— v0.0.1Purvis, Smith, Koizumi, Butera, 2007
Name | Description |
i_app | 0.0 |
omega_m | -5.0 |
C | 0.021 |
g_Na | 28.0 |
theta_n | -29.0 |
omega_h | 6.0 |
E_leak | -57.5 |
theta_h | -53.0 |
tau_h_max | 10000.0 |
g_K | 11.2 |
E_syn_e | 0.0 |
E_K | -85.0 |
g_tonic_e | 0.2 |
g_leak | 2.2 |
tau_n_max | 10.0 |
omega_n | -4.0 |
theta_m | -34.0 |
E_Na | 50.0 |
g_NaP | 1.5 |
Name | Description |
V(time) | -50.0 |
h(time) | 0.92 |
n(time) | 0.01 |
— v0.0.1Qu, Maclellan, Weiss, 2003
Name | Description |
k2u | 50.0 |
k14 | 1.0 |
bz | 0.1 |
k10 | 10.0 |
k9 | 1.0 |
k13 | 1.0 |
bw | 0.1 |
k15 | 1.0 |
aw | 10.0 |
tau | 25.0 |
k8 | 100.0 |
a | 4.0 |
az | 10.0 |
cz | 1.0 |
ci | 1.0 |
k4 | 30.0 |
k7u | 0.0 |
k6 | 1.0 |
CDK_T | 200.0 |
k11 | 1.0 |
k12 | 0.0 |
k16 | 2.0 |
k1 | 300.0 |
k16u | 25.0 |
cw | 1.0 |
k3 | 30.0 |
bi | 0.1 |
k7 | 10.0 |
k5 | 0.1 |
ai | 10.0 |
k2 | 5.0 |
Name | Description |
APC(time) | 0.0 |
Cdc25(time) | 0.0 |
wee1(time) | 0.0 |
Cdc25_P(time) | 0.0 |
CKI(time) | 0.0 |
cyclin(time) | 0.0 |
cyclin_CDK_CKI(time) | 0.0 |
Cdc25_2P(time) | 0.0 |
cyclin_CDK_inactive(time) | 0.1 |
cyclin_CDK_CKI_P(time) | 0.0 |
cyclin_CDK_active(time) | 0.1 |
wee1_P(time) | 0.0 |
— v0.0.1Ralser at el. 2007
Name | Description |
KmG3PDHNAD | 0.93 |
KmGLTGLCo | 1.1918 |
KmGA3P | 0.1 |
VmR5PIf | 1039.0 |
KmADHACE | 1.11 |
KmPGMP2G | 0.08 |
GLY | 0.15 |
VmDHAP | 10900.0 |
VmPGI | 339.677 |
CPFKAMP | 0.0845 |
VmTransk1r | 2.0 |
KmG3PDHDHAP | 0.4 |
KmGLKADP | 0.23 |
KmGAPDHBPG | 0.0098 |
KmGAPDHNAD | 0.09 |
KiNADPH | 0.03 |
VmTransaldf | 55.0 |
SUMAXP | 4.1 |
KeqPGK | 3200.0 |
VmTransk2f | 3.2 |
VmTransaldr | 10.0 |
cytoplasm | 1.0 |
KmPFKF6P | 0.1 |
CO2 | 1.0 |
KeqGLK | 3800.0 |
KPFKAMP | 0.0995 |
KmPYKATP | 1.5 |
L0 | 0.66 |
VmGLK | 226.452 |
KeqG3PDH | 4300.0 |
VmG6PDH | 4.0 |
KeqENO | 6.7 |
VmTransk1f | 4.0 |
KmENOP2G | 0.04 |
KiADHNAD | 0.92 |
KmPDCPYR | 4.33 |
KmADHNADH | 0.11 |
KmPFKATP | 0.71 |
KmGluconate | 0.02 |
VmGLT | 97.264 |
VmGAPDHr | 6549.68 |
KmEry4P | 0.018 |
KmALDDHAP | 2.4 |
KPFKF26BP | 0.000682 |
KiPFKATP | 0.65 |
Km6PGL | 0.8 |
KmSeduhept | 0.15 |
KmENOPEP | 0.5 |
KmPYKADP | 0.53 |
gR | 5.12 |
VmPGK | 1306.45 |
KeqALD | 0.069 |
KmPGKBPG | 0.003 |
CiPFKATP | 100.0 |
ETOH | 50.0 |
F26BP | 0.02 |
KmPYKPYR | 21.0 |
KmF6P | 0.32 |
KmGLTGLCi | 1.1918 |
VmPGM | 2525.81 |
KmG3PDHGLY | 1.0 |
VmG3PDH | 70.15 |
KmPGKADP | 0.2 |
KmXyl | 1.5 |
Vm6PGL | 4.0 |
KeqPYK | 6500.0 |
KmG6P | 0.04 |
KeqGLT | 1.0 |
VmENO | 365.806 |
KmDHAP | 1.23 |
KeqTPI | 0.045 |
KmRibo5P | 1.6 |
kNADPH | 2.0 |
VmPDC | 174.194 |
KmRibose5P | 0.1 |
KmRibu5P | 1.6 |
SUCC | 0.1 |
KmADHNAD | 0.17 |
KmG3PDHNADH | 0.023 |
KmALDGAP | 2.0 |
VmADH | 810.0 |
X | 0.1 |
KeqPGI | 0.314 |
KmGAPDHNADH | 0.06 |
VmTransk2r | 43.0 |
KeqADH | 6.9e-5 |
VmPPIf | 3458.0 |
VmPPIr | 3458.0 |
KmPGIF6P | 0.3 |
VmR5PIr | 1039.0 |
CPFKF16BP | 0.397 |
KiADHETOH | 90.0 |
KATPASE | 39.5 |
CPFKF26BP | 0.0174 |
KeqPGM | 0.19 |
KeqGAPDH | 0.005 |
KSUCC | 21.4 |
KmGLKGLCi | 0.08 |
KmPYKPEP | 0.14 |
KmADHETOH | 17.0 |
KmNADP | 0.03 |
KmPGIG6P | 1.4 |
k_rel_TPI | 1.0 |
nPDC | 1.9 |
KiADHACE | 1.1 |
VmPYK | 1088.71 |
KmGLKG6P | 30.0 |
VmPFK | 182.903 |
KPFKF16BP | 0.111 |
GLCo | 50.0 |
KmGLKATP | 0.15 |
KmPGKP3G | 0.53 |
VmALD | 322.258 |
KmPGMP3G | 1.2 |
KmXyl5P | 0.15 |
k_rel_GAPDH | 1.0 |
KmPGKATP | 0.3 |
KmALDF16P | 0.3 |
KmALDGAPi | 10.0 |
VmGAPDHf | 1184.52 |
KiADHNADH | 0.031 |
VmGluDH | 4.0 |
VmGA3P | 555.0 |
KeqAK | 0.45 |
CPFKATP | 3.0 |
KmGAPDHGAP | 0.21 |
Name | Description |
P(time) | 5.0 |
G6P(time) | 1.39 |
PEP(time) | 0.1 |
Ribulose5P(time) | 0.1 |
Ribose5P(time) | 0.1 |
P3G(time) | 0.1 |
Xyl5P(time) | 0.1 |
F6P(time) | 0.28 |
D6PGluconate(time) | 0.1 |
BPG(time) | 0.1 |
GLCi(time) | 0.087 |
Seduhept7P(time) | 0.1 |
PYR(time) | 3.36 |
GA3P(time) | 0.05 |
NADPH(time) | 1.6 |
F16P(time) | 0.1 |
NADP(time) | 0.4 |
NAD(time) | 1.2 |
ACE(time) | 0.04 |
DHAP(time) | 1.0 |
D6PGluconoLactone(time) | 0.1 |
Erythrose4P(time) | 0.0 |
P2G(time) | 0.1 |
NADH(time) | 0.39 |
— v0.0.1Ramirez, Nattel, Courtemanche, 2000
Name | Description |
Na_o | 140.0 |
T | 310.0 |
TRPN_max | 0.35 |
K_up | 0.00092 |
K_rel | 30.0 |
Ca_up_max | 15.0 |
Ca_o | 1.8 |
g_B_Na | 0.000674 |
g_Cl_Ca | 0.3 |
V_rel | 96.48 |
q_Ca | 0.0 |
K_sat | 0.1 |
i_NaK_max | 0.6 |
K_o | 5.4 |
I_up_max | 0.005 |
V_i | 13668.0 |
CMDN_max | 0.045 |
g_Ca | 0.24 |
Cm | 100.0 |
g_to | 0.19824 |
i_stim | -2900.0 |
Km_K_o | 1.5 |
g_Na | 7.8 |
g_B_Ca | 0.00113 |
V_up | 1109.52 |
K_mNa | 87.5 |
i_p_Ca_max | 0.275 |
g_Ks | 0.0561 |
g_K1 | 0.15 |
CSQN_max | 10.0 |
Cl_o | 132.0 |
I_NaCa_max | 1600.0 |
Km_Na_i | 10.0 |
K_mCa | 1.38 |
tau_tr | 180.0 |
g_Kr | 0.06984 |
R | 8.3143 |
tau_f_Ca | 2.0 |
F | 96.4867 |
Name | Description |
Ca_CMDN(time) | 0.001856 |
oa(time) | 0.07164 |
oi(time) | 0.998 |
Cl_i(time) | 29.26 |
xr(time) | 7.433e-7 |
v(time) | 1.0 |
xs(time) | 0.01791 |
f(time) | 0.9999 |
ui(time) | 0.9987 |
u(time) | 0.0 |
j(time) | 0.9869 |
m(time) | 0.001972 |
Na_i(time) | 11.75 |
w(time) | 0.9993 |
d(time) | 4.757e-6 |
Ca_rel(time) | 1.502 |
V(time) | -83.53 |
h(time) | 0.9791 |
ua(time) | 0.05869 |
Ca_TRPN(time) | 0.007022 |
K_i(time) | 138.4 |
Ca_CSQN(time) | 6.432 |
f_Ca(time) | 0.7484 |
Ca_up(time) | 1.502 |
Ca_i(time) | 0.0001024 |
— v0.0.1Rangamani 2007
Name | Description |
k20 | 0.0001 |
k21 | 0.0001 |
k10 | 1.25e-6 |
k9 | 0.000185 |
k18 | 0.0005 |
k_m1 | 1.0e6 |
k25 | 1.25e-6 |
k15 | 0.000185 |
k26 | 0.00037 |
k29 | 0.75 |
k8 | 1.25e-6 |
k19 | 0.0002 |
k4 | 1.25e-6 |
d_6 | 0.000283 |
k22 | 6.0e-5 |
k6 | 1.25e-6 |
k120 | 1.4e-5 |
k23 | 0.1 |
k110 | 0.00037 |
k16 | 1.25e-6 |
k_14 | 41.6 |
k130 | 1.25e-6 |
k1 | 0.000185 |
k140 | 0.00037 |
k3 | 0.000185 |
k28 | 0.0005 |
k7 | 0.000185 |
k17 | 0.00037 |
k5 | 0.000185 |
k24 | 0.000185 |
k2 | 1.25e-6 |
p | 0.00175 |
Name | Description |
c20(time) | 80.0 |
c13(time) | 250.0 |
R_NOS2(time) | 0.616 |
c18(time) | 0.0 |
c22(time) | 0.0 |
c27(time) | 0.0 |
c2(time) | 100.0 |
c5(time) | 0.0 |
c23(time) | 200.0 |
c4(time) | 150.0 |
c21(time) | 0.0 |
c15(time) | 0.0 |
c30(time) | 0.0 |
c19(time) | 0.0 |
c9(time) | 0.0 |
c16(time) | 0.0 |
c1(time) | 0.0 |
c31(time) | 0.0 |
c12(time) | 0.0 |
c8(time) | 100.0 |
c17(time) | 100.0 |
c10(time) | 100.0 |
c29(time) | 800.0 |
c7(time) | 0.0 |
c14(time) | 0.0 |
c24(time) | 0.0 |
c28(time) | 0.0 |
c6(time) | 100.0 |
c25(time) | 0.0 |
c26(time) | 0.0 |
c3(time) | 0.0 |
c11(time) | 0.0 |
— v0.0.1Raposo, Sobrinho and Ferreira, 2002
Name | Description |
X_R_i_D | 90.0 |
k2_P | 1.0 |
X_R_P_k_PTH | 90.0 |
k_D | 0.1 |
k_PTH | 100.0 |
X_R_PTH_Ca | 1.0 |
a | 0.85 |
Y_PTH_p_2minus_Max | 1.0 |
b_E_PTH | 0.55 |
X_R_i_Ca | 1.0 |
Y_Ca_i_2plus_Max | 1.0 |
Y_PT_D_p_1plus_minus_Max | 0.01 |
J_pu_P | 1.27 |
C_Ca_p | 2.4 |
k4_P | 51.8 |
C_D_p | 90.0 |
Stoic_Ca_P | 0.464 |
J_P_ing | 1.0 |
d | 0.15 |
k_Ca_i | 1.0 |
Y_k_Jext_1plus_minus_Max | 0.01 |
C_Ca_i | 1.0 |
C_PTH_p | 3.85 |
b_PTH_Ca | 0.05 |
b_i_D | 0.03 |
k_Ca_b | 1.0 |
Y_i_D_p_1plus_minus_Max | 0.02 |
X_R_PTH_D | 90.0 |
J_bp_Ca | 3.3 |
X_R_E_PTH | 3.85 |
C_P_p | 1.2 |
k3_P | 1.0 |
Y_PTH_p_2plus_Max | 1.0 |
S_E | 1.0 |
k_E | 0.05 |
b_PTH_D | 0.03 |
J_pu_Ca | 0.21 |
Y_Ca_p_1plus_minus_Max | 0.02 |
Name | Description |
Q_PTH_p(time) | 1.0 |
Q_D_p(time) | 1.0 |
Q_P_p(time) | 1.0 |
Q_TP_k(time) | 1.0 |
Q_E_k(time) | 1.0 |
Q_C_PT(time) | 1.0 |
Q_P_c(time) | 3226.0 |
Q_P_b(time) | 1.0 |
Q_Ca_b(time) | 100.0 |
Q_Ca_p(time) | 1.0 |
Q_TCa_i(time) | 1.0 |
— v0.0.1Rattananakul, Lenbury, Krishnamara, Wollkind, 2003
Name | Description |
a3 | 0.675 |
kc | 0.2 |
kp | 0.5 |
a2 | 0.009 |
a1 | 0.05 |
b3 | 0.01 |
b2 | 0.3 |
k1 | 0.1 |
a4 | 0.01 |
delta | 0.9 |
k3 | 0.025 |
epsilon | 0.1 |
a5 | 0.005 |
k2 | 0.5 |
b1 | 0.1 |
Name | Description |
x(time) | 2.0 |
y(time) | 1.0 |
z(time) | 0.15 |
— v0.0.1Razumova, Bukatina, Campbell, 1999
Name | Description |
nu | 3.0 |
h_prime_0 | 6.0 |
sigma_plus | 8.0 |
e_cb | 1.5 |
f_r | 50.0 |
x_0 | 1.0e-16 |
g_0 | 4.0 |
R_T | 1.0 |
k_off | 50.0 |
sigma_minus | 1.0 |
h_0 | 8.0 |
f_prime_0 | 400.0 |
k_on | 120.0 |
Name | Description |
A_2(time) | 0.005 |
SL(time) | 2.0 |
A_1(time) | 0.005 |
x_2(time) | 1.0e-16 |
x_1(time) | 1.0e-16 |
D(time) | 0.005 |
— v0.0.1Razumova, Bukatina, Campbell, 2000
Name | Description |
f_0 | 50.0 |
v | 1.0 |
g | 4.0 |
k_0_on | 0.0 |
w | 1.0 |
n_H | 1.0 |
k_Ca_off | 50.0 |
h | 8.0 |
h_prime | 6.0 |
R_T | 1.0 |
u | 1.0 |
f_prime_0 | 400.0 |
k_0_off | 100.0 |
k_Ca_on | 120.0 |
Name | Description |
A_2(time) | 0.0 |
A_1(time) | 0.0 |
D(time) | 0.0 |
— v0.0.1Reed, Nijhout, Sparks, Ulrich, 2004
Name | Description |
Km_five_mTHF_MS | 25.0 |
alpha2 | 10.0 |
V_BHMTmax | 2500.0 |
V_MATIIImax | 22870.0 |
Km2_MATIII | 21.1 |
Ki_GNMT | 20.0 |
V_MATImax | 561.0 |
alpha1 | 100.0 |
V_METHmax | 4521.0 |
Km_GNMT | 4500.0 |
V_GNMTmax | 10600.0 |
Km_MATI | 41.0 |
V_MSmax | 500.0 |
Km_BHMT | 12.0 |
beta2 | 30.0 |
Km_Hcy_MS | 0.1 |
five_mTHF | 5.2 |
Kd_MS | 1.0 |
Km2_METH_A | 10.0 |
Ki_MATI | 50.0 |
beta1 | 1.7 |
Name | Description |
AdoHcy(time) | 13.2 |
AdoMet(time) | 137.6 |
Met(time) | 53.5 |
Hcy(time) | 0.88 |
— v0.0.1Reidl, Borowski, Sensse, Starke, Zapotocky, Eiswirth, 2006
Name | Description |
CNG_tot | 1.3e-13 |
km_CNG_i | 0.34 |
k_Ca | 1.0e-10 |
km_CNG_0 | 0.01 |
i_Ca | 20000.0 |
kp_CaM4 | 1.1e9 |
CaM_tot | 2.0e-5 |
sigma | 5.0e-7 |
K_Ca | 1.2e-7 |
kp_CNG_i | 2.1e6 |
km_CaM4 | 2.5 |
Name | Description |
CNG_i(time) | 0.0 |
CNG_o(time) | 0.0 |
CaM4(time) | 0.0 |
Ca(time) | 0.0 |
— v0.0.1Revilla, Garcia-Ramos, 2003
— v0.0.1Riccobene, Omann, Linderman, 1999
Name | Description |
kf2 | 8.4e7 |
kr2 | 0.0046 |
ka | 1.0e-7 |
kfR | 10.0 |
alpha | 10.0 |
Kact | 0.0001 |
kds | 0.0001 |
L | 1.0e-12 |
kr | 0.37 |
kf | 8.4e7 |
ki | 0.2 |
Name | Description |
LR(time) | 0.01 |
R_star(time) | 0.01 |
LR_star(time) | 0.01 |
G(time) | 0.01 |
R(time) | 0.01 |
R_ds(time) | 0.01 |
G_star(time) | 0.01 |
LR_ds(time) | 0.01 |
— v0.0.1Rice, Jafri, Winslow, 2000
Name | Description |
g_ | nothing |
f | nothing |
k_a_minus | nothing |
f_XB | nothing |
T | nothing |
i_Ca_half | nothing |
k_htrpn_plus | nothing |
I_ns_Ca | nothing |
Vmax_f | nothing |
omega | nothing |
k_b_minus | nothing |
Ko | nothing |
SL | nothing |
Cm | nothing |
k_htrpn_minus | nothing |
V_NSR | nothing |
g | nothing |
k_sat | nothing |
K_mNa | nothing |
eta | nothing |
zeta | nothing |
PNa_K | nothing |
LTRPN_tot | nothing |
V_myo | nothing |
k_b_plus | nothing |
k_c_plus | nothing |
tau_tr | nothing |
k_c_minus | nothing |
K_mCa | nothing |
Pns_Na | nothing |
g_XB | nothing |
k_a_plus | nothing |
N1 | nothing |
v1 | nothing |
b | nothing |
Cao | nothing |
V_SS | nothing |
g_Nab | nothing |
tau_xfer | nothing |
K_mpCa | nothing |
a | nothing |
V_JSR | nothing |
f_ | nothing |
k_trop_pn | nothing |
K_mCSQN | nothing |
n_fb | nothing |
K_mCMDN | nothing |
K_trop | nothing |
K_m_ns_Ca | nothing |
Vmax_r | nothing |
A_cap | nothing |
k_ltrpn_minus | nothing |
CSQN_tot | nothing |
I_NaK | nothing |
k_rb | nothing |
I_pCa | nothing |
Nao | nothing |
k_ltrpn_plus | nothing |
K_mNai | nothing |
CMDN_tot | nothing |
k_fb | nothing |
HTRPN_tot | nothing |
P_Ca | nothing |
g_Na | nothing |
g_Cab | nothing |
g_Kp | nothing |
n_rb | nothing |
m | nothing |
Pns_K | nothing |
k_NaCa | nothing |
K_mKo | nothing |
R | nothing |
P_K | nothing |
F | nothing |
n | nothing |
Name | Description |
P0(time) | nothing |
P_C1(time) | nothing |
X(time) | nothing |
Ca_NSR(time) | nothing |
P1(time) | nothing |
P_C2(time) | nothing |
C0(time) | nothing |
C2(time) | nothing |
y(time) | nothing |
C3(time) | nothing |
N0(time) | nothing |
HTRPNCa(time) | nothing |
O(time) | nothing |
C_Ca0(time) | nothing |
Ca_SS(time) | nothing |
P2(time) | nothing |
C_Ca3(time) | nothing |
j(time) | nothing |
C4(time) | nothing |
m(time) | nothing |
Nai(time) | nothing |
LTRPNCa(time) | nothing |
C_Ca4(time) | nothing |
V(time) | nothing |
h(time) | nothing |
C_Ca1(time) | nothing |
C1(time) | nothing |
Ca_JSR(time) | nothing |
Ki(time) | nothing |
P_O1(time) | nothing |
P3(time) | nothing |
O_Ca(time) | nothing |
Cai(time) | nothing |
P_O2(time) | nothing |
C_Ca2(time) | nothing |
— v0.0.1Rice, Wang, Bers, Detombe, 2008
Name | Description |
koffH | 0.025 |
kn_p | 0.5 |
Ca_amplitude | 1.45 |
SEon | 1.0 |
perm50 | 0.5 |
koffL | 0.25 |
Ca_diastolic | 0.09 |
hb | 0.4 |
hfmdc | 5.0 |
gslmod | 6.0 |
hbmdc | 0.0 |
tau1 | 20.0 |
fapp | 0.5 |
massf | 50.0 |
visc | 3.0 |
len_hbare | 0.1 |
Qgapp | 2.5 |
len_thick | 1.65 |
kp_n | 0.05 |
SLmax | 2.4 |
tau2 | 110.0 |
Qkn_p | 1.6 |
kon | 0.05 |
sigman | 1.0 |
hf | 2.0 |
KSE | 1.0 |
SLrest | 1.85 |
Qkon | 1.5 |
Qkp_n | 1.6 |
Qhf | 6.25 |
PCon_t | 0.002 |
start_time | 5.0 |
PCon_c | 0.02 |
SLset | 1.9 |
sigmap | 8.0 |
gapp | 0.07 |
gxb | 0.07 |
len_thin | 1.2 |
Qkoff | 1.3 |
PExp_c | 70.0 |
SLmin | 1.4 |
nperm | 15.0 |
SL_c | 2.25 |
TmpC | 24.0 |
Qgxb | 6.25 |
x_0 | 0.007 |
koffmod | 1.0 |
Trop_conc | 70.0 |
xPsi | 2.0 |
Qhb | 6.25 |
xbmodsp | 1.0 |
Qfapp | 6.25 |
PExp_t | 10.0 |
kxb | 120.0 |
Name | Description |
TRPNCaL(time) | 0.0147730085063734 |
P_NoXB(time) | 4.07437173988636e-8 |
TRPNCaH(time) | 0.13066096561522 |
N(time) | 0.999997834540066 |
SL(time) | 1.89999811516093 |
xXBprer(time) | 3.41212828972468e-8 |
XBprer(time) | 3.0494964880038e-7 |
N_NoXB(time) | 0.999999959256274 |
intf(time) | -4.5113452510363e-6 |
XBpostr(time) | 1.81017564383744e-6 |
xXBpostr(time) | 0.00700005394873882 |
— v0.0.1Rice, Winslow, Hunter, 1999
Name | Description |
f | 10.0 |
g | 30.0 |
koff | 40.0 |
alpha | 1.0 |
koff_ | 19.6 |
K_Ca | 1.47 |
SL | 1.7 |
Ca | 1.0 |
kon | 20.0 |
k1_ | 45.0 |
g_ | 15.0 |
Name | Description |
P0(time) | nothing |
TCa(time) | nothing |
P3(time) | nothing |
P2(time) | nothing |
P1(time) | nothing |
N1(time) | nothing |
— v0.0.1Rice, Winslow, Jafri, 1999
— v0.0.1Riemer, Sobie, Tung, 1998
Name | Description |
gamma_Cai | nothing |
gamma_Cao | nothing |
T | nothing |
TRPN_max | nothing |
calcium_overload | nothing |
g_s | nothing |
P_Na | nothing |
Km_Ca | nothing |
delta_Ca_i2 | nothing |
K_mup | nothing |
Ca_JSR_old | nothing |
delta_Ca_ith | nothing |
K_sat | nothing |
gamma_Nao | nothing |
tau_on | nothing |
CMDN_max | nothing |
Cm | nothing |
P_ns_Ca | nothing |
R_A_V | nothing |
P_NaK | nothing |
K_mNa | nothing |
eta | nothing |
V_myo | nothing |
tau_tr | nothing |
Ca_NSR_max | nothing |
K_mCa | nothing |
Cao | nothing |
g_Nab | nothing |
K_mpCa | nothing |
gamma_Nai | nothing |
Cai_old | nothing |
K_mCSQN | nothing |
t | nothing |
gamma_Ki | nothing |
I_st | nothing |
K_m_ns_Ca | nothing |
K_mCMDN | nothing |
tau_off | nothing |
A_cap | nothing |
E_s | nothing |
I_pCa | nothing |
I_NaK | nothing |
Nao | nothing |
K_mTRPN | nothing |
K_mNai | nothing |
P_Ca | nothing |
g_Na | nothing |
I_up | nothing |
V_cleft | nothing |
g_Cab | nothing |
CSQN_th | nothing |
g_Kp | nothing |
K_mrel | nothing |
CSQN_max | nothing |
g_Ca_T | nothing |
gamma_Ko | nothing |
K_NaCa | nothing |
K_mKo | nothing |
R | nothing |
P_K | nothing |
F | nothing |
Name | Description |
d(time) | nothing |
g(time) | nothing |
delta_Cai(time) | nothing |
V(time) | nothing |
h(time) | nothing |
Ca_NSR(time) | nothing |
c1(time) | nothing |
f(time) | nothing |
b1(time) | nothing |
Xs(time) | nothing |
Ko(time) | nothing |
Ki(time) | nothing |
b(time) | nothing |
j(time) | nothing |
Ca_total(time) | nothing |
m(time) | nothing |
Xr(time) | nothing |
Nai(time) | nothing |
Ca_foot(time) | nothing |
— v0.0.1Rivlin, Saunders, 1951
— v0.0.1Rogers, Mcculloch, 1994
— v0.0.1Romond, Rustici, Gonze, Goldbeter, 1999
Name | Description |
v_i1 | 0.05 |
H_4 | 0.01 |
K_c2 | 0.5 |
v_d2 | 0.025 |
K_3 | 0.01 |
k_d2 | 0.001 |
H_3 | 0.01 |
U_2 | 0.15 |
U_4 | 0.05 |
H_1 | 0.01 |
K_4 | 0.01 |
K_im1 | 0.03 |
K_c1 | 0.5 |
K_2 | 0.01 |
V_4 | 0.05 |
V_2 | 0.15 |
K_d1 | 0.02 |
K_im2 | 0.03 |
U_M3 | 0.1 |
V_M1 | 0.3 |
k_d1 | 0.001 |
K_1 | 0.01 |
v_i2 | 0.05 |
H_2 | 0.01 |
V_M3 | 0.1 |
U_M1 | 0.3 |
K_d2 | 0.02 |
v_d1 | 0.025 |
Name | Description |
C_1(time) | 2.0 |
M_2(time) | 0.0 |
C_2(time) | 0.0 |
X_2(time) | 0.0 |
X_1(time) | 0.0 |
M_1(time) | 1.0 |
— v0.0.1Rong, Perelson 2009
Name | Description |
c | 23.0 |
k | 2.4e-8 |
a_L | 0.1 |
eta | 0.001 |
a | 0.03 |
delta | 1.0 |
d_0 | 0.001 |
rho | 0.01 |
N | 2000.0 |
lambda | 10000.0 |
T_off | 54.0 |
d_T | 0.01 |
T_on | 50.0 |
p_v | 2000.0 |
p | 1.4 |
efficacy | 0.85 |
Name | Description |
V(time) | 50.0 |
T(time) | 600000.0 |
L_a(time) | 0.0 |
L_0(time) | 2.0 |
L(time) | 2.0 |
T_star(time) | 0.3 |
— v0.0.1Roux, Noble, Noble, Marhl, 2006
Name | Description |
V_surf | 150.0 |
p | 0.4 |
Clo | 140.0 |
CaCT | 0.0005 |
T | 310.0 |
C | 0.00012 |
i_pCamax | 1.15 |
g_Cl | 0.01 |
g_KCa | 2.45 |
B | 8.0e-5 |
Cli | 55.0 |
tau_xi1 | 0.25 |
t36 | 1.5 |
Ko | 5.0 |
cap | 2.0e-5 |
x2 | 0.8 |
gamma_KSS | 0.15 |
i_NaKmax | 0.7 |
g_bCa | 1.194e-5 |
Kmp_Ca | 0.05 |
Km_nsCa | 0.0012 |
g_Kdr | 0.035 |
Km_Na | 40.0 |
P_CaL | 0.003 |
Cao | 2.0 |
h | 3.0 |
Ki | 150.0 |
tau_xCa1 | 1.0 |
tau_xi2 | 1.98 |
A | 0.0008 |
Nao | 130.0 |
alpha | 280.0 |
g_bK | 0.008729 |
tau_f | 0.0173 |
ds | 30.0 |
Nai | 12.0 |
beta | 480.0 |
x1 | 15.0 |
g_bNa | 0.003263 |
Km_K | 1.0 |
R | 8314.472 |
P_nsCa | 1.75e-7 |
F | 96485.3415 |
n | 0.2 |
Name | Description |
d(time) | 0.0 |
xi2(time) | 0.0 |
xCa1(time) | 1.0 |
V(time) | -60.0 |
xa(time) | 0.001 |
ns(time) | 1.0 |
f(time) | 1.0 |
B(time) | 0.001 |
xi1(time) | 0.0 |
— v0.0.1Rubin, Shevtsova, Ermentrout, Smith and Rybak 2009
Name | Description |
g_AD | 10.0 |
C | 0.02 |
c21 | 0.07 |
k_V2 | 4.0 |
a12 | 0.4 |
V_half | 30.0 |
E_K | -85.0 |
g_synE | 10.0 |
c11 | 0.115 |
b43 | 0.1 |
b42 | 0.35 |
c31 | 0.025 |
c34 | 0.0 |
b41 | 0.2 |
b23 | 0.25 |
c14 | 0.33 |
c12 | 0.3 |
g_K | 5.0 |
c24 | 0.4 |
g_synI | 60.0 |
b21 | 0.0 |
E_Na | 50.0 |
k_AD3 | 1.3 |
E_synE | 0.0 |
c33 | 0.0 |
k_AD4 | 0.9 |
k_V3 | 4.0 |
b31 | 0.3 |
d2 | 1.0 |
E_synI | -75.0 |
g_NaP | 5.0 |
c13 | 0.63 |
E_L | -60.0 |
b34 | 0.35 |
b32 | 0.05 |
tau_AD3 | 2000.0 |
d1 | 1.0 |
b24 | 0.35 |
k_V1 | 8.0 |
k_AD2 | 0.9 |
tau_AD2 | 2000.0 |
g_L | 2.8 |
tau_h_max | 6000.0 |
c22 | 0.3 |
c23 | 0.0 |
d3 | 1.0 |
k_V4 | 4.0 |
tau_AD4 | 1000.0 |
c32 | 0.0 |
Name | Description |
V3(time) | -50.0 |
V2(time) | -50.0 |
V1(time) | -50.0 |
h(time) | 0.92 |
V4(time) | -50.0 |
m(time) | 0.92 |
— v0.0.1Sachse, Glanzel, Seemann, 2003
— v0.0.1Sachse, Moreno, Abildskov, 2008
Name | Description |
k_a_minus | 576.0 |
K_mEGTA | 0.00015 |
stim_start | 0.1 |
T | 295.0 |
tau_Ca_inact | 0.009 |
K_m_K | 1.5 |
K_SR | 1.0 |
kv0 | 30.0 |
Vmaxr | 0.9 |
k_htrpn_plus | 200000.0 |
k_o | 18.0 |
d_NaCa | 0.0001 |
k_b_minus | 1930.0 |
aKir | 0.94 |
Ko | 5.0 |
i_NaK_max | 0.08 |
number_of_fibroblasts | 1.0 |
Cm | 4.5e-6 |
k_htrpn_minus | 0.066 |
g_B_K | 0.000138 |
V_NSR | 5.04e-6 |
k_v0 | 2.0 |
Eb | 0.0 |
LTRPN_tot | 0.07 |
V_myo | 9.36e-6 |
EGTA_tot | 10.0 |
g_K1 | 0.024 |
g_Ca_L | 0.031 |
tau_tr | 0.0005747 |
k_b_plus | 4.05e9 |
k_c_plus | 100.0 |
k_c_minus | 0.8 |
LTRPNCa | 0.0051619 |
i_Ca_P_max | 0.004 |
GKir | 0.001 |
k_a_plus | 1.215e13 |
ko | 77.0 |
Na_o | 140.0 |
stim_duration | 0.001 |
v1 | 1800.0 |
b | 0.114 |
g_B_Na | 8.015e-5 |
g_ss | 0.007 |
V_SS | 1.2e-8 |
Ca_o | 1.2 |
tau_xfer | 0.0267 |
a | 0.886 |
Ki | 140.0 |
V_JSR | 5.6e-7 |
zv | 1.28 |
R_mf | 1.0e8 |
stim_end | 10.0 |
bKir | 1.26 |
stim_period | 1.0 |
f_Na | 0.2 |
K_mCSQN | 0.8 |
K_mCMDN | 0.00238 |
K_o | 5.4 |
K_fb | 0.000168 |
k_ltrpn_minus | 40.0 |
CSQN_tot | 15.0 |
K_m_Na | 10.0 |
k_ltrpn_plus | 40000.0 |
g_t | 0.035 |
CMDN_tot | 0.05 |
N_fb | 1.2 |
HTRPN_tot | 0.14 |
N_rb | 1.0 |
Vmaxf | 0.04 |
g_B_Ca | 3.24e-5 |
g_f | 0.00145 |
g_Na | 0.8 |
PShkr | 5.4e-9 |
stim_amplitude | 0.1 |
K_rb | 3.29 |
E_Ca_L | 65.0 |
m | 3.0 |
Gb | 6.9e-6 |
gamma_NaCa | 0.5 |
K_NaCa | 9.984e-6 |
HTRPNCa | 0.1394301 |
z_v | -1.53 |
R | 8310.0 |
F | 96500.0 |
n | 4.0 |
Name | Description |
OShkrReal(time) | 0.0 |
C4ShkrReal(time) | 2.79e-7 |
P_C1(time) | 0.6348229 |
Ca_ss(time) | 8.737212e-5 |
Ca_NSR(time) | 0.06600742 |
P_C2(time) | 0.3647471 |
y(time) | 0.003578708 |
s_slow(time) | 0.6421196 |
f_11(time) | 0.9999529 |
j(time) | 0.6729362 |
C0ShkrReal(time) | 0.911 |
m(time) | 0.004164108 |
C2ShkrReal(time) | 0.00302 |
s(time) | 0.9842542 |
Na_i(time) | 10.73519 |
d(time) | 2.171081e-6 |
VmReal(time) | -58.0 |
V(time) | -80.50146 |
h(time) | 0.6735613 |
r_ss(time) | 0.002907171 |
f_12(time) | 0.9999529 |
s_ss(time) | 0.3142767 |
K_i(time) | 139.2751 |
C3ShkrReal(time) | 4.74e-5 |
Ca_JSR(time) | 0.06607948 |
P_O1(time) | 0.0004327548 |
r(time) | 0.002191519 |
Ca_i(time) | 7.901351e-5 |
P_O2(time) | 6.06254e-10 |
Ca_inact(time) | 0.9913102 |
C1ShkrReal(time) | 0.0857 |
— v0.0.1Saftenku, Williams, Sitsapesan, 2001
Name | Description |
C4O3 | 46.0 |
C3C2 | 8000.0 |
C1O2 | 2277.0 |
O2C3 | 92.0 |
O2O1 | 85.1 |
O3C4 | 300.0 |
C3O1 | 1100.0 |
C3O3 | 14.0 |
O2C1 | 2.62 |
O1O2 | 2.41 |
O1C3 | 3400.0 |
O3C3 | 138.0 |
O1C2 | 1480.0 |
C2O1 | 7.86 |
C2C1 | 13.3 |
O2C4 | 1900.0 |
C2C5 | 0.13 |
C2C3 | 68.0 |
C3O2 | 17.0 |
Ca | 20.0 |
C1C2 | 2.5 |
C4O2 | 520.0 |
C5C2 | 3.6 |
Name | Description |
C5(time) | 0.125 |
O3(time) | 0.125 |
O1(time) | 0.125 |
C4(time) | 0.125 |
C2(time) | 0.125 |
O2(time) | 0.125 |
C1(time) | 0.125 |
C3(time) | 0.125 |
— v0.0.1Sakmann, Spindler, Bryant, Linz, Noble, 2000
Name | Description |
proton | 3.98e-5 |
stim_start | 0.1 |
T | 310.0 |
P_kna | 0.03 |
alpha_Calmod | 100000.0 |
g_bca | 0.00025 |
alpha_Trop | 100000.0 |
length | 74.0 |
d_NaCa | 0.0 |
K_leak_rate | 0.05 |
alpha_up | 0.4 |
i_NaK_max | 0.7 |
Km_f2ds | 0.001 |
g_to | 0.005 |
delta_f | 0.0001 |
Trop | 0.05 |
Cm | 0.000161 |
beta_up | 0.03 |
FRiNaCa | 0.001 |
FrICa | 1.0 |
K_cyca | 0.0003 |
beta_Trop | 200.0 |
K_mNa | 40.0 |
g_bna | 0.0006 |
gnachannel | 20.0 |
g_K1 | 0.2 |
delta_m | 1.0e-5 |
P_Ca_L | 0.11 |
K_srca | 0.5 |
V_e_ratio | 0.4 |
Na_o | 140.0 |
V_ds_ratio | 0.1 |
stim_duration | 0.003 |
speed_d | 3.0 |
Kdecay | 10.0 |
K_m_rel | 250.0 |
g_tos | 0.0 |
n_NaCa | 3.0 |
Ca_o | 2.0 |
R_decay | 20.0 |
nachanneldensity | 1075.0 |
V_up_ratio | 0.01 |
stim_period | 1.0 |
stim_end | 9.0 |
K_mk1 | 10.0 |
K_m_Ca_ds | 0.01 |
Calmod | 0.02 |
radius | 12.0 |
beta_Calmod | 50.0 |
K_o | 4.0 |
K_m_Ca_cyt | 0.0005 |
K_xcs | 0.4 |
V_rel_ratio | 0.1 |
P_CaK | 0.002 |
K_mK | 1.0 |
speed_f | 0.3 |
g_pna | 0.0029 |
stim_amplitude | -2.0 |
Km_f2 | 100000.0 |
P_CaNa | 0.01 |
gamma | 0.5 |
k_NaCa | 0.00012 |
R | 8314.472 |
F | 96485.3415 |
Name | Description |
d(time) | 0.000144 |
Ca_Trop(time) | 0.0012852 |
Ca_rel(time) | 0.7368094 |
xr(time) | 1.98e-5 |
V(time) | -89.1374183 |
f2(time) | 0.254433 |
xs(time) | 0.0381477 |
h(time) | 0.9873107 |
f(time) | 0.9999993 |
K_i(time) | 138.7963753 |
ProdFrac(time) | 0.9584464 |
ActFrac(time) | 0.0101647 |
Ca_ds(time) | 0.0018991 |
r(time) | 0.0 |
m(time) | 0.0026891 |
Ca_up(time) | 0.7625025 |
Ca_i(time) | 5.44e-5 |
s(time) | 0.7352365 |
f2ds(time) | 0.9292189 |
Na_i(time) | 5.6633707 |
Ca_Calmod(time) | 0.0018544 |
— v0.0.1Salem, Saidel, Stanley, Cabrera, 2002
Name | Description |
aLA | 1.8 |
RS0 | 0.111 |
ATP | 4.5 |
NADH | 0.19 |
aGL | 4.0 |
sigmaCO2 | 1.0 |
aO2 | 6.53 |
Km | 0.05 |
sigmaLA | 0.51 |
aFA | 0.5 |
sigmaO2 | 1.0 |
AF0 | 0.523 |
FC0 | 0.0088 |
Vmax | 0.455 |
epsilon | 0.775 |
CS0 | 1.0 |
PS0 | 0.2 |
sigmaFA | 13.2 |
aCO2 | 15.5 |
sigmaGL | 3.76 |
Name | Description |
GY(time) | 33.0 |
FC(time) | 0.0088 |
TG(time) | 3.96 |
PC(time) | 8.8 |
CO2(time) | 20.0 |
O2(time) | 0.963 |
CoA_pool(time) | 0.043 |
GL(time) | 0.998 |
GP(time) | 0.171 |
NAD(time) | 1.81 |
LA(time) | 1.98 |
AC(time) | 0.0046 |
PY(time) | 0.2 |
FA(time) | 0.021 |
ADP(time) | 0.9 |
CR(time) | 3.5 |
— v0.0.1An encoding of the human ORd model by Steve Neiderer
This workspace houses a CellML 1.0 encoding of the 2011 O'Hara, Virág, Varró, & Rudy 2011 human cardiac ventricular action potential model (ORd). The original article is available at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21637795. This model was encoded based on the Matlab version of the code available from: http://rudylab.wustl.edu/research/cell/.
— v0.0.1Sarai, Matsuoka, Kuratomi, Ono, Noma, 2003
Name | Description |
Y_d | 0.027 |
g_ACh | 4.32 |
k_C_U | 0.143 |
P_lCa | 0.44 |
T | 310.0 |
P_Na | 12.0 |
P_NaCa | 6.81 |
KForceEC | 140000.0 |
L | 0.9602399999150041 |
P_ha_K | 7.7286 |
V_rel | 1.50795 |
Km_CaSR | 0.08 |
Km_Ki | 32.88 |
Km_Nai | 8.75 |
B | 1.2 |
k_C_CCa | 6.954 |
k_CCa_UCa | 0.0003 |
Ko | 5.399964171929831 |
P_Cab | 0.008 |
CMDN_max | 0.05 |
P_KATP | 0.0236 |
Cm | 32.0 |
Z_2 | 0.0039 |
P_SR_T | 11.58 |
k_AI_AP | 8.75e-5 |
P_bNSC | 0.152 |
P_NaK | 21.0 |
P_st_K | 0.138 |
h_c | 0.005 |
Y_4 | 0.12 |
Y_1 | 39.0 |
k3 | 1.0 |
k_UCa_CCa | 0.35 |
Z_1 | 0.03 |
ZeroForceEL | 0.97 |
k_CCa_C | 0.0042 |
Adenosine_Total | 5.0 |
ProducingRate_Max | 0.003 |
P_Kr | 0.1045 |
Z_3 | 1560.0 |
ForceFactor | 1.8e6 |
ACh | 0.0 |
P_RyR | 1860.0 |
Km_ATP | 0.1 |
KForceLinearEc | 200.0 |
P_CaL | 2112.0 |
P_SR_L | 13.77 |
Y_3 | 0.03 |
Cao | 1.7999668787634697 |
k_U_UCa | 6.954 |
Km_Cai | 0.00138 |
Km_Ko | 0.258 |
P_ha_Na | 1.821 |
Km_Nao | 87.5 |
Km_CaCyto | 0.0008 |
k4 | 0.000849 |
N | 1000.0 |
K_mCMDN | 0.00238 |
K_mCSQN | 0.8 |
L_a | 1.17 |
Y_2 | 0.0039 |
Vi | 2513.25 |
k_AP_AI | 0.004 |
k_U_C | 0.35 |
Nao | 139.99977217549068 |
Km_Cao | 1.38 |
Diadid_Factor | -3.0 |
Partition | 0.32 |
V_up | 3.769875 |
P_K1_0 | 0.003125 |
k1 | 0.01 |
Km_ACh | 0.0042 |
P_st_Na | 0.236 |
i_max | 4875.0 |
CSQN_max | 10.0 |
P_CaT | 612.0 |
T_t | 0.007 |
R | 8.3143 |
k2 | 0.04 |
F | 96.4867 |
Name | Description |
Caup(time) | 3.539652240305415 |
y2(time) | 0.6128486629679218 |
p_U(time) | 0.018412749759150325 |
X(time) | 0.9552449999150041 |
p_AP_CaL(time) | 0.010773205742759775 |
p_open_RyR(time) | 0.011424172905335395 |
p_close_RyR(time) | 0.007354039651246729 |
y1(time) | 0.04679297803939428 |
y(time) | 0.54434573606543 |
O2(time) | 1.1957124194086763e-8 |
Ca_Total(time) | 5.185011336959393 |
C2(time) | 3.757612529902994e-5 |
pCaCB(time) | 0.02896443650702234 |
p_AI_Na(time) | 0.9715915109181413 |
ATPi(time) | 4.929308214702568 |
O1(time) | 7.531035735927369e-7 |
y3(time) | 0.6786243213825371 |
p_RP_CaL(time) | 0.42833044151885075 |
Nai(time) | 4.6808027298969925 |
p_AP_Na(time) | 5.9898633533987405e-5 |
p_UCa(time) | 0.00020870506374005444 |
pCB(time) | 0.0020275353474589783 |
C1(time) | 0.9999616586460943 |
p_RP_Na(time) | 0.00022262336890623873 |
Ki(time) | 139.22099524072777 |
p_C(time) | 0.05040310692927668 |
Vm(time) | -42.987671350068005 |
p_AI_CaL(time) | 0.5607106503080197 |
pCa(time) | 0.24298053499618683 |
— v0.0.1Sarkar, Lauffenburger, 2003
— v0.0.1Saucerman, Bers, 2008
Name | Description |
k20 | 10.0 |
kCaNCa_off | 1.0 |
kCaN0_off | 537.966 |
kbi | 2.2 |
k2B_on | 0.007 |
k4B_off | 1.4e-5 |
k0B_on | 0.007 |
kta | 0.0022 |
kCaN4_off | 0.0013 |
k4B_on | 0.007 |
kb2i | 328.36 |
kat | 6.567 |
kib2 | 65.67 |
k0B_off | 0.0014 |
Btot | 24.5 |
kCaNCa_on | 2.0 |
CaNtot | 0.003 |
kib | 6.567 |
kCaN2_off | 3.2604 |
kSLCYT | 8.59e-12 |
kPP1 | 1.72 |
k2B_off | 1.4e-5 |
kCaN4_on | 46.0 |
k20B | 0.1 |
CaMKIItot | 0.2 |
PP1tot | 0.57 |
kat2 | 6.567 |
kCaN0_on | 46.0 |
kt2a | 32.835 |
k42 | 500.0 |
KmPP1 | 11.5 |
Ca | 1.0 |
K | 135.0 |
Mg | 1.0 |
kCaN2_on | 46.0 |
Name | Description |
CaMCaN(time) | 0.1 |
Pa(time) | 0.1 |
Ca2CaMB(time) | 0.1 |
Ca4CaM(time) | 0.1 |
Pb2(time) | 0.1 |
Pb(time) | 0.1 |
CaMB(time) | 0.1 |
CaM(time) | 0.1 |
Ca2CaM(time) | 0.1 |
Pt(time) | 0.1 |
Ca4CaN(time) | 0.1 |
Pt2(time) | 0.1 |
Ca2CaMCaN(time) | 0.1 |
Ca4CaMCaN(time) | 0.1 |
Ca4CaMB(time) | 0.1 |
— v0.0.1Saucerman, Brunton, Michailova, Mcculloch, 2003
— v0.0.1Saucerman, Mcculloch, 2004
Name | Description |
PKACII_RyRtot | 0.034 |
RyRsum | 0.135 |
KMrel0 | 1.0 |
Ks_RyR_PP2A | 4.1 |
kPKA_TnI | 54.0 |
KMTnC0 | 1.0 |
PP1_RyRtot | 0.034 |
kPKA_RyR | 54.0 |
PP2A | 1.0 |
PKAC | 1.0 |
Ks_RyR_PP1 | 7.0 |
kPP1_RyR | 8.52 |
kPP2A_TnI | 10.1 |
Ks_RyR_PKAC | 21.0 |
KM_PP2A_TnI | 3.0 |
epsilon | 10.0 |
KM_PKA_TnI | 21.0 |
PP2A_RyRtot | 0.034 |
kPP2A_RyR | 10.1 |
TnItot | 70.0 |
Name | Description |
TnIp(time) | nothing |
RyR(time) | nothing |
RyRptot(time) | nothing |
PP2A_RyR(time) | nothing |
PP1_RyR(time) | nothing |
RyRp(time) | nothing |
PKACII_RyR(time) | nothing |
— v0.0.1Schenzle 1994
Name | Description |
X0 | 1.0e11 |
alpha | 1.0e-6 |
b | 0.2 |
mu2 | 1.0 |
mu0 | 0.004 |
a | 1000.0 |
beta | 0.5 |
delta1 | 0.3 |
omega | 1.6e-16 |
phi | 1000.0 |
gamma | 0.5 |
delta2 | 1.0 |
mu1 | 0.3 |
Name | Description |
Z(time) | 0.0 |
K(time) | 1.35e-14 |
V(time) | 1000.0 |
X(time) | 1.0e11 |
Y(time) | 100.0 |
— v0.0.1Schlosser, Selgrade, 2000
Name | Description |
Ki_LHP | 26.0 |
kLH_rel | 3.0 |
V0_LH | 1400.0 |
dP | 2.9 |
Ki_FSH_Ih | 1176.5 |
CFSH_P | 3.0 |
kFSH_cl | 8.21 |
CLH_P | 0.024 |
dE | 0.42 |
h | 8.0 |
kFSH_rel | 45.0 |
Km_LH | 360.0 |
V_FSH | 4400.0 |
V1_LH | 95900.0 |
CFSH_E | 0.005 |
CLH_E | 0.008 |
kLH_cl | 14.0 |
v_dis | 2.5 |
dIh | 2.0 |
Name | Description |
FSH(time) | 150.0 |
RP_FSH(time) | 0.0 |
LH(time) | 40.0 |
RP_LH(time) | 467.0 |
— v0.0.1Schmid, Nash, Young, Hunter, 2006
— v0.0.1Improvement of metabolic performance of primary hepatocytes in hyperoxic cultures by vitamin C in a novel small-scale bioreactor
Our small-scale bioreactor with a gas-permeable membrane has previously been shown to allow direct oxygenation of primary hepatocytes in collagenous sandwich cultures. In this work the applicability of this system for studying the response of hepatocytes to different ambient oxygen concentrations above the normoxic situation and the effect of the antioxidant vitamin C (ASC) on hepatocyte functionality in different oxygen cultures were evaluated. Determination of the parameters for functional levels (albumin and urea synthesis, biotransformation) combined with the model calculation of these parameters using a product inhibition model based on the concentration of hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) indicated a relevance of oxygen levels for the maintenance of hepatic-specific functions. A model for the dynamics of oxidative stress was proposed to predict the time course of the qualitative concentrations of H2 O2 and the superoxide radical (O2.- ) in different oxygen cultures. The 20% and 30% O2 cultures exhibited similar differentiated hepatic functions that were unequivocally lost in the 40% O2 cultures apparently due to oxidative damage. Metabolic functions in the 20% and 30% O2 cultures could be improved by ASC. These findings suggest that our bioreactor model not only allows a prediction of the liver response to variations in oxygen environments, but also serves as an in vitro tool to screen new compounds for antioxidant capacity.
Name | Description |
p4 | 8.379310334 |
Vmax | 1.04e7 |
p3 | 2.552293418 |
ki | 8.982e-6 |
p2 | 0.117425199 |
F1 | 20.0 |
p1 | 1.43385e-5 |
Name | Description |
H2O2(time) | 2.7947e-5 |
O2(time) | 0.00235897 |
— v0.0.1Schneider, Shimayoshi, Amano, Matsuda, 2006
Name | Description |
RU_total | 0.0726 |
k_tmxb | -1.86 |
k_5 | 0.03723 |
k_4 | 0.077 |
k_minus3 | 0.008 |
k_minus4 | 0.001 |
k_Titin | 0.2 |
MADPPi | 0.1375 |
k_tmoff | 0.067 |
k_3xb | -1.23 |
k_tmRU | 10.0 |
k_3c | 0.025 |
k_minus12 | 0.6 |
k_on | 17.3 |
k_12 | 2.0 |
k_tmonc | 0.014 |
L_0 | 0.001 |
k_xboff | -1.37 |
k_3f | 50.0 |
k_offi | 0.075 |
A_iso | 9000.0 |
k_onI | 0.2 |
k_off | 0.2 |
k_OFF | -0.32 |
Name | Description |
RUA_MADPPi(time) | 0.0 |
RUTCa_off(time) | 0.0 |
RUTCa_on(time) | 0.0 |
RUAMADPPi(time) | 0.0 |
RUA_MADP(time) | 0.0 |
RUTM_on(time) | 0.0 |
Ca(time) | 0.01 |
— v0.0.1Schoeberl, Eichler-Jonsson, Gilles, Muller, 2002
Computational modeling of the dynamics of the MAP kinase cascade activated by surface and internalized EGF receptors
Name | Description |
k34 | 1.8 |
kd24 | 33.0 |
k18 | 0.0015 |
kd23 | 36.0 |
k40 | 0.003 |
k25 | 0.001 |
k52 | 0.00534 |
kd3 | 0.6 |
kd35 | 0.00045 |
kd8 | 12.0 |
k29 | 60.0 |
kd25 | 1.284 |
k8 | 0.0001 |
Vm36 | 61200.0 |
k49 | 3.48 |
kd32 | 2.4e-5 |
k61 | 0.01002 |
kd44 | 1.0998 |
kd52 | 1.98 |
kd34 | 0.00045 |
kd22 | 6.0 |
Km36 | 2.0e14 |
kd2 | 6.0 |
k37 | 18.0 |
k56 | 0.00145 |
k53 | 960.0 |
k60 | 0.04002 |
k16 | 0.001 |
kd56 | 36.0 |
k43 | 60.0 |
k32 | 6.0 |
k41 | 0.003 |
k33 | 12.0 |
k3 | 60.0 |
kd50 | 30.0 |
k28 | 0.0001 |
k42 | 0.007 |
k17 | 0.001 |
kd6 | 0.3 |
kd42 | 12.0 |
k20 | 0.00021 |
kd4 | 0.0996 |
k21 | 1.38 |
RT | 50000.0 |
k13 | 130.2 |
k58 | 0.0005 |
k47 | 174.0 |
k15 | 600000.0 |
k35 | 0.09 |
k45 | 210.0 |
k19 | 30.0 |
k57 | 16.2 |
k4 | 1.038e-5 |
kd16 | 16.5 |
k22 | 0.0021 |
kd21 | 2.2e-5 |
kd28 | 0.318 |
k6 | 0.003 |
kd40 | 3.84 |
kd29 | 7.0e-5 |
kd20 | 24.0 |
kd10 | 0.66 |
kd1 | 0.228 |
k44 | 0.00111 |
k23 | 360.0 |
kd33 | 0.0021 |
k1 | 0.003 |
kd41 | 2.574 |
k10b | 3.25581 |
kd37 | 9.0e-5 |
kd17 | 3.6 |
kd19 | 1.0e-5 |
kd58 | 30.0 |
kd18 | 78.0 |
k50 | 2.5e-5 |
k48 | 0.00143 |
k55 | 342.0 |
k59 | 18.0 |
k2 | 0.001 |
kd48 | 48.0 |
Name | Description |
c20(time) | 0.0 |
c26(time) | 72000.0 |
c33(time) | 0.0 |
c79(time) | 0.0 |
c86(time) | 0.0 |
c13(time) | 0.0 |
c18(time) | 0.0 |
c52(time) | 0.0 |
c72(time) | 0.0 |
c2(time) | 50000.0 |
c55(time) | 2.1e7 |
c81(time) | 0.0 |
c23(time) | 0.0 |
c53(time) | 40000.0 |
c69(time) | 0.0 |
c42(time) | 0.0 |
c56(time) | 0.0 |
c36(time) | 0.0 |
c16(time) | 0.0 |
c75(time) | 0.0 |
c10(time) | 0.0 |
c28(time) | 0.0 |
c54(time) | 0.0 |
c48(time) | 0.0 |
c3(time) | 0.0 |
c11(time) | 0.0 |
c62(time) | 0.0 |
c73(time) | 0.0 |
c88(time) | 0.0 |
c67(time) | 0.0 |
c66(time) | 0.0 |
c64(time) | 0.0 |
c77(time) | 0.0 |
c76(time) | 0.0 |
c45(time) | 0.0 |
c89(time) | 0.0 |
c21(time) | 0.0 |
c74(time) | 0.0 |
c71(time) | 0.0 |
c51(time) | 0.0 |
c85(time) | 0.0 |
c32(time) | 0.0 |
c47(time) | 2.2e7 |
c1(time) | 4962.0 |
c38(time) | 0.0 |
c40(time) | 0.0 |
c29(time) | 0.0 |
c68(time) | 0.0 |
c91(time) | 0.0 |
c24(time) | 26300.0 |
c43(time) | 0.0 |
c80(time) | 0.0 |
c35(time) | 0.0 |
c58(time) | 0.0 |
c27(time) | 0.0 |
c22(time) | 11000.0 |
c44(time) | 40000.0 |
c65(time) | 0.0 |
c4(time) | 0.0 |
c41(time) | 40000.0 |
c15(time) | 0.0 |
c84(time) | 0.0 |
c59(time) | 0.0 |
c30(time) | 40000.0 |
c90(time) | 0.0 |
c9(time) | 0.0 |
c39(time) | 0.0 |
c31(time) | 101000.0 |
c63(time) | 0.0 |
c12(time) | 81000.0 |
c8(time) | 0.0 |
c70(time) | 0.0 |
c14(time) | 12000.0 |
c7(time) | 0.0 |
c34(time) | 0.0 |
c93(time) | 0.0 |
c83(time) | 0.0 |
c5(time) | 0.0 |
c61(time) | 0.0 |
c94(time) | 0.0 |
c78(time) | 0.0 |
c92(time) | 0.0 |
c19(time) | 0.0 |
c57(time) | 0.0 |
c17(time) | 0.0 |
c82(time) | 0.0 |
c87(time) | 0.0 |
c46(time) | 0.0 |
c37(time) | 0.0 |
c25(time) | 0.0 |
c60(time) | 1.0e7 |
c49(time) | 0.0 |
c6(time) | 0.0 |
c50(time) | 0.0 |
— v0.0.1Schuster, Beny, Meister, 2003
Name | Description |
m3cat | -6.18 |
GR | 955.0 |
c | -6.4 |
C | 1.0 |
b | -80.8 |
Vrest | -31.1 |
a | 53.3 |
E_K | -80.0 |
kPMCA | 0.679 |
ECa | 50.0 |
m4 | 0.3 |
m4PMCA | 0.39 |
m4cat | 0.37 |
A | 0.211 |
kSR_rel | 180.0 |
Gcat | 0.66 |
m3SR | 1.1 |
PoSKCa | 0.5 |
m3IP3 | 4.0 |
m4IP3 | 55.0 |
Gtot | 6927.0 |
m3 | 0.00132 |
kIP3 | 0.1733 |
m4SR | 0.3 |
m3PMCA | -6.19 |
Name | Description |
Vm(time) | -31.1 |
IP3(time) | 1.0 |
Ca(time) | 50.0 |
— v0.0.1Sedaghat, Sherman, Quon, 2002
Name | Description |
k_minus5 | 1.67e-18 |
k4b | 0.0021 |
k_minus14 | 0.001155 |
PTEN | 1.0 |
K_d | 12.0 |
tau | 1.5 |
k_minus4 | 0.003 |
k_minus13 | 0.167 |
APequil | 9.09 |
k6 | 0.461 |
k9_stimulated | 1.39 |
PI3K | 5.0e-15 |
k_minus10 | 2.77 |
k_minus4b | 0.00021 |
PTP | 1.0 |
k1 | 6.0e7 |
k_minus1 | 0.2 |
SHIP | 1.0 |
IRp | 8.97e-13 |
k3 | 2500.0 |
V_max | 20.0 |
k_minus8 | 10.0 |
k7 | 4.16 |
n | 4.0 |
Name | Description |
x10(time) | 0.0 |
x17(time) | 0.0 |
x9(time) | 1.0e-12 |
x5(time) | 0.0 |
x18(time) | 100.0 |
x16(time) | 100.0 |
x2(time) | 9.0e-13 |
x4(time) | 0.0 |
x6(time) | 1.0e-13 |
x3(time) | 0.0 |
x21(time) | 4.0 |
x7(time) | 0.0 |
x20(time) | 96.0 |
x19(time) | 0.0 |
x13(time) | 0.31 |
x10a(time) | 0.0 |
x8(time) | 0.0 |
x12(time) | 2.54e-15 |
x14(time) | 99.4 |
x15(time) | 0.29 |
x11(time) | 1.0e-13 |
— v0.0.1Seemann, Sachse, Weib, Dossel, 2003
— v0.0.1Details
Name | Description |
K3ni | 26.44 |
T | 6.928 |
C | 3.2e-5 |
Km_fCa | 0.00035 |
TC_tot | 0.031 |
Km_Kp | 1.4 |
kf_TC | 88800.0 |
Iva_3_uM | 0.0 |
Km_Nap | 14.0 |
kbBAPTA | 119.38 |
K1ni | 395.3 |
EC50_SR | 0.45 |
i_NaK_max | 0.063 |
Ko | 5.4 |
MaxSR | 15.0 |
Kcni | 26.44 |
L_sub | 0.02 |
g_to | 0.002 |
alpha_fCa | 0.01 |
t_test | 0.5 |
t_holding | 0.5 |
BAPTA_10_mM | 0.0 |
kb_TC | 446.0 |
Qco | 0.0 |
V_nsr_part | 0.0116 |
P_up_basal | 12.0 |
kf_TMM | 2277.0 |
V_holding | -45.0 |
kfBAPTA | 940000.0 |
Kco | 3.663 |
clamp_mode | 0.0 |
TMC_tot | 0.062 |
kf_CM | 227700.0 |
delta_m | 1.0e-5 |
kim | 5.0 |
tau_tr | 0.04 |
g_Kr | 0.0021637 |
kf_CQ | 534.0 |
V_i_part | 0.46 |
Kc | 5.4 |
ACh | 0.0 |
P_CaL | 0.2 |
CQ_tot | 10.0 |
K1no | 1628.0 |
K_up | 0.0006 |
kb_CM | 542.0 |
Cao | 1.8 |
shift | 0.0 |
Km_f | 45.0 |
Mgi | 2.5 |
K2no | 561.4 |
Ki | 140.0 |
Qn | 0.4315 |
tau_dif_Ca | 4.0e-5 |
kb_TMM | 751.0 |
koCa | 10000.0 |
K3no | 4.663 |
kom | 60.0 |
K2ni | 2.289 |
kf_TMC | 227700.0 |
MinSR | 1.0 |
ks | 2.5e8 |
kb_CQ | 445.0 |
Qci | 0.1369 |
Nao | 140.0 |
HSR | 2.5 |
kiCa | 500.0 |
Kci | 0.0207 |
g_Na | 0.0125 |
kb_TMC | 7.51 |
g_KACh | 0.00864 |
Cs_5_mM | 0.0 |
V_jsr_part | 0.0012 |
L_cell | 70.0 |
P_CaT | 0.02 |
R_cell | 4.0 |
CM_tot | 0.045 |
K_NaCa | 4.0 |
V_test | -35.0 |
R | 8314.472 |
F | 96485.3415 |
Iso_1_uM | 0.0 |
Name | Description |
paS(time) | 0.322999177802891 |
paF(time) | 0.0990510403258968 |
V_ode(time) | -52.0 |
dT(time) | 0.0 |
I(time) | 7.86181717518e-8 |
piy(time) | 0.705410877258545 |
y(time) | 0.181334538702451 |
fT(time) | 0.0 |
fCQ(time) | 0.299624275428735 |
O(time) | 1.7340201253e-7 |
Ca_nsr(time) | 1.05386465080816 |
fTC(time) | 0.0180519400676086 |
Ca_sub(time) | 1.0e-5 |
fCMs(time) | 0.054381370046 |
n(time) | 0.0 |
fTMC(time) | 0.281244308217086 |
m(time) | 0.440131579215766 |
q(time) | 0.506139850982478 |
Ca_jsr(time) | 0.316762674605 |
RI(time) | 0.211148145512825 |
fBAPTA(time) | 0.0 |
Nai_(time) | 7.5 |
fTMM(time) | 0.501049376634 |
h(time) | 1.3676940140066e-5 |
fBAPTA_sub(time) | 0.0 |
a(time) | 0.0 |
fCa(time) | 0.697998543259722 |
fCMi(time) | 0.0373817991524254 |
r(time) | 0.0144605370597924 |
R(time) | 0.912317231017262 |
dL(time) | 0.0 |
Cai(time) | 1.0e-5 |
fL(time) | 0.497133507285601 |
— v0.0.1Shannon, Wang, Puglisi, Weber, Bers, 2004
Name | Description |
Clo | 150.0 |
G_tof | 0.06 |
koff_Fluo3 | 0.11 |
stim_start | 100.0 |
Km | 0.0005 |
koff_SRB | 0.06 |
Q10_CaL | 1.8 |
kon_Myosin_Mg | 0.0157 |
Bmax_Calsequestrin | 0.14 |
D_Na_SL_cytosol | 1.79e-5 |
G_CaBk | 0.0002513 |
Cli | 15.0 |
Bmax_SLB_jct | 0.0046 |
EC50_SR | 0.45 |
Indo1 | 0.0 |
Ko | 5.4 |
PNa | 1.5e-8 |
Fx_ICaL_SL | 0.1 |
gamma_Nao | 0.75 |
koff_TroponinC | 0.0196 |
G_tos | 0.02 |
Bmax_Indo1_Cytosol | 0.025 |
kon_Myosin_Ca | 13.8 |
Fx_NaBk_SL | 0.89 |
Fx_ICaL_jct | 0.9 |
Bmax_SL | 1.65 |
Bmax_Calmodulin | 0.024 |
Q10_SLCaP | 2.35 |
kon_Indo1 | 100.0 |
koff_SLHigh | 0.03 |
eta | 0.35 |
Bmax_SLB_SL | 0.0374 |
kon_TroponinC_Ca_Mg_Mg | 0.003 |
Fx_SLCaP_jct | 0.11 |
kim | 0.005 |
kon_Calsequestrin | 100.0 |
Q10_NaK | 1.63 |
PK | 2.7e-7 |
kon | 0.0001 |
ksat | 0.27 |
koff_Calmodulin | 0.238 |
PCa | 0.00054 |
Fx_CaBk_jct | 0.11 |
jct_depth | 0.015 |
Cao | 1.8 |
SL_depth | 0.045 |
Mgi | 1.0 |
gamma_Nai | 0.75 |
Mgo | 1.0 |
I_NaK_max | 1.91 |
Ki | 135.0 |
Max_SR | 15.0 |
Bmax_Myosin_Ca | 0.14 |
Bmax_SRB | 0.019 |
koCa | 10.0 |
Q10_Km_Nai | 1.49 |
koff_TroponinC_Ca_Mg_Ca | 3.2e-5 |
H | 1.787 |
Bmax_TroponinC | 0.07 |
Bmax_TroponinC_Ca_Mg_Mg | 0.14 |
ks | 25.0 |
Nao | 140.0 |
Kd_act | 0.000256 |
K_mNai | 12.29 |
HSR | 2.5 |
Kmr | 1.7 |
G_INa | 16.0 |
Fx_NCX_jct | 0.11 |
kon_Fluo3 | 100.0 |
g_Kp | 0.001 |
stim_amplitude | 9.5 |
Q10_NCX | 1.57 |
jct_radius | 0.16 |
Fx_NCX_SL | 0.89 |
K_mCai | 0.00359 |
F | 96486.7 |
koff_Calsequestrin | 65.0 |
gamma_Cai | 0.341 |
gamma_Cao | 0.341 |
K_mCao | 1.3 |
K_mNao | 87.5 |
T | 310.0 |
pKNa | 0.01833 |
kon_Calmodulin | 34.0 |
koff | 0.001 |
Bmax_SLHigh_jct | 0.00165 |
Fluo3 | 0.0 |
Fx_NaBk_jct | 0.11 |
Km_Nai | 11.0 |
V_maxAF | 0.0673 |
Q10_SRCaP | 2.6 |
Fx_SLCaP_SL | 0.89 |
koff_TroponinC_Ca_Mg_Mg | 0.00333 |
Bmax_Indo1_jct | 2.0e-5 |
Min_SR | 1.0 |
Bmax_Myosin_Mg | 0.14 |
Cm | 1.381e-10 |
D_Ca_SL_cytosol | 1.22e-6 |
Fx_Na_SL | 0.89 |
koff_Indo1 | 0.06 |
Fx_Na_jct | 0.11 |
koff_Myosin_Ca | 0.00046 |
G_NaBk | 0.000297 |
Bmax_TroponinC_Ca_Mg_Ca | 0.14 |
Fx_Ks_SL | 0.89 |
kon_SL | 100.0 |
Fx_CaBk_SL | 0.89 |
kon_TroponinC_Ca_Mg_Ca | 2.37 |
V_max | 9.0 |
Bmax_Fluo3_jct | 2.0e-5 |
G_ClBk | 0.009 |
Fx_Cl_jct | 0.11 |
stim_duration | 5.0 |
KSRleak | 5.348e-6 |
Fx_NaK_jct | 0.11 |
koff_Myosin_Mg | 5.7e-5 |
Bmax_jct | 3.7 |
Bmax_Fluo3_SL | 0.00077 |
koff_SLB | 1.3 |
Fx_Ks_jct | 0.11 |
G_Cl | 0.109625 |
Km_Ko | 1.5 |
stim_period | 1000.0 |
kon_TroponinC | 32.7 |
kon_SRB | 100.0 |
Cm_per_area | 2.0e-6 |
gamma_Ki | 0.75 |
kom | 0.06 |
Fx_NaK_SL | 0.89 |
x_SL_cytosol | 0.45 |
Kd_ClCa | 0.1 |
x_jct_SL | 0.5 |
kiCa | 0.5 |
Bmax_Fluo3_Cytosol | 0.025 |
cell_length | 100.0 |
A_jct_SL | 3.01e-6 |
cell_radius | 10.25 |
Kmf | 0.000246 |
Bmax_SLHigh_SL | 0.0134 |
gamma_Ko | 0.75 |
Fx_Cl_SL | 0.89 |
HNa | 3.0 |
D_Ca_jct_SL | 1.64e-6 |
Bmax_Indo1_SL | 0.00077 |
A_SL_cytosol | 0.00013 |
R | 8314.3 |
H_NaK | 4.0 |
D_Na_jct_SL | 1.09e-5 |
Name | Description |
Y_tos(time) | 0.293519921626 |
Ca_SLB_jct(time) | 0.007780801995 |
Ca_SLB_SL(time) | 0.009868629147 |
fCaB_SL(time) | 0.015352888928 |
O(time) | 7.11264e-7 |
Ca_jct(time) | 0.000174843061 |
Nai(time) | 8.874461106492 |
Na_SL(time) | 8.874077316753 |
Ca_SLHigh_SL(time) | 0.114438990328 |
V(time) | -85.719687955637 |
X_tos(time) | 0.004011272375 |
Ca_SRB(time) | 0.002177112381 |
Xs(time) | 0.00687399199 |
fCaB_jct(time) | 0.024609183734 |
R(time) | 0.884673513138 |
Cai(time) | 8.7350002e-5 |
Xr(time) | 0.008471550841 |
Y_tof(time) | 0.9946314893 |
Ca_TroponinC_Ca_Mg(time) | 0.117995194438 |
Ca_Indo1_Cytosol(time) | 0.0 |
Ca_Fluo3_Cytosol(time) | 0.0 |
I(time) | 9.272e-8 |
Na_jct_buf(time) | 3.557055389701 |
R_tos_other(time) | 0.383430556383 |
Ca_SLHigh_jct(time) | 0.077503874257 |
Ca_Fluo3_jct(time) | 0.0 |
f(time) | 1.000675515962 |
Ca_Myosin(time) | 0.001984672275 |
X_tof(time) | 0.00401120993 |
Ca_Indo1_jct(time) | 0.0 |
Na_SL_buf(time) | 0.776121392467 |
j(time) | 0.991822731369 |
Ca_Indo1_SL(time) | 0.0 |
m(time) | 0.001370685156 |
R_tos(time) | 0.9946 |
Na_jct(time) | 8.872823559072 |
d(time) | 6.997531e-6 |
Ca_Fluo3_SL(time) | 0.0 |
Mg_Myosin(time) | 0.137497736234 |
h(time) | 0.987140350343 |
Ca_Calsequestrin(time) | 1.186496899338 |
Ca_SL(time) | 0.000106395937 |
Mg_TroponinC_Ca_Mg(time) | 0.010337654274 |
Ca_TroponinC(time) | 0.008963736337 |
Ca_Calmodulin(time) | 0.000295961245 |
Ca_SR(time) | 0.545611267699 |
— v0.0.1Shaw, Chase, Starfinger, Smith, Hann, Desaive, Ghuysen, 2007
— v0.0.1Shaw, Rudy, 1997
Name | Description |
gamma_Cai | nothing |
gamma_Cao | nothing |
T | nothing |
TRPN_max | nothing |
calcium_overload | nothing |
P_Na | nothing |
Km_Ca | nothing |
delta_Ca_i2 | nothing |
K_mup | nothing |
Ca_JSR_old | nothing |
delta_Ca_ith | nothing |
K_sat | nothing |
K_05 | nothing |
gamma_Nao | nothing |
tau_on | nothing |
CMDN_max | nothing |
Cm | nothing |
P_ns_Ca | nothing |
R_A_V | nothing |
P_NaK | nothing |
ATP_i | nothing |
K_mNa | nothing |
eta | nothing |
V_myo | nothing |
tau_tr | nothing |
Ca_NSR_max | nothing |
K_mCa | nothing |
Cao | nothing |
g_Nab | nothing |
K_mpCa | nothing |
gamma_Nai | nothing |
Cai_old | nothing |
K_mCSQN | nothing |
t | nothing |
gamma_Ki | nothing |
I_st | nothing |
K_m_ns_Ca | nothing |
K_mCMDN | nothing |
tau_off | nothing |
A_cap | nothing |
H | nothing |
I_pCa | nothing |
I_NaK | nothing |
Nao | nothing |
K_mTRPN | nothing |
K_mNai | nothing |
P_Ca | nothing |
g_Na | nothing |
I_up | nothing |
V_cleft | nothing |
g_Cab | nothing |
CSQN_th | nothing |
g_Kp | nothing |
K_mrel | nothing |
CSQN_max | nothing |
g_Ca_T | nothing |
gamma_Ko | nothing |
Ko_normal | nothing |
Nichols_area | nothing |
K_NaCa | nothing |
K_mKo | nothing |
R | nothing |
P_K | nothing |
F | nothing |
n | nothing |
Name | Description |
d(time) | nothing |
g(time) | nothing |
delta_Cai(time) | nothing |
V(time) | nothing |
h(time) | nothing |
Ca_NSR(time) | nothing |
c1(time) | nothing |
f(time) | nothing |
b1(time) | nothing |
Xs(time) | nothing |
Ko(time) | nothing |
Ki(time) | nothing |
b(time) | nothing |
j(time) | nothing |
Ca_total(time) | nothing |
m(time) | nothing |
Xr(time) | nothing |
Nai(time) | nothing |
Ca_foot(time) | nothing |
— v0.0.1Shi, Hose, 2009
Zero dimensional (lumped parameter) modelling of native human cardiovascular dynamics
— v0.0.1Shiferaw, Watanabe, Garfinkel, Weiss, Karma, 2003
Name | Description |
BT | nothing |
T | nothing |
cup | nothing |
K_sat | nothing |
M | nothing |
i_Ca_ | nothing |
cf_nsr | nothing |
Vmax | nothing |
gs | nothing |
taur | nothing |
tau_p | nothing |
g | nothing |
taus | nothing |
K_mNa | nothing |
eta | nothing |
kd | nothing |
vi | nothing |
tau_tr | nothing |
K_mCa | nothing |
u | nothing |
ko | nothing |
tau_d | nothing |
b | nothing |
Cao | nothing |
KCd | nothing |
Vmin | nothing |
a | nothing |
kT_off | nothing |
BSR | nothing |
BCd | nothing |
s | nothing |
vs | nothing |
A | nothing |
Nao | nothing |
alpha | nothing |
P_Ca | nothing |
taua | nothing |
cp_ | nothing |
tau_f | nothing |
kT_on | nothing |
KSR | nothing |
m | nothing |
vup | nothing |
gamma | nothing |
K_NaCa | nothing |
R | nothing |
F | nothing |
cs_ | nothing |
Name | Description |
d(time) | nothing |
CaTi(time) | nothing |
I_r(time) | nothing |
CaTs(time) | nothing |
cp(time) | nothing |
cj(time) | nothing |
a(time) | nothing |
cj_(time) | nothing |
f(time) | nothing |
ci(time) | nothing |
cf_jsr(time) | nothing |
cs(time) | nothing |
q(time) | nothing |
— v0.0.1Shorten, Robson, Mckinnon, Wall, 2000
Name | Description |
k_n | 4.5 |
V_h_T | -57.0 |
K_i | 140.0 |
T | 310.0 |
I_max | 2.7 |
v_p | 0.025 |
k_tau | 22.0 |
K_p | 0.08 |
Ca_e | 20.0 |
f_cyt | 0.005 |
g_K_Ca | 0.09 |
K_e | 5.6 |
k_m_L | 12.0 |
V_tau | -60.0 |
Cm | 7.0 |
ks | 6.5 |
V_m_L | -12.0 |
tau_n | 20.0 |
tau_h_T | 15.0 |
tau_m_T_max | 10.0 |
k_h_T | 5.0 |
V_m_T | -30.0 |
g_K_IR | 0.3 |
alpha | 0.0074 |
beta | 0.4 |
tau_m_L_max | 27.0 |
k_m_T | 10.5 |
g_Ca_L | 9.0 |
g_K_DR | 0.1 |
g_Ca_T | 10.0 |
V_n | -20.0 |
V_K_IR | -71.5 |
R | 8.314 |
F | 96845.0 |
Kc | 0.5 |
Name | Description |
h_T(time) | nothing |
V(time) | nothing |
n(time) | nothing |
Ca_i(time) | nothing |
m_T(time) | nothing |
m_L(time) | nothing |
— v0.0.1Shorten, Wall, 2000
Name | Description |
k_n | 4.5 |
V_h_T | -57.0 |
K_i | 140.0 |
T | 310.0 |
P | 0.0012 |
v_p | 4.5e-5 |
k_tau | 22.0 |
K_p | 8.0e-5 |
Ca_e | 20.0 |
V_cell | 1.77 |
f_cyt | 0.01 |
f_er | 0.0025 |
K_e | 5.6 |
g_K_Ca | 0.09 |
K_er | 0.0002 |
k_m_L | 12.0 |
V_tau | -60.0 |
Cm | 7.0 |
V_m_L | -18.0 |
tau_n | 20.0 |
tau_h_T | 15.0 |
tau_m_T_max | 10.0 |
k_h_T | 5.0 |
V_m_T | -30.0 |
alpha | 7.4e-6 |
g_L | 0.3 |
V_L | -67.0 |
beta | 0.47 |
tau_m_L_max | 27.0 |
k_m_T | 10.5 |
v_er | 5.0e-5 |
g_Ca_L | 9.0 |
g_K_DR | 0.1 |
g_Ca_T | 10.0 |
V_n | -20.0 |
R | 8314.0 |
F | 96845.0 |
Kc | 0.0004 |
Name | Description |
h_T(time) | 0.0 |
V(time) | -70.0 |
n(time) | 0.0 |
Ca_i(time) | 0.00026 |
Ca_er(time) | 0.0172 |
m_T(time) | 0.0 |
m_L(time) | 0.0 |
— v0.0.1Shrestha, Hollot, Chipkin, Schmitt and Chait 2010
Name | Description |
t0 | 575.0 |
m2 | 15.0 |
alpha | 0.0442 |
x2_max | 14.043 |
m1 | 112.52 |
Ca_1 | 0.1817 |
x2_n | 6.629 |
beta | 1.0e6 |
lambda1 | 0.0125 |
x1_n | 490.78 |
Ca_0 | 1.255 |
R | 1.2162 |
x2_min | 0.6697 |
lambda2 | 0.5595 |
Name | Description |
x2(time) | 0.0 |
x1(time) | 0.0 |
— v0.0.1Siebert, Rode, Herzog, Till and Blickhan, 2008
Name | Description |
k_1 | 0.012 |
curv | 5.8 |
A | 1.0 |
k | 3.5 |
L_1 | -23.0 |
tau | 0.006 |
delta_L_sec1 | 4.1 |
L_4 | 19.0 |
f_c | 0.49 |
L_mslack | 0.3 |
k_sh | 3.3 |
v_max | -141.0 |
F_im | 18.1 |
k_2 | 0.317 |
L_m | 0.3 |
L_2 | -14.0 |
d_LSEC1 | 4.1 |
L_3 | 2.0 |
F_1 | 4.1 |
Name | Description |
f_v(time) | nothing |
L_cc(time) | nothing |
delta_L_pec(time) | nothing |
— v0.0.1Approximating Sine Waves
A test CellML 1.1 model which has a couple of sine approximations. This workspace and the data in it is primarily used for testing various things out.
— v0.0.1Sine-Approximations
— v0.0.1Skouibine, Trayanova, Moore, 1999
Name | Description |
I_stim | nothing |
C | nothing |
g_s | nothing |
g_Na | nothing |
E_Na | nothing |
R_d | nothing |
R_f | nothing |
Name | Description |
d(time) | 0.0 |
V(time) | -86.9 |
h(time) | 0.99 |
m(time) | 0.0 |
Cai(time) | 0.0001 |
f(time) | 1.0 |
x1(time) | 0.0 |